#include "Platform.h" #include "kext_inject.h" #include "DataHubCpu.h" #ifndef DEBUG_ALL #define KEXT_INJECT_DEBUG 0 #else #define KEXT_INJECT_DEBUG DEBUG_ALL #endif #if KEXT_INJECT_DEBUG == 2 #define DBG(...) MsgLog(__VA_ARGS__) #elif KEXT_INJECT_DEBUG == 1 #define DBG(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__); #else #define DBG(...) #endif // runtime debug // #define OLD_EXTRA_KEXT_PATCH 0 //////////////////// // globals //////////////////// LIST_ENTRY gKextList = INITIALIZE_LIST_HEAD_VARIABLE (gKextList); //////////////////// // before booting //////////////////// EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ThinFatFile(IN OUT UINT8 **binary, IN OUT UINTN *length, IN cpu_type_t archCpuType) { UINT32 nfat, swapped, size = 0; FAT_HEADER *fhp = (FAT_HEADER *)*binary; FAT_ARCH *fap = (FAT_ARCH *)(*binary + sizeof(FAT_HEADER)); cpu_type_t fapcputype; UINT32 fapoffset; UINT32 fapsize; swapped = 0; if (fhp->magic == FAT_MAGIC) { nfat = fhp->nfat_arch; } else if (fhp->magic == FAT_CIGAM) { nfat = SwapBytes32(fhp->nfat_arch); swapped = 1; //already thin } else if (fhp->magic == THIN_X64){ if (archCpuType == CPU_TYPE_X86_64) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } else if (fhp->magic == THIN_IA32){ if (archCpuType == CPU_TYPE_I386) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } else { MsgLog("Thinning fails\n"); return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } for (; nfat > 0; nfat--, fap++) { if (swapped) { fapcputype = SwapBytes32(fap->cputype); fapoffset = SwapBytes32(fap->offset); fapsize = SwapBytes32(fap->size); } else { fapcputype = fap->cputype; fapoffset = fap->offset; fapsize = fap->size; } if (fapcputype == archCpuType) { *binary = (*binary + fapoffset); size = fapsize; break; } } if (length != 0) *length = size; return EFI_SUCCESS; } void toLowerStr(CHAR8 *tstr, CHAR8 *str) { UINT16 cnt = 0; for (cnt = 0; *str != '\0' && cnt <= 0xFF; cnt++, str++, tstr++) { if (*str >= 'A' && *str <= 'Z') *tstr = 'a' + (*str - 'A'); else *tstr = *str; } *tstr = '\0'; } BOOLEAN checkOSBundleRequired(UINT8 loaderType, TagPtr dict) { BOOLEAN inject = TRUE; TagPtr osBundleRequired; CHAR8 osbundlerequired[256]; osBundleRequired = GetProperty(dict,"OSBundleRequired"); if (osBundleRequired) toLowerStr(osbundlerequired, osBundleRequired->string); else osbundlerequired[0] = '\0'; if (OSTYPE_IS_OSX_RECOVERY(loaderType)) { if (AsciiStrnCmp(osbundlerequired, "root", 4) && AsciiStrnCmp(osbundlerequired, "local", 5) && AsciiStrnCmp(osbundlerequired, "console", 7) && AsciiStrnCmp(osbundlerequired, "network-root", 12)) { inject = FALSE; } } else if (OSTYPE_IS_OSX_INSTALLER(loaderType)) { if (AsciiStrnCmp(osbundlerequired, "root", 4) && AsciiStrnCmp(osbundlerequired, "local", 5) && AsciiStrnCmp(osbundlerequired, "console", 7) && AsciiStrnCmp(osbundlerequired, "network-root", 12)) { inject = FALSE; } } return inject; } //extern VOID KernelAndKextPatcherInit(IN LOADER_ENTRY *Entry); //extern VOID AnyKextPatch(UINT8 *Driver, UINT32 DriverSize, CHAR8 *InfoPlist, UINT32 InfoPlistSize, INT32 N, LOADER_ENTRY *Entry); EFI_STATUS EFIAPI LOADER_ENTRY::LoadKext(IN EFI_FILE *RootDir, IN CHAR16 *FileName, IN cpu_type_t archCpuType, IN OUT VOID *kext_v) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT8* infoDictBuffer = NULL; UINTN infoDictBufferLength = 0; UINT8* executableFatBuffer = NULL; UINT8* executableBuffer = NULL; UINTN executableBufferLength = 0; CHAR8* bundlePathBuffer = NULL; UINTN bundlePathBufferLength = 0; CHAR16 *TempName; CHAR16 *Executable; TagPtr dict = NULL; TagPtr prop = NULL; BOOLEAN NoContents = FALSE; BOOLEAN inject = FALSE; _BooterKextFileInfo *infoAddr = NULL; _DeviceTreeBuffer *kext = (_DeviceTreeBuffer *)kext_v; TempName = PoolPrint(L"%s\\%s", FileName, L"Contents\\Info.plist"); // snwprintf(TempName, 512, L"%s\\%s", FileName, "Contents\\Info.plist"); Status = egLoadFile(RootDir, TempName, &infoDictBuffer, &infoDictBufferLength); FreePool(TempName); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { //try to find a planar kext, without Contents TempName = PoolPrint(L"%s\\%s", FileName, L"Info.plist"); // snwprintf(TempName, 512, L"%s\\%s", FileName, "Info.plist"); Status = egLoadFile(RootDir, TempName, &infoDictBuffer, &infoDictBufferLength); FreePool(TempName); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { MsgLog("Failed to load extra kext (Info.plist not found): %ls\n", FileName); return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } NoContents = TRUE; } if(ParseXML((CHAR8*)infoDictBuffer,&dict,(UINT32)infoDictBufferLength)!=0) { FreePool(infoDictBuffer); MsgLog("Failed to load extra kext (failed to parse Info.plist): %ls\n", FileName); return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } inject = checkOSBundleRequired(LoaderType, dict); if(!inject) { MsgLog("Skipping kext injection by OSBundleRequired : %ls\n", FileName); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } prop = GetProperty(dict,"CFBundleExecutable"); if(prop!=0) { Executable = PoolPrint(L"%a", prop->string); // AsciiStrToUnicodeStrS(prop->string, Executable, 256); if (NoContents) { TempName = PoolPrint(L"%s\\%s", FileName, Executable); // snwprintf(TempName, 512, "%s\\%s", FileName, Executable); } else { TempName = PoolPrint(L"%s\\%s\\%s", FileName, L"Contents\\MacOS",Executable); // snwprintf(TempName, 512, L"%s\\%s\\%s", FileName, "Contents\\MacOS",Executable); } FreePool(Executable); Status = egLoadFile(RootDir, TempName, &executableFatBuffer, &executableBufferLength); FreePool(TempName); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { FreePool(infoDictBuffer); MsgLog("Failed to load extra kext (executable not found): %ls\n", FileName); return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } executableBuffer = executableFatBuffer; if (ThinFatFile(&executableBuffer, &executableBufferLength, archCpuType)) { FreePool(infoDictBuffer); FreePool(executableBuffer); MsgLog("Thinning failed: %ls\n", FileName); return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } } bundlePathBufferLength = StrLen(FileName) + 1; bundlePathBuffer = (__typeof__(bundlePathBuffer))AllocateZeroPool(bundlePathBufferLength); UnicodeStrToAsciiStrS(FileName, bundlePathBuffer, bundlePathBufferLength); kext->length = (UINT32)(sizeof(_BooterKextFileInfo) + infoDictBufferLength + executableBufferLength + bundlePathBufferLength); infoAddr = (_BooterKextFileInfo *)AllocatePool(kext->length); infoAddr->infoDictPhysAddr = sizeof(_BooterKextFileInfo); infoAddr->infoDictLength = (UINT32)infoDictBufferLength; infoAddr->executablePhysAddr = (UINT32)(sizeof(_BooterKextFileInfo) + infoDictBufferLength); infoAddr->executableLength = (UINT32)executableBufferLength; infoAddr->bundlePathPhysAddr = (UINT32)(sizeof(_BooterKextFileInfo) + infoDictBufferLength + executableBufferLength); infoAddr->bundlePathLength = (UINT32)bundlePathBufferLength; kext->paddr = (UINT32)(UINTN)infoAddr; // Note that we cannot free infoAddr because of this CopyMem((CHAR8 *)infoAddr + sizeof(_BooterKextFileInfo), infoDictBuffer, infoDictBufferLength); CopyMem((CHAR8 *)infoAddr + sizeof(_BooterKextFileInfo) + infoDictBufferLength, executableBuffer, executableBufferLength); CopyMem((CHAR8 *)infoAddr + sizeof(_BooterKextFileInfo) + infoDictBufferLength + executableBufferLength, bundlePathBuffer, bundlePathBufferLength); FreePool(infoDictBuffer); FreePool(executableFatBuffer); FreePool(bundlePathBuffer); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS EFIAPI LOADER_ENTRY::AddKext(IN EFI_FILE *RootDir, IN CHAR16 *FileName, IN cpu_type_t archCpuType) { EFI_STATUS Status; KEXT_ENTRY *KextEntry; KextEntry = (__typeof__(KextEntry))AllocatePool (sizeof(KEXT_ENTRY)); KextEntry->Signature = KEXT_SIGNATURE; Status = LoadKext(RootDir, FileName, archCpuType, &KextEntry->kext); if(EFI_ERROR(Status)) { FreePool(KextEntry); } else { InsertTailList (&gKextList, &KextEntry->Link); } return Status; } UINT32 GetListCount(LIST_ENTRY const* List) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; UINT32 Count=0; if(!IsListEmpty(List)) { for (Link = List->ForwardLink; Link != List; Link = Link->ForwardLink) Count++; } return Count; } UINT32 GetKextCount() { return (UINT32)GetListCount(&gKextList); } UINT32 GetKextsSize() { LIST_ENTRY *Link; KEXT_ENTRY *KextEntry; UINT32 kextsSize=0; if(!IsListEmpty(&gKextList)) { for (Link = gKextList.ForwardLink; Link != &gKextList; Link = Link->ForwardLink) { KextEntry = CR(Link, KEXT_ENTRY, Link, KEXT_SIGNATURE); kextsSize += RoundPage(KextEntry->kext.length); } } return kextsSize; } VOID LOADER_ENTRY::LoadPlugInKexts(IN EFI_FILE *RootDir, IN CHAR16 *DirName, IN cpu_type_t archCpuType, IN BOOLEAN Force) { REFIT_DIR_ITER PlugInIter; EFI_FILE_INFO *PlugInFile; CHAR16 *FileName; if ((RootDir == NULL) || (DirName == NULL)) { return; } DirIterOpen(RootDir, DirName, &PlugInIter); while (DirIterNext(&PlugInIter, 1, L"*.kext", &PlugInFile)) { if (PlugInFile->FileName[0] == '.' || StrStr(PlugInFile->FileName, L".kext") == NULL) continue; // skip this FileName = PoolPrint(L"%s\\%s", DirName, PlugInFile->FileName); // snwprintf(FileName, 512, "%s\\%s", DirName, PlugInFile->FileName); MsgLog(" %ls PlugIn kext: %ls\n", Force ? L"Force" : L"Extra", FileName); AddKext( RootDir, FileName, archCpuType); FreePool(FileName); } DirIterClose(&PlugInIter); } VOID LOADER_ENTRY::AddKexts(CONST CHAR16 *SrcDir, CONST CHAR16 *Path, cpu_type_t archCpuType) { CHAR16 *FileName; CHAR16 *PlugInName; SIDELOAD_KEXT *CurrentKext; SIDELOAD_KEXT *CurrentPlugInKext; EFI_STATUS Status; MsgLog("Preparing kexts injection for arch=%ls from %ls\n", (archCpuType==CPU_TYPE_X86_64)?L"x86_64":(archCpuType==CPU_TYPE_I386)?L"i386":L"", SrcDir); CurrentKext = InjectKextList; while (CurrentKext) { DBG(" current kext name=%ls path=%ls, match against=%ls\n", CurrentKext->FileName, CurrentKext->KextDirNameUnderOEMPath, Path); if (StrCmp(CurrentKext->KextDirNameUnderOEMPath, Path) == 0) { FileName = PoolPrint(L"%s\\%s", SrcDir, CurrentKext->FileName); // snwprintf(FileName, 512, "%s\\%s", SrcDir, CurrentKext->FileName); if (!(CurrentKext->MenuItem.BValue)) { // inject require MsgLog("->Extra kext: %ls (v.%ls)\n", FileName, CurrentKext->Version); Status = AddKext(SelfVolume->RootDir, FileName, archCpuType); if(!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { // decide which plugins to inject CurrentPlugInKext = CurrentKext->PlugInList; while (CurrentPlugInKext) { PlugInName = PoolPrint(L"%s\\%s\\%s", FileName, L"Contents\\PlugIns", CurrentPlugInKext->FileName); // snwprintf(PlugInName, 512, L"%s\\%s\\%s", FileName, "Contents\\PlugIns", CurrentPlugInKext->FileName); if (!(CurrentPlugInKext->MenuItem.BValue)) { // inject PlugIn require MsgLog(" |-- PlugIn kext: %ls (v.%ls)\n", PlugInName, CurrentPlugInKext->Version); AddKext(SelfVolume->RootDir, PlugInName, archCpuType); } else { MsgLog(" |-- Disabled plug-in kext: %ls (v.%ls)\n", PlugInName, CurrentPlugInKext->Version); } FreePool(PlugInName); CurrentPlugInKext = CurrentPlugInKext->Next; } // end of plug-in kext injection } } else { // disable current kext injection if (!StriStr(SrcDir, L"Off")) { MsgLog("Disabled kext: %ls (v.%ls)\n", FileName, CurrentKext->Version); } } FreePool(FileName); } CurrentKext = CurrentKext->Next; } // end of kext injection } EFI_STATUS LOADER_ENTRY::LoadKexts() { CHAR16 *SrcDir = NULL; REFIT_DIR_ITER PlugInIter; EFI_FILE_INFO *PlugInFile; CHAR16 *FileName; CHAR16 *PlugIns; // CONST CHAR16 *Arch = NULL; // CONST CHAR16 *Ptr = NULL; #if defined(MDE_CPU_X64) cpu_type_t archCpuType=CPU_TYPE_X86_64; #else cpu_type_t archCpuType=CPU_TYPE_I386; #endif UINTN mm_extra_size; VOID *mm_extra; UINTN extra_size; VOID *extra; SIDELOAD_KEXT *CurrentKext = NULL; SIDELOAD_KEXT *CurrentPlugInKext = NULL; SIDELOAD_KEXT *Next = NULL; // Make Arch point to the last appearance of "arch=" in LoadOptions (which is what boot.efi will use). // if (LoadOptions.notEmpty()) { // for (Ptr = StrStr(LoadOptions, L"arch="); Ptr != NULL; Arch = Ptr + StrLen(L"arch="), Ptr = StrStr(Arch, L"arch=")); // } // if (Arch != NULL && StrnCmp(Arch,L"x86_64",StrLen(L"x86_64")) == 0) { if (LoadOptions.contains("arch=x86_64")) { archCpuType = CPU_TYPE_X86_64; // } else if (Arch != NULL && StrnCmp(Arch,L"i386",StrLen(L"i386")) == 0) { } else if (LoadOptions.contains("arch=i386")) { archCpuType = CPU_TYPE_I386; } else if (OSVersion != NULL) { UINT64 os_version = AsciiOSVersionToUint64(OSVersion); if (os_version >= AsciiOSVersionToUint64("10.8")) { archCpuType = CPU_TYPE_X86_64; // For OSVersion >= 10.8, only x86_64 exists } else if (os_version < AsciiOSVersionToUint64("10.7")) { archCpuType = CPU_TYPE_I386; // For OSVersion < 10.7, use default of i386 } } // Force kexts to load if ((KernelAndKextPatches != NULL) && (KernelAndKextPatches->NrForceKexts > 0) && (KernelAndKextPatches->ForceKexts != NULL)) { INT32 i = 0; for (; i < KernelAndKextPatches->NrForceKexts; ++i) { MsgLog(" Force kext: %ls\n", KernelAndKextPatches->ForceKexts[i]); if (Volume && Volume->RootDir) { // Check if the entry is a directory if (StrStr(KernelAndKextPatches->ForceKexts[i], L".kext") == NULL) { DirIterOpen(Volume->RootDir, KernelAndKextPatches->ForceKexts[i], &PlugInIter); while (DirIterNext(&PlugInIter, 1, L"*.kext", &PlugInFile)) { if (PlugInFile->FileName[0] == '.' || StrStr(PlugInFile->FileName, L".kext") == NULL) continue; // skip this FileName = PoolPrint(L"%s\\%s", KernelAndKextPatches->ForceKexts[i], PlugInFile->FileName); // snwprintf(FileName, 512, "%s\\%s", KernelAndKextPatches->ForceKexts[i], PlugInFile->FileName); MsgLog(" Force kext: %ls\n", FileName); AddKext( Volume->RootDir, FileName, archCpuType); PlugIns = PoolPrint(L"%s\\Contents\\PlugIns", FileName); // snwprintf(PlugIns, 512, "%s\\Contents\\PlugIns", FileName); LoadPlugInKexts(Volume->RootDir, PlugIns, archCpuType, TRUE); FreePool(FileName); FreePool(PlugIns); } DirIterClose(&PlugInIter); } else { AddKext( Volume->RootDir, KernelAndKextPatches->ForceKexts[i], archCpuType); PlugIns = PoolPrint(L"%s\\Contents\\PlugIns", KernelAndKextPatches->ForceKexts[i]); // snwprintf(PlugIns, 512, "%s\\Contents\\PlugIns", KernelAndKextPatches->ForceKexts[i]); LoadPlugInKexts(Volume->RootDir, PlugIns, archCpuType, TRUE); FreePool(PlugIns); } } } } CHAR16 UniOSVersion[16]; AsciiStrToUnicodeStrS(OSVersion, UniOSVersion, 16); DBG("UniOSVersion == %ls\n", UniOSVersion); CHAR16 UniShortOSVersion[6]; CHAR8 ShortOSVersion[6]; if (AsciiOSVersionToUint64(OSVersion) < AsciiOSVersionToUint64("10.10")) { // OSVersion that are earlier than 10.10(form: 10.x.y) AsciiStrnCpyS(ShortOSVersion, 6, OSVersion, 4); AsciiStrToUnicodeStrS(OSVersion, UniShortOSVersion, 5); } else { AsciiStrnCpyS(ShortOSVersion, 6, OSVersion, 5); AsciiStrToUnicodeStrS(OSVersion, UniShortOSVersion, 6); } DBG("ShortOSVersion == %s\n", ShortOSVersion); DBG("UniShortOSVersion == %ls\n", UniShortOSVersion); // syscl - allow specific load inject kext // Clover/Kexts/Other is for general injection thus we need to scan both Other and OSVersion folder if ((SrcDir = GetOtherKextsDir(TRUE)) != NULL) { AddKexts(SrcDir, L"Other", archCpuType); FreePool(SrcDir); } else { DBG("GetOtherKextsDir(TRUE) return NULL\n"); } // slice: CLOVER/kexts/Off keep disabled kext which can be allowed if ((SrcDir = GetOtherKextsDir(FALSE)) != NULL) { AddKexts(SrcDir, L"Off", archCpuType); FreePool(SrcDir); } else { DBG("GetOtherKextsDir(FALSE) return NULL\n"); } // Add kext from 10 { CHAR16 *OSAllVersionKextsDir; CHAR16 *OSShortVersionKextsDir; CHAR16 *OSVersionKextsDirName; CHAR16 *DirName; CHAR16 *DirPath; OSAllVersionKextsDir = PoolPrint(L"%s\\kexts\\10", OEMPath); // snwprintf(OSAllVersionKextsDir, sizeof(OSAllVersionKextsDir), "%s\\kexts\\10", OEMPath); AddKexts(OSAllVersionKextsDir, L"10", archCpuType); FreePool(OSAllVersionKextsDir); if (OSTYPE_IS_OSX_INSTALLER(LoaderType)) { DirName = PoolPrint(L"10_install"); // snwprintf(DirName, sizeof(DirName), "10_install"); } else if (OSTYPE_IS_OSX_RECOVERY(LoaderType)) { DirName = PoolPrint(L"10_recovery"); // snwprintf(DirName, sizeof(DirName), "10_recovery"); } else { DirName = PoolPrint(L"10_normal"); // snwprintf(DirName, sizeof(DirName), "10_normal"); } DirPath = PoolPrint(L"%s\\kexts\\%s", OEMPath, DirName); // snwprintf(DirPath, sizeof(DirPath), "%s\\kexts\\%s", OEMPath, DirName); AddKexts( DirPath, DirName, archCpuType); FreePool(DirPath); FreePool(DirName); // Add kext from 10.{version} OSShortVersionKextsDir = PoolPrint(L"%s\\kexts\\%s", OEMPath, UniShortOSVersion); // snwprintf(OSShortVersionKextsDir, sizeof(OSShortVersionKextsDir), "%s\\kexts\\%s", OEMPath, UniShortOSVersion); AddKexts( OSShortVersionKextsDir, UniShortOSVersion, archCpuType); FreePool(OSShortVersionKextsDir); if (OSTYPE_IS_OSX_INSTALLER(LoaderType)) { DirName = PoolPrint(L"%s_install", UniShortOSVersion); // snwprintf(DirName, sizeof(DirName), "%s_install", UniShortOSVersion); } else if (OSTYPE_IS_OSX_RECOVERY(LoaderType)) { DirName = PoolPrint(L"%s_recovery", UniShortOSVersion); // snwprintf(DirName, sizeof(DirName), "%s_recovery", UniShortOSVersion); } else { DirName = PoolPrint(L"%s_normal", UniShortOSVersion); // snwprintf(DirName, sizeof(DirName), "%s_normal", UniShortOSVersion); } DirPath = PoolPrint(L"%s\\kexts\\%s", OEMPath, DirName); // snwprintf(DirPath, sizeof(DirPath), "%s\\kexts\\%s", OEMPath, DirName); AddKexts( DirPath, DirName, archCpuType); FreePool(DirPath); FreePool(DirName); // Add kext from : // 10.{version}.0 if NO minor version // 10.{version}.{minor version} if minor version is > 0 if ( AsciiStrCmp(ShortOSVersion, OSVersion) == 0 ) { OSVersionKextsDirName = PoolPrint(L"%a.0", OSVersion); // snwprintf(OSVersionKextsDirName, sizeof(OSVersionKextsDirName), "%a.0", OSVersion); } else { OSVersionKextsDirName = PoolPrint(L"%a", OSVersion); // snwprintf(OSVersionKextsDirName, sizeof(OSVersionKextsDirName), "%a", OSVersion); } DirPath = PoolPrint(L"%s\\kexts\\%s", OEMPath, OSVersionKextsDirName); // snwprintf(DirPath, sizeof(DirPath), "%s\\kexts\\%s", OEMPath, OSVersionKextsDirName); AddKexts( DirPath, OSVersionKextsDirName, archCpuType); FreePool(DirPath); if ( OSTYPE_IS_OSX_INSTALLER(LoaderType)) { DirName = PoolPrint(L"%s_install", OSVersionKextsDirName); // snwprintf(DirName, sizeof(DirName), "%s_install", OSVersionKextsDirName); } else if (OSTYPE_IS_OSX_RECOVERY(LoaderType)) { DirName = PoolPrint(L"%s_recovery", OSVersionKextsDirName); // snwprintf(DirName, sizeof(DirName), "%s_recovery", OSVersionKextsDirName); } else { DirName = PoolPrint(L"%s_normal", OSVersionKextsDirName); // snwprintf(DirName, sizeof(DirName), "%s_normal", OSVersionKextsDirName); } DirPath = PoolPrint(L"%s\\kexts\\%s", OEMPath, DirName); // snwprintf(DirPath, sizeof(DirPath), "%s\\kexts\\%s", OEMPath, DirName); AddKexts( DirPath, DirName, archCpuType); FreePool(DirPath); FreePool(DirName); FreePool(OSVersionKextsDirName); } // reserve space in the device tree if (GetKextCount() > 0) { mm_extra_size = GetKextCount() * (sizeof(DeviceTreeNodeProperty) + sizeof(_DeviceTreeBuffer)); mm_extra = (__typeof__(mm_extra))AllocateZeroPool(mm_extra_size - sizeof(DeviceTreeNodeProperty)); /*Status = */LogDataHub(&gEfiMiscSubClassGuid, L"mm_extra", mm_extra, (UINT32)(mm_extra_size - sizeof(DeviceTreeNodeProperty))); extra_size = GetKextsSize(); extra = (__typeof__(extra))AllocateZeroPool(extra_size - sizeof(DeviceTreeNodeProperty) + EFI_PAGE_SIZE); /*Status = */LogDataHub(&gEfiMiscSubClassGuid, L"extra", extra, (UINT32)(extra_size - sizeof(DeviceTreeNodeProperty) + EFI_PAGE_SIZE)); // MsgLog("count: %d \n", GetKextCount()); // MsgLog("mm_extra_size: %d \n", mm_extra_size); // MsgLog("extra_size: %d \n", extra_size); // MsgLog("offset: %d \n", extra_size - sizeof(DeviceTreeNodeProperty) + EFI_PAGE_SIZE); //no more needed FreePool(mm_extra); FreePool(extra); } //No more InjectKextList needed. Will free the list while (InjectKextList) { CurrentKext = InjectKextList->Next; CurrentPlugInKext = InjectKextList->PlugInList; while (CurrentPlugInKext) { Next = CurrentPlugInKext->Next; FreePool(CurrentPlugInKext->FileName); FreePool(CurrentPlugInKext->KextDirNameUnderOEMPath); FreePool(CurrentPlugInKext->Version); FreePool(CurrentPlugInKext); CurrentPlugInKext = Next; } FreePool(InjectKextList->FileName); FreePool(InjectKextList->KextDirNameUnderOEMPath); FreePool(InjectKextList->Version); FreePool(InjectKextList); InjectKextList = CurrentKext; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /* * Adler32 from Chameleon */ #define BASE 65521L /* largest prime smaller than 65536 */ #define NMAX 5000 // NMAX (was 5521) the largest n such that 255n(n+1)/2 + (n+1)(BASE-1) <= 2^32-1 #define DO1(buf,i) {s1 += buf[i]; s2 += s1;} #define DO2(buf,i) DO1(buf,i); DO1(buf,i+1); #define DO4(buf,i) DO2(buf,i); DO2(buf,i+2); #define DO8(buf,i) DO4(buf,i); DO4(buf,i+4); #define DO16(buf) DO8(buf,0); DO8(buf,8); static UINT32 Adler32(unsigned char *buf, long len) { unsigned long s1 = 1; // adler & 0xffff; unsigned long s2 = 0; // (adler >> 16) & 0xffff; unsigned long result; long k; while (len > 0) { k = len < NMAX ? len : NMAX; len -= k; while (k >= 16) { DO16(buf); buf += 16; k -= 16; } if (k != 0) do { s1 += *buf++; s2 += s1; } while (--k); s1 %= BASE; s2 %= BASE; } result = (s2 << 16) | s1; // result is in big endian return (UINT32)result; } typedef struct { UINT32 Magic; UINT32 Signature; UINT32 Length; UINT32 Adler32; UINT32 Version; UINT32 NumKexts; UINT32 CpuType; UINT32 CpuSubtype; } MKextHeader; typedef struct { UINT32 PlistOffset; UINT32 PlistCompressedSize; UINT32 PlistFullSize; UINT32 PlistModifiedSeconds; UINT32 BinaryOffset; UINT32 BinaryCompressedSize; UINT32 BinaryFullSize; UINT32 BinaryModifiedSeconds; } MKextFile; #define MKEXT_MAGIC 0x54584b4d #define MKEXT_SIGNATURE 0x58534f4d #define MKEXT_VERSION_1 0x00800001 int LOADER_ENTRY::is_mkext_v1(UINT8* drvPtr) { _DeviceTreeBuffer *dtb = (_DeviceTreeBuffer*) (((UINT8*)drvPtr) + sizeof(DeviceTreeNodeProperty)); MKextHeader* mkext_ptr = (MKextHeader*)(UINTN)(dtb->paddr); if (mkext_ptr->Magic == MKEXT_MAGIC && mkext_ptr->Signature == MKEXT_SIGNATURE && mkext_ptr->Version == MKEXT_VERSION_1) { DBG_RT("MKext_v1 found at paddr=0x%08x, length=0x%08x\n", dtb->paddr, dtb->length); return 1; } return 0; } void LOADER_ENTRY::patch_mkext_v1(UINT8 *drvPtr) { _DeviceTreeBuffer *dtb = (_DeviceTreeBuffer*) (((UINT8*)drvPtr) + sizeof(DeviceTreeNodeProperty)); MKextHeader* mkext_ptr = (MKextHeader*)(UINTN)dtb->paddr; UINT32 mkext_len = SwapBytes32(mkext_ptr->Length); UINT32 mkext_numKexts = SwapBytes32(mkext_ptr->NumKexts); LIST_ENTRY *Link; KEXT_ENTRY *KextEntry; if(!IsListEmpty(&gKextList)) { for (Link = gKextList.ForwardLink; Link != &gKextList; Link = Link->ForwardLink) { KextEntry = CR(Link, KEXT_ENTRY, Link, KEXT_SIGNATURE); MKextFile *mkext_insert = (MKextFile*)((UINT8*)mkext_ptr + sizeof(MKextHeader) + mkext_numKexts * sizeof(MKextFile)); // free some space CopyMem((UINT8*)mkext_insert + sizeof(MKextFile), (UINT8*)mkext_insert, mkext_len - (sizeof(MKextHeader) + mkext_numKexts * sizeof(MKextFile))); mkext_len += sizeof(MKextFile); // update the offsets to reflect 0x20 bytes moved above for (UINT32 i = 0; i < mkext_numKexts; i++) { MKextFile *kext_base = (MKextFile*)((UINT8*)mkext_ptr + sizeof(MKextHeader) + i * sizeof(MKextFile)); UINT32 plist_offset = SwapBytes32(kext_base->PlistOffset) + sizeof(MKextFile); UINT32 binary_offset = SwapBytes32(kext_base->BinaryOffset) + sizeof(MKextFile); kext_base->PlistOffset = SwapBytes32(plist_offset); kext_base->BinaryOffset = SwapBytes32(binary_offset); } // copy kext data (plist+binary) CopyMem((UINT8*)mkext_ptr + mkext_len, (UINT8*)(KextEntry->kext.paddr + sizeof(_BooterKextFileInfo)), (UINT32)((_BooterKextFileInfo*)(UINTN)(KextEntry->kext.paddr))->infoDictLength + (UINT32)((_BooterKextFileInfo*)(UINTN)(KextEntry->kext.paddr))->executableLength); // insert kext offsets mkext_insert->PlistOffset = SwapBytes32(mkext_len); mkext_len += ((_BooterKextFileInfo*)(UINTN)(KextEntry->kext.paddr))->infoDictLength; mkext_insert->PlistCompressedSize = 0; mkext_insert->PlistFullSize = SwapBytes32((UINT32)((_BooterKextFileInfo*)(UINTN)(KextEntry->kext.paddr))->infoDictLength); mkext_insert->PlistModifiedSeconds = 0; mkext_insert->BinaryOffset = SwapBytes32(mkext_len); mkext_len += ((_BooterKextFileInfo*)(UINTN)(KextEntry->kext.paddr))->executableLength; mkext_insert->BinaryCompressedSize = 0; mkext_insert->BinaryFullSize = SwapBytes32((UINT32)((_BooterKextFileInfo*)(UINTN)(KextEntry->kext.paddr))->executableLength); mkext_insert->BinaryModifiedSeconds = 0; mkext_numKexts ++; // update the header mkext_ptr->Length = SwapBytes32(mkext_len); mkext_ptr->NumKexts = SwapBytes32(mkext_numKexts); // update the checksum mkext_ptr->Adler32 = SwapBytes32(Adler32((UINT8*)mkext_ptr + 0x10, mkext_len - 0x10)); // update the memory-map reference dtb->length = mkext_len; } } } //////////////////// // OnExitBootServices //////////////////// EFI_STATUS LOADER_ENTRY::InjectKexts(IN UINT32 deviceTreeP, IN UINT32* deviceTreeLength) { UINT8 *dtEntry = (UINT8*)(UINTN) deviceTreeP; UINTN dtLen = (UINTN) *deviceTreeLength; DTEntry platformEntry; DTEntry memmapEntry; CHAR8 *ptr; OpaqueDTPropertyIterator OPropIter; DTPropertyIterator iter = &OPropIter; DeviceTreeNodeProperty *prop = NULL; UINT8 *infoPtr = 0; UINT8 *extraPtr = 0; UINT8 *drvPtr = 0; UINTN offset = 0; LIST_ENTRY *Link; KEXT_ENTRY *KextEntry; UINTN KextBase = 0; _DeviceTreeBuffer *mm; _BooterKextFileInfo *drvinfo; UINT32 KextCount; UINTN Index; DBG_RT("\nInjectKexts: "); KextCount = GetKextCount(); if (KextCount == 0) { DBG_RT("no kexts to inject.\nPausing 5 secs ...\n"); if (KernelAndKextPatches->KPDebug) { gBS->Stall(5000000); } return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } DBG_RT("%d kexts ...\n", KextCount); // kextsBase = Desc->PhysicalStart + (((UINTN) Desc->NumberOfPages) * EFI_PAGE_SIZE); // kextsPages = EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES(kext.length); // Status = gBS->AllocatePages(AllocateAddress, EfiLoaderData, kextsPages, &kextsBase); // if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { MsgLog("Kext inject: could not allocate memory\n"); return Status; } // Desc->NumberOfPages += kextsPages; // CopyMem((VOID*)kextsBase, (VOID*)(UINTN)kext.paddr, kext.length); // drvinfo = (_BooterKextFileInfo*) kextsBase; // drvinfo->infoDictPhysAddr += (UINT32)kextsBase; // drvinfo->executablePhysAddr += (UINT32)kextsBase; // drvinfo->bundlePathPhysAddr += (UINT32)kextsBase; DTInit(dtEntry, deviceTreeLength); if(!EFI_ERROR(DTLookupEntry(NULL,"/chosen/memory-map", &memmapEntry))) { if(!EFI_ERROR(DTCreatePropertyIterator(memmapEntry, iter))) { while(!EFI_ERROR(DTIterateProperties(iter, &ptr))) { prop = iter->CurrentProperty; drvPtr = (UINT8*) prop; if(AsciiStrnCmp(prop->Name, "Driver-", 7)==0 || AsciiStrnCmp(prop->Name, "DriversPackage-", 15)==0) { break; } } } } if(!EFI_ERROR(DTLookupEntry(NULL, "/efi/platform", &platformEntry))) { if(!EFI_ERROR(DTCreatePropertyIterator(platformEntry, iter))) { while(!EFI_ERROR(DTIterateProperties(iter, &ptr))) { prop = iter->CurrentProperty; if(AsciiStrnCmp(prop->Name, "mm_extra", 8)==0) { infoPtr = (UINT8*)prop; } if(AsciiStrnCmp(prop->Name, "extra", 5)==0) { extraPtr = (UINT8*)prop; } } } } if (drvPtr == 0 || infoPtr == 0 || extraPtr == 0 || drvPtr > infoPtr || drvPtr > extraPtr || infoPtr > extraPtr) { printf("\nInvalid device tree for kext injection\n"); gBS->Stall(5000000); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // make space for memory map entries platformEntry->NumProperties -= 2; offset = sizeof(DeviceTreeNodeProperty) + ((DeviceTreeNodeProperty*) infoPtr)->Length; CopyMem(drvPtr+offset, drvPtr, infoPtr-drvPtr); // make space behind device tree // platformEntry->nProperties--; offset = sizeof(DeviceTreeNodeProperty)+((DeviceTreeNodeProperty*) extraPtr)->Length; CopyMem(extraPtr, extraPtr+offset, dtLen-(UINTN)(extraPtr-dtEntry)-offset); *deviceTreeLength -= (UINT32)offset; KextBase = RoundPage(dtEntry + *deviceTreeLength); if(!IsListEmpty(&gKextList)) { Index = 1; for (Link = gKextList.ForwardLink; Link != &gKextList; Link = Link->ForwardLink) { KextEntry = CR(Link, KEXT_ENTRY, Link, KEXT_SIGNATURE); CopyMem((VOID*) KextBase, (VOID*)(UINTN) KextEntry->kext.paddr, KextEntry->kext.length); drvinfo = (_BooterKextFileInfo*) KextBase; drvinfo->infoDictPhysAddr += (UINT32) KextBase; drvinfo->executablePhysAddr += (UINT32) KextBase; drvinfo->bundlePathPhysAddr += (UINT32) KextBase; memmapEntry->NumProperties++; prop = ((DeviceTreeNodeProperty*) drvPtr); prop->Length = sizeof(_DeviceTreeBuffer); mm = (_DeviceTreeBuffer*) (((UINT8*)prop) + sizeof(DeviceTreeNodeProperty)); mm->paddr = (UINT32)KextBase; mm->length = KextEntry->kext.length; snprintf(prop->Name, 31, "Driver-%X", (UINT32)KextBase); drvPtr += sizeof(DeviceTreeNodeProperty) + sizeof(_DeviceTreeBuffer); KextBase = RoundPage(KextBase + KextEntry->kext.length); DBG_RT(" %llu - %s\n", Index, (CHAR8 *)(UINTN)drvinfo->bundlePathPhysAddr); if (gSettings.KextPatchesAllowed) { INT32 i; CHAR8 SavedValue; CHAR8 *InfoPlist = (CHAR8*)(UINTN)drvinfo->infoDictPhysAddr; SavedValue = InfoPlist[drvinfo->infoDictLength]; InfoPlist[drvinfo->infoDictLength] = '\0'; KernelAndKextPatcherInit(); for (i = 0; i < KernelAndKextPatches->NrKexts; i++) { if ((KernelAndKextPatches->KextPatches[i].DataLen > 0) && (AsciiStrStr(InfoPlist, KernelAndKextPatches->KextPatches[i].Name) != NULL)) { AnyKextPatch( (UINT8*)(UINTN)drvinfo->executablePhysAddr, drvinfo->executableLength, InfoPlist, drvinfo->infoDictLength, i ); } } InfoPlist[drvinfo->infoDictLength] = SavedValue; } Index++; } } DBG_RT("Done.\n"); Stall(5000000); return EFI_SUCCESS; } //////////////////////////////////// // // KernelBooterExtensionsPatch to load extra kexts besides kernelcache // // // Snow Leopard i386 const UINT8 KBESnowSearchEXT_i386[] = { 0xE8, 0xED, 0xF9, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xEB, 0x08, 0x89, 0x1C, 0x24 }; const UINT8 KBESnowReplaceEXT_i386[] = { 0xE8, 0xED, 0xF9, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x90, 0x90, 0x89, 0x1C, 0x24 }; // Snow Leopard X64 const UINT8 KBESnowSearchEXT_X64[] = { 0xE8, 0x5A, 0xFB, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xEB, 0x08, 0x48, 0x89, 0xDF }; const UINT8 KBESnowReplaceEXT_X64[] = { 0xE8, 0x5A, 0xFB, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x90, 0x90, 0x48, 0x89, 0xDF }; // Lion i386 const UINT8 KBELionSearchEXT_i386[] = { 0xE8, 0xAA, 0xFB, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xEB, 0x08, 0x89, 0x34, 0x24 }; const UINT8 KBELionReplaceEXT_i386[] = { 0xE8, 0xAA, 0xFB, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x90, 0x90, 0x89, 0x34, 0x24 }; // Lion X64 const UINT8 KBELionSearchEXT_X64[] = { 0xE8, 0x0C, 0xFD, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xEB, 0x08, 0x48, 0x89, 0xDF }; const UINT8 KBELionReplaceEXT_X64[] = { 0xE8, 0x0C, 0xFD, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x90, 0x90, 0x48, 0x89, 0xDF }; // // We can not rely on OSVersion global variable for OS version detection, // since in some cases it is not correct (install of ML from Lion, for example). // So, we'll use "brute-force" method - just try to patch. // Actually, we'll at least check that if we can find only one instance of code that // we are planning to patch. // // Fully reworked by Sherlocks. 2019.06.23 // VOID EFIAPI LOADER_ENTRY::KernelBooterExtensionsPatch(IN UINT8 *Kernel) { UINTN Num = 0; UINTN NumSnow_i386_EXT = 0; UINTN NumSnow_X64_EXT = 0; UINTN NumLion_i386_EXT = 0; UINTN NumLion_X64_EXT = 0; UINT32 patchLocation2 = 0, patchLocation3 = 0; DBG_RT("\nPatching kernel for injected kexts...\n"); if (is64BitKernel) { NumSnow_X64_EXT = SearchAndCount(Kernel, KERNEL_MAX_SIZE, KBESnowSearchEXT_X64, sizeof(KBESnowSearchEXT_X64)); NumLion_X64_EXT = SearchAndCount(Kernel, KERNEL_MAX_SIZE, KBELionSearchEXT_X64, sizeof(KBELionSearchEXT_X64)); } else { NumSnow_i386_EXT = SearchAndCount(Kernel, KERNEL_MAX_SIZE, KBESnowSearchEXT_i386, sizeof(KBESnowSearchEXT_i386)); NumLion_i386_EXT = SearchAndCount(Kernel, KERNEL_MAX_SIZE, KBELionSearchEXT_i386, sizeof(KBELionSearchEXT_i386)); } if (NumSnow_i386_EXT + NumSnow_X64_EXT + NumLion_i386_EXT + NumLion_X64_EXT > 1) { // more then one pattern found - we do not know what to do with it // and we'll skipp it // DBG_RT("\nERROR patching kernel for injected kexts:\nmultiple patterns found (Snowi386: %llu, SnowX64: %llu, Lioni386: %llu, LionX64: %llu) - skipping patching!\n", NumSnow_i386_EXT, NumSnow_X64_EXT, NumLion_i386_EXT, NumLion_X64_EXT); Stall(10000000); return; } // X64 if (is64BitKernel) { if (NumSnow_X64_EXT == 1) { Num = SearchAndReplace(Kernel, KERNEL_MAX_SIZE, KBESnowSearchEXT_X64, sizeof(KBESnowSearchEXT_X64), KBESnowReplaceEXT_X64, 1); // DBG_RT("==> kernel Snow Leopard X64: %llu replaces done.\n", Num); } else if (NumLion_X64_EXT == 1) { Num = SearchAndReplace(Kernel, KERNEL_MAX_SIZE, KBELionSearchEXT_X64, sizeof(KBELionSearchEXT_X64), KBELionReplaceEXT_X64, 1); // DBG_RT("==> kernel Lion X64: %llu replaces done.\n", Num); } else { // EXT - load extra kexts besides kernelcache. #if OLD_EXTRA_KEXT_PATCH UINT32 patchLocation1 = 0; for (UINT32 i = 0; i < 0x1000000; i++) { // 01 00 31 FF BE 14 00 05 if (Kernel[i+0] == 0x01 && Kernel[i+1] == 0x00 && Kernel[i+2] == 0x31 && Kernel[i+3] == 0xFF && Kernel[i+4] == 0xBE && Kernel[i+5] == 0x14 && Kernel[i+6] == 0x00 && Kernel[i+7] == 0x05) { DBG_RT("==> found EXT Base (10.8 - recent macOS)\n"); for (UINT32 y = i; y < 0x1000000; y++) { // E8 XX 00 00 00 EB XX XX if (Kernel[y+0] == 0xE8 && Kernel[y+2] == 0x00 && Kernel[y+3] == 0x00 && Kernel[y+4] == 0x00 && Kernel[y+5] == 0xEB) { //(Kernel[y+7] == 0x48 || Kernel[y+7] == 0xE8)) { // 48:10.8-10.9/E8:10.10+ patchLocation1 = y; DBG_RT("==> found EXT (10.8 - recent macOS) at 0x%08x\n", patchLocation1); break; } } break; } } if (!patchLocation1) { DBG_RT("==> can't find EXT (10.8 - recent macOS), kernel patch aborted.\n"); gBS->Stall(3000000); } if (patchLocation1) { DBG_RT("==> patched EXT (10.8 - recent macOS) location=%x\n", patchLocation1); for (i = 5; i < 7; i++) { // E8 XX 00 00 00 EB XX XX // E8 XX 00 00 00 90 90 XX Kernel[patchLocation1 + i] = 0x90; } } #else //Capitan // procedure at 950950, len = fffffffffffff3f0 // proclen=256, end=256 startLen=0 // found start at 0x950950 // found pattern: 1 // address: 0095098b // bytes:eb05 UINTN procLocation = searchProc(Kernel, "readStartupExtensions"); const UINT8 findJmp[] = {0xEB, 0x05}; const UINT8 patchJmp[] = {0x90, 0x90}; // DBG_RT("==> readStartupExtensions at %llx\n", procLocation); if (!SearchAndReplace(&Kernel[procLocation], 0x100, findJmp, 2, patchJmp, 1)) { DBG_RT("load kexts not patched\n"); // for (UINTN j=procLocation+0x3b; j patch to not jump // 7412 jmp ffffff8000848992 // ; Basic Block Input Regs: rbx - Killed Regs: rax rdi // ffffff8000848980 488B03 mov rax, qword [ds:rbx] // ffffff8000848983 4889DF mov rdi, rbx // ffffff8000848986 FF5028 call qword [ds:rax+0x28] // ffffff8000848989 483B1DE04F2B00 cmp rbx, qword [ds:0xffffff8000afd970] // ffffff8000848990 745E je 0xffffff80008489f0 -> patch to not jump // ; Basic Block Input Regs: r13 - Killed Regs: rax rbx rdi // ffffff8000848992 498B4500 mov rax, qword [ds:r13+0x0] // procedure at 6487f0, len = 7250 // proclen=512, end=512 startLen=0 // found start at 0x6487f0 // found pattern: 1 // address: 0064897b // bytes:4885db7470 #if OLD_EXTRA_KEXT_PATCH for (UINT32 i = 0; i < 0x1000000; i++) { // 45 31 FF 41 XX 01 00 00 DC 48 if (Kernel[i+0] == 0x45 && Kernel[i+1] == 0x31 && Kernel[i+3] == 0x41 && //(Kernel[i+4] == 0xBF || Kernel[i+4] == 0xBE) && // BF:10.11/BE:10.12+ Kernel[i+5] == 0x01 && Kernel[i+6] == 0x00 && Kernel[i+7] == 0x00 && Kernel[i+8] == 0xDC && Kernel[i+9] == 0x48) { DBG_RT("==> found loadExecutable (10.11 - recent macOS) at %x\n", i); for (UINT32 y = i; y < 0x100000; y++) { // 48 85 XX 74 XX 48 XX XX 48 if (Kernel[y+0] == 0x48 && Kernel[y+1] == 0x85 && Kernel[y+3] == 0x74 && Kernel[y+5] == 0x48 && Kernel[y+8] == 0x48) { patchLocation2 = y; DBG_RT("==> found SIP (10.11 - 10.14) at 0x%08x\n", patchLocation2); break; // 00 85 C0 0F 84 XX 00 00 00 49 //???? - not found in Catalina } else if (Kernel[y+0] == 0x00 && Kernel[y+1] == 0x85 && Kernel[y+2] == 0xC0 && Kernel[y+3] == 0x0F && Kernel[y+4] == 0x84 && Kernel[y+9] == 0x49) { patchLocation2 = y; DBG_RT("==> found SIP (10.15 - recent macOS) at 0x%08x\n", patchLocation2); break; } } break; } } #else // bool otherSys = false; // UINTN procLocation = searchProc(Kernel, "IOTaskHasEntitlement"); //Catalina // const UINT8 find2[] = {0x45, 0x31, 0xF6, 0x48, 0x85, 0xC0 }; // const UINT8 mask2[] = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }; //older systems const UINT8 find3[] = {0x48, 0x85, 00, 0x74, 00, 0x48, 00, 00, 0x48 }; const UINT8 mask3[] = {0xFF, 0xFF, 00, 0xFF, 00, 0xFF, 00, 00, 0xFF }; /* patchLocation2 = FindMemMask(&Kernel[procLocation], 0x30, find2, sizeof(find2), mask2, sizeof(mask2)); if (patchLocation2 == KERNEL_MAX_SIZE) { //other systems patchLocation2 = FindMemMask(&Kernel[procLocation], 0x30, find3, sizeof(find3), mask3, sizeof(mask3)); otherSys = true; } if (patchLocation2 != KERNEL_MAX_SIZE) { patchLocation2 += procLocation; } */ /* procLocation = searchProc(Kernel, "loadExecutable"); //check DBG_RT("==> loadExecutable (10.11 - recent macOS) at %llx\n", procLocation); // for (UINTN j=procLocation+0x39; j can't find SIP (10.11 - recent macOS), kernel patch aborted.\n"); for (UINTN j=procLocation; j patch SIP applied\n"); for (UINTN j=procLocation; jchange to eb06 -> jmp .+6 //ffffff80009a2275 0F843C010000 je 0xffffff80009a23b7 //ffffff80009a227b UINTN taskLocation = searchProc(Kernel, "IOTaskHasEntitlement"); procLocation = searchProc(Kernel, "loadExecutable"); patchLocation2 = FindMemMask(&Kernel[procLocation], 0x500, find3, sizeof(find3), mask3, sizeof(mask3)); if (patchLocation2 != KERNEL_MAX_SIZE) { DBG_RT("=> patch SIP applied\n"); patchLocation2 += procLocation; Kernel[patchLocation2 + 3] = 0xEB; if (Kernel[patchLocation2 + 4] == 0x6C) { Kernel[patchLocation2 + 4] = 0x15; } else { Kernel[patchLocation2 + 4] = 0x12; } } else { patchLocation2 = FindRelative32(Kernel, procLocation, 0x500, taskLocation); if (patchLocation2 != 0) { DBG_RT("=> patch2 SIP applied\n"); Kernel[patchLocation2] = 0xEB; Kernel[patchLocation2 + 1] = 0x06; } } Stall(10000000); /* //Capitan: 48 85 db 74 70 48 8b 03 48 if (patchLocation2) { if (taskFound) { UINT8 jmp = Kernel[patchLocation2 + 4]; const UINT8 repl4[] = {0xB8, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xEB}; CopyMem(&Kernel[patchLocation2], repl4, sizeof(repl4)); Kernel[patchLocation2 + 6] = jmp; DBG_RT("=> mojave SIP applyed\n"); } else if (Kernel[patchLocation2 + 0] == 0x48 && Kernel[patchLocation2 + 1] == 0x85) { Kernel[patchLocation2 + 3] = 0xEB; DBG_RT("==> patched SIP (10.11 - 10.14)\n"); if (Kernel[patchLocation2 + 4] == 0x6C) { // 48 85 XX 74 6C 48 XX XX 48 // 48 85 XX EB 15 48 XX XX 48 Kernel[patchLocation2 + 4] = 0x15; // 10.14.4-10.14.6 } else { // 48 85 XX 74 XX 48 XX XX 48 // 48 85 XX EB 12 48 XX XX 48 Kernel[patchLocation2 + 4] = 0x12; // 10.11-10.14.3 } // PMheart } else if (Kernel[patchLocation2 + 0] == 0x00 && Kernel[patchLocation2 + 1] == 0x85) { DBG_RT("==> patched SIP (10.15 - recent macOS)\n"); for (i = 3; i < 9; i++) { // 00 85 C0 0F 84 XX 00 00 00 49 // 00 85 C0 90 90 90 90 90 90 49 Kernel[patchLocation2 + i] = 0x90; } } } Stall(9000000); */ //Slice - hope this patch useful for some system that I have no. // KxldUnmap by vit9696 // Avoid race condition in OSKext::removeKextBootstrap when using booter kexts without keepsyms=1. procLocation = searchProc(Kernel, "removeKextBootstrap"); const UINT8 find5[] = {0x00, 0x0F, 0x85, 00, 00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48 }; const UINT8 mask5[] = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 00, 00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }; patchLocation3 = FindMemMask(&Kernel[procLocation], 0x1000, find5, sizeof(find5), mask5, sizeof(mask5)); /* for (UINT32 i = 0; i < 0x1000000; i++) { // 55 48 89 E5 41 57 41 56 41 54 53 //10 // 48 83 EC 30 48 C7 45 B8 XX XX XX //21 // XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX //32 // XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX //43 // XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX FF XX //54 // XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX FF FF //65 if (Kernel[i+0] == 0x55 && Kernel[i+1] == 0x48 && Kernel[i+2] == 0x89 && Kernel[i+3] == 0xE5 && Kernel[i+4] == 0x41 && Kernel[i+5] == 0x57 && Kernel[i+6] == 0x41 && Kernel[i+7] == 0x56 && Kernel[i+8] == 0x41 && Kernel[i+9] == 0x54 && Kernel[i+10] == 0x53 && Kernel[i+11] == 0x48 && Kernel[i+12] == 0x83 && Kernel[i+13] == 0xEC && Kernel[i+14] == 0x30 && Kernel[i+15] == 0x48 && Kernel[i+16] == 0xC7 && Kernel[i+17] == 0x45 && Kernel[i+18] == 0xB8 && Kernel[i+53] == 0xFF && Kernel[i+64] == 0xFF && Kernel[i+65] == 0xFF) { DBG_RT("==> found KxldUnmap Base (10.14 - recent macOS)\n"); for (UINT32 y = i; y < 0x1000000; y++) { // 00 0F 85 XX XX 00 00 48 if (Kernel[y+0] == 0x00 && Kernel[y+1] == 0x0F && Kernel[y+2] == 0x85 && Kernel[y+5] == 0x00 && Kernel[y+6] == 0x00 && Kernel[y+7] == 0x48) { patchLocation3 = y; DBG_RT("==> found KxldUnmap (10.14 - recent macOS) at 0x%08x\n", patchLocation3); break; } } break; } } */ if (patchLocation3 == KERNEL_MAX_SIZE) { DBG_RT("==> can't find KxldUnmap (10.14 - recent macOS), kernel patch aborted.\n"); Stall(3000000); } else { DBG_RT("==> patched KxldUnmap (10.14 - recent macOS)\n"); // 00 0F 85 XX XX 00 00 48 // 00 90 E9 XX XX 00 00 48 Kernel[procLocation + patchLocation3 + 1] = 0x90; Kernel[procLocation + patchLocation3 + 2] = 0xE9; } } } else { // i386 if (NumSnow_i386_EXT == 1) { Num = SearchAndReplace(Kernel, KERNEL_MAX_SIZE, KBESnowSearchEXT_i386, sizeof(KBESnowSearchEXT_i386), KBESnowReplaceEXT_i386, 1); // DBG_RT("==> kernel Snow Leopard i386: %llu replaces done.\n", Num); } else if (NumLion_i386_EXT == 1) { Num = SearchAndReplace(Kernel, KERNEL_MAX_SIZE, KBELionSearchEXT_i386, sizeof(KBELionSearchEXT_i386), KBELionReplaceEXT_i386, 1); // DBG_RT("==> kernel Lion i386: %llu replaces done.\n", Num); } else { DBG_RT("==> ERROR: NOT patched - unknown kernel.\n"); } } if (KernelAndKextPatches->KPDebug) { DBG_RT("Pausing 5 secs ...\n"); Stall(5000000); } }