/** @file Copyright (C) 2013, dmazar. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2017, vit9696. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "BootCompatInternal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** Helper function to mark OpenRuntime as executable with proper permissions. @param[in] BootCompat Boot compatibility context. **/ STATIC VOID FixRuntimeAttributes ( IN BOOT_COMPAT_CONTEXT *BootCompat, IN UINT32 Type ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Address; UINTN Pages; if (Type != EfiRuntimeServicesCode && Type != EfiRuntimeServicesData) { return; } if (BootCompat->Settings.SyncRuntimePermissions && BootCompat->ServiceState.FwRuntime != NULL) { // // Be very careful of recursion here, who knows what the firmware can call. // BootCompat->Settings.SyncRuntimePermissions = FALSE; Status = BootCompat->ServiceState.FwRuntime->GetExecArea (&Address, &Pages); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { OcRebuildAttributes (Address, BootCompat->ServicePtrs.GetMemoryMap); } // // Permit syncing runtime permissions again. // BootCompat->Settings.SyncRuntimePermissions = TRUE; } } /** Helper function to call ExitBootServices that can handle outdated MapKey issues. @param[in] ExitBootServices ExitBootServices function pointer, optional. @param[in] GetMemoryMap GetMemoryMap function pointer, optional. @param[in] ImageHandle Image handle to call ExitBootServices on. @param[in] MapKey MapKey to call ExitBootServices on. @retval EFI_SUCCESS on success. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS ForceExitBootServices ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN UINTN MapKey, IN EFI_EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES ExitBootServices OPTIONAL, IN EFI_GET_MEMORY_MAP GetMemoryMap OPTIONAL ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *MemoryMap; UINTN MemoryMapSize; UINTN DescriptorSize; UINT32 DescriptorVersion; if (ExitBootServices == NULL) { ExitBootServices = gBS->ExitBootServices; } if (GetMemoryMap == NULL) { GetMemoryMap = gBS->GetMemoryMap; } // // Firstly try the easy way. // Status = ExitBootServices (ImageHandle, MapKey); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { // // It is too late to free memory map here, but it does not matter, because boot.efi has an old one // and will freely use the memory. // It is technically forbidden to allocate pool memory here, but we should not hit this code // in the first place, and for older firmwares, where it was necessary (?), it worked just fine. // Status = OcGetCurrentMemoryMapAlloc ( &MemoryMapSize, &MemoryMap, &MapKey, &DescriptorSize, &DescriptorVersion, GetMemoryMap, NULL ); if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { // // We have the latest memory map and its key, try again! // Status = ExitBootServices (ImageHandle, MapKey); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_WARN, "OCABC: ExitBootServices failed twice - %r\n", Status)); } } else { DEBUG ((DEBUG_WARN, "OCABC: Failed to get MapKey for ExitBootServices - %r\n", Status)); Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_WARN, "OCABC: Waiting 10 secs...\n")); gBS->Stall (SECONDS_TO_MICROSECONDS (10)); } } return Status; } /** Protect regions in memory map. @param[in,out] MemoryMapSize Memory map size in bytes, updated on shrink. @param[in,out] MemoryMap Memory map to shrink. @param[in] DescriptorSize Memory map descriptor size in bytes. **/ STATIC VOID ProtectMemoryRegions ( IN UINTN MemoryMapSize, IN OUT EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *MemoryMap, IN UINTN DescriptorSize ) { UINTN NumEntries; UINTN Index; EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *Desc; UINTN PhysicalEnd; // // AMI CSM module allocates up to two regions for legacy video output. // 1. For PMM and EBDA areas. // On Ivy Bridge and below it ends at 0xA0000-0x1000-0x1 and has EfiBootServicesCode type. // On Haswell and above it is allocated below 0xA0000 address with the same type. // 2. For Intel RC S3 reserved area, fixed from 0x9F000 to 0x9FFFF. // On Sandy Bridge and below it is not present in memory map. // On Ivy Bridge and newer it is present as EfiRuntimeServicesData. // Starting from at least SkyLake it is present as EfiReservedMemoryType. // // Prior to AptioMemoryFix EfiRuntimeServicesData could have been relocated by boot.efi, // and the 2nd region could have been overwritten by the kernel. Now it is no longer the // case, and only the 1st region may need special handling. // For the 1st region there appear to be (unconfirmed) reports that it may still be accessed // after waking from sleep. This does not seem to be valid according to AMI code, but we still // protect it in case such systems really exist. // // Initially researched and fixed on GIGABYTE boards by Slice. // Desc = MemoryMap; NumEntries = MemoryMapSize / DescriptorSize; for (Index = 0; Index < NumEntries; ++Index) { if (Desc->NumberOfPages > 0 && Desc->Type == EfiBootServicesData) { ASSERT (LAST_DESCRIPTOR_ADDR (Desc) < MAX_UINTN); PhysicalEnd = (UINTN)LAST_DESCRIPTOR_ADDR (Desc) + 1; if (PhysicalEnd >= 0x9E000 && PhysicalEnd < 0xA0000) { Desc->Type = EfiACPIMemoryNVS; break; } } Desc = NEXT_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR (Desc, DescriptorSize); } // // Some firmwares may leave MMIO regions as reserved memory with runtime flag, // which will not get mapped by macOS kernel. This will cause boot failures due // to these firmwares accessing these regions at runtime for NVRAM support. // REF: https://github.com/acidanthera/bugtracker/issues/791#issuecomment-608959387 // Desc = MemoryMap; for (Index = 0; Index < NumEntries; ++Index) { if (Desc->Type == EfiReservedMemoryType && (Desc->Attribute & EFI_MEMORY_RUNTIME) != 0) { Desc->Type = EfiMemoryMappedIO; } Desc = NEXT_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR (Desc, DescriptorSize); } } /** Mark MMIO virtual memory regions as non-runtime to reduce the amount of virtual memory required by boot.efi. @param[in] Context Boot compatibility context. @param[in,out] MemoryMapSize Memory map size in bytes, updated on devirtualisation. @param[in,out] MemoryMap Memory map to devirtualise. @param[in] DescriptorSize Memory map descriptor size in bytes. **/ STATIC VOID DevirtualiseMmio ( IN VOID *Context, IN UINTN MemoryMapSize, IN OUT EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *MemoryMap, IN UINTN DescriptorSize ) { UINTN NumEntries; UINTN Index; UINTN Index2; EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *Desc; CONST EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS *Whitelist; UINTN WhitelistSize; BOOLEAN Skipped; UINT64 PagesSaved; Whitelist = ((BOOT_COMPAT_CONTEXT *) Context)->Settings.MmioWhitelist; WhitelistSize = ((BOOT_COMPAT_CONTEXT *) Context)->Settings.MmioWhitelistSize; // // Some firmwares (normally Haswell and earlier) need certain MMIO areas to have // virtual addresses due to their firmware implementations to access NVRAM. // For example, on Intel Haswell with APTIO that would be: // 0xFED1C000 (SB_RCBA) is a 0x4 page memory region, containing SPI_BASE at 0x3800 (SPI_BASE_ADDRESS). // 0xFF000000 (PCI root) is a 0x1000 page memory region. // One can make exceptions with Whitelist, as it is required on certain laptops. // Desc = MemoryMap; NumEntries = MemoryMapSize / DescriptorSize; PagesSaved = 0; if (!((BOOT_COMPAT_CONTEXT *) Context)->ServiceState.ReportedMmio) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "OCABC: MMIO devirt start\n")); } for (Index = 0; Index < NumEntries; ++Index) { if (Desc->NumberOfPages > 0 && Desc->Type == EfiMemoryMappedIO && (Desc->Attribute & EFI_MEMORY_RUNTIME) != 0) { Skipped = FALSE; for (Index2 = 0; Index2 < WhitelistSize; ++Index2) { if (AREA_WITHIN_DESCRIPTOR (Desc, Whitelist[Index2], 1)) { Skipped = TRUE; break; } } if (!((BOOT_COMPAT_CONTEXT *) Context)->ServiceState.ReportedMmio) { DEBUG (( DEBUG_INFO, "OCABC: MMIO devirt 0x%Lx (0x%Lx pages, 0x%Lx) skip %d\n", (UINT64) Desc->PhysicalStart, (UINT64) Desc->NumberOfPages, (UINT64) Desc->Attribute, Skipped )); } if (!Skipped) { Desc->Attribute &= ~EFI_MEMORY_RUNTIME; PagesSaved += Desc->NumberOfPages; } } Desc = NEXT_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR (Desc, DescriptorSize); } if (!((BOOT_COMPAT_CONTEXT *) Context)->ServiceState.ReportedMmio) { DEBUG (( DEBUG_INFO, "OCABC: MMIO devirt end, saved %Lu KB\n", EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (PagesSaved) / BASE_1KB )); ((BOOT_COMPAT_CONTEXT *) Context)->ServiceState.ReportedMmio = TRUE; } } /** UEFI Boot Services AllocatePages override. Returns pages from free memory block to boot.efi for kernel boot image. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS EFIAPI OcAllocatePages ( IN EFI_ALLOCATE_TYPE Type, IN EFI_MEMORY_TYPE MemoryType, IN UINTN NumberOfPages, IN OUT EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS *Memory ) { EFI_STATUS Status; BOOT_COMPAT_CONTEXT *BootCompat; BOOLEAN IsPerfAlloc; BootCompat = GetBootCompatContext (); IsPerfAlloc = FALSE; if (BootCompat->ServiceState.AwaitingPerfAlloc) { if (BootCompat->ServiceState.AppleBootNestedCount > 0) { if (Type == AllocateMaxAddress && MemoryType == EfiACPIReclaimMemory && *Memory == BASE_4GB - 1) { IsPerfAlloc = TRUE; } } else { BootCompat->ServiceState.AwaitingPerfAlloc = FALSE; } } Status = BootCompat->ServicePtrs.AllocatePages ( Type, MemoryType, NumberOfPages, Memory ); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { FixRuntimeAttributes (BootCompat, MemoryType); if (BootCompat->ServiceState.AppleBootNestedCount > 0) { if (IsPerfAlloc) { // // Called from boot.efi. // New perf data, it can be reallocated multiple times. // // OcAppleDebugLogPerfAllocated ((VOID *)(UINTN) *Memory, EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (NumberOfPages)); } else if (Type == AllocateAddress && MemoryType == EfiLoaderData) { // // Called from boot.efi. // Store minimally allocated address to find kernel image start. // if (BootCompat->ServiceState.MinAllocatedAddr == 0 || *Memory < BootCompat->ServiceState.MinAllocatedAddr) { BootCompat->ServiceState.MinAllocatedAddr = *Memory; } } else if (BootCompat->ServiceState.AppleHibernateWake && Type == AllocateAnyPages && MemoryType == EfiLoaderData && BootCompat->ServiceState.HibernateImageAddress == 0) { // // Called from boot.efi during hibernate wake, // first such allocation is for hibernate image // BootCompat->ServiceState.HibernateImageAddress = *Memory; } } } return Status; } /** UEFI Boot Services FreePages override. Ensures synchronised memory attribute table. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS EFIAPI OcFreePages ( IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Memory, IN UINTN Pages ) { EFI_STATUS Status; BOOT_COMPAT_CONTEXT *BootCompat; BootCompat = GetBootCompatContext (); Status = BootCompat->ServicePtrs.FreePages ( Memory, Pages ); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { FixRuntimeAttributes (BootCompat, EfiRuntimeServicesData); } return Status; } /** UEFI Boot Services GetMemoryMap override. Returns shrinked memory map as XNU can handle up to PMAP_MEMORY_REGIONS_SIZE (128) entries. Also applies any further memory map alterations as necessary. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS EFIAPI OcGetMemoryMap ( IN OUT UINTN *MemoryMapSize, IN OUT EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *MemoryMap, OUT UINTN *MapKey, OUT UINTN *DescriptorSize, OUT UINT32 *DescriptorVersion ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_STATUS Status2; BOOT_COMPAT_CONTEXT *BootCompat; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Address; UINTN Pages; UINTN OriginalSize; BootCompat = GetBootCompatContext (); OriginalSize = MemoryMapSize != 0 ? *MemoryMapSize : 0; Status = BootCompat->ServicePtrs.GetMemoryMap ( MemoryMapSize, MemoryMap, MapKey, DescriptorSize, DescriptorVersion ); // // Reserve larger area for the memory map when we need to split it. // if (BootCompat->ServiceState.AppleBootNestedCount > 0 && Status == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { *MemoryMapSize += OcCountSplitDescriptors () * *DescriptorSize; return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { return Status; } if (BootCompat->Settings.SyncRuntimePermissions && BootCompat->ServiceState.FwRuntime != NULL) { // // Some firmwares mark runtime drivers loaded after EndOfDxe as EfiRuntimeServicesData: // REF: https://github.com/acidanthera/bugtracker/issues/791#issuecomment-607935508 // Status2 = BootCompat->ServiceState.FwRuntime->GetExecArea (&Address, &Pages); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status2)) { OcUpdateDescriptors ( *MemoryMapSize, MemoryMap, *DescriptorSize, Address, EfiRuntimeServicesCode, 0, 0 ); } } if (BootCompat->ServiceState.AppleBootNestedCount > 0) { if (BootCompat->Settings.ProtectMemoryRegions) { ProtectMemoryRegions ( *MemoryMapSize, MemoryMap, *DescriptorSize ); } if (BootCompat->Settings.DevirtualiseMmio) { DevirtualiseMmio ( BootCompat, *MemoryMapSize, MemoryMap, *DescriptorSize ); } if (BootCompat->Settings.RebuildAppleMemoryMap) { OcSortMemoryMap (*MemoryMapSize, MemoryMap, *DescriptorSize); Status2 = OcSplitMemoryMapByAttributes ( OriginalSize, MemoryMapSize, MemoryMap, *DescriptorSize ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status2) && Status2 != EFI_UNSUPPORTED) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "OCABC: Cannot rebuild memory map - %r\n", Status)); } OcShrinkMemoryMap ( MemoryMapSize, MemoryMap, *DescriptorSize ); } // // Remember some descriptor size, since we will not have it later // during hibernate wake to be able to iterate memory map. // BootCompat->ServiceState.MemoryMapDescriptorSize = *DescriptorSize; } return Status; } /** UEFI Boot Services AllocatePool override. Ensures synchronised memory attribute table. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS EFIAPI OcAllocatePool ( IN EFI_MEMORY_TYPE PoolType, IN UINTN Size, OUT VOID **Buffer ) { EFI_STATUS Status; BOOT_COMPAT_CONTEXT *BootCompat; BootCompat = GetBootCompatContext (); Status = BootCompat->ServicePtrs.AllocatePool ( PoolType, Size, Buffer ); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { FixRuntimeAttributes (BootCompat, PoolType); } return Status; } /** UEFI Boot Services FreePool override. Ensures synchronised memory attribute table. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS EFIAPI OcFreePool ( IN VOID *Buffer ) { EFI_STATUS Status; BOOT_COMPAT_CONTEXT *BootCompat; BootCompat = GetBootCompatContext (); Status = BootCompat->ServicePtrs.FreePool ( Buffer ); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { FixRuntimeAttributes (BootCompat, EfiRuntimeServicesData); } return Status; } /** UEFI Boot Services StartImage override. Called to start an efi image. If this is boot.efi, then our overrides are enabled. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS EFIAPI OcStartImage ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, OUT UINTN *ExitDataSize, OUT CHAR16 **ExitData OPTIONAL ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL *AppleLoadedImage; EFI_OS_INFO_PROTOCOL *OSInfo; BOOT_COMPAT_CONTEXT *BootCompat; OC_FWRT_CONFIG Config; UINTN DataSize; BootCompat = GetBootCompatContext (); AppleLoadedImage = OcGetAppleBootLoadedImage (ImageHandle); // // Recover firmware-replaced GetMemoryMap pointer. // if (BootCompat->Settings.ProtectUefiServices && BootCompat->ServicePtrs.GetMemoryMap != OcGetMemoryMap) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "OCABC: Recovering trashed GetMemoryMap pointer\n")); gBS->GetMemoryMap = OcGetMemoryMap; gBS->Hdr.CRC32 = 0; gBS->CalculateCrc32 (gBS, gBS->Hdr.HeaderSize, &gBS->Hdr.CRC32); } FixRuntimeAttributes (BootCompat, EfiRuntimeServicesData); // // Clear monitoring vars // BootCompat->ServiceState.MinAllocatedAddr = 0; if (AppleLoadedImage != NULL) { // // Report about macOS being loaded. // ++BootCompat->ServiceState.AppleBootNestedCount; BootCompat->ServiceState.AppleHibernateWake = OcIsAppleHibernateWake (); BootCompat->ServiceState.AppleCustomSlide = OcCheckArgumentFromEnv ( AppleLoadedImage, BootCompat->ServicePtrs.GetVariable, "slide=", L_STR_LEN ("slide=") ); if (BootCompat->Settings.EnableSafeModeSlide) { ASSERT (AppleLoadedImage->ImageSize <= MAX_UINTN); AppleSlideUnlockForSafeMode ( (UINT8 *) AppleLoadedImage->ImageBase, (UINTN)AppleLoadedImage->ImageSize ); } AppleMapPrepareBooterState ( BootCompat, AppleLoadedImage, BootCompat->ServicePtrs.GetMemoryMap ); } else if (BootCompat->Settings.SignalAppleOS) { Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gEfiOSInfoProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID *) &OSInfo ); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { OSInfo->OSVendor (EFI_OS_INFO_APPLE_VENDOR_NAME); OSInfo->OSName ("Mac OS X 10.15"); } } if (BootCompat->ServiceState.FwRuntime != NULL) { BootCompat->ServiceState.FwRuntime->GetCurrent (&Config); // // Support for ReadOnly and WriteOnly variables is OpenCore & Lilu security basics. // For now always enable it. // Config.RestrictedVariables = TRUE; // // Restrict secure boot variables and never let them slip unless once restricted. // Config.ProtectSecureBoot = BootCompat->Settings.ProtectSecureBoot; // // Enable Boot#### variable redirection if OpenCore requested it. // Do NOT disable it once enabled for stability reasons. // DataSize = sizeof (Config.BootVariableRedirect); BootCompat->ServicePtrs.GetVariable ( OC_BOOT_REDIRECT_VARIABLE_NAME, &gOcVendorVariableGuid, NULL, &DataSize, &Config.BootVariableRedirect ); // // Enable Apple-specific changes if requested. // Disable them when this is no longer Apple. // if (BootCompat->ServiceState.AppleBootNestedCount > 0) { Config.WriteProtection = BootCompat->Settings.DisableVariableWrite; Config.WriteUnprotector = BootCompat->Settings.EnableWriteUnprotector; } else { Config.WriteProtection = FALSE; Config.WriteUnprotector = FALSE; } BootCompat->ServiceState.FwRuntime->SetMain ( &Config ); } Status = BootCompat->ServicePtrs.StartImage ( ImageHandle, ExitDataSize, ExitData ); if (AppleLoadedImage != NULL) { // // We failed but other operating systems should be loadable. // --BootCompat->ServiceState.AppleBootNestedCount; } return Status; } /** UEFI Boot Services ExitBootServices override. Patches kernel entry point with jump to our KernelEntryPatchJumpBack(). **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS EFIAPI OcExitBootServices ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN UINTN MapKey ) { EFI_STATUS Status; BOOT_COMPAT_CONTEXT *BootCompat; UINTN Index; BootCompat = GetBootCompatContext (); // // Handle events in case we have any. // if (BootCompat->Settings.ExitBootServicesHandlers != NULL) { for (Index = 0; BootCompat->Settings.ExitBootServicesHandlers[Index] != NULL; ++Index) { BootCompat->Settings.ExitBootServicesHandlers[Index] ( NULL, BootCompat->Settings.ExitBootServicesHandlerContexts[Index] ); // // Even if ExitBootServices fails, do not subsequently call the events we handled. // BootCompat->Settings.ExitBootServicesHandlers[Index] = NULL; } } FixRuntimeAttributes (BootCompat, EfiRuntimeServicesData); // // For non-macOS operating systems return directly. // if (BootCompat->ServiceState.AppleBootNestedCount == 0) { return BootCompat->ServicePtrs.ExitBootServices ( ImageHandle, MapKey ); } if (BootCompat->Settings.ForceExitBootServices) { Status = ForceExitBootServices ( ImageHandle, MapKey, BootCompat->ServicePtrs.ExitBootServices, BootCompat->ServicePtrs.GetMemoryMap ); } else { Status = BootCompat->ServicePtrs.ExitBootServices ( ImageHandle, MapKey ); } // // Abort on error. // if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { return Status; } if (!BootCompat->ServiceState.AppleHibernateWake) { AppleMapPrepareKernelJump ( BootCompat, (UINTN) BootCompat->ServiceState.MinAllocatedAddr, FALSE ); } else { AppleMapPrepareKernelJump ( BootCompat, (UINTN) BootCompat->ServiceState.HibernateImageAddress, TRUE ); } return Status; } /** UEFI Runtime Services SetVirtualAddressMap override. Fixes virtualizing of RT services. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS EFIAPI OcSetVirtualAddressMap ( IN UINTN MemoryMapSize, IN UINTN DescriptorSize, IN UINT32 DescriptorVersion, IN EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *MemoryMap ) { EFI_STATUS Status; BOOT_COMPAT_CONTEXT *BootCompat; BootCompat = GetBootCompatContext (); // // This is the time for us to remove our hacks. // Make SetVirtualAddressMap useable once again. // We do not need to recover BS, since they already are invalid. // gRT->SetVirtualAddressMap = BootCompat->ServicePtrs.SetVirtualAddressMap; gRT->Hdr.CRC32 = 0; gRT->Hdr.CRC32 = CalculateCrc32 (gRT, gRT->Hdr.HeaderSize); if (BootCompat->ServiceState.AppleBootNestedCount == 0) { Status = gRT->SetVirtualAddressMap ( MemoryMapSize, DescriptorSize, DescriptorVersion, MemoryMap ); } else { Status = AppleMapPrepareMemState ( BootCompat, MemoryMapSize, DescriptorSize, DescriptorVersion, MemoryMap ); } return Status; } /** UEFI Runtime Services GetVariable override. Used to return customised values for boot-args and csr-active-config variables. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS EFIAPI OcGetVariable ( IN CHAR16 *VariableName, IN EFI_GUID *VendorGuid, OUT UINT32 *Attributes OPTIONAL, IN OUT UINTN *DataSize, OUT VOID *Data ) { EFI_STATUS Status; BOOT_COMPAT_CONTEXT *BootCompat; BOOLEAN IsApple; BootCompat = GetBootCompatContext (); IsApple = BootCompat->ServiceState.AppleBootNestedCount > 0; if (IsApple && BootCompat->Settings.ProvideCustomSlide) { Status = AppleSlideGetVariable ( BootCompat, BootCompat->ServicePtrs.GetVariable, BootCompat->ServicePtrs.GetMemoryMap, BootCompat->Settings.DevirtualiseMmio ? DevirtualiseMmio : NULL, BootCompat, VariableName, VendorGuid, Attributes, DataSize, Data ); } else { Status = BootCompat->ServicePtrs.GetVariable ( VariableName, VendorGuid, Attributes, DataSize, Data ); } // // Catch performance record allocation. // if (IsApple && Status == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL && CompareGuid (VendorGuid, &gEfiAppleBootGuid) && StrCmp (VariableName, APPLE_EFI_BOOT_PERF_VARIABLE_NAME) == 0) { BootCompat->ServiceState.AwaitingPerfAlloc = TRUE; DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "OCABC: Caught successful request for %s\n", VariableName)); } return Status; } /** UEFI Runtime Services GetVariable override event handler. We do not override GetVariable ourselves but let our runtime do that. @param[in] Event Event handle. @param[in] Context Apple boot compatibility context. **/ STATIC VOID EFIAPI SetGetVariableHookHandler ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ) { EFI_STATUS Status; OC_FIRMWARE_RUNTIME_PROTOCOL *FwRuntime; BOOT_COMPAT_CONTEXT *BootCompat; BootCompat = (BOOT_COMPAT_CONTEXT *) Context; if (BootCompat->ServicePtrs.GetVariable == NULL) { Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gOcFirmwareRuntimeProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &FwRuntime ); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { if (FwRuntime->Revision == OC_FIRMWARE_RUNTIME_REVISION) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "OCABC: Got rendezvous with OpenRuntime r%u\n", OC_FIRMWARE_RUNTIME_REVISION)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "OCABC: MAT support is %d\n", OcGetMemoryAttributes (NULL) != NULL)); Status = FwRuntime->OnGetVariable (OcGetVariable, &BootCompat->ServicePtrs.GetVariable); } else { DEBUG (( DEBUG_ERROR, "OCABC: Incompatible OpenRuntime r%u, require r%u\n", (UINT32) FwRuntime->Revision, (UINT32) OC_FIRMWARE_RUNTIME_REVISION )); CpuDeadLoop (); } } else { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "OCABC: Awaiting rendezvous with OpenRuntime r%u\n", OC_FIRMWARE_RUNTIME_REVISION)); Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // Mark protocol as useable. // if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { BootCompat->ServiceState.FwRuntime = FwRuntime; } } } VOID InstallServiceOverrides ( IN OUT BOOT_COMPAT_CONTEXT *BootCompat ) { EFI_STATUS Status; VOID *Registration; UEFI_SERVICES_POINTERS *ServicePtrs; EFI_TPL OriginalTpl; ServicePtrs = &BootCompat->ServicePtrs; OriginalTpl = gBS->RaiseTPL (TPL_HIGH_LEVEL); ServicePtrs->AllocatePages = gBS->AllocatePages; ServicePtrs->FreePages = gBS->FreePages; ServicePtrs->GetMemoryMap = gBS->GetMemoryMap; ServicePtrs->AllocatePool = gBS->AllocatePool; ServicePtrs->FreePool = gBS->FreePool; ServicePtrs->ExitBootServices = gBS->ExitBootServices; ServicePtrs->StartImage = gBS->StartImage; ServicePtrs->SetVirtualAddressMap = gRT->SetVirtualAddressMap; gBS->AllocatePages = OcAllocatePages; gBS->FreePages = OcFreePages; gBS->GetMemoryMap = OcGetMemoryMap; gBS->AllocatePool = OcAllocatePool; gBS->FreePool = OcFreePool; gBS->ExitBootServices = OcExitBootServices; gBS->StartImage = OcStartImage; gRT->SetVirtualAddressMap = OcSetVirtualAddressMap; gBS->Hdr.CRC32 = 0; gBS->Hdr.CRC32 = CalculateCrc32 (gBS, gBS->Hdr.HeaderSize); gRT->Hdr.CRC32 = 0; gRT->Hdr.CRC32 = CalculateCrc32 (gRT, gRT->Hdr.HeaderSize); gBS->RestoreTPL (OriginalTpl); // // Update GetVariable handle with the help of external runtime services. // SetGetVariableHookHandler (NULL, BootCompat); if (BootCompat->ServicePtrs.GetVariable != NULL) { return; } Status = gBS->CreateEvent ( EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_CALLBACK, SetGetVariableHookHandler, BootCompat, &BootCompat->ServiceState.GetVariableEvent ); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = gBS->RegisterProtocolNotify ( &gOcFirmwareRuntimeProtocolGuid, BootCompat->ServiceState.GetVariableEvent, &Registration ); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { gBS->CloseEvent (BootCompat->ServiceState.GetVariableEvent); } } }