/** @file Copyright (C) 2018, Downlod-Fritz. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2018, vit9696. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "BootCompatInternal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** Obtain estimated kernel area start and end addresses for specified slide number. @param[in] EstimatedKernelArea Estimated kernel area size. @param[in] HasSandyOrIvy CPU type. @param[in] Slide Slide number. @param[out] StartAddr Starting address. @param[out] EndAddr Ending address (not inclusive). **/ STATIC VOID GetSlideRangeForValue ( IN UINTN EstimatedKernelArea, IN BOOLEAN HasSandyOrIvy, IN UINT8 Slide, OUT UINTN *StartAddr, OUT UINTN *EndAddr ) { *StartAddr = Slide * SLIDE_GRANULARITY + KERNEL_BASE_PADDR; // // Skip ranges used by Intel HD 2000/3000. // if (Slide >= SLIDE_ERRATA_NUM && HasSandyOrIvy) { *StartAddr += SLIDE_ERRATA_SKIP_RANGE; } *EndAddr = *StartAddr + EstimatedKernelArea; } /** Generate more or less random slide value. @param[in] SlideSupport Slide support state. **/ STATIC UINT8 GenerateSlideValue ( IN SLIDE_SUPPORT_STATE *SlideSupport ) { UINT32 Slide; // // Handle 0 slide case. // if (SlideSupport->ValidSlideCount == 1) { return SlideSupport->ValidSlides[0]; } do { DivU64x32Remainder (GetPseudoRandomNumber64 (), SlideSupport->ValidSlideCount, &Slide); } while (SlideSupport->ValidSlides[Slide] == 0); return SlideSupport->ValidSlides[Slide]; } /** Decide on whether to use custom slide based on memory map analysis. This additionally logs the decision through standard services. @param[in,out] SlideSupport Slide support state. @param[in] FallbackSlide Fallback slide number with largest area. @param[in] MaxAvailableSize Maximum available contiguous area. @retval TRUE in case custom slide is to be used. **/ STATIC BOOLEAN ShouldUseCustomSlideOffsetDecision ( IN OUT SLIDE_SUPPORT_STATE *SlideSupport, IN UINT8 FallbackSlide, IN UINT64 MaxAvailableSize ) { UINTN Index; UINTN NumEntries; CHAR8 SlideList[256]; CHAR8 Temp[32]; // // All slides are available. // if (SlideSupport->ValidSlideCount == TOTAL_SLIDE_NUM) { DEBUG (( DEBUG_INFO, "OCABC: All slides are usable! You can disable ProvideCustomSlide!\n" )); return FALSE; } // // No slides are available, fallback to largest. // if (SlideSupport->ValidSlideCount == 0) { DEBUG (( DEBUG_INFO, "OCABC: No slide values are usable! Falling back to %u with 0x%08LX bytes!\n", (UINT32) FallbackSlide, MaxAvailableSize )); SlideSupport->ValidSlides[SlideSupport->ValidSlideCount++] = (UINT8) FallbackSlide; return TRUE; } // // Not all slides are available and thus we have to pass a custom slide // value through boot-args to boot reliably. // // Pretty-print valid slides as ranges. // For example, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 will become 1-5. // DEBUG (( DEBUG_INFO, "OCABC: Only %u/%u slide values are usable!\n", (UINT32) SlideSupport->ValidSlideCount, (UINT32) TOTAL_SLIDE_NUM )); SlideList[0] = '\0'; NumEntries = 0; for (Index = 0; Index <= SlideSupport->ValidSlideCount; ++Index) { if (Index == 0) { AsciiSPrint ( Temp, sizeof (Temp), "Valid slides - %d", SlideSupport->ValidSlides[Index] ); AsciiStrCatS (SlideList, sizeof (SlideList), Temp); } else if (Index == SlideSupport->ValidSlideCount || SlideSupport->ValidSlides[Index - 1] + 1 != SlideSupport->ValidSlides[Index]) { if (NumEntries == 1) { AsciiSPrint ( Temp, sizeof (Temp), ", %d", SlideSupport->ValidSlides[Index - 1] ); AsciiStrCatS (SlideList, sizeof (SlideList), Temp); } else if (NumEntries > 1) { AsciiSPrint ( Temp, sizeof (Temp), "-%d", SlideSupport->ValidSlides[Index - 1] ); AsciiStrCatS (SlideList, sizeof (SlideList), Temp); } if (Index != SlideSupport->ValidSlideCount) { AsciiSPrint ( Temp, sizeof (Temp), ", %d", SlideSupport->ValidSlides[Index] ); AsciiStrCatS (SlideList, sizeof (SlideList), Temp); } NumEntries = 0; } else { NumEntries++; } } DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "OCABC: %a\n", SlideList)); return TRUE; } /** Return cached decision or perform memory map analysis to decide whether to use custom slide for reliable kernel booting or not. @param[in,out] SlideSupport Slide support state. @param[in] GetMemoryMap Function to get current memory map for analysis. optional. @param[in] FilterMap Function to filter returned memory map, optional. @param[in] FilterMapContext Filter map context, optional. @retval TRUE in case custom slide is to be used. **/ STATIC BOOLEAN ShouldUseCustomSlideOffset ( IN OUT SLIDE_SUPPORT_STATE *SlideSupport, IN EFI_GET_MEMORY_MAP GetMemoryMap OPTIONAL, IN OC_MEMORY_FILTER FilterMap OPTIONAL, IN VOID *FilterMapContext OPTIONAL ) { EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS AllocatedMapPages; UINTN MemoryMapSize = NULL; EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *MemoryMap = NULL; EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *Desc; UINTN MapKey = 0; EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN DescriptorSize = 0; UINT32 DescriptorVersion = 0; OC_CPU_GENERATION CpuGeneration; UINTN Index; UINTN Slide; UINTN NumEntries; UINT64 MaxAvailableSize; UINT8 FallbackSlide; BOOLEAN Supported; UINTN StartAddr; UINTN EndAddr; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS DescEndAddr; UINT64 AvailableSize; MaxAvailableSize = 0; FallbackSlide = 0; if (SlideSupport->HasMemoryMapAnalysis) { return SlideSupport->ValidSlideCount > 0 && SlideSupport->ValidSlideCount < TOTAL_SLIDE_NUM; } AllocatedMapPages = BASE_4GB; Status = OcGetCurrentMemoryMapAlloc ( &MemoryMapSize, &MemoryMap, &MapKey, &DescriptorSize, &DescriptorVersion, GetMemoryMap, &AllocatedMapPages ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_WARN, "OCABC: Failed to obtain memory map for KASLR - %r\n", Status)); return FALSE; } if (FilterMap != NULL) { FilterMap (FilterMapContext, MemoryMapSize, MemoryMap, DescriptorSize); } CpuGeneration = OcCpuGetGeneration (); SlideSupport->HasSandyOrIvy = CpuGeneration == OcCpuGenerationSandyBridge || CpuGeneration == OcCpuGenerationIvyBridge; SlideSupport->EstimatedKernelArea = (UINTN) EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE ( OcCountRuntimePages (MemoryMapSize, MemoryMap, DescriptorSize, NULL) ) + ESTIMATED_KERNEL_SIZE; // // At this point we have a memory map that we could use to // determine what slide values are allowed. // NumEntries = MemoryMapSize / DescriptorSize; // // Reset valid slides to zero and find actually working ones. // SlideSupport->ValidSlideCount = 0; for (Slide = 0; Slide < TOTAL_SLIDE_NUM; ++Slide) { Desc = MemoryMap; Supported = TRUE; GetSlideRangeForValue ( SlideSupport->EstimatedKernelArea, SlideSupport->HasSandyOrIvy, (UINT8) Slide, &StartAddr, &EndAddr ); AvailableSize = 0; for (Index = 0; Index < NumEntries; ++Index) { if (Desc->NumberOfPages == 0) { continue; } DescEndAddr = LAST_DESCRIPTOR_ADDR (Desc) + 1; if ((Desc->PhysicalStart < EndAddr) && (DescEndAddr > StartAddr)) { // // The memory overlaps with the slide region. // if (Desc->Type != EfiConventionalMemory) { // // The memory is unusable atm. // Supported = FALSE; break; } else { // // The memory will be available for the kernel. // AvailableSize += EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (Desc->NumberOfPages); if (Desc->PhysicalStart < StartAddr) { // // The region starts before the slide region. // Subtract the memory that is located before the slide region. // AvailableSize -= (StartAddr - Desc->PhysicalStart); } if (DescEndAddr > EndAddr) { // // The region ends after the slide region. // Subtract the memory that is located after the slide region. // AvailableSize -= (DescEndAddr - EndAddr); } } } Desc = NEXT_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR (Desc, DescriptorSize); } if (AvailableSize > MaxAvailableSize) { MaxAvailableSize = AvailableSize; FallbackSlide = (UINT8) Slide; } // // Stop evalutating slides after exceeding ProvideMaxSlide, may break when // no slides are available. // if (SlideSupport->ProvideMaxSlide > 0 && Slide > SlideSupport->ProvideMaxSlide) { break; } if ((StartAddr + AvailableSize) != EndAddr) { // // The slide region is not continuous. // Supported = FALSE; } if (Supported) { SlideSupport->ValidSlides[SlideSupport->ValidSlideCount++] = (UINT8) Slide; } } // // Okay, we are done. // SlideSupport->HasMemoryMapAnalysis = TRUE; gBS->FreePages ( (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN) MemoryMap, (UINTN) AllocatedMapPages ); return ShouldUseCustomSlideOffsetDecision ( SlideSupport, FallbackSlide, MaxAvailableSize ); } /** UEFI GetVariable override specific to csr-active-config. See caller for more details. @param[in,out] SlideSupport Slide support state. @param[in] GetVariable Original UEFI GetVariable service. @param[in] VariableName GetVariable variable name argument. @param[in] VendorGuid GetVariable vendor GUID argument. @param[out] Attributes GetVariable attributes argument. @param[in,out] DataSize GetVariable data size argument. @param[out] Data GetVariable data argument. @retval GetVariable status code. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS GetVariableCsrActiveConfig ( IN OUT SLIDE_SUPPORT_STATE *SlideSupport, IN EFI_GET_VARIABLE GetVariable, IN CHAR16 *VariableName, IN EFI_GUID *VendorGuid, OUT UINT32 *Attributes OPTIONAL, IN OUT UINTN *DataSize, OUT VOID *Data ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 *Config; // // If we were asked for the size, just return it right away. // if (Data == NULL || *DataSize < sizeof (UINT32)) { *DataSize = sizeof (UINT32); return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } Config = (UINT32 *) Data; // // Otherwise call the original function. // Status = GetVariable (VariableName, VendorGuid, Attributes, DataSize, Data); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "OCABC: GetVariable csr-active-config - %r\n", Status)); *Config = 0; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; if (Attributes != NULL) { *Attributes = EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE; } } // // We must unrestrict NVRAM from SIP or slide=X will not be supported. // SlideSupport->CsrActiveConfig = *Config; SlideSupport->HasCsrActiveConfig = TRUE; *Config |= CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_NVRAM; return Status; } /** UEFI GetVariable override specific to boot-args. See caller for more details. @param[in,out] SlideSupport Slide support state. @param[in] GetVariable Original UEFI GetVariable service. @param[in] VariableName GetVariable variable name argument. @param[in] VendorGuid GetVariable vendor GUID argument. @param[out] Attributes GetVariable attributes argument. @param[in,out] DataSize GetVariable data size argument. @param[out] Data GetVariable data argument. @retval GetVariable status code. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS GetVariableBootArgs ( IN OUT SLIDE_SUPPORT_STATE *SlideSupport, IN EFI_GET_VARIABLE GetVariable, IN CHAR16 *VariableName, IN EFI_GUID *VendorGuid, OUT UINT32 *Attributes OPTIONAL, IN OUT UINTN *DataSize, OUT VOID *Data ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN StoredBootArgsSize; UINT8 Slide; CHAR8 SlideArgument[10]; UINTN SlideArgumentLength; StoredBootArgsSize = BOOT_LINE_LENGTH; SlideArgumentLength = ARRAY_SIZE (SlideArgument) - 1; if (!SlideSupport->HasBootArgs) { Slide = GenerateSlideValue (SlideSupport); // // boot-args normally arrives non-null terminated. // Status = GetVariable ( VariableName, VendorGuid, Attributes, &StoredBootArgsSize, SlideSupport->BootArgs ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { SlideSupport->BootArgs[0] = '\0'; } // // Note, the point is to always pass 3 characters to avoid side attacks on value length. // boot.efi always reads in decimal, so 008 and 8 are equivalent. // AsciiSPrint (SlideArgument, ARRAY_SIZE (SlideArgument), "slide=%-03d", Slide); if (!OcAppendArgumentToCmd (NULL, SlideSupport->BootArgs, SlideArgument, SlideArgumentLength)) { // // Broken boot-args, try to overwrite. // AsciiStrnCpyS ( SlideSupport->BootArgs, SlideArgumentLength + 1, SlideArgument, SlideArgumentLength + 1 ); } SlideSupport->BootArgsSize = AsciiStrLen (SlideSupport->BootArgs); SlideSupport->HasBootArgs = TRUE; } if (Attributes) { *Attributes = EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE; } if (*DataSize >= SlideSupport->BootArgsSize && Data != NULL) { CopyMem ( Data, SlideSupport->BootArgs, SlideSupport->BootArgsSize ); Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } else { Status = EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } *DataSize = SlideSupport->BootArgsSize; return Status; } /** Erases customised slide value from everywhere accessible for security purposes. @param[in,out] SlideSupport Slide support state. @param[in,out] BootArgs Apple kernel boot arguments. **/ STATIC VOID HideSlideFromOs ( IN OUT SLIDE_SUPPORT_STATE *SlideSupport, IN OUT OC_BOOT_ARGUMENTS *BootArgs ) { EFI_STATUS Status; DTEntry Chosen = 0; CHAR8 *ArgsStr = NULL; UINT32 ArgsSize = 0; // // First, there is a BootArgs entry for XNU. // OcRemoveArgumentFromCmd (BootArgs->CommandLine, "slide="); // // Second, there is a DT entry. // DTInit ((VOID *)(UINTN) (*BootArgs->DeviceTreeP), BootArgs->DeviceTreeLength); Status = DTLookupEntry (NULL, "/chosen", &Chosen); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = DTGetProperty (Chosen, "boot-args", (VOID **)&ArgsStr, &ArgsSize); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && ArgsSize > 0) { OcRemoveArgumentFromCmd (ArgsStr, "slide="); } } // // Third, clean the boot args just in case. // SlideSupport->ValidSlideCount = 0; SlideSupport->BootArgsSize = 0; SecureZeroMem (SlideSupport->ValidSlides, sizeof (SlideSupport->ValidSlides)); SecureZeroMem (SlideSupport->BootArgs, sizeof (SlideSupport->BootArgs)); } VOID AppleSlideUnlockForSafeMode ( IN OUT UINT8 *ImageBase, IN UINTN ImageSize ) { // // boot.efi performs the following check: // if (State & (BOOT_MODE_SAFE | BOOT_MODE_ASLR)) == (BOOT_MODE_SAFE | BOOT_MODE_ASLR)) { // * Disable KASLR * // } // We do not care about the asm it will use for it, but we could assume that the constants // will be used twice and their location will be very close to each other. // // BOOT_MODE_SAFE | BOOT_MODE_ASLR constant is 0x4001 in hex. // It has not changed since its appearance, so is most likely safe to look for. // Furthermore, since boot.efi state mask uses higher bits, it is safe to assume that // the comparison will be at least 32-bit. // // // The new way patch is a workaround for 10.13.5 and newer, where the code got finally changed. // if (State & BOOT_MODE_SAFE) { // ReportFeature(FEATURE_BOOT_MODE_SAFE); // if (State & BOOT_MODE_ASLR) { // * Disable KASLR * // } // } // // // This is a reasonable maximum distance to expect between the instructions. // STATIC CONST UINTN MaxDist = 0x10; STATIC CONST UINT8 SearchSeqNew[] = {0xF6, 0xC4, 0x40, 0x75}; STATIC CONST UINT8 SearchSeqNew2[] = {0x0F, 0xBA, 0xE0, 0x0E, 0x72}; STATIC CONST UINT8 SearchSeq[] = {0x01, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00}; UINT8 *StartOff; UINT8 *EndOff; UINTN FirstOff; UINTN SecondOff; UINTN SearchSeqNewSize; BOOLEAN NewWay; StartOff = ImageBase; EndOff = StartOff + ImageSize - sizeof (SearchSeq) - MaxDist; FirstOff = 0; SecondOff = 0; NewWay = FALSE; do { while (StartOff + FirstOff <= EndOff) { if (StartOff + FirstOff <= EndOff - 1 && CompareMem (StartOff + FirstOff, SearchSeqNew2, sizeof (SearchSeqNew2)) == 0) { SearchSeqNewSize = sizeof (SearchSeqNew2); NewWay = TRUE; break; } else if (CompareMem (StartOff + FirstOff, SearchSeqNew, sizeof (SearchSeqNew)) == 0) { SearchSeqNewSize = sizeof (SearchSeqNew); NewWay = TRUE; break; } else if (CompareMem (StartOff + FirstOff, SearchSeq, sizeof (SearchSeq)) == 0) { break; } FirstOff++; } DEBUG (( DEBUG_VERBOSE, "OCABC: Found first %d at off %X\n", (UINT32) NewWay, (UINT32) FirstOff )); if (StartOff + FirstOff > EndOff) { DEBUG (( DEBUG_INFO, "OCABC: Failed to find first BOOT_MODE_SAFE | BOOT_MODE_ASLR sequence\n" )); break; } if (NewWay) { // // Here we just patch the comparison code and the check by straight nopping. // DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "OCABC: Patching new safe mode aslr check...\n")); SetMem (StartOff + FirstOff, SearchSeqNewSize + 1, 0x90); return; } SecondOff = FirstOff + sizeof (SearchSeq); while ( StartOff + SecondOff <= EndOff && FirstOff + MaxDist >= SecondOff && CompareMem (StartOff + SecondOff, SearchSeq, sizeof (SearchSeq))) { SecondOff++; } DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "OCABC: Found second at off %X\n", (UINT32) SecondOff)); if (FirstOff + MaxDist < SecondOff) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "OCABC: Trying next match...\n")); SecondOff = 0; FirstOff += sizeof (SearchSeq); } } while (SecondOff == 0); if (SecondOff != 0) { // // Here we use 0xFFFFFFFF constant as a replacement value. // Since the state values are contradictive (e.g. safe & single at the same time) // We are allowed to use this instead of to simulate if (false). // DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "OCABC: Patching safe mode aslr check...\n")); SetMem (StartOff + FirstOff, sizeof (SearchSeq), 0xFF); SetMem (StartOff + SecondOff, sizeof (SearchSeq), 0xFF); } } EFI_STATUS AppleSlideGetVariable ( IN OUT BOOT_COMPAT_CONTEXT *BootCompat, IN EFI_GET_VARIABLE GetVariable, IN EFI_GET_MEMORY_MAP GetMemoryMap OPTIONAL, IN OC_MEMORY_FILTER FilterMap OPTIONAL, IN VOID *FilterMapContext OPTIONAL, IN CHAR16 *VariableName, IN EFI_GUID *VendorGuid, OUT UINT32 *Attributes OPTIONAL, IN OUT UINTN *DataSize, OUT VOID *Data ) { BootCompat->SlideSupport.ProvideMaxSlide = BootCompat->Settings.ProvideMaxSlide; if (VariableName != NULL && VendorGuid != NULL && DataSize != NULL && CompareGuid (VendorGuid, &gEfiAppleBootGuid)) { if (StrCmp (VariableName, L"csr-active-config") == 0) { // // We override csr-active-config with CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_NVRAM bit set // to allow one to pass a custom slide value even when SIP is on. // This original value of csr-active-config is returned to OS at XNU boot. // This allows SIP to be fully enabled in the operating system. // return GetVariableCsrActiveConfig ( &BootCompat->SlideSupport, GetVariable, VariableName, VendorGuid, Attributes, DataSize, Data ); } else if (StrCmp (VariableName, L"boot-args") == 0 && !BootCompat->ServiceState.AppleCustomSlide && ShouldUseCustomSlideOffset (&BootCompat->SlideSupport, GetMemoryMap, FilterMap, FilterMapContext)) { // // When we cannot allow some KASLR values due to used address we generate // a random slide value among the valid options, which we we pass via boot-args. // See ShouldUseCustomSlideOffset for more details. // // We delay memory map analysis as much as we can, in case boot.efi or anything else allocates // stuff with gBS->AllocatePool and it overlaps with the kernel area. // Overriding AllocatePool with a custom allocator does not really improve the situation, // because on older boards allocated memory above BASE_4GB causes instant reboots, and // on the only (so far) problematic X99 and X299 we have no free region for our pool anyway. // In any case, the current APTIOFIX_SPECULATED_KERNEL_SIZE value appears to work reliably. // return GetVariableBootArgs ( &BootCompat->SlideSupport, GetVariable, VariableName, VendorGuid, Attributes, DataSize, Data ); } } return GetVariable (VariableName, VendorGuid, Attributes, DataSize, Data); } VOID AppleSlideRestore ( IN OUT BOOT_COMPAT_CONTEXT *BootCompat, IN OUT OC_BOOT_ARGUMENTS *BootArgs ) { SLIDE_SUPPORT_STATE *SlideSupport; SlideSupport = &BootCompat->SlideSupport; // // Restore csr-active-config to a value it was before our slide=X alteration. // if (BootArgs->CsrActiveConfig != NULL && SlideSupport->HasCsrActiveConfig) { *BootArgs->CsrActiveConfig = SlideSupport->CsrActiveConfig; } // // Having slide=X values visible in the operating system defeats the purpose of KASLR. // Since our custom implementation works by passing random KASLR slide via boot-args, // this is especially important. // HideSlideFromOs (SlideSupport, BootArgs); }