2020-06-03 15:44:17 +02:00

344 lines
12 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

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language code: zh-Hans
Copyright © 2019-2020 CloverHackyColor. All rights reserved.
// Globals
"Unsupported" = "Unsupported";
"N/A" = "N/A"; // not available (please be short)
// Mount / unmount
"Clover wants to mount %@" = "Clover 想要挂载 %@";
"Clover wants to umount %@" = "Clover 想要卸载 %@";
"Mount" = "挂载";
"umount" = "卸载";
"mount point" = "挂载点";
"*auto mount" = "*auto mount";
// Info
"System Serial Number:" = "System Serial Number:";
"Model:" = "Model:";
"board-id:" = "board-id:";
"OEM Vendor:" = "OEM Vendor:";
"OEM Product:" = "OEM Product:";
"OEM Board:" = "OEM Board:";
"NVRAM is native:" = "NVRAM is native:";
"unknown" = "unknown";
"Yes" = "Yes"; // first char upper case
"No" = "No"; // first char upper case
// Sound
"Startup Sound" = "Startup Sound";
"Device:" = "Device:";
"Volume level:" = "Volume level:";
"LineOut" = "Line Out";
"Speaker" = "Speaker";
"Headphones" = "Headphones";
"Garniture" = "Garniture";
"Other" = "Other";
"true" = "是";
"false" = "否";
// Theme
"Theme:" = "主题:";
"Themes" = "Themes"; // window title
"No themes found" = "No themes found";
"Manager" = "Manager";
"Can't remove the theme" = "Can't remove the theme";
"Show installed" = "Show installed";
"Optimize" = "Optimize";
"Sound:" = "声音:";
// Main view (pop over)
"*Make filesystem read-write" = "*让文件系统可读写";
"*Disable Sleep Proxy Client" = "*禁用 Sleep Proxy Client";
"*Require CloverDaemon" = "*需要 CloverDaemon";
"Read daemon log" = "读取 daemon 日志";
"Read bdmesg" = "读取引导日志";
"Install CloverDaemonNew" = "安装 CloverDaemonNew";
"Uninstall CloverDaemonNew" = "卸载 CloverDaemonNew";
"Update" = "更新";
"Download" = "Download";
"Update to r%d" = "更新到 r%d"; // Update to r5101
"Check update:" = "检查更新:";
"Check now" = "现在检查";
"never" = "从不";
"daily" = "每日";
"weekly" = "每周";
"monthly" = "每月";
"last checked:" = "最近检查:"; // last date update was checked
"Run at login" = "登录时启动";
"Close" = "退出";
// Installer
"Install Clover" = "安装 Clover";
"Current Clover revision" = "目前 Clover 版本";
"Boot Device:" = "引导设备:";
"config path:" = "config 路径:";
"Installation succeded" = "Installation succeded";
"Installation failed" = "Installation failed";
"Clover Installer" = "Clover 安装器";
"Select a disk.." = "选择一个磁盘..";
"Install" = "安装";
"Uninstall" = "卸载";
"AltBoot" = "Alternative boot";
// Clover Bootloader and drivers
"UEFI only" = "仅安装 UEFI 主板专用的 Clover 版本。";
"Install alternative booting PBR" = "安装 PBR 的多重开机选项boot1=变色龙 引导boot6=64位 Clover 引导。
可设定 开机 boot = boot{按键} 进行多重开机设置。";
"Don't install any bootloader (boot0X, boot1X)" = "不安装任何引导文件 (boot0X, boot1X)。
适用于不需要任何引导文件的 UEFI 主板。
适用于不需要更新 MBR 及 PBR 磁区。";
"Clover legacy BIOS boot sectors" = "简而言之Clover EFI 需要三个必要的文件。
boot0 (在硬盘的 MBR) 负责载入 boot1。
boot1 (在分区的开机磁区 boot-sector) 搜寻 boot2。
boot2 (在分区的根目录) 载入 /EFI/CLOVER/CLOVERIA32.efi 或 CLOVERX64.efi 及系统核心等等。";
"boot0af" = "BIOS 主板 之 BIOS 启动 专用。
boot0af (优先激活 boot0) 优先引导 MBR 的 激活分区, 如果没有激活分区, 将引导第一个含 有效 PBR 签名 的 EFI/FAT32/HFS 分区 (优先引导MBR其次引导GPT)。
本安装将 会 设置 HFS 及 Fat32 安装分区为激活分区。";
"boot0ss" = "BIOS 主板 之 BIOS 启动 专用。
boot0ss (boot0 签名扫描) 引导器 优先引导第一个含 有效 PBR 签名 的 EFI/FAT32/HFS 分区(优先引导MBR, 其次引导GPT), 如果没有找到分区,将引导 MBR 的 激活分区。
本引导器 是推荐选择, 当你已经安装了 Windows 在相同磁盘。因为 Windows 想让它的分区成为 激活分区。
本安装将 不会 设置 任何 MBR 里的分区为激活分区。";
"boot6" = "CloverEFI 64位版本, 使用 SATA 模式存取硬盘";
"boot7" = "CloverEFI 64位版本, 使用 Bios Block I/O 模式存取硬盘";
"UEFI mandatory" = "强制 UEFI 模式";
"BIOS mandatory" = "强制 BIOS 模式";
"UEFI/Other" = "UEFI/Other";
"BIOS/Other" = "BIOS/Other";
"UEFI, but not from this installer" = "UEFI, 但不来自此安装器";
"BIOS, but not from this installer" = "BIOS, 但不来自此安装器";
"UEFI/FileSystem" = "UEFI, 文件系统驱动";
"BIOS/FileSystem" = "BIOS, 文件系统驱动";
"UEFI/HID" = "UEFI, 人机接口设备";
"BIOS/HID" = "BIOS, 人机接口设备";
"UEFI/FileVault2" = "UEFI, 文件保险箱驱动";
"BIOS/FileVault2" = "BIOS, 文件保险箱驱动";
"UEFI/MemoryFix" = "UEFI, 内存修正驱动";
"ApfsDriverLoader.efi" = "支持 macOS 10.13 或更新版本的 APFS 文件系统";
"AppleImageCodec.efi" = "解码 文件保险箱 中的 PNG 和 BMP。";
"AppleImageLoader.efi" = "安全 AppleEfiFat 二进制驱动, 实施 AppleLoadImage 协议并携有 EfiBinary 签名验证。";
"AppleKeyAggregator.efi" = "支持 文件保险箱 开机界面的 对话框。";
"AppleKeyFeeder.efi" = "支持 使用 文件保险箱 时的 PS/2 键盘。";
"AppleUISupport.efi" = "支持 文件保险箱 中 EfiLoginUi 的协议集。";
"AppleUITheme.efi" = "支持 文件保险箱 的启动界面主题。";
"AptioInputFix.efi" = "修正 UEFI 固件 输入问题, 例如 AMI Aptio。";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "提供 UEFI 固件的 内存问题修正, 例如 AMI Aptio。不要与其他 内存修正驱动 共同使用。";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA 驱动, 在使用 Clover 引导时播放 启动音。
在 Option 菜单中 Startup sound output 进行配置, 包括:
音量 和 输出设备 (仅限 受支持的 IOAudio 设备)。";
"FirmwareVolume.efi" = "新建 文件保险箱 中含光标图像的 固件宗卷。";
"FSInject.efi" = "提供 Clover文件夹中 内核扩展 的注入。";
"GrubEXFAT.efi" = "ExFAT 文件系统 驱动, 来自 GRUB。";
"GrubISO9660.efi" = "ISO 9600 文件系统 驱动, 来自 GRUB。";
"GrubNTFS.efi" = "NTFS 文件系统 驱动, 来自 GRUB。";
"GrubUDF.efi" = "UDF 文件系统 驱动, 来自 GRUB。";
"SMCHelper.efi" = "恢复 FakeSMC 在 nvram 遗留的 SMC 键值。";
"XhciDxe.efi" = "USB 3.0 驱动";
"AppleEvent.uefi" = "新建 文件保险箱 的 AppleEvent 协议。";
"AppleGraphicsConfig.uefi" = "新建 可选的 AppleGraphicsConfig 协议。";
"CsmVideoDxe.efi" = "视频驱动, 允许 Clover 图形界面 支持更多分辨率。它基于 UEFI BIOS 的 CSM 模块, 并且 CSM 必须启动。
可能导致 Clover 无法启动, 也可能会发生 系统唤醒 相关问题。请谨慎使用。";
"DataHubDxe.efi" = "此驱动 提供 DataHub 协议支持, macOS 强制启用。
通常已启用, 但有时可能遗漏。可在屏幕 warning 中查看。";
"EmuVariableUefi.efi" = "存储 非 UEFI-引导 中 UEFI 变量 的替代方法。
绝大多数 UEFI 引导使用的是 硬件 NVRAM 但在一些特殊情况下需要这个驱动。如果缺少这个驱动会遇到问题, 请使用它。";
"EnglishDxe.efi" = "支持 EFI Shell 使用的 UnicodeCollation 协议, 如果 UEFI 遗漏了它。";
"Fat.efi" = "FAT 文件系统 驱动。";
"HashServiceFix.efi" = "修正 Hash 的支持, 如果原生 UEFI BIOS 缺失了它。";
"HFSPlus.efi" = "另外的 HFS+ 文件系统 驱动。";
"NvmExpressDxe.efi" = "支持 NVM Express 设备 驱动。";
"OsxAptioFix3Drv.efi" = "另外的 修正 UEFI 固件 内存问题 驱动 (v3)。不要与其他 内存修正驱动 共同使用。";
"OsxAptioFixDrv.efi" = "老版修正 UEFI 固件 内存问题 驱动, 例如 AMI Aptio。不要与其他 内存修正驱动 共同使用。";
"OsxFatBinaryDrv.efi" = "支持 OSX 10.9 及更新版本的 FAT 二进制 可执行文件。";
"OsxLowMemFixDrv.efi" = "OsxAptioFixDrv 的简化版本。不要与其他 内存修正驱动 共同使用。";
"PartitionDxe.efi" = "支持 非常态的分区图, 例如 混合 GPT/MBR 或 Apple 分区图。";
"Ps2MouseDxe.efi" = "PS/2 鼠标 驱动";
"UsbKbDxe.efi" = "键盘驱动, 支持 启动界面。";
"UsbMouseDxe.efi" = "USB 鼠标 驱动";
"VBoxExt2.efi" = "EXT2/3 文件系统驱动, 来自 VirtualBox。";
"VBoxExt4.efi" = "EXT4 文件系统驱动, 来自 VirtualBox。";
"VBoxHfs.efi" = "HFS+ 文件系统驱动。";
"VBoxIso9600.efi" = "ISO 9600 文件系统驱动。";
// Plist Editor Menu
// Menu
"About Clover" = "About Clover";
"Preferences…" = "Preferences…";
"Services" = "Services";
"Hide Clover" = "Hide Clover";
"Hide Others" = "Hide Others";
"Show All" = "Show All";
"Quit Clover" = "Quit Clover";
// File
"New" = "New";
"Open…" = "Open…";
"Open Recent" = "Open Recent";
"Close" = "退出";
"Page Setup…" = "Page Setup…";
"Print…" = "Print…";
// Edit
"Undo" = "Undo";
"Redo" = "Redo";
"Cut" = "Cut";
"Copy" = "Copy";
"Paste" = "Paste";
"Paste and Match Style" = "Paste and Match Style";
"Delete" = "Delete";
"Select All" = "Select All";
// Edit->Find
"Edit" = "Edit";
"File" = "File";
"Find" = "Find";
"Find…" = "Find…";
"Find and Replace…" = "Find and Replace…";
"Find Next" = "Find Next";
"Find Previous" = "Find Previous";
"Use Selection for Find" = "Use Selection for Find";
"Use Selection for Replace" = "Use Selection for Replace";
"Jump to Selection" = "Jump to Selection";
// Edit->Spelling and Grammar
"Spelling" = "Spelling";
"Spelling and Grammar" = "Spelling and Grammar";
"Show Spelling and Grammar" = "Show Spelling and Grammar";
"Check Document Now" = "Check Document Now";
"Check Spelling While Typing" = "Check Spelling While Typing";
"Check Grammar With Spelling" = "Check Grammar With Spelling";
"Correct Spelling Automatically" = "Correct Spelling Automatically";
// Edit->Substitutions
"Substitutions" = "Substitutions";
"Show Substitutions" = "Show Substitutions";
"Smart Copy/Paste" = "Smart Copy/Paste";
"Smart Quotes" = "Smart Quotes";
"Smart Dashes" = "Smart Dashes";
"Smart Links" = "Smart Links";
"Text Replacement" = "Text Replacement";
// Edit->Transformations
"Transformations" = "Transformations";
"Make Upper Case" = "Make Upper Case";
"Make Lower Case" = "Make Lower Case";
"Capitalize" = "Capitalize";
// Edit->Speech
"Speech" = "Speech";
"Start Speaking" = "Start Speaking";
"Stop Speaking" = "Stop Speaking";
// View
"View" = "View";
"Show Toolbar" = "Show Toolbar";
"Customize Toolbar…" = "Customize Toolbar…";
"Show Sidebar" = "Show Sidebar";
// Window
"Window" = "Window";
"Minimize" = "Minimize";
"Zoom" = "Zoom";
"Bring Clover Window to Front" = "Bring Clover Window to Front";
"Bring All to Front" = "Bring All to Front";
// Help
"Clover Help" = "Clover Help";
// Plist Editor document
"Search" = "Search";
"Replace" = "Replace";
"All" = "All";
"Item" = "Item";
"Items" = "Items";
"Untiteled" = "Untiteled";
"New Item" = "New Item";
"bytes" = "bytes";
"typing" = "typing";
"change type" = "change type";
"change bool value" = "change bool value";
"replace duplicate key" = "replace duplicate key";
"move item" = "move item";
"paste Item" = "paste Item";
"remove Item" = "remove Item";
"cut Item" = "cut Item";
"add new Item" = "add new Item";
"No data" = "No data";
"missing '<' at the beginning" = "missing '<' at the beginning";
"missing '>' at the end" = "missing '>' at the end";
"Your data contains illegal characters" = "Your data contains illegal characters";
"bytes count is odd, must be even" = "bytes count is odd, must be even";
"Keep editing" = "Keep editing";
"Duplicate key in the Dictionary!" = "Duplicate key in the Dictionary!";
"'%@' is already present in the Dictionary. Do you want to undo the editing or replace the existing key?" = "'%@' is already present in the Dictionary. Do you want to undo the editing or replace the existing key?";
"Replace existing key" = "Replace existing key";
"Invalid value detected!" = "Invalid value detected!";
"Your edit is not valid. Do you want to restore last valid value or keep editing?" = "Your edit is not valid. Do you want to restore last valid value or keep editing?";
// Plist Editor header
"Key" = "Key";
"Type" = "Type";
"Value" = "Value";
// Plist Editor tags
"Dictionary" = "Dictionary";
"Array" = "Array";
"String" = "String";
"Number" = "Number";
"Bool" = "Bool";
"Date" = "Date";
"Data" = "Data";
// Plist Editor Boolean values
"YES" = "YES";
"NO" = "NO";