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## @file ParserValidate.py
# Functions for parser validation
# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
import os.path
import re
import platform
from Library.DataType import MODULE_LIST
from Library.DataType import COMPONENT_TYPE_LIST
from Library.DataType import PCD_USAGE_TYPE_LIST_OF_MODULE
from Library.DataType import TAB_SPACE_SPLIT
from Library.StringUtils import GetSplitValueList
from Library.ExpressionValidate import IsValidBareCString
from Library.ExpressionValidate import IsValidFeatureFlagExp
from Common.MultipleWorkspace import MultipleWorkspace as mws
## __HexDigit() method
# Whether char input is a Hex data bit
# @param TempChar: The char to test
def __HexDigit(TempChar):
if (TempChar >= 'a' and TempChar <= 'f') or \
(TempChar >= 'A' and TempChar <= 'F') \
or (TempChar >= '0' and TempChar <= '9'):
return True
return False
## IsValidHex() method
# Whether char input is a Hex data.
# @param TempChar: The char to test
def IsValidHex(HexStr):
if not HexStr.upper().startswith("0X"):
return False
CharList = [c for c in HexStr[2:] if not __HexDigit(c)]
if len(CharList) == 0:
return True
return False
## Judge the input string is valid bool type or not.
# <TRUE> ::= {"TRUE"} {"true"} {"True"} {"0x1"} {"0x01"}
# <FALSE> ::= {"FALSE"} {"false"} {"False"} {"0x0"} {"0x00"}
# <BoolType> ::= {<TRUE>} {<FALSE>}
# @param BoolString: A string contained the value need to be judged.
def IsValidBoolType(BoolString):
# Valid True
if BoolString == 'TRUE' or \
BoolString == 'True' or \
BoolString == 'true' or \
BoolString == '0x1' or \
BoolString == '0x01':
return True
# Valid False
elif BoolString == 'FALSE' or \
BoolString == 'False' or \
BoolString == 'false' or \
BoolString == '0x0' or \
BoolString == '0x00':
return True
# Invalid bool type
return False
## Is Valid Module Type List or not
# @param ModuleTypeList: A list contain ModuleType strings need to be
# judged.
def IsValidInfMoudleTypeList(ModuleTypeList):
for ModuleType in ModuleTypeList:
return IsValidInfMoudleType(ModuleType)
## Is Valid Module Type or not
# @param ModuleType: A string contain ModuleType need to be judged.
def IsValidInfMoudleType(ModuleType):
if ModuleType in MODULE_LIST:
return True
return False
## Is Valid Component Type or not
# @param ComponentType: A string contain ComponentType need to be judged.
def IsValidInfComponentType(ComponentType):
if ComponentType.upper() in COMPONENT_TYPE_LIST:
return True
return False
## Is valid Tool Family or not
# @param ToolFamily: A string contain Tool Family need to be judged.
# Family := [A-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9])*
def IsValidToolFamily(ToolFamily):
ReIsValidFamily = re.compile(r"^[A-Z]+[A-Za-z0-9]{0,}$", re.DOTALL)
if ReIsValidFamily.match(ToolFamily) is None:
return False
return True
## Is valid Tool TagName or not
# The TagName sample is MYTOOLS and VS2005.
# @param TagName: A string contain Tool TagName need to be judged.
def IsValidToolTagName(TagName):
if TagName.strip() == '':
return True
if TagName.strip() == '*':
return True
if not IsValidWord(TagName):
return False
return True
## Is valid arch or not
# @param Arch The arch string need to be validated
# <OA> ::= (a-zA-Z)(A-Za-z0-9){0,}
# <arch> ::= {"IA32"} {"X64"} {"IPF"} {"EBC"} {<OA>}
# {"common"}
# @param Arch: Input arch
def IsValidArch(Arch):
if Arch == 'common':
return True
ReIsValidArch = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9]{0,}$", re.DOTALL)
if ReIsValidArch.match(Arch) is None:
return False
return True
## Is valid family or not
# <Family> ::= {"MSFT"} {"GCC"} {"INTEL"} {<Usr>} {"*"}
# <Usr> ::= [A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]{0,}
# @param family: The family string need to be validated
def IsValidFamily(Family):
Family = Family.strip()
if Family == '*':
return True
if Family == '':
return True
ReIsValidFamily = re.compile(r"^[A-Z]+[A-Za-z0-9]{0,}$", re.DOTALL)
if ReIsValidFamily.match(Family) is None:
return False
return True
## Is valid build option name or not
# @param BuildOptionName: The BuildOptionName string need to be validated
def IsValidBuildOptionName(BuildOptionName):
if not BuildOptionName:
return False
ToolOptionList = GetSplitValueList(BuildOptionName, '_', 4)
if len(ToolOptionList) != 5:
return False
ReIsValidBuildOption1 = re.compile(r"^\s*(\*)|([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)$")
ReIsValidBuildOption2 = re.compile(r"^\s*(\*)|([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)$")
if ReIsValidBuildOption1.match(ToolOptionList[0]) is None:
return False
if ReIsValidBuildOption1.match(ToolOptionList[1]) is None:
return False
if ReIsValidBuildOption2.match(ToolOptionList[2]) is None:
return False
if ToolOptionList[3] == "*" and ToolOptionList[4] not in ['FAMILY', 'DLL', 'DPATH']:
return False
return True
## IsValidToken
# Check if pattern string matches total token
# @param ReString: regular string
# @param Token: Token to be matched
def IsValidToken(ReString, Token):
Match = re.compile(ReString).match(Token)
return Match and Match.start() == 0 and Match.end() == len(Token)
## IsValidPath
# Check if path exist
# @param Path: Absolute path or relative path to be checked
# @param Root: Root path
def IsValidPath(Path, Root):
Path = Path.strip()
OrigPath = Path.replace('\\', '/')
Path = os.path.normpath(Path).replace('\\', '/')
Root = os.path.normpath(Root).replace('\\', '/')
FullPath = mws.join(Root, Path)
if not os.path.exists(FullPath):
return False
# If Path is absolute path.
# It should be in Root.
if os.path.isabs(Path):
if not Path.startswith(Root):
return False
return True
# Check illegal character
for Rel in ['/', './', '../']:
if OrigPath.startswith(Rel):
return False
for Rel in ['//', '/./', '/../']:
if Rel in OrigPath:
return False
for Rel in ['/.', '/..', '/']:
if OrigPath.endswith(Rel):
return False
Path = Path.rstrip('/')
# Check relative path
for Word in Path.split('/'):
if not IsValidWord(Word):
return False
return True
## IsValidInstallPath
# Check if an install path valid or not.
# Absolute path or path starts with '.' or path contains '..' are invalid.
# @param Path: path to be checked
def IsValidInstallPath(Path):
if platform.platform().find("Windows") >= 0:
if os.path.isabs(Path):
return False
if Path[1:2] == ':':
return False
if os.path.isabs(Path):
return False
if Path.startswith('.'):
return False
if Path.find('..') != -1:
return False
return True
## IsValidCFormatGuid
# Check if GUID format has the from of {8,4,4,{2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2}}
# @param Guid: Guid to be checked
def IsValidCFormatGuid(Guid):
# Valid: { 0xf0b11735, 0x87a0, 0x4193, {0xb2, 0x66, 0x53, 0x8c, 0x38,
# 0xaf, 0x48, 0xce }}
# Invalid: { 0xf0b11735, 0x87a0, 0x4193, {0xb2, 0x66, 0x53, 0x8c, 0x38,
# 0xaf, 0x48, 0xce }} 0x123
# Invalid: { 0xf0b1 1735, 0x87a0, 0x4193, {0xb2, 0x66, 0x53, 0x8c, 0x38,
# 0xaf, 0x48, 0xce }}
List = ['{', 10, ',', 6, ',', 6, ',{', 4, ',', 4, ',', 4,
',', 4, ',', 4, ',', 4, ',', 4, ',', 4, '}}']
Index = 0
Value = ''
SepValue = ''
for Char in Guid:
if Char not in '{},\t ':
Value += Char
if Value:
# Index may out of bound
if not SepValue or SepValue != List[Index]:
return False
Index += 1
SepValue = ''
if not Value.startswith('0x') and not Value.startswith('0X'):
return False
# Index may out of bound
if not isinstance(List[Index], type(1)) or \
len(Value) > List[Index] or len(Value) < 3:
return False
# Check if string can be converted to integer
# Throw exception if not
int(Value, 16)
except BaseException:
# Exception caught means invalid format
return False
Value = ''
Index += 1
if Char in '{},':
SepValue += Char
return SepValue == '}}' and Value == ''
## IsValidPcdType
# Check whether the PCD type is valid
# @param PcdTypeString: The PcdType string need to be checked.
def IsValidPcdType(PcdTypeString):
if PcdTypeString.upper() in PCD_USAGE_TYPE_LIST_OF_MODULE:
return True
return False
## IsValidWord
# Check whether the word is valid.
# <Word> ::= (a-zA-Z0-9_)(a-zA-Z0-9_-){0,} Alphanumeric characters with
# optional
# dash "-" and/or underscore "_" characters. No whitespace
# characters are permitted.
# @param Word: The word string need to be checked.
def IsValidWord(Word):
if not Word:
return False
# The first char should be alpha, _ or Digit.
if not Word[0].isalnum() and \
not Word[0] == '_' and \
not Word[0].isdigit():
return False
LastChar = ''
for Char in Word[1:]:
if (not Char.isalpha()) and \
(not Char.isdigit()) and \
Char != '-' and \
Char != '_' and \
Char != '.':
return False
if Char == '.' and LastChar == '.':
return False
LastChar = Char
return True
## IsValidSimpleWord
# Check whether the SimpleWord is valid.
# <SimpleWord> ::= (a-zA-Z0-9)(a-zA-Z0-9_-){0,}
# A word that cannot contain a period character.
# @param Word: The word string need to be checked.
def IsValidSimpleWord(Word):
ReIsValidSimpleWord = \
re.compile(r"^[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z\-_]*$", re.DOTALL)
Word = Word.strip()
if not Word:
return False
if not ReIsValidSimpleWord.match(Word):
return False
return True
## IsValidDecVersion
# Check whether the decimal version is valid.
# <DecVersion> ::= (0-9){1,} ["." (0-9){1,}]
# @param Word: The word string need to be checked.
def IsValidDecVersion(Word):
if Word.find('.') > -1:
ReIsValidDecVersion = re.compile(r"[0-9]+\.?[0-9]+$")
ReIsValidDecVersion = re.compile(r"[0-9]+$")
if ReIsValidDecVersion.match(Word) is None:
return False
return True
## IsValidHexVersion
# Check whether the hex version is valid.
# <HexVersion> ::= "0x" <Major> <Minor>
# <Major> ::= <HexDigit>{4}
# <Minor> ::= <HexDigit>{4}
# @param Word: The word string need to be checked.
def IsValidHexVersion(Word):
ReIsValidHexVersion = re.compile(r"[0][xX][0-9A-Fa-f]{8}$", re.DOTALL)
if ReIsValidHexVersion.match(Word) is None:
return False
return True
## IsValidBuildNumber
# Check whether the BUILD_NUMBER is valid.
# ["BUILD_NUMBER" "=" <Integer>{1,4} <EOL>]
# @param Word: The BUILD_NUMBER string need to be checked.
def IsValidBuildNumber(Word):
ReIsValieBuildNumber = re.compile(r"[0-9]{1,4}$", re.DOTALL)
if ReIsValieBuildNumber.match(Word) is None:
return False
return True
## IsValidDepex
# Check whether the Depex is valid.
# @param Word: The Depex string need to be checked.
def IsValidDepex(Word):
Index = Word.upper().find("PUSH")
if Index > -1:
return IsValidCFormatGuid(Word[Index+4:].strip())
ReIsValidCName = re.compile(r"^[A-Za-z_][0-9A-Za-z_\s\.]*$", re.DOTALL)
if ReIsValidCName.match(Word) is None:
return False
return True
## IsValidNormalizedString
# Check
# <NormalizedString> ::= <DblQuote> [{<Word>} {<Space>}]{1,} <DblQuote>
# <Space> ::= 0x20
# @param String: string to be checked
def IsValidNormalizedString(String):
if String == '':
return True
for Char in String:
if Char == '\t':
return False
StringList = GetSplitValueList(String, TAB_SPACE_SPLIT)
for Item in StringList:
if not Item:
if not IsValidWord(Item):
return False
return True
## IsValidIdString
# Check whether the IdString is valid.
# @param IdString: The IdString need to be checked.
def IsValidIdString(String):
if IsValidSimpleWord(String.strip()):
return True
if String.strip().startswith('"') and \
String = String[1:-1]
if String.strip() == "":
return True
if IsValidNormalizedString(String):
return True
return False
## IsValidVersionString
# Check whether the VersionString is valid.
# <AsciiString> ::= [ [<WhiteSpace>]{0,} [<AsciiChars>]{0,} ] {0,}
# <WhiteSpace> ::= {<Tab>} {<Space>}
# <Tab> ::= 0x09
# <Space> ::= 0x20
# <AsciiChars> ::= (0x21 - 0x7E)
# @param VersionString: The VersionString need to be checked.
def IsValidVersionString(VersionString):
VersionString = VersionString.strip()
for Char in VersionString:
if not (Char >= 0x21 and Char <= 0x7E):
return False
return True
## IsValidPcdValue
# Check whether the PcdValue is valid.
# @param VersionString: The PcdValue need to be checked.
def IsValidPcdValue(PcdValue):
for Char in PcdValue:
if Char == '\n' or Char == '\t' or Char == '\f':
return False
# <Boolean>
if IsValidFeatureFlagExp(PcdValue, True)[0]:
return True
# <Number> ::= {<Integer>} {<HexNumber>}
# <Integer> ::= {(0-9)} {(1-9)(0-9){1,}}
# <HexNumber> ::= "0x" <HexDigit>{1,}
# <HexDigit> ::= (a-fA-F0-9)
if IsValidHex(PcdValue):
return True
ReIsValidIntegerSingle = re.compile(r"^\s*[0-9]\s*$", re.DOTALL)
if ReIsValidIntegerSingle.match(PcdValue) is not None:
return True
ReIsValidIntegerMulti = re.compile(r"^\s*[1-9][0-9]+\s*$", re.DOTALL)
if ReIsValidIntegerMulti.match(PcdValue) is not None:
return True
# <StringVal> ::= {<StringType>} {<Array>} {"$(" <MACRO> ")"}
# <StringType> ::= {<UnicodeString>} {<CString>}
ReIsValidStringType = re.compile(r"^\s*[\"L].*[\"]\s*$")
if ReIsValidStringType.match(PcdValue):
IsTrue = False
if PcdValue.strip().startswith('L\"'):
StringValue = PcdValue.strip().lstrip('L\"').rstrip('\"')
if IsValidBareCString(StringValue):
IsTrue = True
elif PcdValue.strip().startswith('\"'):
StringValue = PcdValue.strip().lstrip('\"').rstrip('\"')
if IsValidBareCString(StringValue):
IsTrue = True
if IsTrue:
return IsTrue
# <Array> ::= {<CArray>} {<NList>} {<CFormatGUID>}
# <CArray> ::= "{" [<NList>] <CArray>{0,} "}"
# <NList> ::= <HexByte> ["," <HexByte>]{0,}
# <HexDigit> ::= (a-fA-F0-9)
# <HexByte> ::= "0x" <HexDigit>{1,2}
if IsValidCFormatGuid(PcdValue):
return True
ReIsValidByteHex = re.compile(r"^\s*0x[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}\s*$", re.DOTALL)
if PcdValue.strip().startswith('{') and PcdValue.strip().endswith('}') :
StringValue = PcdValue.strip().lstrip('{').rstrip('}')
ValueList = StringValue.split(',')
AllValidFlag = True
for ValueItem in ValueList:
if not ReIsValidByteHex.match(ValueItem.strip()):
AllValidFlag = False
if AllValidFlag:
return True
# NList
AllValidFlag = True
ValueList = PcdValue.split(',')
for ValueItem in ValueList:
if not ReIsValidByteHex.match(ValueItem.strip()):
AllValidFlag = False
if AllValidFlag:
return True
return False
## IsValidCVariableName
# Check whether the PcdValue is valid.
# @param VersionString: The PcdValue need to be checked.
def IsValidCVariableName(CName):
ReIsValidCName = re.compile(r"^[A-Za-z_][0-9A-Za-z_]*$", re.DOTALL)
if ReIsValidCName.match(CName) is None:
return False
return True
## IsValidIdentifier
# <Identifier> ::= <NonDigit> <Chars>{0,}
# <Chars> ::= (a-zA-Z0-9_)
# <NonDigit> ::= (a-zA-Z_)
# @param Ident: identifier to be checked
def IsValidIdentifier(Ident):
ReIdent = re.compile(r"^[A-Za-z_][0-9A-Za-z_]*$", re.DOTALL)
if ReIdent.match(Ident) is None:
return False
return True
## IsValidDecVersionVal
# {(0-9){1,} "." (0-99)}
# @param Ver: version to be checked
def IsValidDecVersionVal(Ver):
ReVersion = re.compile(r"[0-9]+(\.[0-9]{1,2})$")
if ReVersion.match(Ver) is None:
return False
return True
## IsValidLibName
# (A-Z)(a-zA-Z0-9){0,} and could not be "NULL"
def IsValidLibName(LibName):
if LibName == 'NULL':
return False
ReLibName = re.compile("^[A-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9]*$")
if not ReLibName.match(LibName):
return False
return True
# IsValidUserId
# <UserId> ::= (a-zA-Z)(a-zA-Z0-9_.){0,}
# Words that contain period "." must be encapsulated in double quotation marks.
def IsValidUserId(UserId):
UserId = UserId.strip()
Quoted = False
if UserId.startswith('"') and UserId.endswith('"'):
Quoted = True
UserId = UserId[1:-1]
if not UserId or not UserId[0].isalpha():
return False
for Char in UserId[1:]:
if not Char.isalnum() and not Char in '_.':
return False
if Char == '.' and not Quoted:
return False
return True
# Check if a UTF16-LE file has a BOM header
def CheckUTF16FileHeader(File):
FileIn = open(File, 'rb').read(2)
if FileIn != b'\xff\xfe':
return False
return True