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synced 2025-03-09 12:49:57 +01:00
Fixed detection of legacy firmware for CloverDaemonNew. Detection of System Serial and OEM manufacturer informations. Startup sound settings in the interface. Installer inform with a sound and an alert window the installation result. Installer now produce the installation log. Installer is now thread safe. The UI is modified to make room forall the new functionalities.
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201 lines
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// bdmesg.swift
// Clover
// Created by vector sigma on 19/10/2019.
// Copyright © 2019 CloverHackyColor. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
/// Get Clover boot-log (or compatible)
func dumpBootlog() -> String? {
var root: io_registry_entry_t
var bootLog: CFTypeRef? = nil
var log : String? = nil
let entry = "boot-log" as CFString
let chameleon = "IOService:/"
let clover = "IODeviceTree:/efi/platform"
root = IORegistryEntryFromPath(kIOMasterPortDefault, chameleon)
if root != MACH_PORT_NULL {
let attempt = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(root, entry, kCFAllocatorDefault, 0)
if (attempt != nil) {
bootLog = attempt?.takeRetainedValue()
if bootLog == nil {
// Check for Clover boot log
root = IORegistryEntryFromPath(kIOMasterPortDefault, clover)
if root != MACH_PORT_NULL {
let attempt = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(root, entry, kCFAllocatorDefault, 0)
if (attempt != nil) {
bootLog = attempt?.takeRetainedValue()
if bootLog != nil {
let data = Data(bytes: CFDataGetBytePtr((bootLog as! CFData)), count: CFDataGetLength((bootLog as! CFData)))
log = String(data: data , encoding: .utf8)
if (log == nil) {
log = String(data: data , encoding: .ascii)
return log
/// Get Find the Clover Revision from the boot-log
func findCloverRevision() -> String? {
let bdmesg = dumpBootlog()
var rev : String? = nil
if (bdmesg != nil) {
for line in bdmesg!.components(separatedBy: .newlines) {
if (line.range(of: "Starting Clover revision: ") != nil) {
rev = line.components(separatedBy: "Starting Clover revision: ")[1]
rev = rev!.components(separatedBy: " ")[0]
return rev
/// Determine if We're booted with Clover (legay or UEFI)
func bootByClover() -> Bool {
let bdmesg = dumpBootlog()
if (bdmesg != nil) {
for line in bdmesg!.components(separatedBy: .newlines) {
if (line.range(of: "Starting Clover revision: ") != nil) {
return true
return false
/// Find the Clover hash commit (from the boot-log)
func findCloverHash() -> String? {
let bdmesg = dumpBootlog()
var rev : String? = nil
if (bdmesg != nil) {
for line in bdmesg!.components(separatedBy: .newlines) {
if (line.range(of: "Starting Clover revision: ") != nil
&& (line.range(of: ", commit ") != nil)) {
rev = line.components(separatedBy: ", commit")[1]
rev = rev!.components(separatedBy: ")")[0]
return rev
/// Find the UUID of the partition boot device Clover starts from.
func findBootPartitionDevice() -> String? {
var bsd :String? = nil
if let bdmesg : String = dumpBootlog() {
if (bdmesg.range(of: "SelfDevicePath") != nil) {
var temp : String? = bdmesg
temp = temp?.components(separatedBy: "SelfDevicePath")[1]
if (temp?.range(of: "SelfDirPath") != nil) {
temp = temp?.components(separatedBy: "SelfDirPath")[0]
let comp = temp?.components(separatedBy: ",")
var uuid : String? = nil
for str in comp! {
if (str.count == 36) &&
(str.range(of: "-") != nil) &&
str.components(separatedBy: "-").count == 5 {
uuid = str
if (uuid != nil) {
let dict = getAlldisks()
for disk in dict.allKeys {
let sub = dict.object(forKey: disk) as! NSDictionary
if (sub.object(forKey: "UUID") != nil) {
if (sub.object(forKey: "UUID") as! String) == uuid {
bsd = disk as? String
return bsd
/// Find the relative path of the config.plist loaded by Clover.
func findConfigPath() -> String? {
var path : String? = nil
if let log : String = dumpBootlog() {
if (log.range(of: "[ GetDefaultSettings ]") != nil) {
var temp : String = log.components(separatedBy: "[ GetDefaultSettings ]")[1]
if (temp.range(of: "=== [") != nil) {
temp = temp.components(separatedBy: "=== [")[0]
// ok now must be a line feed somewhere to create an array and split lines
// one of them looks like "0:109 0:008 EFI\CLOVER\config.plist loaded: Success"
let lines : [String] = temp.components(separatedBy: "\n")
for line in lines {
if (line.range(of: "EFI\\CLOVER\\") != nil) && (line.range(of: " loaded:") != nil) {
temp = line.components(separatedBy: "EFI\\CLOVER\\")[1]
temp = temp.components(separatedBy: " loaded:")[0]
if temp.hasSuffix(".plist") {
path = "EFI/CLOVER/\(temp)"
return path
/// Struct for Start up Sound (name, output, index).
struct SoundDevice {
var name: String
var output: String
var index: Int
/// Return an array of SoundDevice detected by Clover
func getSoundDevices() -> [SoundDevice] {
var devices = [SoundDevice]()
if let bdmesg = dumpBootlog() {
for line in bdmesg.components(separatedBy: .newlines) {
// Found Audio Device IDT 92HD91BXX (Headphones) at index 0
if (line.range(of: "Found Audio Device ") != nil && line.range(of: " at index ") != nil) {
var name = line.components(separatedBy: "Found Audio Device ")[1].components(separatedBy: " at index")[0]
let output = name.components(separatedBy: "(")[1].components(separatedBy: ")")[0]
name = name.components(separatedBy: " (")[0]
let index = line.components(separatedBy: " at index ")[1]
if let i : Int = Int(index) {
// print("\(name) at index \(i) (\(output))")
if i >= 0 {
var found = false // avoid duplicates
for d in devices {
if d.name == name && d.output == output && d.index == i {
found = true
if !found {
let sd = SoundDevice(name: name, output: output, index: i)
return devices