/* * Volume.cpp * * Created on: Apr 21, 2021 * Author: jief */ #include "Volume.h" #include #include "../Platform/plist/plist.h" #include "../Platform/guid.h" #include "../refit/lib.h" //Get the UUID of the AppleRaid or CoreStorage volume from the boot helper partition EFI_STATUS GetRootUUID (IN REFIT_VOLUME *Volume) { EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR8 *PlistBuffer; UINTN PlistLen; TagDict* Dict; const TagStruct* Prop; CONST CHAR16* SystemPlistR; CONST CHAR16* SystemPlistP; CONST CHAR16* SystemPlistS; XBool HasRock; XBool HasPaper; XBool HasScissors; Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; if (Volume == NULL) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } SystemPlistR = L"\\com.apple.boot.R\\Library\\Preferences\\SystemConfiguration\\com.apple.Boot.plist"; if (FileExists (Volume->RootDir, SystemPlistR)) { HasRock = FileExists (Volume->RootDir, SystemPlistR); } else { SystemPlistR = L"\\com.apple.boot.R\\com.apple.Boot.plist"; HasRock = FileExists (Volume->RootDir, SystemPlistR); } SystemPlistP = L"\\com.apple.boot.P\\Library\\Preferences\\SystemConfiguration\\com.apple.Boot.plist"; if (FileExists (Volume->RootDir, SystemPlistP)) { HasPaper = FileExists (Volume->RootDir, SystemPlistP); } else { SystemPlistP = L"\\com.apple.boot.P\\com.apple.Boot.plist"; HasPaper = FileExists (Volume->RootDir, SystemPlistP); } SystemPlistS = L"\\com.apple.boot.S\\Library\\Preferences\\SystemConfiguration\\com.apple.Boot.plist"; if (FileExists (Volume->RootDir, SystemPlistS)) { HasScissors = FileExists (Volume->RootDir, SystemPlistS); } else { SystemPlistS = L"\\com.apple.boot.S\\com.apple.Boot.plist"; HasScissors = FileExists (Volume->RootDir, SystemPlistS); } PlistBuffer = NULL; // Playing Rock, Paper, Scissors to chose which settings to load. if (HasRock && HasPaper && HasScissors) { // Rock wins when all three are around Status = egLoadFile(Volume->RootDir, SystemPlistR, (UINT8 **)&PlistBuffer, &PlistLen); } else if (HasRock && HasPaper) { // Paper beats rock Status = egLoadFile(Volume->RootDir, SystemPlistP, (UINT8 **)&PlistBuffer, &PlistLen); } else if (HasRock && HasScissors) { // Rock beats scissors Status = egLoadFile(Volume->RootDir, SystemPlistR, (UINT8 **)&PlistBuffer, &PlistLen); } else if (HasPaper && HasScissors) { // Scissors beat paper Status = egLoadFile(Volume->RootDir, SystemPlistS, (UINT8 **)&PlistBuffer, &PlistLen); } else if (HasPaper) { // No match Status = egLoadFile(Volume->RootDir, SystemPlistP, (UINT8 **)&PlistBuffer, &PlistLen); } else if (HasScissors) { // No match Status = egLoadFile(Volume->RootDir, SystemPlistS, (UINT8 **)&PlistBuffer, &PlistLen); } else { // Rock wins by default Status = egLoadFile(Volume->RootDir, SystemPlistR, (UINT8 **)&PlistBuffer, &PlistLen); } if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Dict = NULL; if (ParseXML(PlistBuffer, &Dict, 0) != EFI_SUCCESS) { FreePool(PlistBuffer); return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } Prop = Dict->propertyForKey("Root UUID"); if ( Prop != NULL ) { if ( !Prop->isString() ) { MsgLog("ATTENTION : property not string in Root UUID\n"); }else{ // Status = StrToGuidBE(Prop->getString()->stringValue(), &Volume->RootUUID); Volume->RootUUID.takeValueFromBE(Prop->getString()->stringValue()); if ( Volume->RootUUID.isNull() ) Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; else Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } } Dict->FreeTag(); FreePool(PlistBuffer); } return Status; }