#!/bin/bash echo "===============================================" echo "EFIFolder Pre-Install Script" echo "===============================================" #echo "DEBUG: $ 1 = Full path to the installation package the installer app is processing: " $1 #echo "DEBUG: $ 2 = Full path to the installation destination: " $2 #echo "DEBUG: $ 3 = Installation volume (mountpoint) to receive the payload: " $3 #echo "DEBUG: $ 4 = Root directory for the system: " $4 echo "preinstall: Path to installer....... $1" echo "preinstall: Path to destination..... $2" echo "preinstall: Path to dest volume..... $3" echo "preinstall: Root of system folder... $4" # Check target exists if [ ! -e "$3" ]; then echo "$3 volume does not exist!" exit 1 fi # If target volume root of current system then replace # / with volume name. if [ "$3" == "/" ]; then DEST_VOL="/Volumes/"$( ls -1F /Volumes | sed -n 's:@$::p' ) else DEST_VOL="$3" fi EFI_ROOT_DIR="${DEST_VOL}"/EFIROOTDIR CLOVER_INSTALLER_PLIST_NEW="${DEST_VOL}@CLOVER_INSTALLER_PLIST_NEW@" install_log="${DEST_VOL}/Clover_Install_Log.txt" plistbuddy='/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy' installer_target_esp_refid='@INSTALLER_TARGET_ESP_REFID@' # # get value of a nvram key # GetNVRamKey() { # Arguments: # $1: nvram key to search (case insensitive) # Return: # return the value of the nvram key # exit code is != 0 if the nvram key wasn't found local keyvalue exitCode local IFS=$(printf "\t") keyvalue=( $(/usr/sbin/nvram -p | /usr/bin/grep -i "^${1}\t*" 2>/dev/null) ) exitCode=$? [[ $exitCode -eq 0 ]] && echo "${keyvalue[1]}" return $exitCode } export -f GetNVRamKey # --------------------------------------------- # Creating log file # --------------------------------------------- echo "" > "$install_log" echo "Clover EFI installer log - $( date )" >> "$install_log" echo "Installer version: r%CLOVERREVISION% EFI bootloader" >> "$install_log" echo "======================================================" >> "$install_log" diskutil list >> "$install_log" # --------------------------------------------- # Mount ESP partition if necessary # --------------------------------------------- # Get the options target_esp=$($plistbuddy -c "Print $installer_target_esp_refid" \ "$CLOVER_INSTALLER_PLIST_NEW" 2>/dev/null) rm -f "$EFI_ROOT_DIR" if [[ "$target_esp" == true ]]; then # Mount and create the link EFI_ROOT_DIR -> ESP_MOUNT_POINT ./MountESP "$DEST_VOL" "$EFI_ROOT_DIR" >> "$install_log" || exit 1 else ln -sf "$DEST_VOL" "$EFI_ROOT_DIR" fi # --------------------------------------------- # Preparing Backing up of Clover files # --------------------------------------------- old_revision='r0000' for cloverfile in BOOT/BOOTX64.efi CLOVER/CLOVERX64.efi CLOVER/CLOVERIA32.efi; do cloverpath="${EFI_ROOT_DIR}/EFI/$cloverfile" if [[ -f "$cloverpath" ]]; then old_revision=r$(grep --text 'Clover revision:' "$cloverpath" | sed -nE 's/Clover revision: *([0-9]+).*/\1/p') break fi done keepBackupLimit=$(GetNVRamKey 'Clover.KeepBackupLimit') backupDirOnDestVol=$(GetNVRamKey 'Clover.BackupDirOnDestVol') if [[ "$backupDirOnDestVol" =~ N|n ]]; then backupRootDir="$EFI_ROOT_DIR/EFI-Backups" [[ -z "$keepBackupLimit" ]] && keepBackupLimit=0 else backupRootDir="$DEST_VOL/EFI-Backups" # backup on destination volume (default) [[ -z "$keepBackupLimit" ]] && keepBackupLimit=10 fi backupDir="${backupRootDir}/$old_revision/"$( date -j "+%F-%Hh%M" ) # Remove old backup directories if needed if [[ "$keepBackupLimit" =~ [[:digit:]]+ ]]; then index=1 while IFS= read -r -u3 -d $'\n' dir ;do # 'fix xemacs fontification if [[ "$index" -ge "$keepBackupLimit" ]]; then rm -rf "$dir" fi (( index++ )) done 3< <(find "$backupRootDir" -type d -depth 2 2>/dev/null | tail -r) fi if [[ -n "$keepBackupLimit" && "$keepBackupLimit" -ne 0 ]]; then # --------------------------------------------- # Backing up Clover files # --------------------------------------------- # Create the backup directory mkdir -p "$backupDir" echo "======================================================" >> "$install_log" echo "Backing up EFI files" >> "$install_log" echo "" >> "$install_log" # Backup stage2 if [ -f "$EFI_ROOT_DIR/boot" ];then echo "Backing up stage2 file $EFI_ROOT_DIR/boot to ${backupDir}/boot" >> "$install_log" cp -p "$EFI_ROOT_DIR/boot" "${backupDir}/boot" fi if [ -f "$EFI_ROOT_DIR/boot1" ];then echo "Backing up stage2 file $EFI_ROOT_DIR/boot1 to ${backupDir}/boot1" >> "$install_log" cp -p "$EFI_ROOT_DIR/boot1" "${backupDir}/boot1" fi if [ -f "$EFI_ROOT_DIR/boot3" ];then echo "Backing up stage2 file $EFI_ROOT_DIR/boot3 to ${backupDir}/boot3" >> "$install_log" cp -p "$EFI_ROOT_DIR/boot3" "${backupDir}/boot3" fi if [ -f "$EFI_ROOT_DIR/boot6" ];then echo "Backing up stage2 file $EFI_ROOT_DIR/boot6 to ${backupDir}/boot6" >> "$install_log" cp -p "$EFI_ROOT_DIR/boot6" "${backupDir}/boot6" fi # Backup /EFI directory if [ -d "$EFI_ROOT_DIR/EFI" ];then echo "Backing up $EFI_ROOT_DIR/EFI folder to ${backupDir}/EFI" >> "$install_log" cp -pR "$EFI_ROOT_DIR/EFI" "${backupDir}/EFI" fi chflags -R nohidden "$backupDir" # Remove the invisible flag of files in the backups fi # Remove empty directories find "$backupRootDir" -type d -maxdepth 2 -empty -print0 2>/dev/null | xargs -0 rmdir find "$backupRootDir" -type d -maxdepth 1 -empty -print0 2>/dev/null | xargs -0 rmdir # Remove old CloverPrefpane pkg='@CLOVER_PACKAGE_IDENTITY@.cloverprefpane' location=$(/usr/sbin/pkgutil --volume "$DEST_VOL" --pkg-info $pkg 2>/dev/null | sed -n 's/^location: *//p') pkgutil --volume "$DEST_VOL" --files $pkg 2>/dev/null | \ xargs -I @@ echo "$DEST_VOL/$location/@@" | \ /usr/bin/grep -iE 'CloverUpdater|Clover.prefPane' | \ xargs -I @@ rm -rf '@@' # Remove files of old revision. pkgs=$(/usr/sbin/pkgutil --volume "$DEST_VOL" --pkgs | /usr/bin/grep -iE '@CLOVER_PACKAGE_IDENTITY@.' | /usr/bin/grep -Ev 'ntfs|apfs|hfsplus') for pkg in $pkgs; do # Get where the files where installed from volume destination location=$(/usr/sbin/pkgutil --volume "$DEST_VOL" --pkg-info $pkg 2>/dev/null | sed -n 's/^location: *//p') pkgutil --volume "$DEST_VOL" --files $pkg 2>/dev/null | \ xargs -I @@ echo "$DEST_VOL/$location/@@" | \ /usr/bin/grep -iE 'EFI/CLOVER/(drivers\w+)/' | \ xargs -I @@ rm -rf '@@' rm -f "$DEST_VOL"/Library/Receipts/"$pkg".{plist,bom} rm -f "$DEST_VOL"/var/db/receipts/"$pkg".{plist,bom} done # Move old drivers64 to drivers and drivers64UEFI to driversUEFI if [[ -d "${EFI_ROOT_DIR}/EFI/CLOVER/drivers64" && \ ! -d "${EFI_ROOT_DIR}/EFI/CLOVER/drivers/@CLOVER_DRIVERS_LEGACY@" ]]; then mkdir -p "${EFI_ROOT_DIR}/EFI/CLOVER/drivers" cp -R "${EFI_ROOT_DIR}/EFI/CLOVER/drivers64" "${EFI_ROOT_DIR}/EFI/CLOVER/drivers/@CLOVER_DRIVERS_LEGACY@" # Rename drivers to not use the -x64 suffix (DataHubDxe-64.efi -> DataHubDxe.efi). # This is needed to let this package overwrite newer drivers w/o leaving duplicates with '-64' if [[ -d "${EFI_ROOT_DIR}/EFI/CLOVER/drivers/@CLOVER_DRIVERS_LEGACY@" ]]; then cd "${EFI_ROOT_DIR}/EFI/CLOVER/drivers/@CLOVER_DRIVERS_LEGACY@" for driver in *.efi; do mv "${driver}" "${driver/-64.efi/.efi}"; done fi fi if [[ -d "${EFI_ROOT_DIR}/EFI/CLOVER/drivers64UEFI" && \ ! -d "${EFI_ROOT_DIR}/EFI/CLOVER/drivers/@CLOVER_DRIVERS_UEFI@" ]]; then mkdir -p "${EFI_ROOT_DIR}/EFI/CLOVER/drivers" cp -R "${EFI_ROOT_DIR}/EFI/CLOVER/drivers64UEFI" "${EFI_ROOT_DIR}/EFI/CLOVER/drivers/@CLOVER_DRIVERS_UEFI@" # Rename drivers for this directory as well if [[ -d "${EFI_ROOT_DIR}/EFI/CLOVER/drivers/@CLOVER_DRIVERS_UEFI@" ]]; then cd "${EFI_ROOT_DIR}/EFI/CLOVER/drivers/@CLOVER_DRIVERS_UEFI@" for driver in *.efi; do mv "${driver}" "${driver/-64.efi/.efi}"; done fi fi # issue 117, even if the fault lies with some other program that uses these files rm -f "${EFI_ROOT_DIR}/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.efi rm -f "${EFI_ROOT_DIR}/EFI/CLOVER/CLOVERX64.efi # Remove old CloverEFI files #rm -fv "$EFI_ROOT_DIR"/boot{3,6,7}