/* * BmLib.h * * Created on: 10 Apr 2020 * Author: jief */ #ifndef LIBEG_BMLIB_H_ #define LIBEG_BMLIB_H_ #include <Guid/FileSystemVolumeLabelInfo.h> #include <Guid/FileInfo.h> #include <Guid/FileSystemInfo.h> /** Find the first instance of this Protocol in the system and return it's interface. @param ProtocolGuid Provides the protocol to search for @param Interface On return, a pointer to the first interface that matches ProtocolGuid @retval EFI_SUCCESS A protocol instance matching ProtocolGuid was found @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND No protocol instances were found that match ProtocolGuid **/ EFI_STATUS EfiLibLocateProtocol ( IN EFI_GUID *ProtocolGuid, OUT VOID **Interface ); /** Function opens and returns a file handle to the root directory of a volume. @param DeviceHandle A handle for a device @return A valid file handle or NULL is returned **/ EFI_FILE_HANDLE EfiLibOpenRoot ( IN EFI_HANDLE DeviceHandle ); /** Function gets the file system information from an open file descriptor, and stores it in a buffer allocated from pool. @param FHand The file handle. @return A pointer to a buffer with file information. @retval NULL is returned if failed to get Volume Label Info. **/ EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_VOLUME_LABEL * EfiLibFileSystemVolumeLabelInfo ( IN EFI_FILE_HANDLE FHand ); /** Duplicate a string. @param Src The source. @return A new string which is duplicated copy of the source. @retval NULL If there is not enough memory. **/ CHAR16 * EfiStrDuplicate ( IN CONST CHAR16 *Src ); //Compare strings case insensitive // return 0 if strings are equal not accounting match case INTN StriCmp ( IN CONST CHAR16 *FirstS, IN CONST CHAR16 *SecondS ); // If Null-terminated strings are case insensitive equal or its sSize symbols are equal then TRUE BOOLEAN AsciiStriNCmp( IN CONST CHAR8 *FirstS, IN CONST CHAR8 *SecondS, IN CONST UINTN sSize ); // Case insensitive search of WhatString in WhereString BOOLEAN AsciiStrStriN ( IN CONST CHAR8 *WhatString, IN CONST UINTN sWhatSize, IN CONST CHAR8 *WhereString, IN CONST UINTN sWhereSize ); /** Function gets the file information from an open file descriptor, and stores it in a buffer allocated from pool. @param FHand File Handle. @return A pointer to a buffer with file information or NULL is returned **/ EFI_FILE_INFO * EfiLibFileInfo ( IN EFI_FILE_HANDLE FHand ); EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_INFO * EfiLibFileSystemInfo ( IN EFI_FILE_HANDLE FHand ); /** Function is used to determine the number of device path instances that exist in a device path. @param DevicePath A pointer to a device path data structure. @return This function counts and returns the number of device path instances in DevicePath. **/ UINTN EfiDevicePathInstanceCount ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevicePath ); /** Adjusts the size of a previously allocated buffer. @param OldPool - A pointer to the buffer whose size is being adjusted. @param OldSize - The size of the current buffer. @param NewSize - The size of the new buffer. @return The newly allocated buffer. @retval NULL Allocation failed. **/ VOID * EfiReallocatePool ( IN VOID *OldPool, IN UINTN OldSize, IN UINTN NewSize ); /** Compare two EFI_TIME data. @param FirstTime - A pointer to the first EFI_TIME data. @param SecondTime - A pointer to the second EFI_TIME data. @retval TRUE The FirstTime is not later than the SecondTime. @retval FALSE The FirstTime is later than the SecondTime. **/ BOOLEAN TimeCompare ( IN EFI_TIME *FirstTime, IN EFI_TIME *SecondTime ); /* Translate VT-UTF8 characters into one Unicode character. UTF8 Encoding Table Bits per Character | Unicode Character Range | Unicode Binary Encoding | UTF8 Binary Encoding 0-7 | 0x0000 - 0x007F | 00000000 0xxxxxxx | 0xxxxxxx 8-11 | 0x0080 - 0x07FF | 00000xxx xxxxxxxx | 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx 12-16 | 0x0800 - 0xFFFF | xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx | 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx $ U+0024 10 0100 00100100 24 ¢ U+00A2 1010 0010 11000010 10100010 C2 A2 € U+20AC 0010 0000 1010 1100 11100010 10000010 10101100 E2 82 AC 𐍈 U+10348 1 0000 0011 0100 1000 11110000 10010000 10001101 10001000 F0 90 8D 88 */ CHAR8* GetUnicodeChar(CHAR8 *s, CHAR16* UnicodeChar); #endif /* LIBEG_BMLIB_H_ */