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;/** @file
; This code provides low level routines that support the Virtual Machine
; for option ROMs.
; Copyright (c) 2006 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
; Equate files needed.
; Assembler options
extern ASM_PFX(CopyMem)
extern ASM_PFX(EbcInterpret)
extern ASM_PFX(ExecuteEbcImageEntryPoint)
; This function is called to execute an EBC CALLEX instruction
; to native code.
; This instruction requires that we thunk out to external native
; code. For IA32, we simply switch stacks and jump to the
; specified function. On return, we restore the stack pointer
; to its original location.
; Destroys no working registers.
; INT64 EbcLLCALLEXNative(UINTN FuncAddr, UINTN NewStackPointer, VOID *FramePtr)
global ASM_PFX(EbcLLCALLEXNative)
push ebp
push ebx
mov ebp, esp ; standard function prolog
; Get function address in a register
; mov ecx, FuncAddr => mov ecx, dword ptr [FuncAddr]
mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xC]
; Set stack pointer to new value
; mov eax, NewStackPointer => mov eax, dword ptr [NewSp]
mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
sub eax, edx
sub esp, eax
mov ebx, esp
push ecx
push eax
push edx
push ebx
call ASM_PFX(CopyMem)
pop eax
pop eax
pop eax
pop ecx
; Now call the external routine
call ecx
; ebp is preserved by the callee. In this function it
; equals the original esp, so set them equal
mov esp, ebp
; Standard function epilog
mov esp, ebp
pop ebx
pop ebp
; EbcLLEbcInterpret
; Begin executing an EBC image.
; UINT64 EbcLLEbcInterpret(VOID)
global ASM_PFX(EbcLLEbcInterpret)
;; mov eax, 0xca112ebc
;; mov eax, EbcEntryPoint
;; mov ecx, EbcLLEbcInterpret
;; jmp ecx
; Caller uses above instruction to jump here
; The stack is below:
; +-----------+
; | RetAddr |
; +-----------+
; |EntryPoint | (EAX)
; +-----------+
; | Arg1 | <- EDI
; +-----------+
; | Arg2 |
; +-----------+
; | ... |
; +-----------+
; | Arg16 |
; +-----------+
; | EDI |
; +-----------+
; | ESI |
; +-----------+
; | EBP | <- EBP
; +-----------+
; | RetAddr | <- ESP is here
; +-----------+
; | Arg1 | <- ESI
; +-----------+
; | Arg2 |
; +-----------+
; | ... |
; +-----------+
; | Arg16 |
; +-----------+
; Construct new stack
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push esi
push edi
sub esp, 0x40
push eax
mov esi, ebp
add esi, 8
mov edi, esp
add edi, 4
mov ecx, 16
rep movsd
; call C-code
call ASM_PFX(EbcInterpret)
add esp, 0x44
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
; EbcLLExecuteEbcImageEntryPoint
; Begin executing an EBC image.
; UINT64 EbcLLExecuteEbcImageEntryPoint(VOID)
global ASM_PFX(EbcLLExecuteEbcImageEntryPoint)
;; mov eax, 0xca112ebc
;; mov eax, EbcEntryPoint
;; mov ecx, EbcLLExecuteEbcImageEntryPoint
;; jmp ecx
; Caller uses above instruction to jump here
; The stack is below:
; +-----------+
; | RetAddr |
; +-----------+
; |EntryPoint | (EAX)
; +-----------+
; |ImageHandle|
; +-----------+
; |SystemTable|
; +-----------+
; | RetAddr | <- ESP is here
; +-----------+
; |ImageHandle|
; +-----------+
; |SystemTable|
; +-----------+
; Construct new stack
mov [esp - 0xC], eax
mov eax, [esp + 0x4]
mov [esp - 0x8], eax
mov eax, [esp + 0x8]
mov [esp - 0x4], eax
; call C-code
sub esp, 0xC
call ASM_PFX(ExecuteEbcImageEntryPoint)
add esp, 0xC