/** @file
  This file declares EFI PCI Hot Plug Init Protocol.

  This protocol provides the necessary functionality to initialize the Hot Plug
  Controllers (HPCs) and the buses that they control. This protocol also provides
  information regarding resource padding.

  @par Note:
    This protocol is required only on platforms that support one or more PCI Hot
    Plug* slots or CardBus sockets.

  The EFI_PCI_HOT_PLUG_INIT_PROTOCOL provides a mechanism for the PCI bus enumerator
  to properly initialize the HPCs and CardBus sockets that require initialization.
  The HPC initialization takes place before the PCI enumeration process is complete.
  There cannot be more than one instance of this protocol in a system. This protocol
  is installed on its own separate handle.

  Because the system may include multiple HPCs, one instance of this protocol
  should represent all of them. The protocol functions use the device path of
  the HPC to identify the HPC. When the PCI bus enumerator finds a root HPC, it
  will call EFI_PCI_HOT_PLUG_INIT_PROTOCOL.InitializeRootHpc(). If InitializeRootHpc()
  is unable to initialize a root HPC, the PCI enumerator will ignore that root HPC
  and continue the enumeration process. If the HPC is not initialized, the devices
  that it controls may not be initialized, and no resource padding will be provided.

  From the standpoint of the PCI bus enumerator, HPCs are divided into the following
  two classes:

    - Root HPC:
        These HPCs must be initialized by calling InitializeRootHpc() during the
        enumeration process. These HPCs will also require resource padding. The
        platform code must have a priori knowledge of these devices and must know
        how to initialize them. There may not be any way to access their PCI
        configuration space before the PCI enumerator programs all the upstream
        bridges and thus enables the path to these devices. The PCI bus enumerator
        is responsible for determining the PCI bus address of the HPC before it
        calls InitializeRootHpc().
    - Nonroot HPC:
        These HPCs will not need explicit initialization during enumeration process.
        These HPCs will require resource padding. The platform code does not have
        to have a priori knowledge of these devices.

  Copyright (c) 2007 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent

  @par Revision Reference:
  This Protocol is defined in UEFI Platform Initialization Specification 1.2
  Volume 5: Standards



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    0xaa0e8bc1, 0xdabc, 0x46b0, {0xa8, 0x44, 0x37, 0xb8, 0x16, 0x9b, 0x2b, 0xea } \

/// Forward declaration for EFI_PCI_HOT_PLUG_INIT_PROTOCOL

/// Describes the current state of an HPC

/// The HPC initialization function was called and the HPC completed
/// initialization, but it was not enabled for some reason. The HPC may be
/// disabled in hardware, or it may be disabled due to user preferences,
/// hardware failure, or other reasons. No resource padding is required.

/// The HPC initialization function was called, the HPC completed
/// initialization, and it was enabled. Resource padding is required.
#define  EFI_HPC_STATE_ENABLED        0x02

/// Location definition for PCI Hot Plug Controller
typedef struct{
  /// The device path to the root HPC. An HPC cannot control its parent buses.
  /// The PCI bus driver requires this information so that it can pass the
  /// correct HpcPciAddress to the InitializeRootHpc() and GetResourcePadding()
  /// functions.
  /// The device path to the Hot Plug Bus (HPB) that is controlled by the root
  /// HPC. The PCI bus driver uses this information to check if a particular PCI
  /// bus has hot-plug slots.  The device path of a PCI bus is the same as the
  /// device path of its parent. For Standard(PCI) Hot Plug Controllers (SHPCs)
  /// and PCI Express*, HpbDevicePath is the same as HpcDevicePath.

/// Describes how resource padding should be applied
typedef enum {
  /// Apply the padding at a PCI bus level. In other words, the resources
  /// that are allocated to the bus containing hot-plug slots are padded by
  /// the specified amount. If the hot-plug bus is behind a PCI-to-PCI
  /// bridge, the PCI-to-PCI bridge apertures will indicate the padding
  /// Apply the padding at a PCI root bridge level. If a PCI root bridge
  /// includes more than one hot-plug bus, the resource padding requests
  /// for these buses are added together and the resources that are
  /// allocated to the root bridge are padded by the specified amount. This
  /// strategy may reduce the total amount of padding, but requires
  /// reprogramming of PCI-to-PCI bridges in a hot-add event. If the hotplug
  /// bus is behind a PCI-to-PCI bridge, the PCI-to-PCI bridge
  /// apertures do not indicate the padding for that bus.

  Returns a list of root Hot Plug Controllers (HPCs) that require initialization
  during the boot process.

  This procedure returns a list of root HPCs. The PCI bus driver must initialize
  these controllers during the boot process. The PCI bus driver may or may not be
  able to detect these HPCs. If the platform includes a PCI-to-CardBus bridge, it
  can be included in this list if it requires initialization.  The HpcList must be
  self consistent. An HPC cannot control any of its parent buses. Only one HPC can
  control a PCI bus. Because this list includes only root HPCs, no HPC in the list
  can be a child of another HPC. This policy must be enforced by the
  EFI_PCI_HOT_PLUG_INIT_PROTOCOL.   The PCI bus driver may not check for such
  invalid conditions.  The callee allocates the buffer HpcList

  @param[in]  This       Pointer to the EFI_PCI_HOT_PLUG_INIT_PROTOCOL instance.
  @param[out] HpcCount   The number of root HPCs that were returned.
  @param[out] HpcList    The list of root HPCs. HpcCount defines the number of
                         elements in this list.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             HpcList was returned.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES    HpcList was not returned due to insufficient
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   HpcCount is NULL or HpcList is NULL.

  OUT UINTN                           *HpcCount,
  OUT EFI_HPC_LOCATION                **HpcList

  Initializes one root Hot Plug Controller (HPC). This process may causes
  initialization of its subordinate buses.

  This function initializes the specified HPC. At the end of initialization,
  the hot-plug slots or sockets (controlled by this HPC) are powered and are
  connected to the bus. All the necessary registers in the HPC are set up. For
  a Standard (PCI) Hot Plug Controller (SHPC), the registers that must be set
  up are defined in the PCI Standard Hot Plug Controller and Subsystem

  @param[in]  This            Pointer to the EFI_PCI_HOT_PLUG_INIT_PROTOCOL instance.
  @param[in]  HpcDevicePath   The device path to the HPC that is being initialized.
  @param[in]  HpcPciAddress   The address of the HPC function on the PCI bus.
  @param[in]  Event           The event that should be signaled when the HPC
                              initialization is complete.  Set to NULL if the
                              caller wants to wait until the entire initialization
                              process is complete.
  @param[out] HpcState        The state of the HPC hardware. The state is
                              EFI_HPC_STATE_INITIALIZED or EFI_HPC_STATE_ENABLED.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             If Event is NULL, the specific HPC was successfully
                                  initialized. If Event is not NULL, Event will be
                                  signaled at a later time when initialization is complete.
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED         This instance of EFI_PCI_HOT_PLUG_INIT_PROTOCOL
                                  does not support the specified HPC.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES    Initialization failed due to insufficient
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   HpcState is NULL.

  IN  EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL        *HpcDevicePath,
  IN  UINT64                          HpcPciAddress,
  IN  EFI_EVENT                       Event,           OPTIONAL
  OUT EFI_HPC_STATE                   *HpcState

  Returns the resource padding that is required by the PCI bus that is controlled
  by the specified Hot Plug Controller (HPC).

  This function returns the resource padding that is required by the PCI bus that
  is controlled by the specified HPC. This member function is called for all the
  root HPCs and nonroot HPCs that are detected by the PCI bus enumerator. This
  function will be called before PCI resource allocation is completed. This function
  must be called after all the root HPCs, with the possible exception of a
  PCI-to-CardBus bridge, have completed initialization.

  @param[in]  This            Pointer to the EFI_PCI_HOT_PLUG_INIT_PROTOCOL instance.
  @param[in]  HpcDevicePath   The device path to the HPC.
  @param[in]  HpcPciAddress   The address of the HPC function on the PCI bus.
  @param[in]  HpcState        The state of the HPC hardware.
  @param[out] Padding         The amount of resource padding that is required by the
                              PCI bus under the control of the specified HPC.
  @param[out] Attributes      Describes how padding is accounted for. The padding
                              is returned in the form of ACPI 2.0 resource descriptors.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             The resource padding was successfully returned.
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED         This instance of the EFI_PCI_HOT_PLUG_INIT_PROTOCOL
                                  does not support the specified HPC.
  @retval EFI_NOT_READY           This function was called before HPC initialization
                                  is complete.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   HpcState or Padding or Attributes is NULL.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES    ACPI 2.0 resource descriptors for Padding
                                  cannot be allocated due to insufficient resources.

  IN  EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL        *HpcDevicePath,
  IN  UINT64                          HpcPciAddress,
  OUT EFI_HPC_STATE                   *HpcState,
  OUT VOID                            **Padding,

/// This protocol provides the necessary functionality to initialize the
/// Hot Plug Controllers (HPCs) and the buses that they control. This protocol
/// also provides information regarding resource padding.
  /// Returns a list of root HPCs and the buses that they control.
  EFI_GET_ROOT_HPC_LIST     GetRootHpcList;

  /// Initializes the specified root HPC.
  EFI_INITIALIZE_ROOT_HPC   InitializeRootHpc;

  /// Returns the resource padding that is required by the HPC.
  EFI_GET_HOT_PLUG_PADDING  GetResourcePadding;

extern EFI_GUID gEfiPciHotPlugInitProtocolGuid;
