///** @file // // VFR to produce the formset used by UI. // // Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent //**/ #include "DriverHealthManagerVfr.h" formset guid = DRIVER_HEALTH_MANAGER_FORMSET_GUID, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_FORM_TITLE), help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_FORM_HELP), classguid = EFI_HII_PLATFORM_SETUP_FORMSET_GUID, form formid = DRIVER_HEALTH_FORM_ID, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_FORM_TITLE); label LABEL_BEGIN; label LABEL_END; suppressif TRUE; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_NULL), text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_NULL), flags = INTERACTIVE, key = QUESTION_ID_REFRESH_MANAGER; endif; endform; endformset;