#!/bin/bash #echo "DEBUG: $ 1 = Full path to the installation package the installer app is processing: " $1 #echo "DEBUG: $ 2 = Full path to the installation destination: " $2 #echo "DEBUG: $ 3 = Installation volume (mountpoint) to receive the payload: " $3 #echo "DEBUG: $ 4 = Root directory for the system: " $4 echo "preinstall: Path to installer....... $1" echo "preinstall: Path to destination..... $2" echo "preinstall: Path to dest volume..... $3" echo "preinstall: Root of system folder... $4" ############################################################################# DEST_VOL="$3" EFI_ROOT_DIR=$(cd "${DEST_VOL}"/Private/tmp/EFIROOTDIR; pwd -P) install_log="${DEST_VOL}/Private/tmp/Clover_Install_Log.txt" driver_dir="@DRIVER_DIR@" # clean some unused paths driversKinds=( FileVault2 MemoryFix FileSystem HID Other ) for k in "${driversKinds[@]}" do rm -rf "$EFI_ROOT_DIR/EFI/CLOVER/drivers/$driver_dir/$k" done