/* * * Copyright (c) 2020 Jief * All rights reserved. * */ // Only use angled for Platform, else, xcode project won't compile #include "XmlLiteSimpleTypes.h" #include "XmlLiteParser.h" #include "../cpp_foundation/XString.h" #include "../cpp_foundation/XStringArray.h" #include "../cpp_foundation/unicode_conversions.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #define __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ __FUNCSIG__ #endif bool strnnIsEqual(const char* key, size_t keyLength, const char* value, size_t valueLength) { if ( keyLength != valueLength ) return false; return strncmp(key, value, keyLength) == 0; } bool strnIsEqual(const char* key, size_t keyLength, const char* value) { return strnnIsEqual(key, keyLength, value, strlen(value)); } bool strnnIsEqualIC(const char* key, size_t keyLength, const char* value, size_t valueLength) { if ( keyLength != valueLength ) return false; return strncasecmp(key, value, keyLength) == 0; } bool strnIsEqualIC(const char* key, size_t keyLength, const char* value) { return strnnIsEqualIC(key, keyLength, value, strlen(value)); } XmlParserPosition XmlLiteParser::getPosition() { return currentPos; } void XmlLiteParser::restorePosition(XmlParserPosition& xml_position) { currentPos = xml_position; } void XmlLiteParser::init(const char* buf, size_t size) { (void)size; p_start = (char*)malloc(size+1); memcpy(p_start, buf, size); // TODO remove that copy. I shouldnt need an ending 0 anymore, I think... Check. p_start[size] = 0; p_end = p_start + size; currentPos.p = p_start; currentPos.line = 1; currentPos.col = 1; errorsAndWarnings.setEmpty(); for ( size_t i = 0; i < size ; ++i) { if ( p_start[i] == 0 ) { addWarning(true, S8Printf("Invalid NULL char at offset %zu. Replace by a space", i)); p_start[i] = 0x20; //replace random zero bytes to spaces } } } char XmlLiteParser::getchar() { return *currentPos.p; } char XmlLiteParser::moveForward() { // if ( getchar() == 0 ) { if ( currentPos.p >= p_end ) { if ( currentPos.p > p_end ) { panic("BUG in xmlLiteParser. Went past the end."); } return 0; } if ( getchar() == '\n' ) { currentPos.line++; currentPos.col = 1; }else{ currentPos.col++; } return *( ++(currentPos.p) ); } char XmlLiteParser::moveForward(int n) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < n-1 ; i++ ) moveForward(); return moveForward(); } char XmlLiteParser::moveBackward() { if ( currentPos.p == p_start ) return 0; currentPos.p--; if ( getchar() == '\n' ) { if ( currentPos.col != 1 ) panic("%s : currentPos.col != 1", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); currentPos.line--; currentPos.col = 1; char* q = currentPos.p; while ( q > p_start && *(--q) != '\n' ) { currentPos.col++; }; }else{ currentPos.col--; } return getchar(); } char XmlLiteParser::moveForwardUntilSignificant() { char c = getchar(); while ( c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n' ) { c = moveForward(); } return c; } char XmlLiteParser::moveBackwardUntilSignificant() { char c = getchar(); while ( c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n' ) { c = moveBackward(); } return c; } char XmlLiteParser::moveForwardUntil(char until) { char c = getchar(); while ( currentPos.p < p_end && c != until ) c = moveForward(); #ifdef JIEF_DEBUG if ( currentPos.p > p_end ) panic("%s : currentPos.p > p_end", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); #endif if ( currentPos.p == p_end ) return 0; return c; } char XmlLiteParser::moveBackwardUntil(char until) { char c = moveBackward(); while ( c && c != until ) c = moveBackward(); return c; } char XmlLiteParser::moveForwardPastNext(char until) { moveForwardUntil(until); return moveForward(); } void XmlLiteParser::skipHeader() { if ( strncmp(currentPos.p, "'); moveForwardUntilSignificant(); if ( strncmp(currentPos.p, "'); moveForwardUntilSignificant(); } if ( strncmp(currentPos.p, "'); moveForwardUntilSignificant(); } } } #define IS_TAGCHAR(x) ( ( x >= 'a' && x <='z' ) || ( x >= 'A' && x <='Z' ) || ( x >= '0' && x <= '9' ) ) bool XmlLiteParser::getNextTag(const char** tag, size_t* length, bool* isOpeningTag, bool* isClosingTag, bool generateErrors) { if (tag == NULL) panic("tag == NULL"); // // Find the start of the tag. // moveUntilNext('<'); moveForwardUntilSignificant(); // if ( getchar() == '\0' ) { if ( currentPos.p >= p_end ) { addXmlError(generateErrors, S8Printf("Unexpected end of file at line %d col %d", currentPos.line, currentPos.col)); return false; } if ( getchar() == '<' ) { moveForward(); if ( getchar() == '/') { *isOpeningTag = false; *isClosingTag = true; moveForward(); }else{ *isOpeningTag = true; *isClosingTag = false; } *tag = currentPos.p; // Find the end of the tag. char c = moveForward(); while ( IS_TAGCHAR(c) ) c = moveForward(); if ( c == '/' ) { if ( *isClosingTag ) { // tag like are illegal addXmlError(generateErrors, S8Printf("unexpected '/' at line %d col %d. Tag like are illegal.", currentPos.line, currentPos.col)); return false; } *length = size_t(currentPos.p - *tag); return true; } if ( c != '>' ) { if ( c == '\0' ) { addXmlError(generateErrors, S8Printf("Unexpected end of file at line %d col %d while looking for closing char '>'", currentPos.line, currentPos.col)); return false; } addXmlError(generateErrors, S8Printf("Unexpected char '%c' at line %d col %d while looking for closing char '>'", c, currentPos.line, currentPos.col)); return false; } *length = size_t(currentPos.p - *tag); moveForward(); // moveForwardUntilSignificant(); return true; }else if ( getchar() == '/' ) { // special case where we left at an empty tag XmlParserPosition pos = getPosition(); moveBackwardUntil('<'); moveForward(); *tag = currentPos.p; restorePosition(pos); *length = size_t(currentPos.p - *tag); char c = moveForward(); // skip '/' if ( c != '>' ) { if ( c == '\0' ) { addXmlError(generateErrors, S8Printf("Unexpected end of file at line %d col %d while looking for closing char '>'", currentPos.line, currentPos.col)); return false; } addXmlError(generateErrors, S8Printf("Unexpected char '%c' at line %d col %d while looking for closing char '>'", c, currentPos.line, currentPos.col)); return false; } moveForward(); // moveForwardUntilSignificant(); *isOpeningTag = false; *isClosingTag = true; return true; }else{ addXmlError(generateErrors, S8Printf("Unexpected char '%c' at line %d col %d while looking for a tag that must start with '<'", getchar() , currentPos.line, currentPos.col)); moveForward(); return false; } } /* * Get the string from current position until the next '<', or end of buffer. * Spaces at begining or end are skipped. * If no '<', false is returned. * Position at the '<' when exit. */ void XmlLiteParser::getString(const char** string, size_t* length) { if ( *currentPos.p == '/' && *(currentPos.p+1) == '>' ) { // Special case. We were left at '/>' to represent an empty tag *string = NULL; *length = 0; return; } char c; // c = moveForwardUntilSignificant(); c = getchar(); // if ( c == 0 || c == '<' /*|| c == '/'*/ ) { if ( currentPos.p >= p_end || c == '<' /*|| c == '/'*/ ) { *string = NULL; *length = 0; return; } *string = currentPos.p; c = moveForwardUntil('<'); if ( c ) { moveBackward(); } // moveBackwardUntilSignificant(); *length = size_t(currentPos.p - *string + 1); if ( *length == 0 ) *string = NULL; moveForwardUntil('<'); } #define RETURN_IF_FALSE(Expression) do { bool b = Expression; if ( !b ) return false; } while (0); bool XmlLiteParser::getSimpleTag(const char** tag, size_t* tagLength, const char** value, size_t* valueLength, const char* expectedTag/*, bool valueCanBeEmpty*/, bool generateErrors) { bool isOpeningTag, isClosingTag; XmlParserPosition pos = getPosition(); RETURN_IF_FALSE( getNextTag(tag, tagLength, &isOpeningTag, &isClosingTag, generateErrors) ); if ( isClosingTag ) { // opening tag expected addXmlError(generateErrors, S8Printf("Unexpected closing tag '%.*s' at line %d col %d. Was expecting .", (int)*tagLength, *tag, pos.line, pos.col)); return false; } if ( expectedTag && !strnIsEqual(*tag, *tagLength, expectedTag) ) { addXmlError(generateErrors, S8Printf("Unexpected tag '%.*s' at line %d col %d. Was expecting <%s>.", (int)*tagLength, *tag, pos.line, pos.col, expectedTag)); return false; } getString(value, valueLength); // if ( !valueCanBeEmpty && *valueLength == 0 ) { // if ( generateErrors ) addError(S8Printf("Text of tag '%.*s' cannot be empty at line %d col %d\n", (int)*tagLength, *tag, currentPos.line, currentPos.col)); // return false; // } const char* endTag; size_t endTagLength; pos = getPosition(); RETURN_IF_FALSE( getNextTag(&endTag, &endTagLength, &isOpeningTag, &isClosingTag, generateErrors) ); if ( isOpeningTag ) { // closing tag expected currentPos = pos; addXmlError(generateErrors, S8Printf("Expected closing tag '%.*s' at line %d col %d", (int)*tagLength, *tag, pos.line, pos.col)); return false; } if ( !strnnIsEqual(endTag, endTagLength, *tag, *tagLength) ) { // closing tag name is different currentPos = pos; addXmlError(generateErrors, S8Printf("Expected closing tag '%.*s' at line %d col %d", (int)*tagLength, *tag, pos.line, pos.col)); return false; } // if ( *valueLength == 0 ) { // addError(generateErrors, S8Printf("Key '%.*s' has an empty value at line %d col %d\n", (int)*tagLength, *tag, pos.line, pos.col)); // return false; // } return true; } /* * The opening tag has been read. Skip until the closing tag */ bool XmlLiteParser::skipUntilClosingTag(const char* tagToSkip, size_t tagToSkipLength, bool generateErrors) { const char* value; size_t valueLength; bool b; getString(&value, &valueLength); //TODO while ( valueLength > 0 && (*value == ' ' || *value == '\t' || *value == '\r' || *value == '\n') ) { ++value; --valueLength; } const char* tag; size_t tagLength; bool isOpeningTag, isClosingTag; XmlParserPosition pos = getPosition(); b = getNextTag(&tag, &tagLength, &isOpeningTag, &isClosingTag, generateErrors); if ( !b ) return false; if ( isOpeningTag && valueLength > 0 ) { // cannot have a tag containing text AND subtag addXmlError(generateErrors, S8Printf("Tag '%.*s' cannot contains text AND tag at line %d col %d", (int)tagToSkipLength, tagToSkip, pos.line, pos.col)); return false; } while ( isOpeningTag ) { b = skipUntilClosingTag(tag, tagLength, generateErrors); if ( !b ) return false; b = getNextTag(&tag, &tagLength, &isOpeningTag, &isClosingTag, generateErrors); if ( !b ) return false; } if ( !strnnIsEqual(tag, tagLength, tagToSkip, tagToSkipLength) ) { // closing tag is different addXmlError(generateErrors, S8Printf("Expected closing tag '%.*s' at line %d col %d", (int)tagToSkipLength, tagToSkip, pos.line, pos.col)); return false; } char c = moveForwardUntilSignificant(); if ( c != 0 && c != '<' ) { // After a closing tag, we can't have chars other than spaces addXmlError(generateErrors, S8Printf("Unexpected char '%c' at line %d col %d after the end of tag '%.*s'. The containing tag cannot have text abd tab", getchar() , currentPos.line, currentPos.col, (int)tagToSkipLength, tagToSkip)); return false; } return true; } bool XmlLiteParser::skipNextTag(bool generateErrors) { const char* tag; size_t tagLength; bool isOpeningTag, isClosingTag; bool b; XmlParserPosition pos = getPosition(); b = getNextTag(&tag, &tagLength, &isOpeningTag, &isClosingTag, generateErrors); if ( !b ) return false; if ( isClosingTag ) { // next tag should be an opening one addXmlError(generateErrors, S8Printf("Expected an opening tag at line %d col %d", pos.line, pos.col)); return false; } return skipUntilClosingTag(tag, tagLength, generateErrors); } bool XmlLiteParser::getSimpleTagValue(const char* expectedTag, size_t expectedTagLength, const char** value, size_t* valueLength, XmlParserPosition* xmlParserPosition, bool generateErrors) { const char* tag; size_t tagLength; *xmlParserPosition = getPosition(); bool b = getSimpleTag(&tag, &tagLength, value, valueLength, expectedTag, generateErrors); if ( !b ) return false; if ( !strnnIsEqualIC(tag, tagLength, expectedTag, expectedTagLength) ) { addXmlError(generateErrors, S8Printf("Expecting a <%s> at line %d col %d", expectedTag, (*xmlParserPosition).line, (*xmlParserPosition).col)); return false; } // if ( *valueLength == 0 ) { // return false; // // todo Msg // } // if ( **value == '#' ) { // b = skipNextTag(); // if ( !b ) return false; // return getSimpleTagValue(expectedTag, expectedTagLength, value, valueLength, xmlParserPosition, generateErrors); // } return true; } bool XmlLiteParser::getKeyTagValue(const char** value, size_t* valueLength, XmlParserPosition* xmlParserPosition, bool generateErrors) { const char* tag; size_t tagLength; #ifdef DEBUG_TRACE #endif moveForwardUntilSignificant(); // to get the position more accurate *xmlParserPosition = getPosition(); bool b = getSimpleTag(&tag, &tagLength, value, valueLength, "key", generateErrors); if ( !b ) { currentPos = *xmlParserPosition; return false; } #ifdef DEBUG_TRACE printf("XmlLiteParser::getKeyTagValue key=%.*s, line=%d, buffer=", (int)*valueLength, *value, (*xmlParserPosition).getLine()); for(size_t i=0 ; i<40 ; i++) printf("%c", (*xmlParserPosition).p[i] < 32 ? 0 : (*xmlParserPosition).p[i]); printf("\n"); #endif // I think the following cannot happen anymore... if ( !strnIsEqualIC(tag, tagLength, "key") ) { addXmlError(generateErrors, S8Printf("Expecting a at line %d col %d", (*xmlParserPosition).line, (*xmlParserPosition).col)); currentPos = *xmlParserPosition; return false; } // if ( *valueLength == 0 ) { // if ( generateErrors ) addWarning(S8Printf("Expecting text for key tag at line %d col %d. SKipped\n", (*xmlParserPosition).line, (*xmlParserPosition).col)); // b = skipNextTag(); // if ( !b ) return false; // return getKeyTagValue(value, valueLength, xmlParserPosition, generateErrors); // } // if ( **value == '#' ) { // b = skipNextTag(); // if ( !b ) return false; // return getKeyTagValue(value, valueLength, xmlParserPosition, generateErrors); // } return true; } bool XmlLiteParser::consumeOpeningTag(const char* expectedTag, bool generateErrors) { const char* tag; size_t length; bool isOpeningTag, isClosingTag; auto pos = currentPos; RETURN_IF_FALSE ( getNextTag(&tag, &length, &isOpeningTag, &isClosingTag, generateErrors) ); if ( !strnIsEqual(tag, length, expectedTag) ) { addXmlError(generateErrors, S8Printf("Expecting tag '%s' at line %d.", expectedTag, pos.getLine())); currentPos = pos; return false; } if ( isClosingTag ) { addXmlError(generateErrors, S8Printf("Expecting opening tag '%s' at line %d.", expectedTag, pos.getLine())); currentPos = pos; return false; } return true; } bool XmlLiteParser::consumeClosingTag(const char* expectedTag, bool generateErrors) { const char* tag; size_t length; bool isOpeningTag, isClosingTag; auto pos = currentPos; RETURN_IF_FALSE ( getNextTag(&tag, &length, &isOpeningTag, &isClosingTag, generateErrors) ); if ( !strnIsEqual(tag, length, expectedTag) ) { addXmlError(true, S8Printf("Expecting tag '%s' at line %d.", expectedTag, pos.getLine())); return false; } if ( isOpeningTag ) { addXmlError(true, S8Printf("Expecting closing tag '%s' at line %d.", expectedTag, pos.getLine())); return false; } return true; } bool XmlLiteParser::nextTagIsOpeningTag(const char* expectedTag) { const char* tag; size_t length; bool isOpeningTag, isClosingTag; XmlParserPosition pos = getPosition(); RETURN_IF_FALSE ( getNextTag(&tag, &length, &isOpeningTag, &isClosingTag, false) ); restorePosition(pos); if ( !strnIsEqual(tag, length, expectedTag) ) return false; if ( isClosingTag ) return false; return true; } bool XmlLiteParser::nextTagIsClosingTag(const char* expectedTag) { const char* tag; size_t length; bool isOpeningTag, isClosingTag; XmlParserPosition pos = getPosition(); RETURN_IF_FALSE ( getNextTag(&tag, &length, &isOpeningTag, &isClosingTag, false) ); restorePosition(pos); if ( !strnIsEqual(tag, length, expectedTag) ) return false; if ( isOpeningTag ) return false; return true; }