#!/bin/bash # Clover-LegacyDuet: by chris1111 # Thanks: CloverHackyColor # Thanks: Acidanthera apptitle="Clover-LegacyDuet" version="1.0" # Set Icon directory and file iconfile="/System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/Resources/Finder.icns" printf '\e[8;47;83t' PARENTDIR=$(dirname "$0") cd "$PARENTDIR" echo " " echo "🚫 Do not use this program on a disk where Clover or OpenCore is already installed!" rm -rf ./boot* Sleep 1 cp -Rp ./Bootloaders/x64/{boot6,boot7} ./ cp -Rp ./BootSectors/{boot0af,boot1f32} ./ # Install Clover booter on physical disk. #get BOOT File if [ "$2" == "" ]; then echo " " echo "Choose (6 or 7) for the Booter 6 = -> Clover EFI 64-bits using SATA to access drives. 7 = -> Clover EFI 64-bit using Bios Block I/O to access drives. " echo "Make a choice followed by Enter: " while [ -z "$BOOT" ]; do read BOOT done else BOOT="$2" fi export ARCHS=$BOOT if [ ! -f "boot${ARCHS}" ] || [ ! -f boot0af ] || [ ! -f boot1f32 ] || [ ! -f EFI/CLOVER/CLOVERX64.efi ]; then echo "Clover is not build?" echo "Or you probably have change directory on this package?" exit 1 fi if [ "$(uname)" = "Linux" ]; then if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ] then echo "Please run this script as root" exit fi if [ "$(which lsblk)" = "" ]; then echo "lsblk tool is missing! Try installing util-linux package" exit 1 fi if [ "$(which fdisk)" = "" ]; then echo "fdisk tool is missing!" exit 1 fi rm -rf ./origbs rm -rf ./newbs rm -rf ./boot* echo "Select the disk where you want to install boot files:" lsblk -d | tail -n+2 | cut -d" " -f1 echo "Example: sda" read -r DRIVE DRIVE="/dev/${DRIVE}" if ! lsblk "$DRIVE"; then echo Disk "${DRIVE}" not found exit 1 fi echo "Choose EFI partition on selected disk:" lsblk -f "${DRIVE}" echo "Example: sda1" read -r EFI_PART EFI_PART="/dev/${EFI_PART}" if ! lsblk -f "$EFI_PART" | grep -q -e FAT32 -e vfat; then echo "No FAT32 partition to install" exit 1 fi # Write MBR dd if=boot0af of="$DRIVE" bs=1 count=446 conv=notrunc || exit 1 umount "${EFI_PART}" dd if="${EFI_PART}" count=1 of=origbs cp -v boot1f32 newbs dd if=origbs of=newbs skip=3 seek=3 bs=1 count=87 conv=notrunc dd if=/dev/random of=newbs skip=496 seek=496 bs=1 count=14 conv=notrunc dd if=newbs of="${EFI_PART}" p=/tmp/$(uuidgen)/EFI mkdir -p "${p}" || exit 1 mount -t vfat "${EFI_PART}" "${p}" -o rw,noatime,uid="$(id -u)",gid="$(id -g)" || exit 1 cp -v "boot${ARCHS}" "${p}/boot" || exit 1 echo "Install EFI -> /Volumes/EFI/EFI Wait. . ." cp -Rp "EFI" "${p}" || exit 1 echo Check "${p}" boot drive to install Clover Duet DISK_SCHEME=$(fdisk -l "${DRIVE}" | sed -n 's/.*Disklabel type: *//p') if [ "$DISK_SCHEME" != "gpt" ]; then BOOT_FLAG=$(dd if="$DRIVE" bs=1 count=1 status=none skip=$((0x1BE)) | od -t x1 -A n | tr -d ' ') if [ "$BOOT_FLAG" != "80" ]; then fdisk "$DRIVE" <<END p a 1 w END fi fi else rm -rf ./origbs rm -rf ./newbs diskutil list echo "Disable SIP in the case of any problems with installation!!!" echo "Enter disk number to install to:" read -r N if ! diskutil info disk"${N}" | grep -q "/dev/disk"; then echo Disk "$N" not found exit 1 fi if ! diskutil info disk"${N}"s1 | grep -q -e FAT_32 -e EFI; then echo "No FAT32 partition to install" exit 1 fi # Write MBR echo "Type your password to continue!" sudo fdisk -uy -f boot0af /dev/rdisk"${N}" || exit 1 echo " " echo "Clover Duet boot$ARCHS$BO0T will be Install to ➤ EFI System Partition" echo " " diskutil umount disk"${N}"s1 sudo dd if=/dev/rdisk"${N}"s1 count=1 of=origbs cp -v boot1f32 newbs sudo dd if=origbs of=newbs skip=3 seek=3 bs=1 count=87 conv=notrunc dd if=/dev/random of=newbs skip=496 seek=496 bs=1 count=14 conv=notrunc sudo dd if=newbs of=/dev/rdisk"${N}"s1 #if [[ "$(sudo diskutil mount disk"${N}"s1)" == *"mounted" ]] if sudo diskutil mount disk"${N}"s1 | grep -q mounted; then cp -v "boot${ARCHS}" "$(diskutil info disk"${N}"s1 | sed -n 's/.*Mount Point: *//p')/boot" else p=/tmp/$(uuidgen)/EFI mkdir -p "${p}" || exit 1 sudo mount_msdos /dev/disk"${N}"s1 "${p}" || exit 1 cp -v "boot${ARCHS}" "${p}/boot" || exit 1 fi if diskutil info disk"${N}" | grep -q FDisk_partition_scheme; then sudo fdisk -e /dev/rdisk"$N" <<-MAKEACTIVE p f 1 w y q MAKEACTIVE fi fi Sleep 1 rm -rf ./origbs rm -rf ./newbs rm -rf ./boot* while true do response=$(osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to display dialog "Clover Duet is installed! You can install a Clover EFI folder that you created. You can use Generic Clover EFI folder from this release.\n\nCancel to not install EFI folder." buttons {"Cancel","Generic Clover EFI","Personal EFI"} default button 3 with title "'"$apptitle"' '"$version"'" with icon POSIX file "'"$iconfile"'" ') action=$(echo $response | cut -d ':' -f2) # Exit if Canceled if [ ! "$action" ] ; then osascript -e 'display notification "Program closing" with title "'"$apptitle"'" subtitle "User cancelled"' echo "User cancelled Program Clover-LegacyDuet closing in 2 sec" Sleep 2 exit 1 fi if [ "$action" == "Generic Clover EFI" ] ; then mv ./EFI/CLOVER/config-sample.plist ./EFI/CLOVER/config.plist Sleep 1 cp -Rp "EFI" "$(diskutil info disk${N}s1 | sed -n 's/.*Mount Point: *//p')" echo "Install EFI -> /Volumes/EFI/EFI Done!" mv ./EFI/CLOVER/config.plist ./EFI/CLOVER/config-sample.plist Sleep 2 Open -R "$(diskutil info disk"${N}"s1 | sed -n 's/.*Mount Point: *//p')/boot" exit 1 fi if [ "$action" == "Personal EFI" ] ; then echo " " #get EFI folder if [ "$2" == "" ]; then echo " " echo "Move your EFI folder here" echo "Followed by Enter: " while [ -z "$EFIfolder" ]; do read EFIfolder done else EFIfolder="$2" fi cp -Rp "$EFIfolder" "$(diskutil info disk${N}s1 | sed -n 's/.*Mount Point: *//p')" echo "Install EFI -> /Volumes/EFI/EFI Done!" Sleep 2 Open -R "$(diskutil info disk"${N}"s1 | sed -n 's/.*Mount Point: *//p')/boot" exit 1 fi done