#if !defined(__XICON_H__) #define __XICON_H__ #include "../cpp_foundation/XObjArray.h" #include "../cpp_foundation/XString.h" #include "XImage.h" #include "libeg.h" extern CONST CHAR8* IconsNames[]; extern const INTN IconsNamesSize; class XIcon { public: INTN Id; //for example BUILTIN_ICON_POINTER XString8 Name; //for example "os_moja", "vol_internal" XImage Image; XImage ImageNight; bool Native; void *ImageSVG; //NSVGimage* void *ImageSVGnight; protected: bool Empty; public: XIcon(): Id(0), Name(), Image(), ImageNight(), Native(false), ImageSVG(nullptr), ImageSVGnight(nullptr), Empty(true) {}; XIcon(INTN Id, bool Embedded = false); // Initialisation of ImageSVG(other.ImageSVG), ImageSVGnight(other.ImageSVGnight) is wrong because we just copy the pointer XIcon(const XIcon& other) : Id(other.Id), Name(other.Name), Image(other.Image), ImageNight(other.ImageNight), Native(other.Native), ImageSVG(other.ImageSVG), ImageSVGnight(other.ImageSVGnight), Empty(other.Empty) {} ; ~XIcon(); bool isEmpty() const { return Empty; } void setFilled() { Empty = false; } void setEmpty() { Empty = true; } EFI_STATUS LoadXImage(const EFI_FILE *Dir, const XStringW& FileName); //for example LoadImage(ThemeDir, L"icons\\" + Name); EFI_STATUS LoadXImage(const EFI_FILE *Dir, const wchar_t* LIconName); EFI_STATUS LoadXImage(const EFI_FILE *Dir, const char* IconName); void GetEmbedded(); // Default are not valid, as usual. We delete them. If needed, proper ones can be created // Icon(const Icon&) = delete; XIcon& operator=(const XIcon&); // = delete; XImage* GetBest(bool night, bool *free = nullptr); }; #endif