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synced 2025-02-02 22:51:28 +01:00
Signed-off-by: Sergey Isakov <isakov-sl@bk.ru>
1104 lines
37 KiB
1104 lines
37 KiB
#* Copyright 2006 - 2010, Intel Corporation
#* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
#* are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
#* which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
#* http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
#* CpuInterrupt.S
#* Abstract:
#PUBLIC SystemTimerHandler
#PUBLIC SystemExceptionHandler
#EXTERNDEF mExceptionCodeSize:DWORD
#EXTERN TimerHandler: NEAR
#EXTERN ExceptionHandler: NEAR
#EXTERN mTimerVector: DWORD
ASM_GLOBAL ASM_PFX(InitDescriptor)
leaq GDT_BASE(%rip),%rax # RAX=PHYSICAL address of gdt
movq %rax, (gdtr + 2)(%rip) # Put address of gdt into the gdtr
lgdt gdtr(%rip)
movl $0x18, %eax
movl %eax, %gs
movl %eax, %fs
leaq IDT_BASE(%rip),%rax # RAX=PHYSICAL address of idt
movq %rax, (idtr + 2)(%rip) # Put address of idt into the idtr
lidt idtr(%rip)
# InstallInterruptHandler (
# UINTN Vector,
# VOID (*Handler)(VOID)
# )
ASM_GLOBAL ASM_PFX(InstallInterruptHandler)
# Vector:DWORD @ 4(%esp)
# Handler:DWORD @ 8(%esp)
push %rbx
pushfq # save eflags
cli # turn off interrupts
subq $0x10, %rsp # open some space on the stack
movq %rsp, %rbx
sidt (%rbx) # get fword address of IDT
movq 2(%rbx), %rbx # move offset of IDT into RBX
addq $0x10, %rsp # correct stack
movq %rcx, %rax # Get vector number
shlq $4, %rax # multiply by 16 to get offset
addq %rax, %rbx # add to IDT base to get entry
movq %rdx, %rax # load new address into IDT entry
movw %ax, (%rbx) # write bits 15..0 of offset
shrq $16, %rax # use ax to copy 31..16 to descriptors
movw %ax, 6(%rbx) # write bits 31..16 of offset
shrq $16, %rax # use eax to copy 63..32 to descriptors
movl %eax, 8(%rbx) # write bits 63..32 of offset
popfq # restore flags (possible enabling interrupts)
pop %rbx
.macro JmpCommonIdtEntry
# jmp commonIdtEntry - this must be hand coded to keep the assembler from
# using a 8 bit reletive jump when the entries are
# within 255 bytes of the common entry. This must
# be done to maintain the consistency of the size
# of entry points...
.byte 0xe9 # jmp 16 bit reletive
.long commonIdtEntry - . - 4 # offset to jump to
.p2align 1
ASM_GLOBAL ASM_PFX(SystemExceptionHandler)
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $0x0
# db 0e9h # jmp 16 bit reletive
# dd commonIdtEntry - $ - 4 # offset to jump to
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $0x1
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $0x2
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $0x3
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $0x4
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $0x5
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $0x6
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $0x7
# Double fault causes an error code to be pushed so no phony push necessary
push $0x8
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $0x9
# Invalid TSS causes an error code to be pushed so no phony push necessary
push $10
# Segment Not Present causes an error code to be pushed so no phony push necessary
push $11
# Stack fault causes an error code to be pushed so no phony push necessary
push $12
# GP fault causes an error code to be pushed so no phony push necessary
push $13
# Page fault causes an error code to be pushed so no phony push necessary
push $14
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $15
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $16
# Alignment check causes an error code to be pushed so no phony push necessary
push $17
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $18
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $19
# The following segment repeats (32 - 20) times:
# macro .rept isn't used here because Apple GAS compiler doesn't support it.
# No. 1
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $20 # push vector number
# .byte 0x6a
# .byte ( . - INTUnknown(%rip) - 3 ) / 9 + 20 # vector number
# No. 2
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $21 # push vector number
# .byte 0x6a
# .byte ( . - INTUnknown(%rip) - 3 ) / 9 + 20 # vector number
# No. 3
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $22 # push vector number
# .byte 0x6a
# .byte ( . - INTUnknown - 3 ) / 9 + 20 # vector number
# No. 4
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $23 # push vector number
# .byte 0x6a
# .byte ( . - INTUnknown - 3 ) / 9 + 20 # vector number
# No. 5
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $24 # push vector number
# .byte 0x6a
# .byte ( . - INTUnknown - 3 ) / 9 + 20 # vector number
# No. 6
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $25 # push vector number
# .byte 0x6a
# .byte ( . - INTUnknown - 3 ) / 9 + 20 # vector number
# No. 7
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $26 # push vector number
# .byte 0x6a
# .byte ( . - INTUnknown - 3 ) / 9 + 20 # vector number
# No. 8
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $27 # push vector number
# .byte 0x6a
# .byte ( . - INTUnknown - 3 ) / 9 + 20 # vector number
# No. 9
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $28 # push vector number
# .byte 0x6a
# .byte ( . - INTUnknown - 3 ) / 9 + 20 # vector number
# No. 10
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $29 # push vector number
# .byte 0x6a
# .byte ( . - INTUnknown - 3 ) / 9 + 20 # vector number
# No. 11
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $30 # push vector number
# .byte 0x6a
# .byte ( . - INTUnknown - 3 ) / 9 + 20 # vector number
# No. 12
push $0x0 # push error code place holder on the stack
push $31 # push vector number
# .byte 0x6a
# .byte ( . - INTUnknown - 3 ) / 9 + 20 # vector number
ASM_GLOBAL ASM_PFX(SystemTimerHandler)
push $0
push $0 #$ASM_PFX(mTimerVector) //to be patched in Cpu.c
# +---------------------+
# + EFlags +
# +---------------------+
# + CS +
# +---------------------+
# + EIP +
# +---------------------+
# + Error Code +
# +---------------------+
# + Vector Number +
# +---------------------+
# + EBP +
# +---------------------+ <-- EBP
push %rbp
movq %rsp,%rbp
# Since here the stack pointer is 16-byte aligned, so
# is 16-byte aligned
## UINT64 Rdi, Rsi, Rbp, Rsp, Rbx, Rdx, Rcx, Rax#
## UINT64 R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15#
push %r15
push %r14
push %r13
push %r12
push %r11
push %r10
push %r9
push %r8
push %rax
push %rcx
push %rdx
push %rbx
push 6*8(%rbp)
push (%rbp)
push %rsi
push %rdi
## UINT64 Gs, Fs, Es, Ds, Cs, Ss# insure high 16 bits of each is zero
movzwq 7*8(%rbp), %rax
push %rax # for ss
movzwq 4*8(%rbp), %rax
push %rax # for cs
movl %ds, %eax
push %rax
movl %es, %eax
push %rax
movl %fs, %eax
push %rax
movl %gs, %eax
push %rax
## UINT64 Rip#
push 3*8(%rbp)
## UINT64 Gdtr[2], Idtr[2]#
subq $16, %rsp
sidt (%rsp)
subq $16, %rsp
sgdt (%rsp)
## UINT64 Ldtr, Tr#
xorq %rax, %rax
str %ax
push %rax
sldt %ax
push %rax
## UINT64 RFlags#
push 5*8(%rbp)
## UINT64 Cr0, Cr1, Cr2, Cr3, Cr4, Cr8#
movq %cr8, %rax
push %rax
movq %cr4, %rax
orq $0x208, %rax
movq %rax, %cr4
push %rax
movq %cr3, %rax
push %rax
movq %cr2, %rax
push %rax
xorq %rax, %rax
push %rax
movq %cr0, %rax
push %rax
## UINT64 Dr0, Dr1, Dr2, Dr3, Dr6, Dr7#
movq %dr7, %rax
push %rax
## clear Dr7 while executing debugger itself
xorq %rax, %rax
movq %rax, %dr7
movq %dr6, %rax
push %rax
## insure all status bits in dr6 are clear...
xorq %rax, %rax
movq %rax, %dr6
movq %dr3, %rax
push %rax
movq %dr2, %rax
push %rax
movq %dr1, %rax
push %rax
movq %dr0, %rax
push %rax
## FX_SAVE_STATE_X64 FxSaveState#
subq $512, %rsp
movq %rsp, %rdi
fxsave (%rdi)
## UINT64 ExceptionData#
push 2*8 (%rbp)
## call into exception handler
## Prepare parameter and call
movq 1*8(%rbp), %rcx
movq %rsp, %rdx
# Per X64 calling convention, allocate maximum parameter stack space
# and make sure RSP is 16-byte aligned
subq $(4*8+8), %rsp
cmpq $32, %rcx
jb 1f # CallException
call ASM_PFX(TimerHandler)
jmp 2f # ExceptionDone
call ASM_PFX(ExceptionHandler)
addq $(4*8+8), %rsp
## UINT64 ExceptionData#
addq $8, %rsp
## FX_SAVE_STATE_X64 FxSaveState#
movq %rsp, %rsi
fxrstor (%esi)
addq $512, %rsp
## UINT64 Dr0, Dr1, Dr2, Dr3, Dr6, Dr7#
pop %rax
movq %rax, %dr0
pop %rax
movq %rax, %dr1
pop %rax
movq %rax, %dr2
pop %rax
movq %rax, %dr3
## skip restore of dr6. We cleared dr6 during the context save.
addq $8, %rsp
pop %rax
movq %rax, %dr7
## UINT64 Cr0, Cr1, Cr2, Cr3, Cr4, Cr8#
pop %rax
movq %rax, %cr0
addq $8, %rsp # not for Cr1
pop %rax
movq %rax, %cr2
pop %rax
movq %rax, %cr3
pop %rax
movq %rax, %cr4
pop %rax
mov %rax, %cr8
## UINT64 RFlags#
pop 5*8(%rbp)
## UINT64 Ldtr, Tr#
## UINT64 Gdtr[2], Idtr[2]#
## Best not let anyone mess with these particular registers...
addq $48, %rsp
## UINT64 Rip#
pop 3*8(%rbp)
## UINT64 Gs, Fs, Es, Ds, Cs, Ss#
pop %rax
# mov gs, rax # not for gs
pop %rax
# mov fs, rax # not for fs
# (X64 will not use fs and gs, so we do not restore it)
pop %rax
movl %eax, %es #movq %rax, %es #Slice
pop %rax
movl %eax, %ds
pop 4*8(%rbp) # for cs
pop 7*8(%rbp) # for ss
## UINT64 Rdi, Rsi, Rbp, Rsp, Rbx, Rdx, Rcx, Rax#
## UINT64 R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15#
pop %rdi
pop %rsi
addq $8, %rsp # not for rbp
pop 6*8(%rbp) # for rsp
pop %rbx
pop %rdx
pop %rcx
pop %rax
pop %r8
pop %r9
pop %r10
pop %r11
pop %r12
pop %r13
pop %r14
pop %r15
movq %rbp, %rsp
pop %rbp
addq $16, %rsp
# data
#gdtr: .short GDT_END - GDT_BASE - 1 # GDT limit
gdtr: .short GDT_LEN
.quad 0 #GDT_BASE # (GDT base gets set above)
# global descriptor table (GDT)
.p2align 4 # make GDT 16-byte align
# null descriptor
NULL_SEL = .-GDT_BASE # Selector [0x0]
.short 0 # limit 15:0
.short 0 # base 15:0
.byte 0 # base 23:16
.byte 0 # type
.byte 0 # limit 19:16, flags
.byte 0 # base 31:24
# linear data segment descriptor
LINEAR_SEL = .-GDT_BASE # Selector [0x8]
.short 0x0FFFF # limit 0xFFFFF
.short 0 # base 0
.byte 0
.byte 0x092 # present, ring 0, data, expand-up, writable
.byte 0x0CF # page-granular, 32-bit
.byte 0
# linear code segment descriptor
LINEAR_CODE_SEL = .-GDT_BASE # Selector [0x10]
.short 0x0FFFF # limit 0xFFFFF
.short 0 # base 0
.byte 0
.byte 0x09A # present, ring 0, code, expand-up, writable
.byte 0x0CF # page-granular, 32-bit
.byte 0
# system data segment descriptor
SYS_DATA_SEL = .-GDT_BASE # Selector [0x18]
.short 0x0FFFF # limit 0xFFFFF
.short 0 # base 0
.byte 0
.byte 0x092 # present, ring 0, data, expand-up, writable
.byte 0x0CF # page-granular, 32-bit
.byte 0
# system code segment descriptor
SYS_CODE_SEL = .-GDT_BASE # Selector [0x20]
.short 0x0FFFF # limit 0xFFFFF
.short 0 # base 0
.byte 0
.byte 0x09A # present, ring 0, code, expand-up, writable
.byte 0x0CF # page-granular, 32-bit
.byte 0
# spare segment descriptor
SPARE3_SEL = .-GDT_BASE # Selector [0x28]
.short 0
.short 0
.byte 0
.byte 0
.byte 0
.byte 0
# system data segment descriptor
SYS_DATA64_SEL = .-GDT_BASE # Selector [0x30]
.short 0x0FFFF # limit 0xFFFFF
.short 0 # base 0
.byte 0
.byte 0x092 # present, ring 0, data, expand-up, writable
.byte 0x0CF # page-granular, 32-bit
.byte 0
# system code segment descriptor
SYS_CODE64_SEL = .-GDT_BASE # Selector [0x38]
.short 0x0FFFF # limit 0xFFFFF
.short 0 # base 0
.byte 0
.byte 0x09A # present, ring 0, code, expand-up, writable
.byte 0x0AF # page-granular, 64-bit
.byte 0
# spare segment descriptor
SPARE4_SEL = .-GDT_BASE # Selector [0x40]
.short 0
.short 0
.byte 0
.byte 0
.byte 0
.byte 0
.set GDT_LEN, . - GDT_BASE - 1
#idtr: .short IDT_END - IDT_BASE - 1 # IDT limit
idtr: .short IDT_LEN
.quad 0 #IDT_BASE # (IDT base gets set above)
# interrupt descriptor table (IDT)
# Note: The hardware IRQ's specified in this table are the normal PC/AT IRQ
# mappings. This implementation only uses the system timer and all other
# IRQs will remain masked. The descriptors for vectors 33+ are provided
# for convenience.
.p2align 3 # make IDT 8-byte align
# divide by zero (INT 0)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# debug exception (INT 1)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# NMI (INT 2)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# soft breakpoint (INT 3)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# overflow (INT 4)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# bounds check (INT 5)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# invalid opcode (INT 6)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# device not available (INT 7)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# double fault (INT 8)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# Coprocessor segment overrun - reserved (INT 9)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# invalid TSS (INT 0ah)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# segment not present (INT 0bh)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# stack fault (INT 0ch)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# general protection (INT 0dh)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# page fault (INT 0eh)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# Intel reserved - do not use (INT 0fh)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# floating point error (INT 0x10)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# alignment check (INT 0x11)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# machine check (INT 0x12)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# SIMD floating-point exception (INT 0x13)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# The following segment repeats (32 - 20) times:
# macro .rept isn't used here because Apple GAS compiler doesn't support it.
# No. 1
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# No. 2
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# No. 3
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# No. 4
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# No. 5
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# No. 6
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# No. 7
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# No. 8
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# No. 9
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# No. 10
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# No. 11
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# No. 12
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# 72 unspecified descriptors
.fill 72 * 16, 1, 0
# IRQ 0 (System timer) - (INT 0x68)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # 0 for reserved
# IRQ 1 (8042 Keyboard controller) - (INT 0x69)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# Reserved - IRQ 2 redirect (IRQ 2) - DO NOT USE!!! - (INT 6ah)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# IRQ 3 (COM 2) - (INT 6bh)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# IRQ 4 (COM 1) - (INT 6ch)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# IRQ 5 (LPT 2) - (INT 6dh)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# IRQ 6 (Floppy controller) - (INT 6eh)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# IRQ 7 (LPT 1) - (INT 6fh)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# IRQ 8 (RTC Alarm) - (INT 0x70)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# IRQ 9 - (INT 0x71)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# IRQ 10 - (INT 0x72)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# IRQ 11 - (INT 0x73)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# IRQ 12 (PS/2 mouse) - (INT 0x74)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# IRQ 13 (Floating point error) - (INT 0x75)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# IRQ 14 (Secondary IDE) - (INT 0x76)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
# IRQ 15 (Primary IDE) - (INT 0x77)
.short 0 # offset 15:0
.short SYS_CODE64_SEL # selector 15:0
.byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
.byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
.short 0 # offset 31:16
.long 0 # offset 63:32
.long 0 # for reserved
.fill 16, 1, 0
.set IDT_LEN, .-IDT_BASE - 1