/** Provides services for Mach-O headers. Copyright (C) 2016 - 2018, Download-Fritz. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MachoLibInternal.h" /** Returns the Mach-O Header structure. @param[in,out] Context Context of the Mach-O. **/ MACH_HEADER_64 * MachoGetMachHeader64 ( IN OUT OC_MACHO_CONTEXT *Context ) { ASSERT (Context != NULL); ASSERT (Context->MachHeader != NULL); return Context->MachHeader; } /** Returns the Mach-O's file size. @param[in,out] Context Context of the Mach-O. **/ UINT32 MachoGetFileSize ( IN OUT OC_MACHO_CONTEXT *Context ) { ASSERT (Context != NULL); ASSERT (Context->FileSize != 0); return Context->FileSize; } /** Returns the Mach-O's virtual address space size. @param[out] Context Context of the Mach-O. **/ UINT32 MachoGetVmSize64 ( IN OUT OC_MACHO_CONTEXT *Context ) { UINT64 VmSize; MACH_SEGMENT_COMMAND_64 *Segment; ASSERT (Context != NULL); ASSERT (Context->FileSize != 0); VmSize = 0; for ( Segment = MachoGetNextSegment64 (Context, NULL); Segment != NULL; Segment = MachoGetNextSegment64 (Context, Segment) ) { if (OcOverflowAddU64 (VmSize, Segment->Size, &VmSize)) { return 0; } VmSize = MACHO_ALIGN (VmSize); } if (VmSize > MAX_UINT32) { return 0; } return (UINT32) VmSize; } /** Moves file pointer and size to point to x86_64 slice in case FAT Mach-O is used. @param[in,out] FileData Pointer to pointer of the file's data. @param[in,out] FileSize Pointer to file size of FileData. @return FALSE is not valid FAT image. **/ STATIC BOOLEAN MachoFilterFatArchitecture64 ( IN OUT UINT8 **FileData, IN OUT UINT32 *FileSize ) { BOOLEAN SwapBytes; MACH_FAT_HEADER *FatHeader; UINT32 NumberOfFatArch; UINT32 Offset; MACH_CPU_TYPE CpuType; UINT32 TmpSize; UINT32 Index; UINT32 Size; FatHeader = (MACH_FAT_HEADER *) *FileData; if (!OC_ALIGNED (FatHeader) || *FileSize < sizeof (MACH_FAT_HEADER) || (FatHeader->Signature != MACH_FAT_BINARY_INVERT_SIGNATURE && FatHeader->Signature != MACH_FAT_BINARY_SIGNATURE)) { return FALSE; } SwapBytes = FatHeader->Signature == MACH_FAT_BINARY_INVERT_SIGNATURE; NumberOfFatArch = FatHeader->NumberOfFatArch; if (SwapBytes) { NumberOfFatArch = SwapBytes32 (NumberOfFatArch); } if (OcOverflowMulAddU32 (NumberOfFatArch, sizeof (MACH_FAT_ARCH), sizeof (MACH_FAT_HEADER), &TmpSize) || TmpSize > *FileSize) { return FALSE; } // // TODO: extend the interface to support MachCpuSubtypeX8664H some day. // for (Index = 0; Index < NumberOfFatArch; ++Index) { CpuType = FatHeader->FatArch[Index].CpuType; if (SwapBytes) { CpuType = SwapBytes32 (CpuType); } if (CpuType == MachCpuTypeX8664) { Offset = FatHeader->FatArch[Index].Offset; Size = FatHeader->FatArch[Index].Size; if (SwapBytes) { Offset = SwapBytes32 (Offset); Size = SwapBytes32 (Size); } if (Offset == 0 || OcOverflowAddU32 (Offset, Size, &TmpSize) || TmpSize > *FileSize) { return FALSE; } *FileData = *FileData + Offset; *FileSize = Size; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** Initializes a Mach-O Context. @param[out] Context Mach-O Context to initialize. @param[in] FileData Pointer to the file's data. @param[in] FileSize File size of FileData. @return Whether Context has been initialized successfully. **/ BOOLEAN MachoInitializeContext ( OUT OC_MACHO_CONTEXT *Context, IN VOID *FileData, IN UINT32 FileSize ) { MACH_HEADER_64 *MachHeader; UINTN TopOfFile; UINTN TopOfCommands; UINT32 Index; CONST MACH_LOAD_COMMAND *Command; UINTN TopOfCommand; UINT32 CommandsSize; BOOLEAN Result; ASSERT (FileData != NULL); ASSERT (FileSize > 0); ASSERT (Context != NULL); MachoFilterFatArchitecture64 ((UINT8 **) &FileData, &FileSize); MachHeader = (MACH_HEADER_64 *) FileData; TopOfFile = ((UINTN)MachHeader + FileSize); ASSERT (TopOfFile > (UINTN)MachHeader); if (FileSize < sizeof (*MachHeader) || !OC_ALIGNED (MachHeader) || MachHeader->Signature != MACH_HEADER_64_SIGNATURE) { return FALSE; } Result = OcOverflowAddUN ( (UINTN)MachHeader->Commands, MachHeader->CommandsSize, &TopOfCommands ); if (Result || (TopOfCommands > TopOfFile)) { return FALSE; } CommandsSize = 0; for ( Index = 0, Command = MachHeader->Commands; Index < MachHeader->NumCommands; ++Index, Command = NEXT_MACH_LOAD_COMMAND (Command) ) { Result = OcOverflowAddUN ( (UINTN)Command, sizeof (*Command), &TopOfCommand ); if (Result || (TopOfCommand > TopOfCommands) || (Command->CommandSize < sizeof (*Command)) || ((Command->CommandSize % sizeof (UINT64)) != 0) // Assumption: 64-bit, see below. ) { return FALSE; } Result = OcOverflowAddU32 ( CommandsSize, Command->CommandSize, &CommandsSize ); if (Result) { return FALSE; } } if (MachHeader->CommandsSize != CommandsSize) { return FALSE; } // // Verify assumptions made by this library. // Carefully audit all "Assumption:" remarks before modifying these checks. // if ((MachHeader->CpuType != MachCpuTypeX8664) || ((MachHeader->FileType != MachHeaderFileTypeKextBundle) && (MachHeader->FileType != MachHeaderFileTypeExecute))) { return FALSE; } ZeroMem (Context, sizeof (*Context)); Context->MachHeader = MachHeader; Context->FileSize = FileSize; return TRUE; } /** Returns the last virtual address of a Mach-O. @param[in,out] Context Context of the Mach-O. @retval 0 The binary is malformed. **/ UINT64 MachoGetLastAddress64 ( IN OUT OC_MACHO_CONTEXT *Context ) { UINT64 LastAddress; CONST MACH_SEGMENT_COMMAND_64 *Segment; UINT64 Address; ASSERT (Context != NULL); LastAddress = 0; for ( Segment = MachoGetNextSegment64 (Context, NULL); Segment != NULL; Segment = MachoGetNextSegment64 (Context, Segment) ) { Address = (Segment->VirtualAddress + Segment->Size); if (Address > LastAddress) { LastAddress = Address; } } return LastAddress; } /** Retrieves the first Load Command of type LoadCommandType. @param[in,out] Context Context of the Mach-O. @param[in] LoadCommandType Type of the Load Command to retrieve. @param[in] LoadCommand Previous Load Command. If NULL, the first match is returned. @retval NULL NULL is returned on failure. **/ STATIC CONST MACH_LOAD_COMMAND * InternalGetNextCommand64 ( IN OUT OC_MACHO_CONTEXT *Context, IN MACH_LOAD_COMMAND_TYPE LoadCommandType, IN CONST MACH_LOAD_COMMAND *LoadCommand OPTIONAL ) { CONST MACH_LOAD_COMMAND *Command; CONST MACH_HEADER_64 *MachHeader; UINTN TopOfCommands; ASSERT (Context != NULL); MachHeader = Context->MachHeader; ASSERT (MachHeader != NULL); TopOfCommands = ((UINTN)MachHeader->Commands + MachHeader->CommandsSize); if (LoadCommand != NULL) { ASSERT ( (LoadCommand >= &MachHeader->Commands[0]) && ((UINTN)LoadCommand <= TopOfCommands) ); Command = NEXT_MACH_LOAD_COMMAND (LoadCommand); } else { Command = &MachHeader->Commands[0]; } for ( ; (UINTN)Command < TopOfCommands; Command = NEXT_MACH_LOAD_COMMAND (Command) ) { if (Command->CommandType == LoadCommandType) { return Command; } } return NULL; } /** Retrieves the first UUID Load Command. @param[in,out] Context Context of the Mach-O. @retval NULL NULL is returned on failure. **/ MACH_UUID_COMMAND * MachoGetUuid64 ( IN OUT OC_MACHO_CONTEXT *Context ) { MACH_UUID_COMMAND *UuidCommand; ASSERT (Context != NULL); UuidCommand = (MACH_UUID_COMMAND *)( InternalGetNextCommand64 ( Context, MACH_LOAD_COMMAND_UUID, NULL ) ); if ((UuidCommand != NULL) && OC_ALIGNED (UuidCommand) && (UuidCommand->CommandSize == sizeof (*UuidCommand))) { return UuidCommand; } return NULL; } /** Retrieves the first segment by the name of SegmentName. @param[in,out] Context Context of the Mach-O. @param[in] SegmentName Segment name to search for. @retval NULL NULL is returned on failure. **/ MACH_SEGMENT_COMMAND_64 * MachoGetSegmentByName64 ( IN OUT OC_MACHO_CONTEXT *Context, IN CONST CHAR8 *SegmentName ) { MACH_SEGMENT_COMMAND_64 *Segment; INTN Result; ASSERT (Context != NULL); ASSERT (SegmentName != NULL); Result = 0; for ( Segment = MachoGetNextSegment64 (Context, NULL); Segment != NULL; Segment = MachoGetNextSegment64 (Context, Segment) ) { Result = AsciiStrnCmp ( Segment->SegmentName, SegmentName, ARRAY_SIZE (Segment->SegmentName) ); if (Result == 0) { return Segment; } } return NULL; } /** Returns whether Section is sane. @param[in,out] Context Context of the Mach-O. @param[in] Section Section to verify. @param[in] Segment Segment the section is part of. **/ STATIC BOOLEAN InternalSectionIsSane ( IN OUT OC_MACHO_CONTEXT *Context, IN CONST MACH_SECTION_64 *Section, IN CONST MACH_SEGMENT_COMMAND_64 *Segment ) { UINT64 TopOffset64; UINT32 TopOffset32; UINT64 TopOfSegment; BOOLEAN Result; UINT64 TopOfSection; ASSERT (Context != NULL); ASSERT (Section != NULL); ASSERT (Segment != NULL); // // Section->Alignment is stored as a power of 2. // if ((Section->Alignment > 31) || ((Section->Offset != 0) && (Section->Offset < Segment->FileOffset))) { return FALSE; } TopOfSegment = (Segment->VirtualAddress + Segment->Size); Result = OcOverflowAddU64 ( Section->Address, Section->Size, &TopOfSection ); if (Result || (TopOfSection > TopOfSegment)) { return FALSE; } Result = OcOverflowAddU64 ( Section->Offset, Section->Size, &TopOffset64 ); if (Result || (TopOffset64 > (Segment->FileOffset + Segment->FileSize))) { return FALSE; } if (Section->NumRelocations != 0) { Result = OcOverflowMulAddU32 ( Section->NumRelocations, sizeof (MACH_RELOCATION_INFO), Section->RelocationsOffset, &TopOffset32 ); if (Result || (TopOffset32 > Context->FileSize)) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /** Retrieves the first section by the name of SectionName. @param[in,out] Context Context of the Mach-O. @param[in] Segment Segment to search in. @param[in] SectionName Section name to search for. @retval NULL NULL is returned on failure. **/ MACH_SECTION_64 * MachoGetSectionByName64 ( IN OUT OC_MACHO_CONTEXT *Context, IN MACH_SEGMENT_COMMAND_64 *Segment, IN CONST CHAR8 *SectionName ) { MACH_SECTION_64 *Section; INTN Result; ASSERT (Context != NULL); ASSERT (Segment != NULL); ASSERT (SectionName != NULL); for ( Section = MachoGetNextSection64 (Context, Segment, NULL); Section != NULL; Section = MachoGetNextSection64 (Context, Segment, Section) ) { // // Assumption: Mach-O is not of type MH_OBJECT. // MH_OBJECT might have sections in segments they do not belong in for // performance reasons. This library does not support intermediate // objects. // Result = AsciiStrnCmp ( Section->SectionName, SectionName, ARRAY_SIZE (Section->SectionName) ); if (Result == 0) { return Section; } } return NULL; } /** Retrieves a section within a segment by the name of SegmentName. @param[in,out] Context Context of the Mach-O. @param[in] SegmentName The name of the segment to search in. @param[in] SectionName The name of the section to search for. @retval NULL NULL is returned on failure. **/ MACH_SECTION_64 * MachoGetSegmentSectionByName64 ( IN OUT OC_MACHO_CONTEXT *Context, IN CONST CHAR8 *SegmentName, IN CONST CHAR8 *SectionName ) { MACH_SEGMENT_COMMAND_64 *Segment; ASSERT (Context != NULL); ASSERT (SegmentName != NULL); ASSERT (SectionName != NULL); Segment = MachoGetSegmentByName64 (Context, SegmentName); if (Segment != NULL) { return MachoGetSectionByName64 (Context, Segment, SectionName); } return NULL; } /** Retrieves the next segment. @param[in,out] Context Context of the Mach-O. @param[in] Segment Segment to retrieve the successor of. if NULL, the first segment is returned. @retal NULL NULL is returned on failure. **/ MACH_SEGMENT_COMMAND_64 * MachoGetNextSegment64 ( IN OUT OC_MACHO_CONTEXT *Context, IN CONST MACH_SEGMENT_COMMAND_64 *Segment OPTIONAL ) { MACH_SEGMENT_COMMAND_64 *NextSegment; CONST MACH_HEADER_64 *MachHeader; UINTN TopOfCommands; BOOLEAN Result; UINT64 TopOfSegment; UINTN TopOfSections; ASSERT (Context != NULL); ASSERT (Context->MachHeader != NULL); ASSERT (Context->FileSize > 0); if (Segment != NULL) { MachHeader = Context->MachHeader; TopOfCommands = ((UINTN) MachHeader->Commands + MachHeader->CommandsSize); ASSERT ( ((UINTN) Segment >= (UINTN) &MachHeader->Commands[0]) && ((UINTN) Segment < TopOfCommands) ); } NextSegment = (MACH_SEGMENT_COMMAND_64 *)( InternalGetNextCommand64 ( Context, MACH_LOAD_COMMAND_SEGMENT_64, (MACH_LOAD_COMMAND *) Segment ) ); if ((NextSegment == NULL) || !OC_ALIGNED (NextSegment) || (NextSegment->CommandSize < sizeof (*NextSegment))) { return NULL; } Result = OcOverflowMulAddUN ( NextSegment->NumSections, sizeof (*NextSegment->Sections), (UINTN) NextSegment->Sections, &TopOfSections ); if (Result || (((UINTN) NextSegment + NextSegment->CommandSize) < TopOfSections)) { return NULL; } Result = OcOverflowAddU64 ( NextSegment->FileOffset, NextSegment->FileSize, &TopOfSegment ); if (Result || (TopOfSegment > Context->FileSize)) { return NULL; } return NextSegment; } /** Retrieves the next section of a segment. @param[in,out] Context Context of the Mach-O. @param[in] Segment The segment to get the section of. @param[in] Section The section to get the successor of. If NULL, the first section is returned. @retval NULL NULL is returned on failure. **/ MACH_SECTION_64 * MachoGetNextSection64 ( IN OUT OC_MACHO_CONTEXT *Context, IN MACH_SEGMENT_COMMAND_64 *Segment, IN MACH_SECTION_64 *Section OPTIONAL ) { ASSERT (Context != NULL); ASSERT (Segment != NULL); if (Section != NULL) { ASSERT (Section >= Segment->Sections); ++Section; if (Section >= &Segment->Sections[Segment->NumSections]) { return NULL; } } else if (Segment->NumSections > 0) { Section = &Segment->Sections[0]; } else { return NULL; } if (!InternalSectionIsSane (Context, Section, Segment)) { return NULL; } return Section; } /** Retrieves a section by its index. @param[in,out] Context Context of the Mach-O. @param[in] Index Index of the section to retrieve. @retval NULL NULL is returned on failure. **/ MACH_SECTION_64 * MachoGetSectionByIndex64 ( IN OUT OC_MACHO_CONTEXT *Context, IN UINT32 Index ) { MACH_SECTION_64 *Section; MACH_SEGMENT_COMMAND_64 *Segment; UINT32 SectionIndex; UINT32 NextSectionIndex; BOOLEAN Result; ASSERT (Context != NULL); SectionIndex = 0; Segment = NULL; for ( Segment = MachoGetNextSegment64 (Context, NULL); Segment != NULL; Segment = MachoGetNextSegment64 (Context, Segment) ) { Result = OcOverflowAddU32 ( SectionIndex, Segment->NumSections, &NextSectionIndex ); // // If NextSectionIndex is wrapping around, Index must be contained. // if (Result || (Index < NextSectionIndex)) { Section = &Segment->Sections[Index - SectionIndex]; if (!InternalSectionIsSane (Context, Section, Segment)) { return NULL; } return Section; } SectionIndex = NextSectionIndex; } return NULL; } /** Retrieves a section by its address. @param[in,out] Context Context of the Mach-O. @param[in] Address Address of the section to retrieve. @retval NULL NULL is returned on failure. **/ MACH_SECTION_64 * MachoGetSectionByAddress64 ( IN OUT OC_MACHO_CONTEXT *Context, IN UINT64 Address ) { MACH_SEGMENT_COMMAND_64 *Segment; MACH_SECTION_64 *Section; UINT64 TopOfSegment; UINT64 TopOfSection; ASSERT (Context != NULL); for ( Segment = MachoGetNextSegment64 (Context, NULL); Segment != NULL; Segment = MachoGetNextSegment64 (Context, Segment) ) { TopOfSegment = (Segment->VirtualAddress + Segment->Size); if ((Address >= Segment->VirtualAddress) && (Address < TopOfSegment)) { for ( Section = MachoGetNextSection64 (Context, Segment, NULL); Section != NULL; Section = MachoGetNextSection64 (Context, Segment, Section) ) { TopOfSection = (Section->Address + Section->Size); if ((Address >= Section->Address) && (Address < TopOfSection)) { return Section; } } } } return NULL; } /** Retrieves the SYMTAB command. @param[in,out] Context Context of the Mach-O. @retval NULL NULL is returned on failure. **/ BOOLEAN InternalRetrieveSymtabs64 ( IN OUT OC_MACHO_CONTEXT *Context ) { UINTN MachoAddress; MACH_SYMTAB_COMMAND *Symtab; MACH_DYSYMTAB_COMMAND *DySymtab; CHAR8 *StringTable; UINT32 FileSize; UINT32 OffsetTop; BOOLEAN Result; MACH_NLIST_64 *SymbolTable; MACH_NLIST_64 *IndirectSymtab; MACH_RELOCATION_INFO *LocalRelocations; MACH_RELOCATION_INFO *ExternRelocations; ASSERT (Context != NULL); ASSERT (Context->MachHeader != NULL); ASSERT (Context->FileSize > 0); if (Context->SymbolTable != NULL) { return TRUE; } // // Retrieve SYMTAB. // Symtab = (MACH_SYMTAB_COMMAND *)( InternalGetNextCommand64 ( Context, MACH_LOAD_COMMAND_SYMTAB, NULL ) ); if ((Symtab == NULL) || !OC_ALIGNED (Symtab) || (Symtab->CommandSize != sizeof (*Symtab))) { return FALSE; } FileSize = Context->FileSize; Result = OcOverflowMulAddU32 ( Symtab->NumSymbols, sizeof (MACH_NLIST_64), Symtab->SymbolsOffset, &OffsetTop ); if (Result || (OffsetTop > FileSize)) { return FALSE; } Result = OcOverflowAddU32 ( Symtab->StringsOffset, Symtab->StringsSize, &OffsetTop ); if (Result || (OffsetTop > FileSize)) { return FALSE; } MachoAddress = (UINTN)Context->MachHeader; StringTable = (CHAR8 *)(MachoAddress + Symtab->StringsOffset); if (Symtab->StringsSize == 0 || StringTable[Symtab->StringsSize - 1] != '\0') { return FALSE; } SymbolTable = (MACH_NLIST_64 *)(MachoAddress + Symtab->SymbolsOffset); if (!OC_ALIGNED (SymbolTable)) { return FALSE; } DySymtab = NULL; IndirectSymtab = NULL; LocalRelocations = NULL; ExternRelocations = NULL; if ((Context->MachHeader->Flags & MACH_HEADER_FLAG_DYNAMIC_LINKER_LINK) != 0) { // // Retrieve DYSYMTAB. // DySymtab = (MACH_DYSYMTAB_COMMAND *)( InternalGetNextCommand64 ( Context, MACH_LOAD_COMMAND_DYSYMTAB, NULL ) ); if ((DySymtab == NULL) || !OC_ALIGNED (DySymtab) || (DySymtab->CommandSize != sizeof (*DySymtab))) { return FALSE; } Result = OcOverflowAddU32 ( DySymtab->LocalSymbolsIndex, DySymtab->NumLocalSymbols, &OffsetTop ); if (Result || (OffsetTop > Symtab->NumSymbols)) { return FALSE; } Result = OcOverflowAddU32 ( DySymtab->ExternalSymbolsIndex, DySymtab->NumExternalSymbols, &OffsetTop ); if (Result || (OffsetTop > Symtab->NumSymbols)) { return FALSE; } Result = OcOverflowAddU32 ( DySymtab->UndefinedSymbolsIndex, DySymtab->NumUndefinedSymbols, &OffsetTop ); if (Result || (OffsetTop > Symtab->NumSymbols)) { return FALSE; } Result = OcOverflowMulAddU32 ( DySymtab->NumIndirectSymbols, sizeof (MACH_NLIST_64), DySymtab->IndirectSymbolsOffset, &OffsetTop ); if (Result || (OffsetTop > FileSize)) { return FALSE; } Result = OcOverflowMulAddU32 ( DySymtab->NumOfLocalRelocations, sizeof (MACH_RELOCATION_INFO), DySymtab->LocalRelocationsOffset, &OffsetTop ); if (Result || (OffsetTop > FileSize)) { return FALSE; } Result = OcOverflowMulAddU32 ( DySymtab->NumExternalRelocations, sizeof (MACH_RELOCATION_INFO), DySymtab->ExternalRelocationsOffset, &OffsetTop ); if (Result || (OffsetTop > FileSize)) { return FALSE; } IndirectSymtab = (MACH_NLIST_64 *)( MachoAddress + DySymtab->IndirectSymbolsOffset ); LocalRelocations = (MACH_RELOCATION_INFO *)( MachoAddress + DySymtab->LocalRelocationsOffset ); ExternRelocations = (MACH_RELOCATION_INFO *)( MachoAddress + DySymtab->ExternalRelocationsOffset ); if (!OC_ALIGNED (IndirectSymtab) || !OC_ALIGNED (LocalRelocations) || !OC_ALIGNED (ExternRelocations)) { return FALSE; } } // // Store the symbol information. // Context->Symtab = Symtab; Context->SymbolTable = SymbolTable; Context->StringTable = StringTable; Context->DySymtab = DySymtab; Context->IndirectSymbolTable = IndirectSymtab; Context->LocalRelocations = LocalRelocations; Context->ExternRelocations = ExternRelocations; return TRUE; } UINT32 MachoGetSymbolTable ( IN OUT OC_MACHO_CONTEXT *Context, OUT CONST MACH_NLIST_64 **SymbolTable, OUT CONST CHAR8 **StringTable OPTIONAL, OUT CONST MACH_NLIST_64 **LocalSymbols, OPTIONAL OUT UINT32 *NumLocalSymbols, OPTIONAL OUT CONST MACH_NLIST_64 **ExternalSymbols, OPTIONAL OUT UINT32 *NumExternalSymbols, OPTIONAL OUT CONST MACH_NLIST_64 **UndefinedSymbols, OPTIONAL OUT UINT32 *NumUndefinedSymbols OPTIONAL ) { UINT32 Index; CONST MACH_NLIST_64 *SymTab; UINT32 NoLocalSymbols; UINT32 NoExternalSymbols; UINT32 NoUndefinedSymbols; ASSERT (Context != NULL); if (!InternalRetrieveSymtabs64 (Context) || (Context->Symtab->NumSymbols == 0)) { return 0; } SymTab = Context->SymbolTable; for (Index = 0; Index < Context->Symtab->NumSymbols; ++Index) { if (!InternalSymbolIsSane (Context, &SymTab[Index])) { return 0; } } *SymbolTable = Context->SymbolTable; if (StringTable != NULL) { *StringTable = Context->StringTable; } NoLocalSymbols = 0; NoExternalSymbols = 0; NoUndefinedSymbols = 0; if (Context->DySymtab != NULL) { NoLocalSymbols = Context->DySymtab->NumLocalSymbols; NoExternalSymbols = Context->DySymtab->NumExternalSymbols; NoUndefinedSymbols = Context->DySymtab->NumUndefinedSymbols; } if (NumLocalSymbols != NULL) { ASSERT (LocalSymbols != NULL); *NumLocalSymbols = NoLocalSymbols; if (NoLocalSymbols != 0) { *LocalSymbols = &SymTab[Context->DySymtab->LocalSymbolsIndex]; } } if (NumExternalSymbols != NULL) { ASSERT (ExternalSymbols != NULL); *NumExternalSymbols = NoExternalSymbols; if (NoExternalSymbols != 0) { *ExternalSymbols = &SymTab[Context->DySymtab->ExternalSymbolsIndex]; } } if (NumUndefinedSymbols != NULL) { ASSERT (UndefinedSymbols != NULL); *NumUndefinedSymbols = NoUndefinedSymbols; if (NoUndefinedSymbols != 0) { *UndefinedSymbols = &SymTab[Context->DySymtab->UndefinedSymbolsIndex]; } } return Context->Symtab->NumSymbols; } UINT32 MachoGetIndirectSymbolTable ( IN OUT OC_MACHO_CONTEXT *Context, OUT CONST MACH_NLIST_64 **SymbolTable ) { UINT32 Index; if (!InternalRetrieveSymtabs64 (Context)) { return 0; } for (Index = 0; Index < Context->DySymtab->NumIndirectSymbols; ++Index) { if ( !InternalSymbolIsSane (Context, &Context->IndirectSymbolTable[Index]) ) { return 0; } } *SymbolTable = Context->IndirectSymbolTable; return Context->DySymtab->NumIndirectSymbols; } /** Returns a pointer to the Mach-O file at the specified virtual address. @param[in,out] Context Context of the Mach-O. @param[in] Address Virtual address to look up. @param[out] MaxSize Maximum data safely available from FileOffset. If NULL is returned, the output is undefined. **/ VOID * MachoGetFilePointerByAddress64 ( IN OUT OC_MACHO_CONTEXT *Context, IN UINT64 Address, OUT UINT32 *MaxSize OPTIONAL ) { CONST MACH_SEGMENT_COMMAND_64 *Segment; UINT64 Offset; Segment = NULL; while ((Segment = MachoGetNextSegment64 (Context, Segment)) != NULL) { if ((Address >= Segment->VirtualAddress) && (Address < Segment->VirtualAddress + Segment->Size)) { Offset = (Address - Segment->VirtualAddress); if (MaxSize != NULL) { *MaxSize = (UINT32)(Segment->Size - Offset); } Offset += Segment->FileOffset; return (VOID *)((UINTN)Context->MachHeader + (UINTN)Offset); } } return NULL; } /** Strip superfluous Load Commands from the Mach-O header. This includes the Code Signature Load Command which must be removed for the binary has been modified by the prelinking routines. @param[in,out] MachHeader Mach-O header to strip the Load Commands from. **/ STATIC VOID InternalStripLoadCommands64 ( IN OUT MACH_HEADER_64 *MachHeader ) { STATIC CONST MACH_LOAD_COMMAND_TYPE LoadCommandsToStrip[] = { MACH_LOAD_COMMAND_CODE_SIGNATURE, MACH_LOAD_COMMAND_DYLD_INFO, MACH_LOAD_COMMAND_DYLD_INFO_ONLY, MACH_LOAD_COMMAND_FUNCTION_STARTS, MACH_LOAD_COMMAND_DATA_IN_CODE, MACH_LOAD_COMMAND_DYLIB_CODE_SIGN_DRS }; UINT32 Index; UINT32 Index2; MACH_LOAD_COMMAND *LoadCommand; UINT32 SizeOfLeftCommands; UINT32 OriginalCommandSize; // // Delete the Code Signature Load Command if existent as we modified the // binary, as well as linker metadata not needed for runtime operation. // LoadCommand = MachHeader->Commands; SizeOfLeftCommands = MachHeader->CommandsSize; OriginalCommandSize = SizeOfLeftCommands; for (Index = 0; Index < MachHeader->NumCommands; ++Index) { // // Assertion: LC_UNIXTHREAD and LC_MAIN are technically stripped in KXLD, // but they are not supposed to be present in the first place. // if ((LoadCommand->CommandType == MACH_LOAD_COMMAND_UNIX_THREAD) || (LoadCommand->CommandType == MACH_LOAD_COMMAND_MAIN)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_WARN, "UNIX Thread and Main LCs are unsupported.\n")); } SizeOfLeftCommands -= LoadCommand->CommandSize; for (Index2 = 0; Index2 < ARRAY_SIZE (LoadCommandsToStrip); ++Index2) { if (LoadCommand->CommandType == LoadCommandsToStrip[Index2]) { if (Index != (MachHeader->NumCommands - 1)) { // // If the current Load Command is not the last one, relocate the // subsequent ones. // CopyMem ( LoadCommand, NEXT_MACH_LOAD_COMMAND (LoadCommand), SizeOfLeftCommands ); } --MachHeader->NumCommands; MachHeader->CommandsSize -= LoadCommand->CommandSize; break; } } LoadCommand = NEXT_MACH_LOAD_COMMAND (LoadCommand); } ZeroMem (LoadCommand, OriginalCommandSize - MachHeader->CommandsSize); } UINT32 MachoExpandImage64 ( IN OC_MACHO_CONTEXT *Context, OUT UINT8 *Destination, IN UINT32 DestinationSize, IN BOOLEAN Strip ) { MACH_HEADER_64 *Header; UINT8 *Source; UINT32 HeaderSize; UINT64 CopyFileOffset; UINT64 CopyFileSize; UINT64 CopyVmSize; UINT32 CurrentDelta; UINT32 OriginalDelta; UINT64 CurrentSize; MACH_SEGMENT_COMMAND_64 *Segment; MACH_SEGMENT_COMMAND_64 *FirstSegment; MACH_SEGMENT_COMMAND_64 *DstSegment; MACH_SYMTAB_COMMAND *Symtab; MACH_DYSYMTAB_COMMAND *DySymtab; UINT32 Index; ASSERT (Context != NULL); ASSERT (Context->FileSize != 0); // // Header is valid, copy it first. // Header = MachoGetMachHeader64 (Context); Source = (UINT8 *) Header; HeaderSize = sizeof (*Header) + Header->CommandsSize; if (HeaderSize > DestinationSize) { return 0; } CopyMem (Destination, Header, HeaderSize); CurrentDelta = 0; FirstSegment = NULL; CurrentSize = 0; for ( Segment = MachoGetNextSegment64 (Context, NULL); Segment != NULL; Segment = MachoGetNextSegment64 (Context, Segment) ) { // // Align delta by x86 page size, this is what our lib expects. // OriginalDelta = CurrentDelta; CurrentDelta = MACHO_ALIGN (CurrentDelta); if (Segment->FileSize > Segment->Size) { return 0; } if (FirstSegment == NULL) { FirstSegment = Segment; } // // Do not overwrite header. // CopyFileOffset = Segment->FileOffset; CopyFileSize = Segment->FileSize; CopyVmSize = Segment->Size; if (CopyFileOffset <= HeaderSize) { CopyFileOffset = HeaderSize; CopyFileSize = Segment->FileSize - CopyFileOffset; CopyVmSize = Segment->Size - CopyFileOffset; if (CopyFileSize > Segment->FileSize || CopyVmSize > Segment->Size) { // // Header must fit in 1 segment. // return 0; } } // // Ensure that it still fits. In legit files segments are ordered. // We do not care for other (the file will be truncated). // if (OcOverflowTriAddU64 (CopyFileOffset, CurrentDelta, CopyVmSize, &CurrentSize) || CurrentSize > DestinationSize) { return 0; } // // Copy and zero fill file data. We can do this because only last sections can have 0 file size. // ZeroMem (&Destination[CopyFileOffset + OriginalDelta], CurrentDelta - OriginalDelta); CopyMem (&Destination[CopyFileOffset + CurrentDelta], &Source[CopyFileOffset], CopyFileSize); ZeroMem (&Destination[CopyFileOffset + CurrentDelta + CopyFileSize], CopyVmSize - CopyFileSize); // // Refresh destination segment size and offsets. // DstSegment = (MACH_SEGMENT_COMMAND_64 *) ((UINT8 *) Segment - Source + Destination); DstSegment->FileOffset += CurrentDelta; DstSegment->FileSize = DstSegment->Size; if (DstSegment->VirtualAddress - DstSegment->FileOffset != FirstSegment->VirtualAddress) { return 0; } // // We need to update fields in SYMTAB and DYSYMTAB. Tables have to be present before 0 FileSize // sections as they have data, so we update them before parsing sections. // Note: There is an assumption they are in __LINKEDIT segment, another option is to check addresses. // if (AsciiStrnCmp (DstSegment->SegmentName, "__LINKEDIT", ARRAY_SIZE (DstSegment->SegmentName)) == 0) { Symtab = (MACH_SYMTAB_COMMAND *)( InternalGetNextCommand64 ( Context, MACH_LOAD_COMMAND_SYMTAB, NULL ) ); if (Symtab != NULL) { Symtab = (MACH_SYMTAB_COMMAND *) ((UINT8 *) Symtab - Source + Destination); if (Symtab->SymbolsOffset != 0) { Symtab->SymbolsOffset += CurrentDelta; } if (Symtab->StringsOffset != 0) { Symtab->StringsOffset += CurrentDelta; } } DySymtab = (MACH_DYSYMTAB_COMMAND *)( InternalGetNextCommand64 ( Context, MACH_LOAD_COMMAND_DYSYMTAB, NULL ) ); if (DySymtab != NULL) { DySymtab = (MACH_DYSYMTAB_COMMAND *) ((UINT8 *) DySymtab - Source + Destination); if (DySymtab->TableOfContentsNumEntries != 0) { DySymtab->TableOfContentsNumEntries += CurrentDelta; } if (DySymtab->ModuleTableFileOffset != 0) { DySymtab->ModuleTableFileOffset += CurrentDelta; } if (DySymtab->ReferencedSymbolTableFileOffset != 0) { DySymtab->ReferencedSymbolTableFileOffset += CurrentDelta; } if (DySymtab->IndirectSymbolsOffset != 0) { DySymtab->IndirectSymbolsOffset += CurrentDelta; } if (DySymtab->ExternalRelocationsOffset != 0) { DySymtab->ExternalRelocationsOffset += CurrentDelta; } if (DySymtab->LocalRelocationsOffset != 0) { DySymtab->LocalRelocationsOffset += CurrentDelta; } } } // // These may well wrap around with invalid data. // But we do not care, as we do not access these fields ourselves, // and later on the section values are checked by MachoLib. // Note: There is an assumption that 'CopyFileOffset + CurrentDelta' is aligned. // OriginalDelta = CurrentDelta; CopyFileOffset = Segment->FileOffset; for (Index = 0; Index < DstSegment->NumSections; ++Index) { if (DstSegment->Sections[Index].Offset == 0) { DstSegment->Sections[Index].Offset = (UINT32) CopyFileOffset + CurrentDelta; CurrentDelta += (UINT32) DstSegment->Sections[Index].Size; } else { DstSegment->Sections[Index].Offset += CurrentDelta; CopyFileOffset = DstSegment->Sections[Index].Offset + DstSegment->Sections[Index].Size; } } CurrentDelta = OriginalDelta + (UINT32)(Segment->Size - Segment->FileSize); } if (Strip) { InternalStripLoadCommands64 ((MACH_HEADER_64 *) Destination); } return (UINT32) CurrentSize; } UINTN MachoRuntimeGetEntryAddress ( IN VOID *Image ) { MACH_HEADER_ANY *Header; BOOLEAN Is64Bit; UINT32 NumCmds; MACH_LOAD_COMMAND *Cmd; UINTN Index; MACH_THREAD_COMMAND *ThreadCmd; MACH_X86_THREAD_STATE *ThreadState; UINTN Address; Address = 0; Header = (MACH_HEADER_ANY *) Image; if (Header->Signature == MACH_HEADER_SIGNATURE) { // // 32-bit header. // Is64Bit = FALSE; NumCmds = Header->Header32.NumCommands; Cmd = &Header->Header32.Commands[0]; } else if (Header->Signature == MACH_HEADER_64_SIGNATURE) { // // 64-bit header. // Is64Bit = TRUE; NumCmds = Header->Header64.NumCommands; Cmd = &Header->Header64.Commands[0]; } else { // // Invalid Mach-O image. // return Address; } // // Iterate over load commands. // for (Index = 0; Index < NumCmds; ++Index) { if (Cmd->CommandType == MACH_LOAD_COMMAND_UNIX_THREAD) { ThreadCmd = (MACH_THREAD_COMMAND *) Cmd; ThreadState = (MACH_X86_THREAD_STATE *) &ThreadCmd->ThreadState[0]; Address = Is64Bit ? ThreadState->State64.rip : ThreadState->State32.eip; break; } Cmd = NEXT_MACH_LOAD_COMMAND (Cmd); } return Address; }