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synced 2025-03-13 13:29:39 +01:00
Rename PLATFORMDATA array to ApplePlatformDataArrayClass. Refactor so enum MacModel doesn't have to be in the same order as ApplePlatformDataArrayClass. Create static_assert that guarantee that all model has platform data.
198 lines
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198 lines
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* ConfigManager.h
* Created on: Apr 21, 2021
* Author: jief
#include "ConfigPlist/ConfigPlistClass.h"
#include "ConfigPlist/SMBIOSPlist.h"
#include "../Platform/hda.h" // for HRDW_MANUFACTERER
class DiscoveredSlotDeviceClass
uint8_t Index = 0xFF;
UINT16 SegmentGroupNum = 0;
UINT8 BusNum = 0;
UINT8 DevFuncNum = 0;
UINT8 SlotID = 0;
XString8 SlotName = XString8();
DiscoveredSlotDeviceClass() {}
class SlotDeviceArrayClass : public XObjArray<DiscoveredSlotDeviceClass>
SlotDeviceArrayClass() {}
class DiscoveredGfx
UINT8 Ports = 0;
UINT16 DeviceID = 0;
UINT16 Family = 0;
XString8 Model = XString8();
XString8 Config = XString8();
UINTN Segment = 0;
UINTN Bus = 0;
UINTN Device = 0;
UINTN Function = 0;
EFI_HANDLE Handle = 0;
UINT8 *Mmio = 0;
UINT32 Connectors = 0;
XBool ConnChanged = false;
// ATTENTION : this is not discovered. This will be assigned once config plist is read.
XBool LoadVBios = false;
DiscoveredGfx() {}
DiscoveredGfx(const DiscoveredGfx&) = default; // default copy is ok because we can copy Mmio, because it's not allocated and still make sense once copied.
DiscoveredGfx& operator = (const DiscoveredGfx&) = default;
class GfxPropertiesArrayClass : public XObjArray<DiscoveredGfx>
XBool hasBrand(HRDW_MANUFACTERER brand) const {
for ( size_t idx = 0 ; idx < size() ; ++idx ) {
if ( ElementAt(idx).Vendor == brand ) return true;
return false;
XBool hasNvidia() const { return hasBrand(Nvidia); }
XBool hasIntel() const { return hasBrand(Intel); }
XBool isCardAtPosIntel(size_t pos) const { return size() > pos && ElementAt(pos).Vendor == Intel; }
XBool isCardAtPosNvidia(size_t pos) const { return size() > pos && ElementAt(pos).Vendor == Nvidia; }
class DiscoveredHdaProperties
UINT16 controller_vendor_id = 0;
UINT16 controller_device_id = 0;
CHAR16 *controller_name = 0;
DiscoveredHdaProperties() {}
class HdaPropertiesArrayClass : public XObjArray<DiscoveredHdaProperties>
class LanCardClass
UINT8 MacAddress[6] = {0}; // MAC address
LanCardClass() {}
class LanCardArrayClass : public XObjArray<LanCardClass>
/* Requirment : MacAddressToLookFor is 6 chars long */
XBool containsMacAddress(const UINT8* MacAddressToLookFor) const {
for ( size_t idx = 0 ; idx < size() ; ++idx ) {
if ( memcmp(MacAddressToLookFor, ElementAt(idx).MacAddress, 6) == 0 ) return true;
return false;
class ConfigManager
/* this is for internal usage */
ConfigPlistClass configPlist = ConfigPlistClass(); // current config.plist. Values are "transfered" into SETTINGS_DATA
SmbiosPlistClass smbiosPlist = SmbiosPlistClass();
* For now, the non-const version are exposed to public.
* The goal is that non modification is made from outside of this object.
* Refactoring is in progress and this variable names make it easier to track down where changes happen
// Discovered hardware. This will be used to create the data to patch Smbios, for example.
SlotDeviceArrayClass SlotDeviceArrayNonConst = SlotDeviceArrayClass();
GfxPropertiesArrayClass GfxPropertiesArrayNonConst = GfxPropertiesArrayClass();
HdaPropertiesArrayClass HdaPropertiesArrayNonConst = HdaPropertiesArrayClass();
LanCardArrayClass LanCardArrayNonConst = LanCardArrayClass();
* Const version of above members. The ones to mainly use. Eventually the ones to ONLY use.
* The goal is that non modification is made from outside of this object.
const SlotDeviceArrayClass& SlotDeviceArray = SlotDeviceArrayNonConst;
const GfxPropertiesArrayClass& GfxPropertiesArray = GfxPropertiesArrayNonConst;
const HdaPropertiesArrayClass& HdaPropertiesArray = HdaPropertiesArrayNonConst;
const LanCardArrayClass& LanCardArray = LanCardArrayNonConst;
ConfigManager () {};
~ConfigManager () {};
ConfigManager (const ConfigManager &other) = delete;
ConfigManager (ConfigManager &&other) = delete;
ConfigManager& operator= (const ConfigManager &other) = delete;
ConfigManager& operator= (ConfigManager &&other) = delete;
void FillSmbiosWithDefaultValue(MacModel Model, const SmbiosPlistClass::SmbiosDictClass& smbiosDictClass);
* Look for {ConfName}.plist and smbios.plist and load them, "transfer" the settings into gSettings and call afterGetUserSettings()
* ConfName : name of the file, without .plist extension. File will be searched in OEM or main folder
* This is for live reload (from the menu) of a new config.plist.
* 2021-04 : not really tested yet.
EFI_STATUS ReLoadConfig(const XStringW& ConfName);
* Populate SlotDeviceArray, GfxPropertiesArray, HdaPropertiesArray, LanCardArray
* Only call once in the lifetime
EFI_STATUS InitialisePlatform();
void DiscoverDevices();
void is2ndGreaterThen1st (const CHAR8 *i, const CHAR8 *j);
void applySettings() const;
void GetUEFIMacAddress();
EFI_STATUS LoadConfigPlist(const XStringW& ConfName);
EFI_STATUS LoadSMBIOSPlist(const XStringW& ConfName);
EFI_STATUS LoadConfig(const XStringW& ConfName);
extern ConfigManager gConf;