mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 03:21:55 +01:00
426 lines
10 KiB
426 lines
10 KiB
default rel
%define XMMWORD
%define YMMWORD
%define ZMMWORD
section .text code align=64
sub rsp,128+8
mov r9,-1
lea rsi,[rax*1+rax]
shr r9,3
lea rdi,[rax*4]
and r9,rax
lea r12,[rax*8]
sar rax,63
lea r10,[r9*1+r9]
sar rsi,63
lea r11,[r9*4]
and rax,rbp
sar rdi,63
mov rdx,rax
shl rax,63
and rsi,rbp
shr rdx,1
mov rcx,rsi
shl rsi,62
and rdi,rbp
shr rcx,2
xor rax,rsi
mov rbx,rdi
shl rdi,61
xor rdx,rcx
shr rbx,3
xor rax,rdi
xor rdx,rbx
mov r13,r9
mov QWORD[rsp],0
xor r13,r10
mov QWORD[8+rsp],r9
mov r14,r11
mov QWORD[16+rsp],r10
xor r14,r12
mov QWORD[24+rsp],r13
xor r9,r11
mov QWORD[32+rsp],r11
xor r10,r11
mov QWORD[40+rsp],r9
xor r13,r11
mov QWORD[48+rsp],r10
xor r9,r14
mov QWORD[56+rsp],r13
xor r10,r14
mov QWORD[64+rsp],r12
xor r13,r14
mov QWORD[72+rsp],r9
xor r9,r11
mov QWORD[80+rsp],r10
xor r10,r11
mov QWORD[88+rsp],r13
xor r13,r11
mov QWORD[96+rsp],r14
mov rsi,r8
mov QWORD[104+rsp],r9
and rsi,rbp
mov QWORD[112+rsp],r10
shr rbp,4
mov QWORD[120+rsp],r13
mov rdi,r8
and rdi,rbp
shr rbp,4
movq xmm0,QWORD[rsi*8+rsp]
mov rsi,r8
and rsi,rbp
shr rbp,4
mov rcx,QWORD[rdi*8+rsp]
mov rdi,r8
mov rbx,rcx
shl rcx,4
and rdi,rbp
movq xmm1,QWORD[rsi*8+rsp]
shr rbx,60
xor rax,rcx
pslldq xmm1,1
mov rsi,r8
shr rbp,4
xor rdx,rbx
and rsi,rbp
shr rbp,4
pxor xmm0,xmm1
mov rcx,QWORD[rdi*8+rsp]
mov rdi,r8
mov rbx,rcx
shl rcx,12
and rdi,rbp
movq xmm1,QWORD[rsi*8+rsp]
shr rbx,52
xor rax,rcx
pslldq xmm1,2
mov rsi,r8
shr rbp,4
xor rdx,rbx
and rsi,rbp
shr rbp,4
pxor xmm0,xmm1
mov rcx,QWORD[rdi*8+rsp]
mov rdi,r8
mov rbx,rcx
shl rcx,20
and rdi,rbp
movq xmm1,QWORD[rsi*8+rsp]
shr rbx,44
xor rax,rcx
pslldq xmm1,3
mov rsi,r8
shr rbp,4
xor rdx,rbx
and rsi,rbp
shr rbp,4
pxor xmm0,xmm1
mov rcx,QWORD[rdi*8+rsp]
mov rdi,r8
mov rbx,rcx
shl rcx,28
and rdi,rbp
movq xmm1,QWORD[rsi*8+rsp]
shr rbx,36
xor rax,rcx
pslldq xmm1,4
mov rsi,r8
shr rbp,4
xor rdx,rbx
and rsi,rbp
shr rbp,4
pxor xmm0,xmm1
mov rcx,QWORD[rdi*8+rsp]
mov rdi,r8
mov rbx,rcx
shl rcx,36
and rdi,rbp
movq xmm1,QWORD[rsi*8+rsp]
shr rbx,28
xor rax,rcx
pslldq xmm1,5
mov rsi,r8
shr rbp,4
xor rdx,rbx
and rsi,rbp
shr rbp,4
pxor xmm0,xmm1
mov rcx,QWORD[rdi*8+rsp]
mov rdi,r8
mov rbx,rcx
shl rcx,44
and rdi,rbp
movq xmm1,QWORD[rsi*8+rsp]
shr rbx,20
xor rax,rcx
pslldq xmm1,6
mov rsi,r8
shr rbp,4
xor rdx,rbx
and rsi,rbp
shr rbp,4
pxor xmm0,xmm1
mov rcx,QWORD[rdi*8+rsp]
mov rdi,r8
mov rbx,rcx
shl rcx,52
and rdi,rbp
movq xmm1,QWORD[rsi*8+rsp]
shr rbx,12
xor rax,rcx
pslldq xmm1,7
mov rsi,r8
shr rbp,4
xor rdx,rbx
and rsi,rbp
shr rbp,4
pxor xmm0,xmm1
mov rcx,QWORD[rdi*8+rsp]
mov rbx,rcx
shl rcx,60
DB 102,72,15,126,198
shr rbx,4
xor rax,rcx
psrldq xmm0,8
xor rdx,rbx
DB 102,72,15,126,199
xor rax,rsi
xor rdx,rdi
add rsp,128+8
DB 0F3h,0C3h ;repret
global bn_GF2m_mul_2x2
mov rax,rsp
mov r10,QWORD[OPENSSL_ia32cap_P]
bt r10,33
jnc NEAR $L$vanilla_mul_2x2
DB 102,72,15,110,194
DB 102,73,15,110,201
DB 102,73,15,110,208
movq xmm3,QWORD[40+rsp]
movdqa xmm4,xmm0
movdqa xmm5,xmm1
DB 102,15,58,68,193,0
pxor xmm4,xmm2
pxor xmm5,xmm3
DB 102,15,58,68,211,0
DB 102,15,58,68,229,0
xorps xmm4,xmm0
xorps xmm4,xmm2
movdqa xmm5,xmm4
pslldq xmm4,8
psrldq xmm5,8
pxor xmm2,xmm4
pxor xmm0,xmm5
movdqu XMMWORD[rcx],xmm2
movdqu XMMWORD[16+rcx],xmm0
DB 0F3h,0C3h ;repret
lea rsp,[((-136))+rsp]
mov r10,QWORD[176+rsp]
mov QWORD[120+rsp],rdi
mov QWORD[128+rsp],rsi
mov QWORD[80+rsp],r14
mov QWORD[88+rsp],r13
mov QWORD[96+rsp],r12
mov QWORD[104+rsp],rbp
mov QWORD[112+rsp],rbx
mov QWORD[32+rsp],rcx
mov QWORD[40+rsp],rdx
mov QWORD[48+rsp],r8
mov QWORD[56+rsp],r9
mov QWORD[64+rsp],r10
mov r8,0xf
mov rax,rdx
mov rbp,r9
call _mul_1x1
mov QWORD[16+rsp],rax
mov QWORD[24+rsp],rdx
mov rax,QWORD[48+rsp]
mov rbp,QWORD[64+rsp]
call _mul_1x1
mov QWORD[rsp],rax
mov QWORD[8+rsp],rdx
mov rax,QWORD[40+rsp]
mov rbp,QWORD[56+rsp]
xor rax,QWORD[48+rsp]
xor rbp,QWORD[64+rsp]
call _mul_1x1
mov rbx,QWORD[rsp]
mov rcx,QWORD[8+rsp]
mov rdi,QWORD[16+rsp]
mov rsi,QWORD[24+rsp]
mov rbp,QWORD[32+rsp]
xor rax,rdx
xor rdx,rcx
xor rax,rbx
mov QWORD[rbp],rbx
xor rdx,rdi
mov QWORD[24+rbp],rsi
xor rax,rsi
xor rdx,rsi
xor rax,rdx
mov QWORD[16+rbp],rdx
mov QWORD[8+rbp],rax
mov r14,QWORD[80+rsp]
mov r13,QWORD[88+rsp]
mov r12,QWORD[96+rsp]
mov rbp,QWORD[104+rsp]
mov rbx,QWORD[112+rsp]
mov rdi,QWORD[120+rsp]
mov rsi,QWORD[128+rsp]
lea rsp,[136+rsp]
DB 0F3h,0C3h ;repret
DB 71,70,40,50,94,109,41,32,77,117,108,116,105,112,108,105
DB 99,97,116,105,111,110,32,102,111,114,32,120,56,54,95,54
DB 52,44,32,67,82,89,80,84,79,71,65,77,83,32,98,121
DB 32,60,97,112,112,114,111,64,111,112,101,110,115,115,108,46
DB 111,114,103,62,0
EXTERN __imp_RtlVirtualUnwind
push rsi
push rdi
push rbx
push rbp
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
sub rsp,64
mov rax,QWORD[120+r8]
mov rbx,QWORD[248+r8]
lea r10,[$L$body_mul_2x2]
cmp rbx,r10
jb NEAR $L$in_prologue
mov rax,QWORD[152+r8]
lea r10,[$L$epilogue_mul_2x2]
cmp rbx,r10
jae NEAR $L$in_prologue
mov r14,QWORD[80+rax]
mov r13,QWORD[88+rax]
mov r12,QWORD[96+rax]
mov rbp,QWORD[104+rax]
mov rbx,QWORD[112+rax]
mov rdi,QWORD[120+rax]
mov rsi,QWORD[128+rax]
mov QWORD[144+r8],rbx
mov QWORD[160+r8],rbp
mov QWORD[168+r8],rsi
mov QWORD[176+r8],rdi
mov QWORD[216+r8],r12
mov QWORD[224+r8],r13
mov QWORD[232+r8],r14
lea rax,[136+rax]
mov QWORD[152+r8],rax
mov rdi,QWORD[40+r9]
mov rsi,r8
mov ecx,154
DD 0xa548f3fc
mov rsi,r9
xor rcx,rcx
mov rdx,QWORD[8+rsi]
mov r8,QWORD[rsi]
mov r9,QWORD[16+rsi]
mov r10,QWORD[40+rsi]
lea r11,[56+rsi]
lea r12,[24+rsi]
mov QWORD[32+rsp],r10
mov QWORD[40+rsp],r11
mov QWORD[48+rsp],r12
mov QWORD[56+rsp],rcx
call QWORD[__imp_RtlVirtualUnwind]
mov eax,1
add rsp,64
pop r15
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
pop rbp
pop rbx
pop rdi
pop rsi
DB 0F3h,0C3h ;repret
section .pdata rdata align=4
DD _mul_1x1 wrt ..imagebase
DD $L$end_mul_1x1 wrt ..imagebase
DD $L$SEH_info_1x1 wrt ..imagebase
DD $L$vanilla_mul_2x2 wrt ..imagebase
DD $L$end_mul_2x2 wrt ..imagebase
DD $L$SEH_info_2x2 wrt ..imagebase
section .xdata rdata align=8
DB 0x01,0x07,0x02,0x00
DB 0x07,0x01,0x11,0x00
DB 9,0,0,0
DD se_handler wrt ..imagebase