/* * Volume.h * * Created on: Apr 21, 2021 * Author: jief */ #ifndef PLATFORM_VOLUME_H_ #define PLATFORM_VOLUME_H_ #include "../include/VolumeTypes.h" #include #include "../cpp_foundation/apd.h" #include "../cpp_foundation/XString.h" #include "../libeg/libeg.h" #include "../Platform/guid.h" class LEGACY_OS { public: UINT8 Type = 0; XStringW IconName = XStringW(); XStringW Name = XStringW(); }; class REFIT_VOLUME { public: EFI_DEVICE_PATH *DevicePath = 0; EFI_HANDLE DeviceHandle = 0; EFI_FILE *RootDir = 0; XStringW DevicePathString = XStringW(); XStringW VolName = XStringW(); // comes from EfiLibFileSystemInfo, EfiLibFileSystemVolumeLabelInfo, "EFI" if gEfiPartTypeSystemPartGuid or "Unknown HD" XStringW VolLabel = XStringW(); // comes from \\.VolumeLabel.txt, or empty. UINT8 DiskKind = 0; LEGACY_OS LegacyOS = LEGACY_OS(); XBool Hidden = false; UINT8 BootType = 0; XBool IsAppleLegacy = false; XBool HasBootCode = false; XBool IsMbrPartition = false; UINTN MbrPartitionIndex = 0; EFI_BLOCK_IO *BlockIO = 0; UINT64 BlockIOOffset = 0; EFI_BLOCK_IO *WholeDiskBlockIO = 0; apd WholeDiskDevicePath = NULL; EFI_HANDLE WholeDiskDeviceHandle = 0; MBR_PARTITION_INFO *MbrPartitionTable = 0; UINT32 DriveCRC32 = 0; EFI_GUID RootUUID = EFI_GUID(); //for recovery it is UUID of parent partition UINT64 SleepImageOffset = 0; XStringW osxVolumeName = XStringW(); // comes from \\System\\Library\\CoreServices\\.disk_label.contentDetails, or empty. EFI_GUID ApfsFileSystemUUID = EFI_GUID(); // apfs file system UUID of that partition. It's not the UUID of subfolder like in Preboot. EFI_GUID ApfsContainerUUID = EFI_GUID(); APPLE_APFS_VOLUME_ROLE ApfsRole = 0; XObjArray ApfsTargetUUIDArray = XObjArray(); // this is the array of folders that are named as UUID UINTN Index = 0; REFIT_VOLUME() {}; REFIT_VOLUME(const REFIT_VOLUME& other) = delete; // Can be defined if needed const REFIT_VOLUME& operator = ( const REFIT_VOLUME & ) = delete; // Can be defined if needed ~REFIT_VOLUME() {} const XStringW getVolLabelOrOSXVolumeNameOrVolName() { if ( VolLabel.notEmpty() ) return VolLabel; if ( osxVolumeName.notEmpty() ) return osxVolumeName; return VolName; } }; EFI_STATUS GetRootUUID(IN OUT REFIT_VOLUME *Volume); #endif /* PLATFORM_VOLUME_H_ */