/** UEFI driver for enabling loading of OSX without memory relocation. by dmazar **/ #include <Library/UefiLib.h> #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h> #include <Library/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib.h> #include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h> #include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h> #include <Library/DebugLib.h> #include <Library/CpuLib.h> #include <Guid/GlobalVariable.h> #include <Protocol/LoadedImage.h> #include "BootFixes3.h" #include "DecodedKernelCheck.h" #include "BootArgs.h" #include "AsmFuncs.h" #include "VMem.h" #include "Lib.h" #include "Hibernate.h" #include "NVRAMDebug.h" #include "RTShims.h" // DBG_TO: 0=no debug, 1=serial, 2=console // serial requires // [PcdsFixedAtBuild] // gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPropertyMask|0x07 // gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel|0xFFFFFFFF // in package DSC file #define DBG_TO 0 #if DBG_TO == 2 #define DBG(...) AsciiPrint(__VA_ARGS__); #elif DBG_TO == 1 #define DBG(...) DebugPrint(1, __VA_ARGS__); #else #define DBG(...) #endif #include "../Version.h" CONST CHAR8* CloverRevision = REVISION_STR; STATIC UINTN Counter = 0; // TRUE if we are doing hibernate wake BOOLEAN gHibernateWake = FALSE; // placeholders for storing original Boot and RT Services functions EFI_ALLOCATE_PAGES gStoredAllocatePages = NULL; EFI_GET_MEMORY_MAP gStoredGetMemoryMap = NULL; EFI_EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES gStoredExitBootServices = NULL; EFI_IMAGE_START gStartImage = NULL; EFI_HANDLE_PROTOCOL gHandleProtocol = NULL; EFI_SET_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_MAP gStoredSetVirtualAddressMap = NULL; UINT32 OrgRTCRC32 = 0; // monitoring AlocatePages EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS gMinAllocatedAddr = 0; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS gMaxAllocatedAddr = 0; // relocation base address EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS gRelocBase = 0; // relocation block size in pages UINTN gRelocSizePages = 0; // location of memory allocated by boot.efi for hibernate image EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS gHibernateImageAddress = 0; // last memory map obtained by boot.efi UINTN gLastMemoryMapSize = 0; EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *gLastMemoryMap = NULL; UINTN gLastDescriptorSize = 0; UINT32 gLastDescriptorVersion = 0; /** Helper function that calls GetMemoryMap() and returns new MapKey. * Uses gStoredGetMemoryMap, so can be called only after gStoredGetMemoryMap is set. */ EFI_STATUS GetMemoryMapKey(OUT UINTN *MapKey) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN MemoryMapSize; EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *MemoryMap; UINTN DescriptorSize; UINT32 DescriptorVersion; Status = GetMemoryMapAlloc(gStoredGetMemoryMap, &MemoryMapSize, &MemoryMap, MapKey, &DescriptorSize, &DescriptorVersion); return Status; } /** Helper function that calculates number of RT and MMIO pages from mem map. */ EFI_STATUS GetNumberOfRTPages(OUT UINTN *NumPages) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN MemoryMapSize; EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *MemoryMap; UINTN MapKey; UINTN DescriptorSize; UINT32 DescriptorVersion; UINTN NumEntries; UINTN Index; EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *Desc; Status = GetMemoryMapAlloc(gBS->GetMemoryMap, &MemoryMapSize, &MemoryMap, &MapKey, &DescriptorSize, &DescriptorVersion); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { return Status; } // // Apply some fixes // FixMemMap(MemoryMapSize, MemoryMap, DescriptorSize, DescriptorVersion); // // Sum RT and MMIO areas - all that have runtime attribute // *NumPages = 0; Desc = MemoryMap; NumEntries = MemoryMapSize / DescriptorSize; for (Index = 0; Index < NumEntries; Index++) { if ((Desc->Attribute & EFI_MEMORY_RUNTIME) != 0) { *NumPages += Desc->NumberOfPages; } Desc = NEXT_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR(Desc, DescriptorSize); } return Status; } /** gBS->HandleProtocol override: * Boot.efi requires EfiGraphicsOutputProtocol on ConOutHandle, but it is not present * there on Aptio 2.0. EfiGraphicsOutputProtocol exists on some other handle. * If this is the case, we'll intercept that call and return EfiGraphicsOutputProtocol * from that other handle. */ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI MOHandleProtocol( IN EFI_HANDLE Handle, IN EFI_GUID *Protocol, OUT VOID **Interface ) { EFI_STATUS res; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *GraphicsOutput; // special handling if gEfiGraphicsOutputProtocolGuid is requested by boot.efi if (CompareGuid(Protocol, &gEfiGraphicsOutputProtocolGuid)) { res = gHandleProtocol(Handle, Protocol, Interface); if (res != EFI_SUCCESS) { // let's find it on some other handle res = gBS->LocateProtocol(&gEfiGraphicsOutputProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID**)&GraphicsOutput); if (res == EFI_SUCCESS) { // return it *Interface = GraphicsOutput; // DBG("->HandleProtocol(%p, %s, %p) = %r (returning from other handle)\n", Handle, GuidStr(Protocol), *Interface, res); DBGnvr("->HandleProtocol(%p, %s, %p) = %r (from other handle)\n", Handle, GuidStr(Protocol), *Interface, res); return res; } } DBGnvr("->HandleProtocol(%p, %s, %p) = %r\n", Handle, GuidStr(Protocol), *Interface, res); } else { res = gHandleProtocol(Handle, Protocol, Interface); } // DBG("->HandleProtocol(%p, %s, %p) = %r\n", Handle, GuidStr(Protocol), *Interface, res); return res; } /** gBS->AllocatePages override: * Returns pages from free memory block to boot.efi for kernel boot image. */ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI MOAllocatePages ( IN EFI_ALLOCATE_TYPE Type, IN EFI_MEMORY_TYPE MemoryType, IN UINTN NumberOfPages, IN OUT EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS *Memory ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS UpperAddr; // EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MemoryIn; // BOOLEAN FromRelocBlock = FALSE; // MemoryIn = *Memory; if (Type == AllocateAddress && MemoryType == EfiLoaderData) { // called from boot.efi UpperAddr = *Memory + EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE(NumberOfPages); // store min and max mem - can be used later to determine start and end of kernel boot image if (gMinAllocatedAddr == 0 || *Memory < gMinAllocatedAddr) gMinAllocatedAddr = *Memory; if (UpperAddr > gMaxAllocatedAddr) gMaxAllocatedAddr = UpperAddr; Status = gStoredAllocatePages(Type, MemoryType, NumberOfPages, Memory); // FromRelocBlock = FALSE; } else if (gHibernateWake && Type == AllocateAnyPages && MemoryType == EfiLoaderData) { // called from boot.efi during hibernate wake // first such allocation is for hibernate image Status = gStoredAllocatePages(Type, MemoryType, NumberOfPages, Memory); if (gHibernateImageAddress == 0 && Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { gHibernateImageAddress = *Memory; } } else { // default page allocation Status = gStoredAllocatePages(Type, MemoryType, NumberOfPages, Memory); } //DBG("AllocatePages(%s, %s, %x, %lx/%lx) = %r %c\n", // EfiAllocateTypeDesc[Type], EfiMemoryTypeDesc[MemoryType], NumberOfPages, MemoryIn, *Memory, Status, FromRelocBlock ? L'+' : L' '); return Status; } /** gBS->GetMemoryMap override: * Returns shrinked memory map. I think kernel can handle up to 128 entries. */ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI MOGetMemoryMap ( IN OUT UINTN *MemoryMapSize, IN OUT EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *MemoryMap, OUT UINTN *MapKey, OUT UINTN *DescriptorSize, OUT UINT32 *DescriptorVersion ) { EFI_STATUS Status; Status = gStoredGetMemoryMap(MemoryMapSize, MemoryMap, MapKey, DescriptorSize, DescriptorVersion); //PrintMemMap(*MemoryMapSize, MemoryMap, *DescriptorSize, *DescriptorVersion); DBGnvr("GetMemoryMap: %p = %r\n", MemoryMap, Status); if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { FixMemMap(*MemoryMapSize, MemoryMap, *DescriptorSize, *DescriptorVersion); ShrinkMemMap(MemoryMapSize, MemoryMap, *DescriptorSize, *DescriptorVersion); //PrintMemMap(*MemoryMapSize, MemoryMap, *DescriptorSize, *DescriptorVersion); // remember last/final memmap gLastMemoryMapSize = *MemoryMapSize; gLastMemoryMap = MemoryMap; gLastDescriptorSize = *DescriptorSize; gLastDescriptorVersion = *DescriptorVersion; } return Status; } /** gBS->ExitBootServices override: * Patches kernel entry point with jump to our KernelEntryPatchJumpBack(). */ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI MOExitBootServices ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN UINTN MapKey ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN NewMapKey; UINTN SlideAddr = 0; VOID *MachOImage = NULL; IOHibernateImageHeader *ImageHeader = NULL; // we need hibernate image address for wake if (gHibernateWake && gHibernateImageAddress == 0) { Print(L"OsxAptioFix3 error: Doing hibernate wake, but did not find hibernate image address."); Print(L"... waiting 5 secs ...\n"); gBS->Stall(5000000); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // for tests: we can just return EFI_SUCCESS and continue using Print for debug. // Status = EFI_SUCCESS; //Print(L"ExitBootServices()\n"); Status = gStoredExitBootServices(ImageHandle, MapKey); DBGnvr("ExitBootServices: = %r\n", Status); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { // just report error as var in nvram to be visible from OSX with "nvram -p" gRT->SetVariable(L"OsxAptioFixDrv-ErrorExitingBootServices", &gEfiAppleBootGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS, 3, "Yes" ); Status = GetMemoryMapKey(&NewMapKey); DBGnvr("ExitBootServices: GetMemoryMapKey = %r\n", Status); if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { // we have latest mem map and NewMapKey // we'll try again ExitBootServices with NewMapKey Status = gStoredExitBootServices(ImageHandle, NewMapKey); DBGnvr("ExitBootServices: 2nd try = %r\n", Status); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { // Error! Print(L"OsxAptioFix3Drv: Error ExitBootServices() 2nd try = Status: %r\n", Status); } } else { Print(L"OsxAptioFix3Drv: Error ExitBootServices(), GetMemoryMapKey() = Status: %r\n", Status); Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print(L"... waiting 10 secs ...\n"); gBS->Stall(10*1000000); return Status; } if (!gHibernateWake) { // normal boot DBG("ExitBootServices: gMinAllocatedAddr: %lx, gMaxAllocatedAddr: %lx\n", gMinAllocatedAddr, gMaxAllocatedAddr); SlideAddr = gMinAllocatedAddr - 0x100000; MachOImage = (VOID*)(UINTN)(SlideAddr + 0x200000); KernelEntryFromMachOPatchJump(MachOImage, SlideAddr); } else { // hibernate wake // at this stage HIB section is not yet copied from sleep image to it's // proper memory destination. so we'll patch entry point in sleep image. ImageHeader = (IOHibernateImageHeader *)(UINTN)gHibernateImageAddress; KernelEntryPatchJump( ((UINT32)(UINTN)&(ImageHeader->fileExtentMap[0])) + ImageHeader->fileExtentMapSize + ImageHeader->restore1CodeOffset ); } return Status; } /** gRT->SetVirtualAddressMap override: * Fixes virtualizing of RT services. */ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI OvrSetVirtualAddressMap( IN UINTN MemoryMapSize, IN UINTN DescriptorSize, IN UINT32 DescriptorVersion, IN EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *VirtualMap ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 EfiSystemTable; DBG("->SetVirtualAddressMap(%d, %d, 0x%x, %p) START ...\n", MemoryMapSize, DescriptorSize, DescriptorVersion, VirtualMap); DBGnvr("->SetVirtualAddressMap(%d, %d, 0x%x, %p) START ...\n", MemoryMapSize, DescriptorSize, DescriptorVersion, VirtualMap); // restore origs gRT->Hdr.CRC32 = OrgRTCRC32; gRT->SetVirtualAddressMap = gStoredSetVirtualAddressMap; // Protect RT data areas from relocation by marking then MemMapIO ProtectRtDataFromRelocation(MemoryMapSize, DescriptorSize, DescriptorVersion, VirtualMap); // Remember physical sys table addr EfiSystemTable = (UINT32)(UINTN)gST; // virtualize RT services with all needed fixes Status = ExecSetVirtualAddressesToMemMap(MemoryMapSize, DescriptorSize, DescriptorVersion, VirtualMap); CopyEfiSysTableToSeparateRtDataArea(&EfiSystemTable); // we will defragment RT data and code that is left unprotected. // this will also mark those as AcpiNVS and by this protect it // from boot.efi relocation and zeroing DefragmentRuntimeServices(MemoryMapSize, DescriptorSize, DescriptorVersion, VirtualMap, NULL, gHibernateWake ? FALSE : TRUE ); // For AptioFix V2 we can correct the pointers earlier VirtualizeRTShimPointers(MemoryMapSize, DescriptorSize, VirtualMap); return Status; } /** Callback called when boot.efi jumps to kernel. */ UINTN EFIAPI KernelEntryPatchJumpBack(UINTN bootArgs, BOOLEAN ModeX64) { DBGnvr("\nBACK FROM KERNEL: BootArgs = %x, KernelEntry: %x, Kernel called in %s bit mode\n", bootArgs, AsmKernelEntry, (ModeX64 ? L"64" : L"32")); if (!gHibernateWake) { bootArgs = FixBootingWithoutRelocBlock(bootArgs, ModeX64); } else { bootArgs = FixHibernateWakeWithoutRelocBlock(bootArgs, ModeX64); } DBGnvr("BACK TO KERNEL: BootArgs = %x, KImgStartReloc = %x, KImgStart = %x, KImgSize = %x\n", bootArgs, AsmKernelImageStartReloc, AsmKernelImageStart, AsmKernelImageSize); return bootArgs; } /** SWITCH_STACK_ENTRY_POINT implementation: * Allocates kernel image reloc block, installs UEFI overrides and starts given image. * If image returns, then deinstalls overrides and releases kernel image reloc block. * * If started with ImgContext->JumpBuffer, then it will return with LongJump(). */ EFI_STATUS RunImageWithOverrides( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL *Image, OUT UINTN *ExitDataSize, OUT CHAR16 **ExitData OPTIONAL ) { EFI_STATUS Status; // save current 64bit state - will be restored later in callback from kernel jump // and relocate MyAsmCopyAndJumpToKernel32 code to higher mem (for copying kernel back to // proper place and jumping back to it) Status = PrepareJumpFromKernel(); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { return Status; } // init VMem memory pool - will be used after ExitBootServices Status = VmAllocateMemoryPool(); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { return Status; } Status = gBS->AllocatePool ( EfiRuntimeServicesCode, ((UINTN)&gRTShimsDataEnd - (UINTN)&gRTShimsDataStart), &RTShims ); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { gGetVariable = (UINTN)gRT->GetVariable; gGetNextVariableName = (UINTN)gRT->GetNextVariableName; gSetVariable = (UINTN)gRT->SetVariable; CopyMem( RTShims, (VOID *)&gRTShimsDataStart, ((UINTN)&gRTShimsDataEnd - (UINTN)&gRTShimsDataStart) ); gRT->GetVariable = (EFI_GET_VARIABLE)((UINTN)RTShims + ((UINTN)&RTShimGetVariable - (UINTN)&gRTShimsDataStart)); gRT->GetNextVariableName = (EFI_GET_NEXT_VARIABLE_NAME)((UINTN)RTShims + ((UINTN)&RTShimGetNextVariableName - (UINTN)&gRTShimsDataStart)); gRT->SetVariable = (EFI_SET_VARIABLE)((UINTN)RTShims + ((UINTN)&RTShimSetVariable - (UINTN)&gRTShimsDataStart)); gRT->Hdr.CRC32 = 0; gBS->CalculateCrc32 (gRT, gRT->Hdr.HeaderSize, &gRT->Hdr.CRC32); } else { RTShims = NULL; } // clear monitoring vars gMinAllocatedAddr = 0; gMaxAllocatedAddr = 0; // save original BS functions gStoredAllocatePages = gBS->AllocatePages; gStoredGetMemoryMap = gBS->GetMemoryMap; gStoredExitBootServices = gBS->ExitBootServices; gHandleProtocol = gBS->HandleProtocol; // install our overrides gBS->AllocatePages = MOAllocatePages; gBS->GetMemoryMap = MOGetMemoryMap; gBS->ExitBootServices = MOExitBootServices; gBS->HandleProtocol = MOHandleProtocol; gBS->Hdr.CRC32 = 0; gBS->CalculateCrc32(gBS, gBS->Hdr.HeaderSize, &gBS->Hdr.CRC32); OrgRTCRC32 = gRT->Hdr.CRC32; gStoredSetVirtualAddressMap = gRT->SetVirtualAddressMap; gRT->SetVirtualAddressMap = OvrSetVirtualAddressMap; gRT->Hdr.CRC32 = 0; gBS->CalculateCrc32(gRT, gRT->Hdr.HeaderSize, &gRT->Hdr.CRC32); // force boot.efi to use our copy od system table DBG("StartImage: orig sys table: %p\n", Image->SystemTable); Image->SystemTable = (EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *)(UINTN)gSysTableRtArea; DBG("StartImage: new sys table: %p\n", Image->SystemTable); // run image Status = gStartImage(ImageHandle, ExitDataSize, ExitData); // if we get here then boot.efi did not start kernel // and we'll try to do some cleanup ... // return back originals gBS->AllocatePages = gStoredAllocatePages; gBS->GetMemoryMap = gStoredGetMemoryMap; gBS->ExitBootServices = gStoredExitBootServices; gBS->HandleProtocol = gHandleProtocol; gBS->Hdr.CRC32 = 0; gBS->CalculateCrc32(gBS, gBS->Hdr.HeaderSize, &gBS->Hdr.CRC32); gRT->SetVirtualAddressMap = gStoredSetVirtualAddressMap; gBS->CalculateCrc32(gRT, gRT->Hdr.HeaderSize, &gRT->Hdr.CRC32); return Status; } /** gBS->StartImage override: * Called to start an efi image. * * If this is boot.efi, then run it with our overrides. */ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI MOStartImage ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, OUT UINTN *ExitDataSize, OUT CHAR16 **ExitData OPTIONAL ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL *Image; CHAR16 *FilePathText = NULL; UINTN Size = 0; VOID *Value = NULL; UINTN Size2 = 0; CHAR16 *StartFlag = NULL; DBG("StartImage(%lx)\n", ImageHandle); // find out image name from EfiLoadedImageProtocol Status = gBS->OpenProtocol(ImageHandle, &gEfiLoadedImageProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &Image, gImageHandle, NULL, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { DBG("ERROR: MOStartImage: OpenProtocol(gEfiLoadedImageProtocolGuid) = %r\n", Status); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } FilePathText = FileDevicePathToText(Image->FilePath); if (FilePathText != NULL) { DBG("FilePath: %s\n", FilePathText); } DBG("ImageBase: %p - %lx (%lx)\n", Image->ImageBase, (UINT64)Image->ImageBase + Image->ImageSize, Image->ImageSize); Status = gBS->CloseProtocol(ImageHandle, &gEfiLoadedImageProtocolGuid, gImageHandle, NULL); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG("CloseProtocol error: %r\n", Status); } if (StrStriBasic(FilePathText,L"boot.efi") /*|| StrStriBasic(FilePathText,L"booter")*/) { Status = GetVariable2 (L"aptiofixflag", &gEfiAppleBootGuid, &Value, &Size2); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = gRT->SetVariable(L"recovery-boot-mode", &gEfiAppleBootGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS, Size2, Value); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG(" Something goes wrong while setting recovery-boot-mode\n"); } Status = gRT->SetVariable (L"aptiofixflag", &gEfiAppleBootGuid, 0, 0, NULL); FreePool(Value); } Size2 =0; //Check recovery-boot-mode present for nested boot.efi Status = GetVariable2 (L"recovery-boot-mode", &gEfiAppleBootGuid, &Value, &Size2); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { //If it presents, then wait for \com.apple.recovery.boot\boot.efi boot DBG(" recovery-boot-mode present\n"); StartFlag = StrStriBasic(FilePathText,L"\\com.apple.recovery.boot\\boot.efi"); if (Counter > 0x00){ Status = gRT->SetVariable(L"aptiofixflag", &gEfiAppleBootGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS, Size2, Value); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG("Something goes wrong! \n"); } gRT->ResetSystem(EfiResetWarm, EFI_SUCCESS, 0, NULL); } } else { StartFlag = StrStriBasic(FilePathText,L"boot.efi"); /*if (!StartFlag) { StartFlag = StrStriBasic(FilePathText,L"booter") ; }*/ } FreePool(Value); } // check if this is boot.efi // if (StrStriBasic(FilePathText, L"boot.efi")) { if (StartFlag) { Counter++; //the presence of the variable means HibernateWake //if the wake is canceled then the variable must be deleted Status = gRT->GetVariable(L"boot-switch-vars", &gEfiAppleBootGuid, NULL, &Size, NULL); gHibernateWake = (Status == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); Print(L"OsxAptioFix3Drv: Starting overrides for %s\nUsing reloc block: no, hibernate wake: %s \n", FilePathText, gHibernateWake ? L"yes" : L"no"); //gBS->Stall(2000000); // run with our overrides Status = RunImageWithOverrides(ImageHandle, Image, ExitDataSize, ExitData); } else { // call original function to do the job Status = gStartImage(ImageHandle, ExitDataSize, ExitData); } if (FilePathText != NULL) { gBS->FreePool(FilePathText); } return Status; } /** Entry point. Installs our StartImage override. * All other stuff will be installed from there when boot.efi is started. */ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI OsxAptioFixDrvEntrypoint ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { // install StartImage override // all other overrides will be started when boot.efi is started gStartImage = gBS->StartImage; gBS->StartImage = MOStartImage; gBS->Hdr.CRC32 = 0; gBS->CalculateCrc32(gBS, gBS->Hdr.HeaderSize, &gBS->Hdr.CRC32); return EFI_SUCCESS; }