/* * ConfigPlist.h * * Created on: Oct 9, 2020 * Author: jief */ #ifndef _CONFIGPLISTCLASS_DEVICES_H_ #define _CONFIGPLISTCLASS_DEVICES_H_ class DevicesClass : public XmlDict { using super = XmlDict; public: class XmlPropertyValue: public XmlUnion { protected: XmlString8AllowEmpty xmlString8 = XmlString8AllowEmpty(); XmlUInt32 xmlUInt32 = XmlUInt32(); XmlBool xmlBool = XmlBool(); XmlData xmlData = XmlData(); XmlUnionField m_fields[3] = { xmlString8, xmlData, xmlUInt32 }; virtual void getFields(XmlUnionField** fields, size_t* nb) override { *fields = m_fields; *nb = sizeof(m_fields)/sizeof(m_fields[0]); }; public: const XBuffer value() const { if ( !isDefined()) return XBuffer::NullXBuffer; if ( xmlString8.isDefined() ) return XBuffer(xmlString8.value().c_str(), xmlString8.value().sizeInBytesIncludingTerminator()); if ( xmlUInt32.isDefined() ) return XBuffer(&xmlUInt32.value(), sizeof(decltype(xmlUInt32.value()))); if ( xmlBool.isDefined() ) { uint32_t ui32 = xmlBool.value(); return XBuffer(&ui32, sizeof(ui32)); }; if ( xmlData.isDefined() ) return xmlData.value(); return XBuffer::NullXBuffer; } TAG_TYPE valueType() const { if ( !isDefined()) return kTagTypeNone; if ( xmlString8.isDefined() ) return kTagTypeString; if ( xmlUInt32.isDefined() ) return kTagTypeInteger; if ( xmlData.isDefined() ) return kTagTypeData; panic("There is a bug : one of the field must be defined the union is defined"); } }; class SimplePropertyClass_Class : public XmlDict { using super = XmlDict; public: XmlBool disabled = XmlBool(); XmlString8AllowEmpty key = XmlString8AllowEmpty(); XmlPropertyValue value = XmlPropertyValue(); XmlDictField m_fields[3] = { {"disabled", disabled}, {"key", key}, {"value", value}, }; virtual void getFields(XmlDictField** fields, size_t* nb) override { *fields = m_fields; *nb = sizeof(m_fields)/sizeof(m_fields[0]); }; const decltype(key)::ValueType& dgetKey() const { return key.isDefined() ? key.value() : key.nullValue; }; XBuffer dgetValue() const { return value.isDefined() ? value.value() : XBuffer::NullXBuffer; }; TAG_TYPE dgetValueType() const { return value.isDefined() ? value.valueType() : kTagTypeNone; }; uint8_t dgetDisabled() const { return disabled.isDefined() ? disabled.value() : disabled.nullValue; }; }; #include "Config_Devices_Audio.h" #include "Config_Devices_AddProperties.h" #include "Config_Devices_Arbitrary.h" #include "Config_Devices_Properties.h" #include "Config_Devices_FakeID.h" #include "Config_Devices_USB.h" protected: XmlBool Inject = XmlBool(); XmlBool SetIntelBacklight = XmlBool(); XmlBool SetIntelMaxBacklight = XmlBool(); XmlUInt32 IntelMaxValue = XmlUInt32(); XmlBool LANInjection = XmlBool(); XmlBool HDMIInjection = XmlBool(); XmlBool NoDefaultProperties = XmlBool(); XmlBool UseIntelHDMI = XmlBool(); XmlBool ForceHPET = XmlBool(); XmlUInt32 DisableFunctions = XmlUInt32(); XmlString8AllowEmpty AirportBridgeDeviceName = XmlString8AllowEmpty(); public: Devices_Audio_Class Audio = Devices_Audio_Class(); Devices_FakeID_Class FakeID = Devices_FakeID_Class(); Devices_USB_Class USB = Devices_USB_Class(); PropertiesUnion Properties = PropertiesUnion(); XmlArray Arbitrary = XmlArray(); XmlArray AddProperties = XmlArray(); protected: XmlDictField m_fields[17] = { {"Inject", Inject}, {"SetIntelBacklight", SetIntelBacklight}, {"SetIntelMaxBacklight", SetIntelMaxBacklight}, {"IntelMaxValue", IntelMaxValue}, {"LANInjection", LANInjection}, {"HDMIInjection", HDMIInjection}, {"NoDefaultProperties", NoDefaultProperties}, {"FakeID", FakeID}, {"UseIntelHDMI", UseIntelHDMI}, {"ForceHPET", ForceHPET}, {"DisableFunctions", DisableFunctions}, {"AirportBridgeDeviceName", AirportBridgeDeviceName}, {"Audio", Audio}, {"USB", USB}, {"Properties", Properties}, {"Arbitrary", Arbitrary}, {"AddProperties", AddProperties}, }; virtual void getFields(XmlDictField** fields, size_t* nb) override { *fields = m_fields; *nb = sizeof(m_fields)/sizeof(m_fields[0]); }; public: const decltype(Inject)::ValueType& dgetStringInjector() const { return Inject.isDefined() ? Inject.value() : Inject.nullValue; }; const decltype(SetIntelBacklight)::ValueType& dgetIntelBacklight() const { return SetIntelBacklight.isDefined() ? SetIntelBacklight.value() : SetIntelBacklight.nullValue; }; const decltype(SetIntelMaxBacklight)::ValueType& dgetIntelMaxBacklight() const { return SetIntelMaxBacklight.isDefined() ? SetIntelMaxBacklight.value() : SetIntelMaxBacklight.nullValue; }; const decltype(IntelMaxValue)::ValueType& dgetIntelMaxValue() const { return IntelMaxValue.isDefined() ? IntelMaxValue.value() : IntelMaxValue.nullValue; }; bool dgetLANInjection() const { return isDefined() ? LANInjection.isDefined() ? LANInjection.value() : true : false; }; // TODO: different default value if section is not defined const decltype(HDMIInjection)::ValueType& dgetHDMIInjection() const { return HDMIInjection.isDefined() ? HDMIInjection.value() : HDMIInjection.nullValue; }; bool dgetNoDefaultProperties() const { return isDefined() ? NoDefaultProperties.isDefined() ? NoDefaultProperties.value() : true : false; }; // TODO: different default value if section is not defined const decltype(UseIntelHDMI)::ValueType& dgetUseIntelHDMI() const { return UseIntelHDMI.isDefined() ? UseIntelHDMI.value() : UseIntelHDMI.nullValue; }; const decltype(ForceHPET)::ValueType& dgetForceHPET() const { return ForceHPET.isDefined() ? ForceHPET.value() : ForceHPET.nullValue; }; const decltype(DisableFunctions)::ValueType& dgetDisableFunctions() const { return DisableFunctions.isDefined() ? DisableFunctions.value() : DisableFunctions.nullValue; }; const decltype(AirportBridgeDeviceName)::ValueType& dgetAirportBridgeDeviceName() const { return AirportBridgeDeviceName.isDefined() ? AirportBridgeDeviceName.value() : AirportBridgeDeviceName.nullValue; }; }; #endif /* _CONFIGPLISTCLASS_DEVICES_H_ */