/* * Copyright 2009 Jasmin Fazlic All rights reserved. * * * Cleaned and merged by iNDi */ // UEFI adaptation by usr-sse2, then slice, dmazar #include "Platform.h" #ifndef DEBUG_INJECT #ifndef DEBUG_ALL #define DEBUG_INJECT 1 #else #define DEBUG_INJECT DEBUG_ALL #endif #endif #if DEBUG_INJECT == 0 #define DBG(...) #else #define DBG(...) DebugLog(DEBUG_INJECT, __VA_ARGS__) #endif UINT32 devices_number = 1; UINT32 builtin_set = 0; DevPropString *device_inject_string = NULL; UINT8 *device_inject_stringdata = NULL; UINT32 device_inject_stringlength = 0; //pci_dt_t* nvdevice; //SwapBytes16 or 32 /* static UINT16 dp_swap16(UINT16 toswap) { return (((toswap & 0x00FF) << 8) | ((toswap & 0xFF00) >> 8)); } static UINT32 dp_swap32(UINT32 toswap) { return ((toswap & 0x000000FF) << 24) | ((toswap & 0x0000FF00) << 8 ) | ((toswap & 0x00FF0000) >> 8 ) | ((toswap & 0xFF000000) >> 24); } */ DevPropString *devprop_create_string(VOID) { // DBG("Begin creating strings for devices:\n"); device_inject_string = (DevPropString*)AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(DevPropString)); if(device_inject_string == NULL) return NULL; device_inject_string->length = 12; device_inject_string->WHAT2 = 0x01000000; return device_inject_string; } CHAR8 *get_pci_dev_path(pci_dt_t *PciDt) { // DBG("get_pci_dev_path"); CHAR8* tmp; CHAR16* devpathstr = NULL; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL* DevicePath = NULL; UINTN Size; DevicePath = DevicePathFromHandle (PciDt->DeviceHandle); if (!DevicePath) return NULL; devpathstr = FileDevicePathToStr(DevicePath); Size = StrLen(devpathstr) + 1; tmp = (__typeof__(tmp))AllocateZeroPool(Size); UnicodeStrToAsciiStrS(devpathstr, tmp, Size); return tmp; } UINT32 pci_config_read32(pci_dt_t *PciDt, UINT8 reg) { // DBG("pci_config_read32\n"); EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo; PCI_TYPE00 Pci; UINT32 res; Status = gBS->OpenProtocol(PciDt->DeviceHandle, &gEfiPciIoProtocolGuid, (VOID**)&PciIo, gImageHandle, NULL, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)){ DBG("pci_config_read cant open protocol\n"); return 0; } Status = PciIo->Pci.Read(PciIo,EfiPciIoWidthUint32, 0, sizeof(Pci) / sizeof(UINT32), &Pci); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG("pci_config_read cant read pci\n"); return 0; } Status = PciIo->Pci.Read ( PciIo, EfiPciIoWidthUint32, (UINT64)(reg & ~3), 1, &res ); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG("pci_config_read32 failed %r\n", Status); return 0; } return res; } UINT32 PciAddrFromDevicePath(EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL* DevicePath) { return 0; } //Size = GetDevicePathSize (DevicePath); //dmazar: replaced by devprop_add_device_pci DevPropDevice *devprop_add_device_pci(DevPropString *StringBuf, pci_dt_t *PciDt, EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevicePath) { // EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevicePath; DevPropDevice *device; UINT32 NumPaths; if (StringBuf == NULL /* || PciDt == NULL */) { return NULL; } if (!DevicePath && (PciDt != 0)) { DevicePath = DevicePathFromHandle(PciDt->DeviceHandle); } // DBG("devprop_add_device_pci %s ", DevicePathToStr(DevicePath)); if (!DevicePath) return NULL; device = (__typeof__(device))AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(DevPropDevice)); if (!device) { return NULL; } device->numentries = 0x00; // // check and copy ACPI_DEVICE_PATH // if (DevicePath->Type == ACPI_DEVICE_PATH && DevicePath->SubType == ACPI_DP) { // CopyMem(&device->acpi_dev_path, DevicePath, sizeof(struct ACPIDevPath)); device->acpi_dev_path.length = 0x0c; device->acpi_dev_path.type = 0x02; device->acpi_dev_path.subtype = 0x01; device->acpi_dev_path._HID = 0x0a0341d0; device->acpi_dev_path._UID = (((ACPI_HID_DEVICE_PATH*)DevicePath)->UID)?0x80:0; // DBG("ACPI HID=%x, UID=%x ", device->acpi_dev_path._HID, device->acpi_dev_path._UID); } else { // DBG("not ACPI\n"); FreePool(device); return NULL; } // // copy PCI paths // for (NumPaths = 0; NumPaths < MAX_PCI_DEV_PATHS; NumPaths++) { DevicePath = NextDevicePathNode(DevicePath); if (DevicePath->Type == HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH && DevicePath->SubType == HW_PCI_DP) { CopyMem(&device->pci_dev_path[NumPaths], DevicePath, sizeof(struct PCIDevPath)); // DBG("PCI[%d] f=%x, d=%x ", NumPaths, device->pci_dev_path[NumPaths].function, device->pci_dev_path[NumPaths].device); } else { // not PCI path - break the loop // DBG("not PCI "); break; } } if (NumPaths == 0) { // DBG("NumPaths == 0 \n"); FreePool(device); return NULL; } // DBG("-> NumPaths=%d\n", NumPaths); device->num_pci_devpaths = (UINT8)NumPaths; device->length = (UINT32)(24U + (6U * NumPaths)); device->path_end.length = 0x04; device->path_end.type = 0x7f; device->path_end.subtype = 0xff; device->string = StringBuf; device->data = NULL; StringBuf->length += device->length; if(!StringBuf->entries) { StringBuf->entries = (DevPropDevice**)AllocateZeroPool(MAX_NUM_DEVICES * sizeof(device)); if(!StringBuf->entries) { FreePool(device); return NULL; } } StringBuf->entries[StringBuf->numentries++] = device; return device; } BOOLEAN devprop_add_value(DevPropDevice *device, CHAR8 *nm, UINT8 *vl, UINTN len) { UINT32 offset; UINT32 off; UINT32 length; UINT8 *data; UINTN i, l; UINT32 *datalength; UINT8 *newdata; if(!device || !nm || !vl /*|| !len*/) //rehabman: allow zero length data return FALSE; /* DBG("devprop_add_value %a=", nm); for (i=0; i> 8); data[off] = ((l * 2) + 6) & 0x00FF; off += 4; for(i = 0 ; i < l ; i++, off += 2) { data[off] = *nm++; } off += 2; l = len; datalength = (UINT32*)&data[off]; *datalength = (UINT32)(l + 4); off += 4; for(i = 0 ; i < l ; i++, off++) { data[off] = *vl++; } offset = device->length - (24 + (6 * device->num_pci_devpaths)); newdata = (UINT8*)AllocateZeroPool((length + offset)); if(!newdata) return FALSE; if((device->data) && (offset > 1)) { CopyMem((VOID*)newdata, (VOID*)device->data, offset); } CopyMem((VOID*)(newdata + offset), (VOID*)data, length); device->length += length; device->string->length += length; device->numentries++; device->data = newdata; FreePool(data); return TRUE; } CHAR8 *devprop_generate_string(DevPropString *StringBuf) { UINTN len = StringBuf->length * 2; INT32 i = 0; UINT32 x = 0; CHAR8 *buffer = (CHAR8*)AllocatePool(len + 1); CHAR8 *ptr = buffer; // DBG("devprop_generate_string\n"); if(!buffer) return NULL; AsciiSPrint(buffer, len, "%08x%08x%04x%04x", SwapBytes32(StringBuf->length), StringBuf->WHAT2, SwapBytes16(StringBuf->numentries), StringBuf->WHAT3); buffer += 24; while(i < StringBuf->numentries) { UINT8 *dataptr = StringBuf->entries[i]->data; AsciiSPrint(buffer, len, "%08x%04x%04x", SwapBytes32(StringBuf->entries[i]->length), SwapBytes16(StringBuf->entries[i]->numentries), StringBuf->entries[i]->WHAT2); //FIXME: wrong buffer sizes! buffer += 16; AsciiSPrint(buffer, len, "%02x%02x%04x%08x%08x", StringBuf->entries[i]->acpi_dev_path.type, StringBuf->entries[i]->acpi_dev_path.subtype, SwapBytes16(StringBuf->entries[i]->acpi_dev_path.length), SwapBytes32(StringBuf->entries[i]->acpi_dev_path._HID), SwapBytes32(StringBuf->entries[i]->acpi_dev_path._UID)); buffer += 24; for(x = 0; x < StringBuf->entries[i]->num_pci_devpaths; x++) { AsciiSPrint(buffer, len, "%02x%02x%04x%02x%02x", StringBuf->entries[i]->pci_dev_path[x].type, StringBuf->entries[i]->pci_dev_path[x].subtype, SwapBytes16(StringBuf->entries[i]->pci_dev_path[x].length), StringBuf->entries[i]->pci_dev_path[x].function, StringBuf->entries[i]->pci_dev_path[x].device); buffer += 12; } AsciiSPrint(buffer, len, "%02x%02x%04x", StringBuf->entries[i]->path_end.type, StringBuf->entries[i]->path_end.subtype, SwapBytes16(StringBuf->entries[i]->path_end.length)); buffer += 8; for(x = 0; x < (StringBuf->entries[i]->length) - (24 + (6 * StringBuf->entries[i]->num_pci_devpaths)); x++) { AsciiSPrint(buffer, len, "%02x", *dataptr++); buffer += 2; } i++; } return ptr; } VOID devprop_free_string(DevPropString *StringBuf) { INT32 i; if(!StringBuf) return; for(i = 0; i < StringBuf->numentries; i++) { if(StringBuf->entries[i]) { if(StringBuf->entries[i]->data) { FreePool(StringBuf->entries[i]->data); } } } FreePool(StringBuf->entries); FreePool(StringBuf); // StringBuf = NULL; } // Ethernet built-in device injection BOOLEAN set_eth_props(pci_dt_t *eth_dev) { #if DEBUG_INJECT CHAR8 *devicepath; #endif DevPropDevice *device = NULL; UINT8 builtin = 0x0; BOOLEAN Injected = FALSE; UINTN i; CHAR8 compatible[64]; if (!gSettings.LANInjection) { return FALSE; } if (!device_inject_string) { device_inject_string = devprop_create_string(); } #if DEBUG_INJECT devicepath = get_pci_dev_path(eth_dev); #endif if (eth_dev && !eth_dev->used) { device = devprop_add_device_pci(device_inject_string, eth_dev, NULL); eth_dev->used = TRUE; } if (!device) { return FALSE; } // ------------------------------------------------- // DBG("LAN Controller [%04x:%04x] :: %a\n", eth_dev->vendor_id, eth_dev->device_id, devicepath); if (eth_dev->vendor_id != 0x168c && builtin_set == 0) { builtin_set = 1; builtin = 0x01; } if (gSettings.NrAddProperties != 0xFFFE) { for (i = 0; i < gSettings.NrAddProperties; i++) { if (gSettings.AddProperties[i].Device != DEV_LAN) { continue; } Injected = TRUE; if (!gSettings.AddProperties[i].MenuItem.BValue) { //DBG(" disabled property Key: %a, len: %d\n", gSettings.AddProperties[i].Key, gSettings.AddProperties[i].ValueLen); } else { devprop_add_value(device, gSettings.AddProperties[i].Key, (UINT8*)gSettings.AddProperties[i].Value, gSettings.AddProperties[i].ValueLen); //DBG(" added property Key: %a, len: %d\n", gSettings.AddProperties[i].Key, gSettings.AddProperties[i].ValueLen); } } } if (Injected) { DBG("custom LAN properties injected, continue\n"); // return TRUE; } // DBG("Setting dev.prop built-in=0x%x\n", builtin); // devprop_add_value(device, "device_type", (UINT8*)"Ethernet", 9); if (gSettings.FakeLAN) { UINT32 FakeID = gSettings.FakeLAN >> 16; devprop_add_value(device, "device-id", (UINT8*)&FakeID, 4); AsciiSPrint(compatible, 64, "pci%x,%x", (gSettings.FakeLAN & 0xFFFF), FakeID); LowCase(compatible); devprop_add_value(device, "compatible", (UINT8*)&compatible[0], 12); FakeID = gSettings.FakeLAN & 0xFFFF; devprop_add_value(device, "vendor-id", (UINT8*)&FakeID, 4); } else if (eth_dev->vendor_id == 0x11AB && eth_dev->device_id == 0x4364) { UINT32 FakeID = 0x4354; devprop_add_value(device, "device-id", (UINT8*)&FakeID, 4); } return devprop_add_value(device, "built-in", (UINT8*)&builtin, 1); } #define PCI_IF_XHCI 0x30 static UINT8 clock_id = 0; static UINT8 builtin = 0x0; static UINT16 current_available = 1200; //mA static UINT16 current_extra = 700; static UINT16 current_in_sleep = 1000; static UINT16 current_available_high = 2100; //mA static UINT16 current_extra_high = 3200; BOOLEAN set_usb_props(pci_dt_t *usb_dev) { #if DEBUG_INJECT CHAR8 *devicepath; #endif DevPropDevice *device = NULL; UINT32 fake_devid; BOOLEAN Injected = FALSE; UINTN i; if (!device_inject_string) device_inject_string = devprop_create_string(); #if DEBUG_INJECT devicepath = get_pci_dev_path(usb_dev); #endif if (usb_dev && !usb_dev->used) { device = devprop_add_device_pci(device_inject_string, usb_dev, NULL); usb_dev->used = TRUE; } if (!device) { return FALSE; } // ------------------------------------------------- // DBG("USB Controller [%04x:%04x] :: %a\n", usb_dev->vendor_id, usb_dev->device_id, devicepath); // DBG("Setting dev.prop built-in=0x%x\n", builtin); if (gSettings.NrAddProperties != 0xFFFE) { for (i = 0; i < gSettings.NrAddProperties; i++) { if (gSettings.AddProperties[i].Device != DEV_USB) { continue; } Injected = TRUE; if (!gSettings.AddProperties[i].MenuItem.BValue) { //DBG(" disabled property Key: %a, len: %d\n", gSettings.AddProperties[i].Key, gSettings.AddProperties[i].ValueLen); } else { devprop_add_value(device, gSettings.AddProperties[i].Key, (UINT8*)gSettings.AddProperties[i].Value, gSettings.AddProperties[i].ValueLen); //DBG(" added property Key: %a, len: %d\n", gSettings.AddProperties[i].Key, gSettings.AddProperties[i].ValueLen); } } } if (Injected) { DBG("custom USB properties injected, continue\n"); // return TRUE; } if (gSettings.InjectClockID) { devprop_add_value(device, "AAPL,clock-id", (UINT8*)&clock_id, 1); clock_id++; } fake_devid = usb_dev->device_id & 0xFFFF; if ((fake_devid & 0xFF00) == 0x2900) { // fake_devid &= 0xFEFF; fake_devid &= ~0xFF00; fake_devid |= 0x3A00; devprop_add_value(device, "device-id", (UINT8*)&fake_devid, 4); } switch (usb_dev->subclass) { case PCI_IF_UHCI: devprop_add_value(device, "device_type", (UINT8*)"UHCI", 4); break; case PCI_IF_OHCI: devprop_add_value(device, "device_type", (UINT8*)"OHCI", 4); break; case PCI_IF_EHCI: devprop_add_value(device, "device_type", (UINT8*)"EHCI", 4); if (gSettings.HighCurrent) { devprop_add_value(device, "AAPL,current-available", (UINT8*)¤t_available_high, 2); devprop_add_value(device, "AAPL,current-extra", (UINT8*)¤t_extra_high, 2); } else { devprop_add_value(device, "AAPL,current-available", (UINT8*)¤t_available, 2); devprop_add_value(device, "AAPL,current-extra", (UINT8*)¤t_extra, 2); } devprop_add_value(device, "AAPL,current-in-sleep", (UINT8*)¤t_in_sleep, 2); break; case PCI_IF_XHCI: devprop_add_value(device, "device_type", (UINT8*)"XHCI", 4); if (gSettings.HighCurrent) { devprop_add_value(device, "AAPL,current-available", (UINT8*)¤t_available_high, 2); devprop_add_value(device, "AAPL,current-extra", (UINT8*)¤t_extra_high, 2); } else { devprop_add_value(device, "AAPL,current-available", (UINT8*)¤t_available, 2); devprop_add_value(device, "AAPL,current-extra", (UINT8*)¤t_extra, 2); } devprop_add_value(device, "AAPL,current-in-sleep", (UINT8*)¤t_in_sleep, 2); break; default: break; } return devprop_add_value(device, "built-in", (UINT8*)&builtin, 1); }