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* ConfigPlist.h
* Created on: Oct 9, 2020
* Author: jief
#include "../../include/DsdtFixList.h"
class DSDT_Class : public XmlDict
using super = XmlDict;
class ACPI_DSDT_Fixes_Class;
class ACPI_DSDT_Fix : public XmlAbstractType
using super = XmlAbstractType;
friend class ACPI_DSDT_Fixes_Class;
const CHAR8* m_newName = NULL;
const CHAR8* m_oldName = NULL;
UINT32 m_bitData = 0;
XmlBool oldEnabled {};
XmlBool newEnabled {};
constexpr ACPI_DSDT_Fix(const CHAR8* newName, const CHAR8* oldName, UINT32 bitData ) : m_newName(newName), m_oldName(oldName), m_bitData(bitData), oldEnabled(), newEnabled() {};
ACPI_DSDT_Fix(const ACPI_DSDT_Fix&) { panic("copy ctor"); }; // can't do "=delete" because clang thinks it will be called at initialization "ACPI_DSDT_Fixes_Class Fixes = ACPI_DSDT_Fixes_Class();"
ACPI_DSDT_Fix& operator = (const ACPI_DSDT_Fix&) = delete; // { panic("copy ctor"); }; // = delete;
virtual const char* getDescription() override { panic("not defined"); };
virtual XBool isTheNextTag(XmlLiteParser* xmlLiteParser) override { panic("not defined"); };
virtual XBool parseFromXmlLite(XmlLiteParser* xmlLiteParser, const XString8& xmlPath, XBool generateErrors) override { panic("not defined"); };
virtual void reset() override {
constexpr const CHAR8* getNewName() const { return m_newName; }
const CHAR8* getOldName() const { return m_oldName; }
uint32_t getBitData() const { return m_bitData; }
XBool dgetOldEnabled() const { return oldEnabled.isDefined() ? oldEnabled.value() : XBool(false); };
XBool dgetNewEnabled() const { return newEnabled.isDefined() ? newEnabled.value() : XBool(false); };
XBool dgetEnabled() const {
if ( oldEnabled.isDefined() && oldEnabled.value() ) return true;
if ( newEnabled.isDefined() && newEnabled.value() ) return true;
return false;
class ACPI_DSDT_Fixes_Class : public XmlDict
using super = XmlDict;
ACPI_DSDT_Fix ACPI_DSDT_Fixe_Array[31] = { // CAREFUL not to declare too much
{ "AddDTGP_0001", "AddDTGP", FIX_DTGP },
{ "FixDarwin_0002", "FixDarwin", FIX_WARNING },
{ "FixShutdown_0004", "FixShutdown", FIX_SHUTDOWN },
{ "AddMCHC_0008", "AddMCHC", FIX_MCHC },
{ "FixHPET_0010", "FixHPET", FIX_HPET },
{ "FakeLPC_0020", "FakeLPC", FIX_LPC },
{ "FixIPIC_0040", "FixIPIC", FIX_IPIC },
{ "FixSBUS_0080", "FixSBUS", FIX_SBUS },
{ "FixDisplay_0100", "FixDisplay", FIX_DISPLAY },
{ "FixIDE_0200", "FixIDE", FIX_IDE },
{ "FixSATA_0400", "FixSATA", FIX_SATA },
{ "FixFirewire_0800", "FixFirewire", FIX_FIREWIRE },
{ "FixUSB_1000", "FixUSB", FIX_USB },
{ "FixLAN_2000", "FixLAN", FIX_LAN },
{ "FixAirport_4000", "FixAirport", FIX_WIFI },
{ "FixHDA_8000", "FixHDA", FIX_HDA },
{ "FixDarwin7_10000", "FixDarwin7", FIX_DARWIN },
{ "FIX_RTC_20000", "FixRTC", FIX_RTC },
{ "FIX_TMR_40000", "FixTMR", FIX_TMR },
{ "AddIMEI_80000", "AddIMEI", FIX_IMEI },
{ "FIX_INTELGFX_100000", "FixIntelGfx", FIX_INTELGFX },
{ "FIX_WAK_200000", "FixWAK", FIX_WAK },
{ "DeleteUnused_400000", "DeleteUnused", FIX_UNUSED },
{ "FIX_ADP1_800000", "FixADP1", FIX_ADP1 },
{ "AddPNLF_1000000", "AddPNLF", FIX_PNLF },
{ "FIX_S3D_2000000", "FixS3D", FIX_S3D },
{ "FIX_ACST_4000000", "FixACST", FIX_ACST },
{ "AddHDMI_8000000", "AddHDMI", FIX_HDMI },
{ "FixRegions_10000000", "FixRegions", FIX_REGIONS },
{ "FixHeaders_20000000", "FixHeaders", FIX_HEADERS_DEPRECATED },
{ NULL, "FixMutex", FIX_MUTEX }
virtual void reset() override {
for ( size_t idx = 0 ; idx < sizeof(ACPI_DSDT_Fixe_Array)/sizeof(ACPI_DSDT_Fixe_Array[0]) ; idx++ ) {
virtual XmlAbstractType& parseValueFromXmlLite(XmlLiteParser* xmlLiteParser, const XString8& xmlPath, XBool generateErrors, const XmlParserPosition &keyPos, const char *keyValue, size_t keyValueLength, XBool* keyFound) override;
virtual XBool validate(XmlLiteParser* xmlLiteParser, const XString8& xmlPath, const XmlParserPosition& keyPos, XBool generateErrors) override {
if ( !super::validate(xmlLiteParser, xmlPath, keyPos, generateErrors) ) return false;
if ( !isDefined() ) return true;
// if ( LString8(ACPI_DSDT_Fixe_Array[29].getNewName()) != "FixHeaders_20000000"_XS8 ) {
// log_technical_bug("ACPI_DSDT_Fixe_Array[29].getNewName() != \"FixHeaders_20000000\"");
// return true; // Bug in ACPI_DSDT_Fixe_Array. We don't want to reset all the values, so return true.
// }
// if ( ACPI_DSDT_Fixe_Array[29].isDefined() ) {
// xmlLiteParser->addWarning(generateErrors, S8Printf("FixHeaders is ACPI/DSDT in deprecated. Move it to ACPI."));
// return true; // return true because we handle this value anyway.
// }
return true;
const ACPI_DSDT_Fix& getFixHeaders() const {
// FixHeaders is bit 29, but that's a coincidence with the index of the array. ACPI_DSDT_Fixe_Array[FIX_HEADERS_DEPRECATED] would be wrong.
if ( LString8(ACPI_DSDT_Fixe_Array[29].getNewName()) != "FixHeaders_20000000"_XS8 ) {
log_technical_bug("ACPI_DSDT_Fixe_Array[29].getNewName() != \"FixHeaders_20000000\"");
return ACPI_DSDT_Fixe_Array[29];
uint32_t dgetFixBiosDsdt() const {
uint32_t FixDsdt = 0;
for (size_t Index = 0; Index < sizeof(ACPI_DSDT_Fixe_Array)/sizeof(ACPI_DSDT_Fixe_Array[0]); Index++) {
if ( ACPI_DSDT_Fixe_Array[Index].dgetEnabled() ) FixDsdt |= ACPI_DSDT_Fixe_Array[Index].getBitData();
return FixDsdt;
XBool dgetFixHeaders() const {
return getFixHeaders().dgetEnabled();
class ACPI_DSDT_Patch_Class : public XmlDict
using super = XmlDict;
class TgtBridgeClass : public XmlData
using super = XmlData;
virtual XBool validate(XmlLiteParser* xmlLiteParser, const XString8& xmlPath, const XmlParserPosition& keyPos, XBool generateErrors) override {
if ( xmlPath.contains("ACPI/DSDT/Patches[15]"_XS8) ) {
RETURN_IF_FALSE( super::validate(xmlLiteParser, xmlPath, keyPos, generateErrors) );
if ( isDefined() && value().size() > 0 && value().size() != 4 ) return xmlLiteParser->addWarning(generateErrors, S8Printf("TgtBridge must 4 bytes. It's %zu byte(s). ignored tag '%s:%d'.", value().size(), xmlPath.c_str(), keyPos.getLine()));
return true;
XmlBool Disabled = XmlBool();
XmlString8AllowEmpty Comment = XmlString8AllowEmpty();
XmlData Find = XmlData();
XmlData Replace = XmlData();
TgtBridgeClass TgtBridge = TgtBridgeClass();
XmlDictField m_fields[5] = {
{"Comment", Comment},
{"Disabled", Disabled},
{"Find", Find},
{"Replace", Replace},
{"TgtBridge", TgtBridge},
virtual void getFields(XmlDictField** fields, size_t* nb) override { *fields = m_fields; *nb = sizeof(m_fields)/sizeof(m_fields[0]); };
XBool dgetDisabled() const { return Disabled.isDefined() ? Disabled.value() : XBool(false); };
uint8_t dgetBValue() const { return Disabled.isDefined() ? Disabled.value() : XBool(false); };
XString8 dgetPatchDsdtLabel() const { return Comment.isDefined() ? Comment.value() : "(NoLabel)"_XS8; };
const XBuffer<UINT8>& dgetPatchDsdtFind() const { return Find.isDefined() ? Find.value() : XBuffer<UINT8>::NullXBuffer; };
const XBuffer<UINT8>& dgetPatchDsdtReplace() const { return Replace.isDefined() ? Replace.value() : XBuffer<UINT8>::NullXBuffer; };
const XBuffer<UINT8>& dgetPatchDsdtTgt() const { return TgtBridge.isDefined() ? TgtBridge.value() : XBuffer<UINT8>::NullXBuffer; };
XmlString8AllowEmpty Name = XmlString8AllowEmpty();
XmlBool Debug = XmlBool();
XmlBool Rtc8Allowed = XmlBool();
XmlUInt8 PNLF_UID = XmlUInt8();
XmlUInt32 FixMask = XmlUInt32();
ACPI_DSDT_Fixes_Class Fixes = ACPI_DSDT_Fixes_Class();
XmlArray<ACPI_DSDT_Patch_Class> Patches = XmlArray<ACPI_DSDT_Patch_Class>();
XmlBool ReuseFFFF = XmlBool();
XmlBool SuspendOverride = XmlBool();
XmlDictField m_fields[9] = {
{"Name", Name},
{"Debug", Debug},
{"Rtc8Allowed", Rtc8Allowed},
{"FixMask", FixMask},
{"Fixes", Fixes},
{"Patches", Patches},
{"ReuseFFFF", ReuseFFFF},
{"SuspendOverride", SuspendOverride},
virtual void getFields(XmlDictField** fields, size_t* nb) override { *fields = m_fields; *nb = sizeof(m_fields)/sizeof(m_fields[0]); };
XString8 dgetDsdtName() const { return Name.isDefined() && Name.value().notEmpty() ? Name.value() : "DSDT.aml"_XS8; };
XBool dgetDebugDSDT() const { return Debug.isDefined() ? Debug.value() : XBool(false); };
XBool dgetRtc8Allowed() const { return Rtc8Allowed.isDefined() ? Rtc8Allowed.value() : XBool(false); };
uint8_t dgetPNLF_UID() const { return isDefined() ? PNLF_UID.isDefined() ? PNLF_UID.value() : 0x0a : 0; }; // TODO: different default value if section is not defined
uint32_t dgetFixDsdt() const {
// priority is given to Fixes
if ( Fixes.isDefined() ) return Fixes.dgetFixBiosDsdt();
return FixMask.isDefined() ? FixMask.value() : 0;
// const ACPI_DSDT_Fixes_Class& getFixes() const { return Fixes; };
// const XmlArray<ACPI_DSDT_Patch_Class>& getPatches() const { return Patches; };
XBool dgetReuseFFFF() const { return ReuseFFFF.isDefined() ? ReuseFFFF.value() : XBool(false); };
XBool dgetSuspendOverride() const { return SuspendOverride.isDefined() ? SuspendOverride.value() : XBool(false); };