/* * Self.h * * Created on: Sep 28, 2020 * Author: jief */ #ifndef PLATFORM_SELFOEM_H_ #define PLATFORM_SELFOEM_H_ #include #include "Self.h" class SelfOem { protected: XString8 m_ConfName = NullXString8; // Initialisation required by -Weffc++. Couldn't use default ctor. // bool m_OemDirExists; EFI_FILE* m_OemDir = NULL; XStringW m_OemPathRelToSelfDir = NullXStringW; XStringW m_OemFulPath = NullXStringW; // const EFI_FILE* m_userConfigDir = NULL; XStringW m_configDirPathRelToSelfDir = NullXStringW; // could also be empty if config dir is clover dir. XStringW m_configDirPathRelToSelfDirWithTrailingSlash = NullXStringW; // could also be empty if config dir is clover dir. EFI_FILE* m_KextsDir = NULL; XStringW m_KextsPathRelToSelfDir = NullXStringW; XStringW m_KextsFullPath = NullXStringW; // EFI_STATUS _openDir(const XStringW& path, bool* b, EFI_FILE** efiDir); bool _checkOEMPath(); bool _setOemPathRelToSelfDir(bool isFirmwareClover, const XString8& OEMBoard, const XString8& OEMProduct, INT32 frequency, UINTN nLanCards, UINT8 gLanMac[4][6]); EFI_STATUS _initialize(); public: SelfOem () {}; SelfOem(const SelfOem&) = delete; SelfOem& operator = (const SelfOem&) = delete; ~SelfOem () {}; EFI_STATUS initialize(const XString8& confName, bool isFirmwareClover, const XString8& OEMBoard, const XString8& OEMProduct, INT32 frequency, UINTN nLanCards, UINT8 gLanMac[4][6]); EFI_STATUS reInitialize(); void closeHandle(); const XString8& getConfName() { return m_ConfName; } bool oemDirExists() { return m_OemPathRelToSelfDir.notEmpty(); } const EFI_FILE& getOemDir() { assert(m_OemDir != NULL); return *m_OemDir; } const XStringW& getOemPathRelToSelfDir() { assert(m_OemPathRelToSelfDir.notEmpty()); return m_OemPathRelToSelfDir; } const XStringW& getOemFullPath() { assert(m_OemFulPath.notEmpty()); return m_OemFulPath; } const EFI_FILE& getConfigDir() { if ( m_OemDir != NULL ) return *m_OemDir; return self.getCloverDir(); } const XStringW& getConfigDirPathRelToSelfDir() { return m_configDirPathRelToSelfDirWithTrailingSlash; } const XStringW& getConfigDirPathRelToSelfDirWithTrailingSlash() { return m_configDirPathRelToSelfDirWithTrailingSlash; } const XStringW& getConfigDirFullPath() { if ( m_OemDir != NULL ) return getOemFullPath(); return self.getCloverDirFullPath(); } bool isKextsDirFound() { return m_KextsDir != NULL; } const EFI_FILE& getKextsDir() { assert(m_KextsDir != NULL); return *m_KextsDir; } const XStringW& getKextsDirPathRelToSelfDir() { assert(m_KextsPathRelToSelfDir.notEmpty()); return m_KextsPathRelToSelfDir; } const XStringW& getKextsFullPath() { assert(m_KextsFullPath.notEmpty()); return m_KextsFullPath; } }; extern SelfOem selfOem; #endif /* PLATFORM_SELF_H_ */