/* * refit/scan/legacy.c * * Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Christoph Pfisterer * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * * Neither the name of Christoph Pfisterer nor the names of the * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include // Only use angled for Platform, else, xcode project won't compile #include "entry_scan.h" #include "../refit/screen.h" #include "../refit/menu.h" #include "../gui/REFIT_MENU_SCREEN.h" #include "../gui/REFIT_MAINMENU_SCREEN.h" #include "../Platform/Volumes.h" #include "../libeg/XTheme.h" #include "../include/OSFlags.h" #ifndef DEBUG_ALL #define DEBUG_SCAN_LEGACY 1 #else #define DEBUG_SCAN_LEGACY DEBUG_ALL #endif #if DEBUG_SCAN_LEGACY == 0 #define DBG(...) #else #define DBG(...) DebugLog(DEBUG_SCAN_LEGACY, __VA_ARGS__) #endif //the function is not in the class and deals always with MainMenu //I made args as pointers to have an ability to call with NULL BOOLEAN AddLegacyEntry(IN const XStringW& FullTitle, IN const XStringW& _LoaderTitle, IN REFIT_VOLUME *Volume, IN const XIcon* Image, IN const XIcon* DriveImage, IN CHAR16 Hotkey, IN BOOLEAN CustomEntry) { LEGACY_ENTRY *Entry, *SubEntry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; XStringW VolDesc; CHAR16 ShortcutLetter = 0; // INTN i; DBG(" AddLegacyEntry:\n"); DBG(" FullTitle=%ls\n", FullTitle.wc_str()); DBG(" LoaderTitle=%ls\n", _LoaderTitle.wc_str()); DBG(" Volume->LegacyOS->Name=%ls\n", Volume->LegacyOS->Name.wc_str()); if (Volume == NULL) { return false; } // Ignore this loader if it's device path is already present in another loader for (UINTN i = 0; i < MainMenu.Entries.size(); ++i) { REFIT_ABSTRACT_MENU_ENTRY& MainEntry = MainMenu.Entries[i]; // DBG("entry %lld\n", i); // Only want legacy if (MainEntry.getLEGACY_ENTRY()) { if ( MainEntry.getLEGACY_ENTRY()->DevicePathString.isEqualIC(Volume->DevicePathString) ) { return true; } } } XStringW LoaderTitle; if ( _LoaderTitle.isEmpty() ) { LoaderTitle = Volume->LegacyOS->Name; }else{ LoaderTitle = _LoaderTitle; } XStringW LTitle; if (LoaderTitle.isEmpty()) { if (Volume->LegacyOS->Name.notEmpty()) { LTitle.takeValueFrom(Volume->LegacyOS->Name); if (Volume->LegacyOS->Name[0] == 'W' || Volume->LegacyOS->Name[0] == 'L') ShortcutLetter = (wchar_t)Volume->LegacyOS->Name[0]; // cast safe because value is 'W' or 'L' } else LTitle = L"Legacy OS"_XSW; } else LTitle = LoaderTitle; if (Volume->VolName.notEmpty()) VolDesc = Volume->VolName; else VolDesc.takeValueFrom((Volume->DiskKind == DISK_KIND_OPTICAL) ? L"CD" : L"HD"); //DBG("VolDesc=%ls\n", VolDesc); // prepare the menu entry Entry = new LEGACY_ENTRY(); if ( FullTitle.notEmpty() ) { Entry->Title = FullTitle; } else { if (ThemeX.BootCampStyle) { Entry->Title = LTitle; } else { Entry->Title.SWPrintf("Boot %ls from %ls", LoaderTitle.wc_str(), VolDesc.wc_str()); } } DBG(" Entry->Title=%ls\n", Entry->Title.wc_str()); Entry->Row = 0; Entry->ShortcutLetter = (Hotkey == 0) ? ShortcutLetter : Hotkey; if ( Image && !Image->isEmpty() ) { Entry->Image = *Image; } else { Entry->Image = ThemeX.LoadOSIcon(Volume->LegacyOS->IconName); if (Entry->Image.Image.isEmpty()) { Entry->Image = ThemeX.GetIcon("os_win"_XS8); //we have no legacy.png } } // DBG("IconName=%ls\n", Volume->LegacyOS->IconName); Entry->DriveImage = (DriveImage != NULL) ? *DriveImage : ScanVolumeDefaultIcon(Volume, Volume->LegacyOS->Type, Volume->DevicePath); // DBG("HideBadges=%d Volume=%ls\n", GlobalConfig.HideBadges, Volume->VolName); // DBG("Title=%ls OSName=%ls OSIconName=%ls\n", LoaderTitle, Volume->OSName, Volume->OSIconName); //actions Entry->AtClick = ActionSelect; Entry->AtDoubleClick = ActionEnter; Entry->AtRightClick = ActionDetails; if (ThemeX.HideBadges & HDBADGES_SHOW) { if (ThemeX.HideBadges & HDBADGES_SWAP) { //will be scaled later Entry->BadgeImage.Image = XImage(Entry->DriveImage.Image, 0); //ThemeX.BadgeScale/16.f); //0 accepted } else { Entry->BadgeImage.Image = XImage(Entry->Image.Image, 0); //ThemeX.BadgeScale/16.f); } } Entry->Volume = Volume; Entry->DevicePathString = Volume->DevicePathString; // Entry->LoadOptions = (Volume->DiskKind == DISK_KIND_OPTICAL) ? "CD"_XS8 : ((Volume->DiskKind == DISK_KIND_EXTERNAL) ? "USB"_XS8 : "HD"_XS8); Entry->LoadOptions.setEmpty(); Entry->LoadOptions.Add((Volume->DiskKind == DISK_KIND_OPTICAL) ? "CD" : ((Volume->DiskKind == DISK_KIND_EXTERNAL) ? "USB" : "HD")); // If this isn't a custom entry make sure it's not hidden by a custom entry if (!CustomEntry) { for (size_t CustomIndex = 0 ; CustomIndex < GlobalConfig.CustomLegacyEntries.size() ; ++CustomIndex ) { CUSTOM_LEGACY_ENTRY& Custom = GlobalConfig.CustomLegacyEntries[CustomIndex]; if ( Custom.settings.Disabled || OSFLAG_ISSET(Custom.getFlags(), OSFLAG_DISABLED) || Custom.settings.Hidden ) { if (Custom.settings.Volume.notEmpty()) { if ( !Volume->DevicePathString.contains(Custom.settings.Volume) && !Volume->VolName.contains(Custom.settings.Volume) ) { if (Custom.settings.Type != 0) { if (Custom.settings.Type == Volume->LegacyOS->Type) { Entry->Hidden = true; } } else { Entry->Hidden = true; } } } else if (Custom.settings.Type != 0) { if (Custom.settings.Type == Volume->LegacyOS->Type) { Entry->Hidden = true; } } } } } // create the submenu SubScreen = new REFIT_MENU_SCREEN(); // SubScreen->Title = L"Boot Options for "_XSW + LoaderTitle + L" on "_XSW + VolDesc; SubScreen->Title.SWPrintf("Boot Options for %ls on %ls", LoaderTitle.wc_str(), VolDesc.wc_str()); SubScreen->TitleImage = Entry->Image; //it is XIcon SubScreen->ID = SCREEN_BOOT; SubScreen->GetAnime(); // default entry SubEntry = new LEGACY_ENTRY(); SubEntry->Title = L"Boot "_XSW + LoaderTitle; // SubEntry->Tag = TAG_LEGACY; SubEntry->Volume = Entry->Volume; SubEntry->DevicePathString = Entry->DevicePathString; SubEntry->LoadOptions = Entry->LoadOptions; SubEntry->AtClick = ActionEnter; SubScreen->AddMenuEntry(SubEntry, true); SubScreen->AddMenuEntry(&MenuEntryReturn, false); Entry->SubScreen = SubScreen; MainMenu.AddMenuEntry(Entry, true); // DBG(" added '%ls' OSType=%d Icon=%ls\n", Entry->Title, Volume->LegacyOS->Type, Volume->LegacyOS->IconName); return true; } void ScanLegacy(void) { UINTN VolumeIndex, VolumeIndex2; BOOLEAN ShowVolume, HideIfOthersFound; REFIT_VOLUME *Volume; DBG("Scanning legacy ...\n"); for (VolumeIndex = 0; VolumeIndex < Volumes.size(); VolumeIndex++) { Volume = &Volumes[VolumeIndex]; // DBG("test VI=%d\n", VolumeIndex); if ((Volume->BootType != BOOTING_BY_PBR) && (Volume->BootType != BOOTING_BY_MBR) && (Volume->BootType != BOOTING_BY_CD)) { // DBG(" not legacy\n"); continue; } // DBG("%2d: '%ls' (%ls)", VolumeIndex, Volume->VolName, Volume->LegacyOS->IconName); #if 0 // REFIT_DEBUG > 0 DBG(" %d %ls\n %d %d %ls %d %ls\n", VolumeIndex, FileDevicePathToStr(Volume->DevicePath), Volume->DiskKind, Volume->MbrPartitionIndex, Volume->IsAppleLegacy ? L"AL" : L"--", Volume->HasBootCode, Volume->VolName ? Volume->VolName : L"(no name)"); #endif // skip volume if its kind is configured as disabled /* if ((Volume->DiskKind == DISK_KIND_OPTICAL && (GlobalConfig.DisableFlags & VOLTYPE_OPTICAL)) || (Volume->DiskKind == DISK_KIND_EXTERNAL && (GlobalConfig.DisableFlags & VOLTYPE_EXTERNAL)) || (Volume->DiskKind == DISK_KIND_INTERNAL && (GlobalConfig.DisableFlags & VOLTYPE_INTERNAL)) || (Volume->DiskKind == DISK_KIND_FIREWIRE && (GlobalConfig.DisableFlags & VOLTYPE_FIREWIRE))) */ if (((1ull<DiskKind) & GlobalConfig.DisableFlags) != 0) { // DBG(" hidden\n"); continue; } // DBG("not hidden\n"); ShowVolume = FALSE; HideIfOthersFound = FALSE; if (Volume->IsAppleLegacy) { ShowVolume = TRUE; HideIfOthersFound = TRUE; } else if (Volume->HasBootCode) { ShowVolume = TRUE; // DBG("Volume %d will be shown BlockIo=%X WholeIo=%X\n", // VolumeIndex, Volume->BlockIO, Volume->WholeDiskBlockIO); if ((Volume->WholeDiskBlockIO == 0) && Volume->BlockIOOffset == 0 /* && Volume->OSName == NULL */) // this is a whole disk (MBR) entry; hide if we have entries for partitions HideIfOthersFound = TRUE; // DBG("Hide it!\n"); } if (HideIfOthersFound) { // check for other bootable entries on the same disk //if PBR exists then Hide MBR for (VolumeIndex2 = 0; VolumeIndex2 < Volumes.size(); VolumeIndex2++) { // DBG("what to hide %d\n", VolumeIndex2); if (VolumeIndex2 != VolumeIndex && Volumes[VolumeIndex2].HasBootCode && Volumes[VolumeIndex2].WholeDiskBlockIO == Volume->BlockIO){ ShowVolume = FALSE; // DBG("PBR volume at index %d\n", VolumeIndex2); break; } } } if (ShowVolume && (!Volume->Hidden)){ // DBG(" add legacy\n"); if (!AddLegacyEntry(L""_XSW, L""_XSW, Volume, NULL, NULL, 0, FALSE)) { DBG("...entry not added\n"); }; } else { DBG(" hidden\n"); } } } // Add custom legacy void AddCustomLegacy(void) { UINTN VolumeIndex, VolumeIndex2; BOOLEAN ShowVolume, HideIfOthersFound; REFIT_VOLUME *Volume; XIcon MainIcon; XIcon DriveIcon; // DBG("Custom legacy start\n"); if (GlobalConfig.CustomLegacyEntries.notEmpty()) { DbgHeader("AddCustomLegacy"); } // Traverse the custom entries for (size_t i = 0 ; i < GlobalConfig.CustomLegacyEntries.size() ; ++i ) { CUSTOM_LEGACY_ENTRY& Custom = GlobalConfig.CustomLegacyEntries[i]; if (Custom.settings.Disabled || OSFLAG_ISSET(Custom.getFlags(), OSFLAG_DISABLED)) { DBG("Custom legacy %zu skipped because it is disabled.\n", i); continue; } // if (!gSettings.ShowHiddenEntries && OSFLAG_ISSET(Custom.Flags, OSFLAG_HIDDEN)) { // DBG("Custom legacy %llu skipped because it is hidden.\n", i); // continue; // } if (Custom.settings.Volume.notEmpty()) { DBG("Custom legacy %zu matching \"%ls\" ...\n", i, Custom.settings.Volume.wc_str()); } for (VolumeIndex = 0; VolumeIndex < Volumes.size(); ++VolumeIndex) { Volume = &Volumes[VolumeIndex]; DBG(" Checking volume \"%ls\" (%ls) ... ", Volume->VolName.wc_str(), Volume->DevicePathString.wc_str()); // skip volume if its kind is configured as disabled if (((1ull<DiskKind) & GlobalConfig.DisableFlags) != 0) { DBG("skipped because media is disabled\n"); continue; } if (Custom.settings.VolumeType != 0) { if (((1ull<DiskKind) & Custom.settings.VolumeType) == 0) { DBG("skipped because media is ignored\n"); continue; } } if ((Volume->BootType != BOOTING_BY_PBR) && (Volume->BootType != BOOTING_BY_MBR) && (Volume->BootType != BOOTING_BY_CD)) { DBG("skipped because volume is not legacy bootable\n"); continue; } ShowVolume = FALSE; HideIfOthersFound = FALSE; if (Volume->IsAppleLegacy) { ShowVolume = TRUE; HideIfOthersFound = TRUE; } else if (Volume->HasBootCode) { ShowVolume = TRUE; if ((Volume->WholeDiskBlockIO == 0) && Volume->BlockIOOffset == 0) { // this is a whole disk (MBR) entry; hide if we have entries for partitions HideIfOthersFound = TRUE; } } if (HideIfOthersFound) { // check for other bootable entries on the same disk //if PBR exists then Hide MBR for (VolumeIndex2 = 0; VolumeIndex2 < Volumes.size(); VolumeIndex2++) { if (VolumeIndex2 != VolumeIndex && Volumes[VolumeIndex2].HasBootCode && Volumes[VolumeIndex2].WholeDiskBlockIO == Volume->BlockIO) { ShowVolume = FALSE; break; } } } if ( !ShowVolume ) { DBG("skipped because volume ShowVolume==false\n"); continue; } if ( Volume->Hidden ) { DBG("skipped because volume is hidden\n"); continue; } // Check for exact volume matches if (Custom.settings.Volume.notEmpty()) { if ((StrStr(Volume->DevicePathString.wc_str(), Custom.settings.Volume.wc_str()) == NULL) && ((Volume->VolName.isEmpty()) || (StrStr(Volume->VolName.wc_str(), Custom.settings.Volume.wc_str()) == NULL))) { DBG("skipped\n"); continue; } // Check if the volume should be of certain os type if ((Custom.settings.Type != 0) && (Custom.settings.Type != Volume->LegacyOS->Type)) { DBG("skipped because wrong type\n"); continue; } } else if ((Custom.settings.Type != 0) && (Custom.settings.Type != Volume->LegacyOS->Type)) { DBG("skipped because wrong type\n"); continue; } // Change to custom image if needed MainIcon = Custom.Image; if (MainIcon.Image.isEmpty()) { MainIcon.Image.LoadXImage(&ThemeX.getThemeDir(), Custom.settings.ImagePath); } // Change to custom drive image if needed DriveIcon = Custom.DriveImage; if (DriveIcon.Image.isEmpty()) { DriveIcon.Image.LoadXImage(&ThemeX.getThemeDir(), Custom.settings.DriveImagePath); } // Create a legacy entry for this volume DBG("\n"); if (AddLegacyEntry(Custom.settings.FullTitle, Custom.settings.Title, Volume, &MainIcon, &DriveIcon, Custom.settings.Hotkey, TRUE)) { // DBG("match!\n"); } } } //DBG("Custom legacy end\n"); }