; Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
; Module Name:
;   DisablePaging64.Asm
; Abstract:
;   AsmDisablePaging64 function
; Notes:

    SECTION .text

; InternalX86DisablePaging64 (
;   IN      UINT16                    Cs,
;   IN      UINT32                    EntryPoint,
;   IN      UINT32                    Context1,  OPTIONAL
;   IN      UINT32                    Context2,  OPTIONAL
;   IN      UINT32                    NewStack
;   );
global ASM_PFX(InternalX86DisablePaging64)
    lea     rsi, [.0]                     ; rsi <- The start address of transition code
    mov     edi, [rsp + 0x28]            ; rdi <- New stack
    lea     rax, [mTransitionEnd]         ; rax <- end of transition code
    sub     rax, rsi                    ; rax <- The size of transition piece code
    add     rax, 4                      ; Round RAX up to the next 4 byte boundary
    and     al, 0xfc
    sub     rdi, rax                    ; rdi <- Use stack to hold transition code
    mov     r10d, edi                   ; r10 <- The start address of transicition code below 4G
    push    rcx                         ; save rcx to stack
    mov     rcx, rax                    ; rcx <- The size of transition piece code
    rep     movsb                       ; copy transition code to top of new stack which must be below 4GB
    pop     rcx                         ; restore rcx

    mov     esi, r8d
    mov     edi, r9d
    mov     eax, r10d                   ; eax <- start of the transition code on the stack
    sub     eax, 4                      ; eax <- One slot below transition code on the stack
    push    rcx                         ; push Cs to stack
    push    r10                         ; push address of tansition code on stack
    DB      0x48                         ; prefix to composite "retq" with next "retf"
    retf                                ; Use far return to load CS register from stack

; Start of transition code
    mov     esp, eax                    ; set up new stack
    mov     rax, cr0
    btr     eax, 31                     ; Clear CR0.PG
    mov     cr0, rax                    ; disable paging and caches

    mov     ebx, edx                    ; save EntryPoint to rbx, for rdmsr will overwrite rdx
    mov     ecx, 0xc0000080
    and     ah, ~ 1                   ; clear LME
    mov     rax, cr4
    and     al, ~ (1 << 5)           ; clear PAE
    mov     cr4, rax
    push    rdi                         ; push Context2
    push    rsi                         ; push Context1
    call    rbx                         ; transfer control to EntryPoint
    hlt                                 ; no one should get here
