/* * refit/scan/tool.c * * Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Christoph Pfisterer * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * * Neither the name of Christoph Pfisterer nor the names of the * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "entry_scan.h" #include "../refit/menu.h" #include "../refit/screen.h" #include "../libeg/XImage.h" // // Clover File location to boot from on removable media devices // #define CLOVER_MEDIA_FILE_NAME_IA32 L"\\EFI\\CLOVER\\CLOVERIA32.EFI" #define CLOVER_MEDIA_FILE_NAME_IA64 L"\\EFI\\CLOVER\\CLOVERIA64.EFI" #define CLOVER_MEDIA_FILE_NAME_X64 L"\\EFI\\CLOVER\\CLOVERX64.EFI" #define CLOVER_MEDIA_FILE_NAME_ARM L"\\EFI\\CLOVER\\CLOVERARM.EFI" #if defined (MDE_CPU_IA32) #define CLOVER_MEDIA_FILE_NAME CLOVER_MEDIA_FILE_NAME_IA32 #elif defined (MDE_CPU_IPF) #define CLOVER_MEDIA_FILE_NAME CLOVER_MEDIA_FILE_NAME_IA64 #elif defined (MDE_CPU_X64) #define CLOVER_MEDIA_FILE_NAME CLOVER_MEDIA_FILE_NAME_X64 #elif defined (MDE_CPU_EBC) #elif defined (MDE_CPU_ARM) #define CLOVER_MEDIA_FILE_NAME CLOVER_MEDIA_FILE_NAME_ARM //#else //#error Unknown Processor Type #endif #ifndef DEBUG_ALL #define DEBUG_SCAN_TOOL 1 #else #define DEBUG_SCAN_TOOL DEBUG_ALL #endif #if DEBUG_SCAN_TOOL == 0 #define DBG(...) #else #define DBG(...) DebugLog(DEBUG_SCAN_TOOL, __VA_ARGS__) #endif STATIC BOOLEAN AddToolEntry(IN CONST CHAR16 *LoaderPath, IN CONST CHAR16 *FullTitle, IN CONST CHAR16 *LoaderTitle, IN REFIT_VOLUME *Volume, const XImage& Image, IN CHAR16 ShortcutLetter, IN CONST XString& Options) { REFIT_MENU_ENTRY_LOADER_TOOL *Entry; // Check the loader exists if ((LoaderPath == NULL) || (Volume == NULL) || (Volume->RootDir == NULL) || !FileExists(Volume->RootDir, LoaderPath)) { return FALSE; } // Allocate the entry // Entry = (__typeof__(Entry))AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(*Entry)); Entry = new REFIT_MENU_ENTRY_LOADER_TOOL(); if (Entry == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (FullTitle) { Entry->Title.takeValueFrom(FullTitle); } else { Entry->Title.SWPrintf("Start %ls", LoaderTitle); } // Entry->Tag = TAG_TOOL; Entry->Row = 1; Entry->ShortcutLetter = ShortcutLetter; Entry->Image = Image; // Entry->ImageHover = ImageHover; Entry->LoaderPath = EfiStrDuplicate(LoaderPath); Entry->DevicePath = FileDevicePath(Volume->DeviceHandle, Entry->LoaderPath); Entry->DevicePathString = FileDevicePathToStr(Entry->DevicePath); Entry->LoadOptions = Options; //actions Entry->AtClick = ActionSelect; Entry->AtDoubleClick = ActionEnter; Entry->AtRightClick = ActionHelp; DBG("found tool %ls\n", LoaderPath); MainMenu.AddMenuEntry(Entry, true); return TRUE; } STATIC VOID AddCloverEntry(IN CONST CHAR16 *LoaderPath, IN CONST CHAR16 *LoaderTitle, IN REFIT_VOLUME *Volume) { REFIT_MENU_ENTRY_CLOVER *Entry; REFIT_MENU_ENTRY_CLOVER *SubEntry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; // EFI_STATUS Status; // prepare the menu entry // Entry = (__typeof__(Entry))AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(*Entry)); Entry = new REFIT_MENU_ENTRY_CLOVER(); Entry->Title.takeValueFrom(LoaderTitle); // Entry->Tag = TAG_CLOVER; Entry->Row = 1; Entry->ShortcutLetter = 'C'; Entry->Image = ThemeX.GetIcon(BUILTIN_ICON_FUNC_CLOVER); Entry->Volume = Volume; Entry->LoaderPath = EfiStrDuplicate(LoaderPath); Entry->VolName = Volume->VolName; Entry->DevicePath = FileDevicePath(Volume->DeviceHandle, Entry->LoaderPath); Entry->DevicePathString = FileDevicePathToStr(Entry->DevicePath); Entry->Flags = 0; Entry->LoadOptions.setEmpty(); // Entry->LoaderType = OSTYPE_OTHER; //actions Entry->AtClick = ActionEnter; Entry->AtDoubleClick = ActionDetails; Entry->AtRightClick = ActionDetails; // create the submenu // SubScreen = (__typeof__(SubScreen))AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(REFIT_MENU_SCREEN)); SubScreen = new REFIT_MENU_SCREEN; SubScreen->Title.takeValueFrom(LoaderTitle); SubScreen->TitleImage = Entry->Image; SubScreen->ID = SCREEN_BOOT; SubScreen->GetAnime(); SubScreen->AddMenuInfoLine_f("%ls", FileDevicePathToStr(Volume->DevicePath)); if (gEmuVariableControl != NULL) { gEmuVariableControl->UninstallEmulation(gEmuVariableControl); } //always add and always remove menu entries SubEntry = Entry->getPartiallyDuplicatedEntry(); if (SubEntry) { SubEntry->Title.SWPrintf("Add Clover boot options for all entries"); SubEntry->LoadOptions.SPrintf("BO-ADD"); SubScreen->AddMenuEntry(SubEntry, true); } SubEntry = Entry->getPartiallyDuplicatedEntry(); if (SubEntry) { SubEntry->Title.SWPrintf("Remove all Clover boot options"); SubEntry->LoadOptions.SPrintf("BO-REMOVE"); SubScreen->AddMenuEntry(SubEntry, true); } SubEntry = Entry->getPartiallyDuplicatedEntry(); if (SubEntry) { SubEntry->Title.SWPrintf("Print all UEFI boot options to log"); SubEntry->LoadOptions.SPrintf("BO-PRINT"); SubScreen->AddMenuEntry(SubEntry, true); } SubScreen->AddMenuEntry(&MenuEntryReturn, false); Entry->SubScreen = SubScreen; MainMenu.AddMenuEntry(Entry, true); } VOID ScanTool(VOID) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN VolumeIndex; REFIT_VOLUME *Volume; VOID *Interface; if (ThemeX.HideUIFlags & HIDEUI_FLAG_TOOLS) return; // DBG("Scanning for tools...\n"); if (!(ThemeX.HideUIFlags & HIDEUI_FLAG_SHELL)) { if (!AddToolEntry(L"\\EFI\\CLOVER\\tools\\Shell64U.efi", NULL, L"UEFI Shell 64", SelfVolume, ThemeX.GetIcon(BUILTIN_ICON_TOOL_SHELL), 'S', ""_XS)) { AddToolEntry(L"\\EFI\\CLOVER\\tools\\Shell64.efi", NULL, L"EFI Shell 64", SelfVolume, ThemeX.GetIcon(BUILTIN_ICON_TOOL_SHELL), 'S', ""_XS); } } // if (!gFirmwareClover) { //Slice: I wish to extend functionality on emulated nvram for (VolumeIndex = 0; VolumeIndex < Volumes.size(); VolumeIndex++) { Volume = &Volumes[VolumeIndex]; if (!Volume->RootDir || !Volume->DeviceHandle) { continue; } Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (Volume->DeviceHandle, &gEfiPartTypeSystemPartGuid, &Interface); if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { DBG("Checking EFI partition Volume %llu for Clover\n", VolumeIndex); // OSX adds label "EFI" to EFI volumes and some UEFIs see that // as a file. This file then blocks access to the /EFI directory. // We will delete /EFI file here and leave only /EFI directory. if (DeleteFile(Volume->RootDir, L"EFI")) { DBG(" Deleted /EFI label\n"); } if (FileExists(Volume->RootDir, CLOVER_MEDIA_FILE_NAME)) { DBG(" Found Clover\n"); // Volume->BootType = BOOTING_BY_EFI; AddCloverEntry(CLOVER_MEDIA_FILE_NAME, L"Clover Boot Options", Volume); break; } } } // } } // Add custom tool entries VOID AddCustomTool(VOID) { UINTN VolumeIndex; REFIT_VOLUME *Volume; CUSTOM_TOOL_ENTRY *Custom; XImage Image; UINTN i = 0; // DBG("Custom tool start\n"); DbgHeader("AddCustomTool"); // Traverse the custom entries for (Custom = gSettings.CustomTool; Custom; ++i, Custom = Custom->Next) { if (OSFLAG_ISSET(Custom->Flags, OSFLAG_DISABLED)) { DBG("Custom tool %llu skipped because it is disabled.\n", i); continue; } if (!gSettings.ShowHiddenEntries && OSFLAG_ISSET(Custom->Flags, OSFLAG_HIDDEN)) { DBG("Custom tool %llu skipped because it is hidden.\n", i); continue; } if (Custom->Volume) { DBG("Custom tool %llu matching \"%ls\" ...\n", i, Custom->Volume); } for (VolumeIndex = 0; VolumeIndex < Volumes.size(); ++VolumeIndex) { Volume = &Volumes[VolumeIndex]; DBG(" Checking volume \"%ls\" (%ls) ... ", Volume->VolName, Volume->DevicePathString); // Skip Whole Disc Boot if (Volume->RootDir == NULL) { DBG("skipped because volume is not readable\n"); continue; } // skip volume if its kind is configured as disabled if ((Volume->DiskKind == DISK_KIND_OPTICAL && (GlobalConfig.DisableFlags & VOLTYPE_OPTICAL)) || (Volume->DiskKind == DISK_KIND_EXTERNAL && (GlobalConfig.DisableFlags & VOLTYPE_EXTERNAL)) || (Volume->DiskKind == DISK_KIND_INTERNAL && (GlobalConfig.DisableFlags & VOLTYPE_INTERNAL)) || (Volume->DiskKind == DISK_KIND_FIREWIRE && (GlobalConfig.DisableFlags & VOLTYPE_FIREWIRE))) { DBG("skipped because media is disabled\n"); continue; } if (Custom->VolumeType != 0) { if ((Volume->DiskKind == DISK_KIND_OPTICAL && ((Custom->VolumeType & VOLTYPE_OPTICAL) == 0)) || (Volume->DiskKind == DISK_KIND_EXTERNAL && ((Custom->VolumeType & VOLTYPE_EXTERNAL) == 0)) || (Volume->DiskKind == DISK_KIND_INTERNAL && ((Custom->VolumeType & VOLTYPE_INTERNAL) == 0)) || (Volume->DiskKind == DISK_KIND_FIREWIRE && ((Custom->VolumeType & VOLTYPE_FIREWIRE) == 0))) { DBG("skipped because media is ignored\n"); continue; } } if (Volume->Hidden) { DBG("skipped because volume is hidden\n"); continue; } // Check for exact volume matches if (Custom->Volume) { if ((StrStr(Volume->DevicePathString, Custom->Volume) == NULL) && ((Volume->VolName == NULL) || (StrStr(Volume->VolName, Custom->Volume) == NULL))) { DBG("skipped\n"); continue; } } // Check the tool exists on the volume if (!FileExists(Volume->RootDir, Custom->Path)) { DBG("skipped because path does not exist\n"); continue; } // Change to custom image if needed Image = Custom->Image; if (Image.isEmpty() && Custom->ImagePath) { Image.LoadXImage(ThemeX.ThemeDir, Custom->ImagePath); } if (Image.isEmpty()) { AddToolEntry(Custom->Path, Custom->FullTitle.wc_str(), Custom->Title.wc_str(), Volume, ThemeX.GetIcon(BUILTIN_ICON_TOOL_SHELL), Custom->Hotkey, Custom->Options); } else { // Create a legacy entry for this volume AddToolEntry(Custom->Path, Custom->FullTitle.wc_str(), Custom->Title.wc_str(), Volume, Image, Custom->Hotkey, Custom->Options); } DBG("match!\n"); // break; // break scan volumes, continue scan entries -- why? } } // DBG("Custom tool end\n"); }