#!/bin/bash # Prevent the script from doing bad things set -u # Abort with unset variables declare -r CURL="/usr/bin/curl" declare -r SED="/usr/bin/sed" declare -r IOREG="/usr/sbin/ioreg" declare -r OPEN="/usr/bin/open" declare -r PLISTBUDDY="/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy" declare -r CLOVER_LAST_VERSION_URL="https://sourceforge.net/projects/cloverefiboot/files/latest/download" declare -r CLOVER_APP_SUPPORT="/Library/Application Support/Clover" declare -r CLOVER_INSTALLER_PLIST=/Library/Preferences/com.projectosx.clover.installer.plist declare -r CLOVER_UPDATER_PLIST="$HOME"/Library/Preferences/com.projectosx.clover.updater.plist # Argument pass to script mode="${1:-}" now=$(/bin/date "+%s") # We need to check if we are allowed to update from preferences in case of # startup if [[ "$mode" == startup ]]; then # Check preferences scheduled_check_interval=$($PLISTBUDDY -c "Print ScheduledCheckInterval" "$CLOVER_UPDATER_PLIST" 2>/dev/null) [[ -z "$scheduled_check_interval" || "$scheduled_check_interval" -eq 0 ]] && exit 0 last_check_timestamp=$($PLISTBUDDY -c "Print LastCheckTimestamp" "$CLOVER_UPDATER_PLIST" 2>/dev/null) [[ -z "$last_check_timestamp" ]] && last_check_timestamp=0 [[ $(($last_check_timestamp + $scheduled_check_interval)) -gt "$now" ]] && exit 0 fi last_revision=$(LC_ALL=C $CURL --silent --fail --connect-timeout 30 \ --max-time 60 "$CLOVER_LAST_VERSION_URL" 2>&1 | \ $SED -nE 's#^.*Installer/Clover_v[2-9].[4-9]k?_r([0-9]+).*#\1#p') [[ -z "$last_revision" ]] && exit 1 current_revision=$(LC_ALL=C $IOREG -l -pIODeviceTree | \ $SED -nE 's@.*boot-log.*<([0-9a-fA-F]*)>.*@\1@p' | \ xxd -r -p | \ $SED -nE 's/^.*Clover revision: *([0-9]+).*$/\1/p') installed_revision=$($PLISTBUDDY -c "PrintCloverRevision" "$CLOVER_INSTALLER_PLIST" 2>/dev/null) [[ -n "$installed_revision" && "$installed_revision" -gt "$current_revision" ]] && \ current_revision="$installed_revision" [[ -z "$current_revision" ]] && exit 1 "$PLISTBUDDY" -c "Delete LastCheckTimestamp" "$CLOVER_UPDATER_PLIST" &>/dev/null "$PLISTBUDDY" -c "Add LastCheckTimestamp integer $now" "$CLOVER_UPDATER_PLIST" &>/dev/null [[ "$mode" == startup && "$last_revision" -le "$current_revision" ]] && exit 0 choice=$("$CLOVER_APP_SUPPORT"/CloverUpdater.app/Contents/MacOS/CloverUpdater \ "$current_revision" "$last_revision") # Remove previous key "$PLISTBUDDY" -c "Delete AllowUpdate" "$CLOVER_UPDATER_PLIST" &>/dev/null case "$choice" in -1) "$PLISTBUDDY" -c "Add AllowUpdate bool false" "$CLOVER_UPDATER_PLIST" &>/dev/null ;; 1) open http://sourceforge.net/projects/cloverefiboot/files/Installer/Clover_v2.5k_r${last_revision}.zip/download ;; esac # Local Variables: # # mode: ksh # # tab-width: 4 # # indent-tabs-mode: nil # # End: # # # vi: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4 sts=4: #