/** @file The boot manager reference implementation Copyright (c) 2004 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include "BootManager.h" UINT16 mKeyInput; EFI_GUID mBootManagerGuid = BOOT_MANAGER_FORMSET_GUID; // // Boot video resolution and text mode. // UINT32 mBmBootHorizontalResolution = 0; UINT32 mBmBootVerticalResolution = 0; UINT32 mBmBootTextModeColumn = 0; UINT32 mBmBootTextModeRow = 0; // // BIOS setup video resolution and text mode. // UINT32 mBmSetupTextModeColumn = 0; UINT32 mBmSetupTextModeRow = 0; UINT32 mBmSetupHorizontalResolution = 0; UINT32 mBmSetupVerticalResolution = 0; BOOLEAN mBmModeInitialized = FALSE; CHAR16 *mDeviceTypeStr[] = { L"Legacy BEV", L"Legacy Floppy", L"Legacy Hard Drive", L"Legacy CD ROM", L"Legacy PCMCIA", L"Legacy USB", L"Legacy Embedded Network", L"Legacy Unknown Device" }; HII_VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH mBootManagerHiiVendorDevicePath = { { { HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH, HW_VENDOR_DP, { (UINT8) (sizeof (VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH)), (UINT8) ((sizeof (VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH)) >> 8) } }, // // {1DDDBE15-481D-4d2b-8277-B191EAF66525} // { 0x1dddbe15, 0x481d, 0x4d2b, { 0x82, 0x77, 0xb1, 0x91, 0xea, 0xf6, 0x65, 0x25 } } }, { END_DEVICE_PATH_TYPE, END_ENTIRE_DEVICE_PATH_SUBTYPE, { (UINT8) (END_DEVICE_PATH_LENGTH), (UINT8) ((END_DEVICE_PATH_LENGTH) >> 8) } } }; BOOT_MANAGER_CALLBACK_DATA gBootManagerPrivate = { BOOT_MANAGER_CALLBACK_DATA_SIGNATURE, NULL, NULL, { BootManagerExtractConfig, BootManagerRouteConfig, BootManagerCallback } }; /** This function will change video resolution and text mode according to defined setup mode or defined boot mode @param IsSetupMode Indicate mode is changed to setup mode or boot mode. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Mode is changed successfully. @retval Others Mode failed to be changed. **/ EFI_STATUS BmSetConsoleMode ( BOOLEAN IsSetupMode ) { EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *GraphicsOutput; EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *SimpleTextOut; UINTN SizeOfInfo; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_MODE_INFORMATION *Info; UINT32 MaxGopMode; UINT32 MaxTextMode; UINT32 ModeNumber; UINT32 NewHorizontalResolution; UINT32 NewVerticalResolution; UINT32 NewColumns; UINT32 NewRows; UINTN HandleCount; EFI_HANDLE *HandleBuffer; EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN Index; UINTN CurrentColumn; UINTN CurrentRow; MaxGopMode = 0; MaxTextMode = 0; // // Get current video resolution and text mode // Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( gST->ConsoleOutHandle, &gEfiGraphicsOutputProtocolGuid, (VOID**)&GraphicsOutput ); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { GraphicsOutput = NULL; } Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( gST->ConsoleOutHandle, &gEfiSimpleTextOutProtocolGuid, (VOID**)&SimpleTextOut ); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { SimpleTextOut = NULL; } if ((GraphicsOutput == NULL) || (SimpleTextOut == NULL)) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } if (IsSetupMode) { // // The required resolution and text mode is setup mode. // NewHorizontalResolution = mBmSetupHorizontalResolution; NewVerticalResolution = mBmSetupVerticalResolution; NewColumns = mBmSetupTextModeColumn; NewRows = mBmSetupTextModeRow; } else { // // The required resolution and text mode is boot mode. // NewHorizontalResolution = mBmBootHorizontalResolution; NewVerticalResolution = mBmBootVerticalResolution; NewColumns = mBmBootTextModeColumn; NewRows = mBmBootTextModeRow; } if (GraphicsOutput != NULL) { MaxGopMode = GraphicsOutput->Mode->MaxMode; } if (SimpleTextOut != NULL) { MaxTextMode = SimpleTextOut->Mode->MaxMode; } // // 1. If current video resolution is same with required video resolution, // video resolution need not be changed. // 1.1. If current text mode is same with required text mode, text mode need not be changed. // 1.2. If current text mode is different from required text mode, text mode need be changed. // 2. If current video resolution is different from required video resolution, we need restart whole console drivers. // for (ModeNumber = 0; ModeNumber < MaxGopMode; ModeNumber++) { Status = GraphicsOutput->QueryMode ( GraphicsOutput, ModeNumber, &SizeOfInfo, &Info ); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { if ((Info->HorizontalResolution == NewHorizontalResolution) && (Info->VerticalResolution == NewVerticalResolution)) { if ((GraphicsOutput->Mode->Info->HorizontalResolution == NewHorizontalResolution) && (GraphicsOutput->Mode->Info->VerticalResolution == NewVerticalResolution)) { // // Current resolution is same with required resolution, check if text mode need be set // Status = SimpleTextOut->QueryMode (SimpleTextOut, SimpleTextOut->Mode->Mode, &CurrentColumn, &CurrentRow); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); if (CurrentColumn == NewColumns && CurrentRow == NewRows) { // // If current text mode is same with required text mode. Do nothing // FreePool(Info); return EFI_SUCCESS; } else { // // If current text mode is different from required text mode. Set new video mode // for (Index = 0; Index < MaxTextMode; Index++) { Status = SimpleTextOut->QueryMode (SimpleTextOut, Index, &CurrentColumn, &CurrentRow); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { if ((CurrentColumn == NewColumns) && (CurrentRow == NewRows)) { // // Required text mode is supported, set it. // Status = SimpleTextOut->SetMode (SimpleTextOut, Index); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); // // Update text mode PCD. // Status = PcdSet32S (PcdConOutColumn, mBmSetupTextModeColumn); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); Status = PcdSet32S (PcdConOutRow, mBmSetupTextModeRow); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); FreePool(Info); return EFI_SUCCESS; } } } if (Index == MaxTextMode) { // // If required text mode is not supported, return error. // FreePool(Info); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } } } else { // // If current video resolution is not same with the new one, set new video resolution. // In this case, the driver which produces simple text out need be restarted. // Status = GraphicsOutput->SetMode (GraphicsOutput, ModeNumber); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { FreePool(Info); break; } } } FreePool(Info); } } if (ModeNumber == MaxGopMode) { // // If the resolution is not supported, return error. // return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // Set PCD to Inform GraphicsConsole to change video resolution. // Set PCD to Inform Consplitter to change text mode. // Status = PcdSet32S (PcdVideoHorizontalResolution, NewHorizontalResolution); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); Status = PcdSet32S (PcdVideoVerticalResolution, NewVerticalResolution); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); Status = PcdSet32S (PcdConOutColumn, NewColumns); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); Status = PcdSet32S (PcdConOutRow, NewRows); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); // // Video mode is changed, so restart graphics console driver and higher level driver. // Reconnect graphics console driver and higher level driver. // Locate all the handles with GOP protocol and reconnect it. // Status = gBS->LocateHandleBuffer ( ByProtocol, &gEfiSimpleTextOutProtocolGuid, NULL, &HandleCount, &HandleBuffer ); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { for (Index = 0; Index < HandleCount; Index++) { gBS->DisconnectController (HandleBuffer[Index], NULL, NULL); } for (Index = 0; Index < HandleCount; Index++) { gBS->ConnectController (HandleBuffer[Index], NULL, NULL, TRUE); } if (HandleBuffer != NULL) { FreePool(HandleBuffer); } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Check whether a reset is needed,if reset is needed, Popup a menu to notice user. **/ VOID BmSetupResetReminder ( VOID ) { EFI_INPUT_KEY Key; CHAR16 *StringBuffer1; CHAR16 *StringBuffer2; EFI_STATUS Status; EDKII_FORM_BROWSER_EXTENSION2_PROTOCOL *FormBrowserEx2; // // Use BrowserEx2 protocol to check whether reset is required. // Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEdkiiFormBrowserEx2ProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &FormBrowserEx2); // //check any reset required change is applied? if yes, reset system // if (!EFI_ERROR(Status) && FormBrowserEx2->IsResetRequired ()) { StringBuffer1 = AllocateZeroPool(MAX_STRING_LEN * sizeof (CHAR16)); ASSERT (StringBuffer1 != NULL); StringBuffer2 = AllocateZeroPool(MAX_STRING_LEN * sizeof (CHAR16)); ASSERT (StringBuffer2 != NULL); StrCpyS (StringBuffer1, MAX_STRING_LEN, L"Configuration changed. Reset to apply it Now."); StrCpyS (StringBuffer2, MAX_STRING_LEN, L"Press ENTER to reset"); // // Popup a menu to notice user // do { CreatePopUp (EFI_LIGHTGRAY | EFI_BACKGROUND_BLUE, &Key, StringBuffer1, StringBuffer2, NULL); } while (Key.UnicodeChar != CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN); FreePool(StringBuffer1); FreePool(StringBuffer2); gRT->ResetSystem (EfiResetCold, EFI_SUCCESS, 0, NULL); } } /** Group the legacy boot options in the BootOption. The routine assumes the boot options in the beginning that covers all the device types are ordered properly and re-position the following boot options just after the corresponding boot options with the same device type. For example: 1. Input = [Harddisk1 CdRom2 Efi1 Harddisk0 CdRom0 CdRom1 Harddisk2 Efi0] Assuming [Harddisk1 CdRom2 Efi1] is ordered properly Output = [Harddisk1 Harddisk0 Harddisk2 CdRom2 CdRom0 CdRom1 Efi1 Efi0] 2. Input = [Efi1 Efi0 CdRom1 Harddisk0 Harddisk1 Harddisk2 CdRom0 CdRom2] Assuming [Efi1 Efi0 CdRom1 Harddisk0] is ordered properly Output = [Efi1 Efi0 CdRom1 CdRom0 CdRom2 Harddisk0 Harddisk1 Harddisk2] **/ VOID GroupMultipleLegacyBootOption4SameType ( VOID ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN Index; UINTN DeviceIndex; UINTN DeviceTypeIndex[7]; UINTN *NextIndex; UINT16 OptionNumber; UINT16 *BootOrder; UINTN BootOrderSize; CHAR16 OptionName[sizeof ("Boot####")]; EFI_BOOT_MANAGER_LOAD_OPTION BootOption; SetMem (DeviceTypeIndex, sizeof (DeviceTypeIndex), 0xff); GetEfiGlobalVariable2 (L"BootOrder", (VOID **) &BootOrder, &BootOrderSize); if (BootOrder == NULL) { return; } for (Index = 0; Index < BootOrderSize / sizeof (UINT16); Index++) { UnicodeSPrint (OptionName, sizeof (OptionName), L"Boot%04x", BootOrder[Index]); Status = EfiBootManagerVariableToLoadOption (OptionName, &BootOption); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); if ((DevicePathType (BootOption.FilePath) == BBS_DEVICE_PATH) && (DevicePathSubType (BootOption.FilePath) == BBS_BBS_DP)) { // // Legacy Boot Option // DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "[BootManagerDxe] ==== Find Legacy Boot Option 0x%x! ==== \n", Index)); ASSERT ((((BBS_BBS_DEVICE_PATH *) BootOption.FilePath)->DeviceType & 0xF) < ARRAY_SIZE (DeviceTypeIndex)); NextIndex = &DeviceTypeIndex[((BBS_BBS_DEVICE_PATH *) BootOption.FilePath)->DeviceType & 0xF]; if (*NextIndex == (UINTN) -1) { // // *NextIndex is the Index in BootOrder to put the next Option Number for the same type // *NextIndex = Index + 1; } else { // // insert the current boot option before *NextIndex, causing [*Next .. Index] shift right one position // OptionNumber = BootOrder[Index]; CopyMem (&BootOrder[*NextIndex + 1], &BootOrder[*NextIndex], (Index - *NextIndex) * sizeof (UINT16)); BootOrder[*NextIndex] = OptionNumber; // // Update the DeviceTypeIndex array to reflect the right shift operation // for (DeviceIndex = 0; DeviceIndex < ARRAY_SIZE (DeviceTypeIndex); DeviceIndex++) { if (DeviceTypeIndex[DeviceIndex] != (UINTN) -1 && DeviceTypeIndex[DeviceIndex] >= *NextIndex) { DeviceTypeIndex[DeviceIndex]++; } } } } EfiBootManagerFreeLoadOption (&BootOption); } gRT->SetVariable ( L"BootOrder", &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid, VAR_FLAG, BootOrderSize, BootOrder ); FreePool(BootOrder); } /** This function converts an input device structure to a Unicode string. @param DevPath A pointer to the device path structure. @return A new allocated Unicode string that represents the device path. **/ CHAR16 * BmDevicePathToStr ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevPath ) { EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR16 *ToText; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_TO_TEXT_PROTOCOL *DevPathToText; if (DevPath == NULL) { return NULL; } Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gEfiDevicePathToTextProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &DevPathToText ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); ToText = DevPathToText->ConvertDevicePathToText ( DevPath, FALSE, TRUE ); ASSERT (ToText != NULL); return ToText; } /** This function invokes Boot Manager. It then enumerate all boot options. If a boot option from the Boot Manager page is selected, Boot Manager will boot from this boot option. **/ VOID UpdateBootManager ( VOID ) { UINTN Index; EFI_BOOT_MANAGER_LOAD_OPTION *BootOption; UINTN BootOptionCount; EFI_STRING_ID Token; CHAR16 *HelpString; EFI_STRING_ID HelpToken; UINT16 *TempStr; EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle; UINTN TempSize; VOID *StartOpCodeHandle; VOID *EndOpCodeHandle; EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL *StartLabel; EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL *EndLabel; UINT16 DeviceType; BOOLEAN IsLegacyOption; BOOLEAN NeedEndOp; UINTN MaxLen; DeviceType = (UINT16) -1; // // for better user experience // 1. User changes HD configuration (e.g.: unplug HDD), here we have a chance to remove the HDD boot option // 2. User enables/disables UEFI PXE, here we have a chance to add/remove EFI Network boot option // EfiBootManagerRefreshAllBootOption (); // // BdsDxe doesn't group the legacy boot options for the same device type // It's UI's choice. // GroupMultipleLegacyBootOption4SameType (); BootOption = EfiBootManagerGetLoadOptions (&BootOptionCount, LoadOptionTypeBoot); HiiHandle = gBootManagerPrivate.HiiHandle; // // Allocate space for creation of UpdateData Buffer // StartOpCodeHandle = HiiAllocateOpCodeHandle (); ASSERT (StartOpCodeHandle != NULL); EndOpCodeHandle = HiiAllocateOpCodeHandle (); ASSERT (EndOpCodeHandle != NULL); // // Create Hii Extend Label OpCode as the start opcode // StartLabel = (EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL *) HiiCreateGuidOpCode (StartOpCodeHandle, &gEfiIfrTianoGuid, NULL, sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL)); StartLabel->ExtendOpCode = EFI_IFR_EXTEND_OP_LABEL; StartLabel->Number = LABEL_BOOT_OPTION; // // Create Hii Extend Label OpCode as the end opcode // EndLabel = (EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL *) HiiCreateGuidOpCode (EndOpCodeHandle, &gEfiIfrTianoGuid, NULL, sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL)); EndLabel->ExtendOpCode = EFI_IFR_EXTEND_OP_LABEL; EndLabel->Number = LABEL_BOOT_OPTION_END; mKeyInput = 0; NeedEndOp = FALSE; for (Index = 0; Index < BootOptionCount; Index++) { // // At this stage we are creating a menu entry, thus the Keys are reproduceable // mKeyInput++; // // Don't display the hidden/inactive boot option // if (((BootOption[Index].Attributes & LOAD_OPTION_HIDDEN) != 0) || ((BootOption[Index].Attributes & LOAD_OPTION_ACTIVE) == 0)) { continue; } // // Group the legacy boot option in the sub title created dynamically // IsLegacyOption = (BOOLEAN) ( (DevicePathType (BootOption[Index].FilePath) == BBS_DEVICE_PATH) && (DevicePathSubType (BootOption[Index].FilePath) == BBS_BBS_DP) ); if (!IsLegacyOption && NeedEndOp) { NeedEndOp = FALSE; HiiCreateEndOpCode (StartOpCodeHandle); } if (IsLegacyOption && DeviceType != ((BBS_BBS_DEVICE_PATH *) BootOption[Index].FilePath)->DeviceType) { if (NeedEndOp) { HiiCreateEndOpCode (StartOpCodeHandle); } DeviceType = ((BBS_BBS_DEVICE_PATH *) BootOption[Index].FilePath)->DeviceType; Token = HiiSetString ( HiiHandle, 0, mDeviceTypeStr[ MIN (DeviceType & 0xF, ARRAY_SIZE (mDeviceTypeStr) - 1) ], NULL ); HiiCreateSubTitleOpCode (StartOpCodeHandle, Token, 0, 0, 1); NeedEndOp = TRUE; } ASSERT (BootOption[Index].Description != NULL); Token = HiiSetString (HiiHandle, 0, BootOption[Index].Description, NULL); TempStr = BmDevicePathToStr (BootOption[Index].FilePath); TempSize = StrSize (TempStr); HelpString = AllocateZeroPool(TempSize + StrSize (L"Device Path : ")); MaxLen = (TempSize + StrSize (L"Device Path : "))/sizeof(CHAR16); ASSERT (HelpString != NULL); StrCatS (HelpString, MaxLen, L"Device Path : "); StrCatS (HelpString, MaxLen, TempStr); HelpToken = HiiSetString (HiiHandle, 0, HelpString, NULL); HiiCreateActionOpCode ( StartOpCodeHandle, mKeyInput, Token, HelpToken, EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK, 0 ); } if (NeedEndOp) { HiiCreateEndOpCode (StartOpCodeHandle); } HiiUpdateForm ( HiiHandle, &mBootManagerGuid, BOOT_MANAGER_FORM_ID, StartOpCodeHandle, EndOpCodeHandle ); HiiFreeOpCodeHandle (StartOpCodeHandle); HiiFreeOpCodeHandle (EndOpCodeHandle); EfiBootManagerFreeLoadOptions (BootOption, BootOptionCount); } /** This function allows a caller to extract the current configuration for one or more named elements from the target driver. @param This Points to the EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL. @param Request A null-terminated Unicode string in format. @param Progress On return, points to a character in the Request string. Points to the string's null terminator if request was successful. Points to the most recent '&' before the first failing name/value pair (or the beginning of the string if the failure is in the first name/value pair) if the request was not successful. @param Results A null-terminated Unicode string in format which has all values filled in for the names in the Request string. String to be allocated by the called function. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The Results is filled with the requested values. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory to store the results. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Request is illegal syntax, or unknown name. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Routing data doesn't match any storage in this driver. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI BootManagerExtractConfig ( IN CONST EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL *This, IN CONST EFI_STRING Request, OUT EFI_STRING *Progress, OUT EFI_STRING *Results ) { if (Progress == NULL || Results == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *Progress = Request; return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } /** This function processes the results of changes in configuration. @param This Points to the EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL. @param Configuration A null-terminated Unicode string in format. @param Progress A pointer to a string filled in with the offset of the most recent '&' before the first failing name/value pair (or the beginning of the string if the failure is in the first name/value pair) or the terminating NULL if all was successful. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The Results is processed successfully. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Configuration is NULL. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Routing data doesn't match any storage in this driver. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI BootManagerRouteConfig ( IN CONST EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL *This, IN CONST EFI_STRING Configuration, OUT EFI_STRING *Progress ) { if (Configuration == NULL || Progress == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *Progress = Configuration; return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } /** Initial the boot mode related parameters. **/ VOID BmInitialBootModeInfo ( VOID ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *GraphicsOutput; EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *SimpleTextOut; UINTN BootTextColumn; UINTN BootTextRow; if (mBmModeInitialized) { return; } // // After the console is ready, get current video resolution // and text mode before launching setup at first time. // Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( gST->ConsoleOutHandle, &gEfiGraphicsOutputProtocolGuid, (VOID**)&GraphicsOutput ); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { GraphicsOutput = NULL; } Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( gST->ConsoleOutHandle, &gEfiSimpleTextOutProtocolGuid, (VOID**)&SimpleTextOut ); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { SimpleTextOut = NULL; } if (GraphicsOutput != NULL) { // // Get current video resolution and text mode. // mBmBootHorizontalResolution = GraphicsOutput->Mode->Info->HorizontalResolution; mBmBootVerticalResolution = GraphicsOutput->Mode->Info->VerticalResolution; } if (SimpleTextOut != NULL) { Status = SimpleTextOut->QueryMode ( SimpleTextOut, SimpleTextOut->Mode->Mode, &BootTextColumn, &BootTextRow ); mBmBootTextModeColumn = (UINT32)BootTextColumn; mBmBootTextModeRow = (UINT32)BootTextRow; } // // Get user defined text mode for setup. // mBmSetupHorizontalResolution = PcdGet32 (PcdSetupVideoHorizontalResolution); mBmSetupVerticalResolution = PcdGet32 (PcdSetupVideoVerticalResolution); mBmSetupTextModeColumn = PcdGet32 (PcdSetupConOutColumn); mBmSetupTextModeRow = PcdGet32 (PcdSetupConOutRow); mBmModeInitialized = TRUE; } /** This call back function is registered with Boot Manager formset. When user selects a boot option, this call back function will be triggered. The boot option is saved for later processing. @param This Points to the EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL. @param Action Specifies the type of action taken by the browser. @param QuestionId A unique value which is sent to the original exporting driver so that it can identify the type of data to expect. @param Type The type of value for the question. @param Value A pointer to the data being sent to the original exporting driver. @param ActionRequest On return, points to the action requested by the callback function. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The callback successfully handled the action. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The setup browser call this function with invalid parameters. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI BootManagerCallback ( IN CONST EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_BROWSER_ACTION Action, IN EFI_QUESTION_ID QuestionId, IN UINT8 Type, IN EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE *Value, OUT EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST *ActionRequest ) { EFI_BOOT_MANAGER_LOAD_OPTION *BootOption; UINTN BootOptionCount; EFI_INPUT_KEY Key; if (Action == EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_FORM_OPEN) { // //Means enter the boot manager form. //Update the boot manage page,because the boot option may changed. // if (QuestionId == 0x1212){ UpdateBootManager(); } return EFI_SUCCESS; } if (Action != EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_CHANGED) { // // Do nothing for other UEFI Action. Only do call back when data is changed. // return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } if ((Value == NULL) || (ActionRequest == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } BootOption = EfiBootManagerGetLoadOptions (&BootOptionCount, LoadOptionTypeBoot); // // Clear the screen before. // gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, EFI_TEXT_ATTR (EFI_LIGHTGRAY, EFI_BLACK)); gST->ConOut->ClearScreen (gST->ConOut); // //check any reset required change is applied? if yes, reset system // BmSetupResetReminder (); // // parse the selected option // BmSetConsoleMode (FALSE); EfiBootManagerBoot (&BootOption[QuestionId - 1]); BmSetConsoleMode (TRUE); if (EFI_ERROR(BootOption[QuestionId - 1].Status)) { gST->ConOut->OutputString ( gST->ConOut, HiiGetString (gBootManagerPrivate.HiiHandle, STRING_TOKEN (STR_ANY_KEY_CONTINUE), NULL) ); gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke (gST->ConIn, &Key); } EfiBootManagerFreeLoadOptions (BootOption, BootOptionCount); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Install Boot Manager Menu driver. @param ImageHandle The image handle. @param SystemTable The system table. @retval EFI_SUCEESS Install Boot manager menu success. @retval Other Return error status. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI BootManagerUiLibConstructor ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { EFI_STATUS Status; // // Install Device Path Protocol and Config Access protocol to driver handle // gBootManagerPrivate.DriverHandle = NULL; Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces ( &gBootManagerPrivate.DriverHandle, &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, &mBootManagerHiiVendorDevicePath, &gEfiHiiConfigAccessProtocolGuid, &gBootManagerPrivate.ConfigAccess, NULL ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); // // Publish our HII data // gBootManagerPrivate.HiiHandle = HiiAddPackages ( &mBootManagerGuid, gBootManagerPrivate.DriverHandle, BootManagerVfrBin, BootManagerUiLibStrings, NULL ); ASSERT (gBootManagerPrivate.HiiHandle != NULL); BmInitialBootModeInfo (); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Unloads the application and its installed protocol. @param[in] ImageHandle Handle that identifies the image to be unloaded. @param[in] SystemTable System Table @retval EFI_SUCCESS The image has been unloaded. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI BootManagerUiLibDestructor ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { EFI_STATUS Status; Status = gBS->UninstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces ( gBootManagerPrivate.DriverHandle, &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, &mBootManagerHiiVendorDevicePath, &gEfiHiiConfigAccessProtocolGuid, &gBootManagerPrivate.ConfigAccess, NULL ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); HiiRemovePackages (gBootManagerPrivate.HiiHandle); return EFI_SUCCESS; }