/** @file Copyright (C) 2016 - 2017, The HermitCrabs Lab. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // // Obtain next property by address. // #define DEVICE_TREE_GET_NEXT_PROPERTY(Prop) \ (DTProperty *)(((UINT8 *)(UINTN)(Prop)) \ + sizeof (*Prop) + ALIGN_VALUE (Prop->Length, sizeof (UINT32))) // // Location of the Device Tree. // STATIC DTEntry mDTRootNode; // // Pointer to location that contains the length of the Device Tree. // STATIC UINT32 *mDTLength; STATIC UINT32 mDTNodeDepth; STATIC OpaqueDTPropertyIterator mOpaquePropIter; // // Support Routines. // STATIC DTEntry DTSkipProperties ( IN DTEntry Entry ) { DTProperty *Prop; UINT32 Count; if (Entry == NULL || Entry->NumProperties == 0) { return NULL; } else { Prop = (DTProperty *) (Entry + 1); for (Count = 0; Count < Entry->NumProperties; ++Count) { Prop = DEVICE_TREE_GET_NEXT_PROPERTY (Prop); } } return (DTEntry) Prop; } STATIC DTEntry DTSkipTree ( IN DTEntry Root ) { DTEntry Entry; UINT32 Count; Entry = DTSkipProperties (Root); if (Entry == NULL) { return NULL; } for (Count = 0; Count < Root->NumChildren; ++Count) { Entry = DTSkipTree (Entry); } return Entry; } STATIC DTEntry GetFirstChild ( IN DTEntry Parent ) { return DTSkipProperties (Parent); } STATIC DTEntry GetNextChild ( IN DTEntry Sibling ) { return DTSkipTree (Sibling); } STATIC CONST CHAR8 * GetNextComponent ( IN CONST CHAR8 *Cp, IN CHAR8 *Bp ) { while (*Cp != 0) { if (*Cp == DT_PATH_NAME_SEPARATOR) { Cp++; break; } *Bp++ = *Cp++; } *Bp = 0; return Cp; } STATIC DTEntry FindChild ( IN DTEntry Cur, IN CHAR8 *Buf ) { DTEntry Child; UINTN Index; CHAR8 *Str; UINT32 Dummy; if (Cur->NumChildren == 0) { return NULL; } Index = 1; Child = GetFirstChild (Cur); while (1) { if (EFI_ERROR(DTGetProperty(Child, "name", (VOID **)&Str, &Dummy))) { break; } if (AsciiStrCmp(Str, Buf) == 0) { return Child; } if (Index >= Cur->NumChildren) { break; } Child = GetNextChild (Child); ++Index; } return NULL; } // // External Routines. // EFI_STATUS DTLookupEntry ( IN CONST DTEntry SearchPoint, IN CONST CHAR8 *PathName, IN DTEntry *FoundEntry ) { DTEntryNameBuf Buf; DTEntry Cur; CONST CHAR8 *Cp; if (mDTRootNode == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (SearchPoint == NULL) { Cur = mDTRootNode; } else { Cur = SearchPoint; } Cp = PathName; if (*Cp == DT_PATH_NAME_SEPARATOR) { Cp++; if (*Cp == '\0') { *FoundEntry = Cur; return EFI_SUCCESS; } } do { Cp = GetNextComponent (Cp, Buf); // // Check for done. // if (*Buf == '\0') { if (*Cp == '\0') { *FoundEntry = Cur; return EFI_SUCCESS; } break; } Cur = FindChild (Cur, Buf); } while (Cur != NULL); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } EFI_STATUS DTCreateEntryIterator ( IN CONST DTEntry StartEntry, IN DTEntryIterator *Iterator ) { DTEntryIterator Iter; if (mDTRootNode == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Iter = AllocatePool (sizeof (OpaqueDTEntryIterator)); if (Iter == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } if (StartEntry != NULL) { Iter->OuterScope = (DTEntry) StartEntry; Iter->CurrentScope = (DTEntry) StartEntry; } else { Iter->OuterScope = mDTRootNode; Iter->CurrentScope = mDTRootNode; } Iter->CurrentEntry = NULL; Iter->SavedScope = NULL; Iter->CurrentIndex = 0; *Iterator = Iter; return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS DTDisposeEntryIterator ( IN DTEntryIterator Iterator ) { DTSavedScopePtr Scope; while ((Scope = Iterator->SavedScope) != NULL) { Iterator->SavedScope = Scope->NextScope; FreePool(Scope); } FreePool(Iterator); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS DTEnterEntry ( IN DTEntryIterator Iterator, IN DTEntry ChildEntry ) { DTSavedScopePtr NewScope; if (ChildEntry == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } NewScope = AllocatePool (sizeof (DTSavedScope)); if (NewScope == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } NewScope->NextScope = Iterator->SavedScope; NewScope->Scope = Iterator->CurrentScope; NewScope->Entry = Iterator->CurrentEntry; NewScope->Index = Iterator->CurrentIndex; Iterator->CurrentScope = ChildEntry; Iterator->CurrentEntry = NULL; Iterator->SavedScope = NewScope; Iterator->CurrentIndex = 0; return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS DTExitEntry ( IN DTEntryIterator Iterator, IN DTEntry *CurrentPosition ) { DTSavedScopePtr NewScope; NewScope = Iterator->SavedScope; if (NewScope == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Iterator->SavedScope = NewScope->NextScope; Iterator->CurrentScope = NewScope->Scope; Iterator->CurrentEntry = NewScope->Entry; Iterator->CurrentIndex = NewScope->Index; *CurrentPosition = Iterator->CurrentEntry; FreePool(NewScope); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS DTIterateEntries ( IN DTEntryIterator Iterator, IN DTEntry *NextEntry ) { if (Iterator->CurrentIndex >= Iterator->CurrentScope->NumChildren) { *NextEntry = NULL; return EFI_END_OF_MEDIA; } ++Iterator->CurrentIndex; if (Iterator->CurrentIndex == 1) { Iterator->CurrentEntry = GetFirstChild (Iterator->CurrentScope); } else { Iterator->CurrentEntry = GetNextChild (Iterator->CurrentEntry); } *NextEntry = Iterator->CurrentEntry; return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS DTRestartEntryIteration ( IN DTEntryIterator Iterator ) { Iterator->CurrentEntry = NULL; Iterator->CurrentIndex = 0; return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS DTGetProperty( IN CONST DTEntry Entry, IN CHAR8 *PropertyName, IN VOID **PropertyValue, IN UINT32 *PropertySize ) { DTProperty *Prop; UINT32 Count; if (Entry == NULL || Entry->NumProperties == 0) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Prop = (DTProperty *) (Entry + 1); for (Count = 0; Count < Entry->NumProperties; Count++) { if (AsciiStrCmp(Prop->Name, PropertyName) == 0) { *PropertyValue = (VOID *) (((UINT8 *)Prop) + sizeof (DTProperty)); *PropertySize = Prop->Length; return EFI_SUCCESS; } Prop = DEVICE_TREE_GET_NEXT_PROPERTY (Prop); } return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } EFI_STATUS DTCreatePropertyIterator ( IN CONST DTEntry Entry, IN DTPropertyIterator Iterator ) { Iterator->Entry = Entry; Iterator->CurrentProperty = NULL; Iterator->CurrentIndex = 0; return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS DTIterateProperties ( IN DTPropertyIterator Iterator, IN CHAR8 **FoundProperty ) { if (Iterator->CurrentIndex >= Iterator->Entry->NumProperties) { *FoundProperty = NULL; return EFI_END_OF_MEDIA; } Iterator->CurrentIndex++; if (Iterator->CurrentIndex == 1) { Iterator->CurrentProperty = (DTProperty *) (Iterator->Entry + 1); } else { Iterator->CurrentProperty = DEVICE_TREE_GET_NEXT_PROPERTY (Iterator->CurrentProperty); } *FoundProperty = Iterator->CurrentProperty->Name; return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS DTRestartPropertyIteration ( IN DTPropertyIterator Iterator ) { Iterator->CurrentProperty = NULL; Iterator->CurrentIndex = 0; return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS DumpDeviceTreeNodeRecusively ( IN DTEntry Entry ) { EFI_STATUS Status; DTEntry Root; UINTN Spacer; DTEntryIterator EntryIterator; DTPropertyIterator PropIter; DTMemMapEntry *MemMap; DTBooterKextFileInfo *Kext; UINT8 *Address; CHAR8 *PropertyParent = NULL; CHAR8 *PropertyName = NULL; CHAR8 *PropertyValue = NULL; UINT32 PropertySize = 0; PropIter = &mOpaquePropIter; if (Entry == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Root = Entry; Spacer = 1; Status = DTCreatePropertyIterator (Entry, PropIter); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { PropertyParent = "/"; while (!EFI_ERROR(DTIterateProperties (PropIter, &PropertyName))) { if ((Status = DTGetProperty(Entry, (CHAR8 *)PropertyName, (void *)&PropertyValue, &PropertySize)) != EFI_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_WARN, "DeviceTree is probably invalid - %r\n", Status)); break; } if (AsciiStrnCmp(PropertyName, "name", 4) == 0) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "+%*ao %a\n", mDTNodeDepth * Spacer, "-", PropertyValue, mDTNodeDepth)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "|%*a\n", mDTNodeDepth * Spacer, " {" , mDTNodeDepth)); PropertyParent = PropertyValue; mDTNodeDepth++; } else if (AsciiStrnCmp(PropertyName, "guid", 4) == 0) { // // Show Guid. // DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "|%*a \"%a\" = < %g >\n", mDTNodeDepth * Spacer, " ", PropertyName, PropertyValue, PropertySize)); } else if (AsciiStrnCmp(PropertyParent, "memory-map", 10) == 0) { MemMap = (DTMemMapEntry *)PropertyValue; if (AsciiStrnCmp(PropertyName, "Driver-", 7) == 0) { Kext = (DTBooterKextFileInfo *)(UINTN)MemMap->Address; if (Kext != NULL && Kext->ExecutablePhysAddr != 0) { DEBUG (( DEBUG_INFO, "|%*a \"%a\" = < Dict 0x%0X Binary 0x%0X \"%a\" >\n", mDTNodeDepth * Spacer, " ", PropertyName, Kext->InfoDictPhysAddr, Kext->ExecutablePhysAddr, Kext->BundlePathPhysAddr )); } } else { Address = (UINT8 *)(UINTN)MemMap->Address; if (Address != NULL) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "|%*a \"%a\" = < 0x%0X %02X %02X %02X %02X Length %X >\n", mDTNodeDepth * Spacer, " ", PropertyName, MemMap->Address, Address[0], Address[1], Address[2], Address[3], MemMap->Length )); } } } else { // // TODO: Print data here. // DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "|%*a \"%a\" = < ... > (%d)\n", mDTNodeDepth * Spacer, " ", PropertyName, PropertySize)); } } DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "|%*a\n", (mDTNodeDepth - 1 ) * Spacer, " }" , mDTNodeDepth)); } Status = DTCreateEntryIterator (Root, &EntryIterator); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { while (!EFI_ERROR(DTIterateEntries (EntryIterator, &Root))) { DumpDeviceTreeNodeRecusively (Root); mDTNodeDepth--; } } return !EFI_ERROR(Status) ? EFI_SUCCESS : EFI_NOT_FOUND; } VOID DumpDeviceTree ( VOID ) { DTEntry DTRoot = NULL; if (!EFI_ERROR(DTLookupEntry (NULL, "/", &DTRoot))) { DumpDeviceTreeNodeRecusively (DTRoot); } } // DTInit /// /// /// @param[in] Base Pointer to the Device Tree /// @param[in] Length Pointer to location containing the Device Tree length /// VOID DTInit ( IN VOID *Base, IN UINT32 *Length ) { if (Base != NULL && Length != NULL) { mDTRootNode = (DTEntry) Base; mDTLength = Length; } } // DTDeleteProperty /// /// /// @param[in] NodeName /// @param[in] DeletePropertyName /// UINT32 DTDeleteProperty ( IN CHAR8 *NodeName, IN CHAR8 *DeletePropertyName ) { DTEntry Node; DTPropertyIterator PropIter; DTProperty *Property; CHAR8 *DeletePosition; CHAR8 *DeviceTreeEnd; UINT32 DeleteLength; PropIter = &mOpaquePropIter; DeletePosition = NULL; DeviceTreeEnd = (CHAR8 *) mDTRootNode + *mDTLength; DeleteLength = 0; if (!EFI_ERROR(DTLookupEntry (NULL, NodeName, &Node))) { if (!EFI_ERROR(DTCreatePropertyIterator (Node, PropIter))) { while (!EFI_ERROR(DTIterateProperties (PropIter, &DeletePosition))) { if (AsciiStrStr (DeletePosition, DeletePropertyName) != NULL) { Property = (DTProperty *)DeletePosition; DeleteLength = sizeof (DTProperty) + ALIGN_VALUE (Property->Length, sizeof (UINT32)); // // Adjust Device Tree Length. // if (mDTLength != NULL) { *mDTLength -= DeleteLength; } // // Delete Property. // CopyMem(DeletePosition, DeletePosition + DeleteLength, DeviceTreeEnd - DeletePosition); ZeroMem (DeviceTreeEnd - DeleteLength, DeleteLength); // // Decrement Nodes Properties Count. // Node->NumProperties--; break; } } } } return DeleteLength; } // DTInsertProperty /// /// /// @param[in] NodeName /// @param[in] InsertPropertyName /// @param[in] AddPropertyName /// @param[in] AddPropertyValue /// @param[in] ValueLength /// @param[in] InsertAfter /// VOID DTInsertProperty ( IN CHAR8 *NodeName, IN CHAR8 *InsertPropertyName, IN CHAR8 *AddPropertyName, IN VOID *AddPropertyValue, IN UINT32 ValueLength, IN BOOLEAN InsertAfter ) { DTEntry Node; DTPropertyIterator PropIter; DTProperty *Property; UINT32 EntryLength; CHAR8 *DeviceTree; CHAR8 *DeviceTreeEnd; CHAR8 *InsertPosition; PropIter = &mOpaquePropIter; EntryLength = ALIGN_VALUE (ValueLength, sizeof (UINT32)); DeviceTree = NULL; DeviceTreeEnd = (CHAR8 *)mDTRootNode + *mDTLength; InsertPosition = NULL; if (!EFI_ERROR(DTLookupEntry (NULL, NodeName, &Node))) { if (!EFI_ERROR(DTCreatePropertyIterator (Node, PropIter))) { while (!EFI_ERROR(DTIterateProperties (PropIter, &DeviceTree))) { InsertPosition = DeviceTree; if (AsciiStrStr (InsertPosition, InsertPropertyName) != NULL) { break; } } if (InsertAfter) { Property = (DTProperty *) InsertPosition; InsertPosition += sizeof (DTProperty) + ALIGN_VALUE (Property->Length, sizeof (UINT32)); } Property = (DTProperty *)InsertPosition; // // Make space. // CopyMem(InsertPosition + sizeof (DTProperty) + EntryLength, InsertPosition, DeviceTreeEnd - InsertPosition); ZeroMem (InsertPosition, sizeof (DTProperty) + EntryLength); // // Insert Property Name. // CopyMem(Property->Name, AddPropertyName, AsciiStrLen(AddPropertyName)); // // Insert Property Value Length. // Property->Length = ValueLength; // // Insert Property Value. // CopyMem(InsertPosition + sizeof (DTProperty), AddPropertyValue, ValueLength); // // Increment Nodes Properties Count. // Node->NumProperties++; // // Adjust Length. // if (mDTLength != NULL) { *mDTLength += sizeof (DTProperty) + EntryLength; } } } }