/* * a class for mouse support */ #include #include "XPointer.h" #include "libegint.h" //this includes platform.h #include "../refit/screen.h" #include "../refit/menu.h" #ifndef DEBUG_ALL #define DEBUG_MOUSE 0 #else #define DEBUG_MOUSE DEBUG_ALL #endif #if DEBUG_MOUSE == 0 #define DBG(...) #else #define DBG(...) DebugLog(DEBUG_MOUSE, __VA_ARGS__) #endif // Initial value, but later it will be theme dependent #define POINTER_WIDTH 64 #define POINTER_HEIGHT 64 XPointer::XPointer() : SimplePointerProtocol(NULL), PointerImage(NULL), // newImage(POINTER_WIDTH, POINTER_HEIGHT), oldImage(0, 0), Alive(false), night(false) { } XPointer::~XPointer() { } void XPointer::Hide() { if (Alive) { oldImage.DrawWithoutCompose(oldPlace.XPos, oldPlace.YPos); } } bool XPointer::isAlive() { return Alive; } EFI_STATUS XPointer::MouseBirth() { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; if (!gSettings.PointerEnabled) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } if (SimplePointerProtocol) { //do not double // DBG("Mouse is already here\n"); Draw(); return EFI_SUCCESS; } // Try first to use mouse from System Table Status = gBS->HandleProtocol(gST->ConsoleInHandle, &gEfiSimplePointerProtocolGuid, (VOID**)&SimplePointerProtocol); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { // not found, so use the first found device DBG("MouseBirth: No mouse at ConIn, checking if any other device exists\n"); Status = gBS->LocateProtocol(&gEfiSimplePointerProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID**)&SimplePointerProtocol); } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { MsgLog("No mouse driver found!\n"); if (PointerImage) { delete PointerImage; PointerImage = NULL; } MouseEvent = NoEvents; SimplePointerProtocol = NULL; gSettings.PointerEnabled = FALSE; return Status; } if (PointerImage && !PointerImage->isEmpty() ) { delete PointerImage; PointerImage = nullptr; } // Now update image because of other theme has other image PointerImage = new XImage(ThemeX.GetIcon(BUILTIN_ICON_POINTER).GetBest(night)); oldImage.setSizeInPixels(PointerImage->GetWidth(), PointerImage->GetHeight()); LastClickTime = 0; oldPlace.XPos = (INTN)(UGAWidth >> 2); oldPlace.YPos = (INTN)(UGAHeight >> 2); oldPlace.Width = PointerImage->GetWidth(); oldPlace.Height = PointerImage->GetHeight(); // CopyMem(&newPlace, &oldPlace, sizeof(EG_RECT)); newPlace = oldPlace; Draw(); MouseEvent = NoEvents; Alive = true; return Status; } VOID XPointer::Draw() { oldPlace = newPlace; // take background image for later to restore background newPlace.Width = PointerImage->GetWidth(); newPlace.Height = PointerImage->GetHeight(); oldImage.GetArea(newPlace); //GetArea will resize oldImage, so correct newPlace newPlace.Width = oldImage.GetWidth(); newPlace.Height = oldImage.GetHeight(); PointerImage->Draw(newPlace.XPos, newPlace.YPos); //zero means no scale } VOID XPointer::KillMouse() { Alive = false; if (!SimplePointerProtocol) { return; } // DBG("KillMouse\n"); if (PointerImage) { delete PointerImage; PointerImage = nullptr; } MouseEvent = NoEvents; SimplePointerProtocol = NULL; } VOID XPointer::UpdatePointer(bool daylight) { UINT64 Now; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_SIMPLE_POINTER_STATE tmpState; EFI_SIMPLE_POINTER_MODE *CurrentMode; INTN ScreenRelX; INTN ScreenRelY; night = !daylight; // Now = gRT->GetTime(&Now, NULL); Now = AsmReadTsc(); Status = SimplePointerProtocol->GetState(SimplePointerProtocol, &tmpState); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { if (!State.LeftButton && tmpState.LeftButton) // press left MouseEvent = LeftMouseDown; else if (!State.RightButton && tmpState.RightButton) // press right MouseEvent = RightMouseDown; else if (State.LeftButton && !tmpState.LeftButton) { //release left // time for double click 500ms into menu if (TimeDiff(LastClickTime, Now) < gSettings.DoubleClickTime) MouseEvent = DoubleClick; else MouseEvent = LeftClick; LastClickTime = Now; } else if (State.RightButton && !tmpState.RightButton) //release right MouseEvent = RightClick; else if (State.RelativeMovementZ > 0) MouseEvent = ScrollDown; else if (State.RelativeMovementZ < 0) MouseEvent = ScrollUp; else if (State.RelativeMovementX || State.RelativeMovementY) MouseEvent = MouseMove; else MouseEvent = NoEvents; CopyMem(&State, &tmpState, sizeof(State)); CurrentMode = SimplePointerProtocol->Mode; ScreenRelX = (UGAWidth * State.RelativeMovementX * gSettings.PointerSpeed / (INTN)CurrentMode->ResolutionX) >> 10; if (gSettings.PointerMirror) { newPlace.XPos -= ScreenRelX; } else { newPlace.XPos += ScreenRelX; } if (newPlace.XPos < 0) newPlace.XPos = 0; if (newPlace.XPos > UGAWidth - 1) newPlace.XPos = UGAWidth - 1; // YPosPrev = newPlace.YPos; ScreenRelY = (UGAHeight * State.RelativeMovementY * gSettings.PointerSpeed / (INTN)CurrentMode->ResolutionY) >> 10; newPlace.YPos += ScreenRelY; if (newPlace.YPos < 0) newPlace.YPos = 0; if (newPlace.YPos > UGAHeight - 1) newPlace.YPos = UGAHeight - 1; if ( oldPlace != newPlace ) { Hide(); Draw(); } } } MOUSE_EVENT XPointer::GetEvent() { return MouseEvent; } bool XPointer::MouseInRect(EG_RECT *Place) { return ((newPlace.XPos >= Place->XPos) && (newPlace.XPos < (Place->XPos + (INTN)Place->Width)) && (newPlace.YPos >= Place->YPos) && (newPlace.YPos < (Place->YPos + (INTN)Place->Height))); }