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// =============================================================================
// package
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"MakingRootRW" = "Clover wants to make the root file system read-write.
The change is temporary until the next reboot";
"GoToFailRootRW" = "Cannot install without ensuring the file system is read-write";
// ============================================================================
// Installation
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"UEFI.only_title" = "Install for UEFI booting only";
"UEFI.only_description" = "Install Clover to be used with UEFI motherboards only.";
// ============================================================================
// Target
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Target.ESP_title" = "Install Clover in the ESP";
"Target.ESP_description" = "Install Clover in the ESP (EFI System Partition) of the target volume
Need to format ESP as Fat32 on Mac first.
For Fat32 use commands like:
diskutil list
newfs_msdos -v EFI -F 32 /dev/rdisk9s1";
// ============================================================================
// Bootloader
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Bootloader_title" = "Bootloader";
"Bootloader_description" = "Clover EFI requires three essential files. (in simple terms)
boot0 (On the drive's MBR) responsible for loading boot1.
boot1 (On the partition's boot-sector) to finding boot2.
boot2 (On the partition's root directory) for loading /EFI/CLOVER/CLOVERIA32.efi or CLOVERX64.efi, and kernel etc.";
"boot0af_title" = "Install boot0af in MBR";
"boot0af_description" = "Used for BIOS booting on BIOS motherboards.
boot0af (boot0 Active First) bootloader try to boot the active partition defined in MBR. If there is no active partition, it will try to boot the first EFI/FAT32/HFS partition (defined in the MBR and then the GPT) with a valid PBR signature.
This choice will setup selected HFS/Fat32 partition to be active.";
"boot0ss_title" = "Install boot0ss in MBR";
"boot0ss_description" = "Used for BIOS booting on BIOS motherboards.
boot0ss (boot0 Signature Scanning) bootloader try to boot the first EFI/FAT32/HFS partition (defined in the MBR and then the GPT) with a valid PBR signature. If no partition is found it will try to boot the active partition defined in MBR.
This bootloader is a good choice when you have Windows installed on the same disk because Windows wants to have its partition active.
This choice will not activate any partition in MBR.";
"bootNo_title" = "Don't update MBR and PBR sectors";
"bootNo_description" = "Don't install any bootloader (boot0X, boot1X).
Usefull for UEFI motherboards that don't need bootloader files.
Can also be use if you don't want to upgrade MBR or PBR sectors.";
"AltBoot_title" = "Use alternative booting PBR";
"AltBoot_description" = "Install alternative booting PBR with choice of boot with a key pressed.
File to boot = boot{keypressed}";
"boot64_title" = "Install & Start 64bit boot first";
"boot64_description" = "Install boot files and set to start 64bit first.
Default boot to boot = Clover EFI 64bit. You can..
Press key 1 to boot1 = Chameleon boot,
Press key 3 to boot3 = Clover EFI 32bit boot,
Press key 6 to boot6 = Clover EFI 64bit boot.";
// ============================================================================
// CloverEFI
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"CloverEFI_title" = "CloverEFI";
"CloverEFI_description" = "Select the version of CloverEFI to install.";
"cloverEFI.64.sata_title" = "CloverEFI 64-bits SATA";
"cloverEFI.64.sata_description" = "CloverEFI 64-bits using SATA to access drives";
"cloverEFI.64.blockio_title" = "CloverEFI 64-bits BiosBlockIO";
"cloverEFI.64.blockio_description" = "CloverEFI 64-bits using Bios Block I/O to access drives";
"cloverEFI.64.blockio2_title" = "CloverEFI 64-bits BiosBlockIO for NVIDIA NForce MCP79";
"cloverEFI.64.blockio2_description" = "CloverEFI 64-bits using Bios Block I/O to access drives for chipset NVIDIA NForce MCP79";
// ============================================================================
// Drivers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"off_title" = "Drivers off";
"off_description" = "Installs all available drivers in EFI/CLOVER/drivers/off/
off directory isn't loaded by Clover any how and this is only helpfull if you have to use the EFI shell to copy a missing driver or replace a bad one during the boot if a need be.";
"Drivers64_title" = "BIOS Drivers, 64 bit";
"Drivers64_description" = "Select drivers for BIOS-booting.";
"Recommended64_title" = "Recommended drivers";
"Recommended64_description" = "Recommended drivers, mostly mandatory.";
"FileSystem64_title" = "File System drivers";
"FileSystem64_description" = "A collection of file system drivers.";
"Drivers64FV2_title" = "FileVault 2 BIOS Drivers, 64 bit";
"Drivers64FV2_description" = "Select drivers for BIOS-booting with FileVault 2.";
"ApfsDriverLoader_description" = "64bit driver to load APFS filesystem driver from container";
"AppleImageCodec_description" = "For decode PNG and BMP images in boot UI";
"AppleImageLoader_description" = "Secure AppleEfiFat binary driver with implementation of AppleLoadImage protocol with EfiBinary signature verification.";
"AppleKeyAggregator_description" = "Support for boot UI dialog for FileVault2";
"AppleKeyFeeder_description" = "Support for PS/2 keyboard to use with FileVault2";
"AppleUISupport_description" = "Set of protocols for support EfiLoginUi for FileVault.";
"AppleUITheme_description" = "Create boot UI Themes support";
"AptioInputFix_description" = "Driver to fix input problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio.";
"AptioMemoryFix_description" = "Preferred 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio";
"AudioDxe_description" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound";
"FirmwareVolume_description" = "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images";
"FSInject_description" = "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder.";
"GrubEXFAT_description" = "ExFAT filesystem driver from GRUB.";
"GrubISO9660_description" = "ISO 9600 filesystem driver from GRUB.";
"GrubNTFS_description" = "NTFS filesystem driver from GRUB.";
"GrubUDF_description" = "UDF filesystem driver from GRUB.";
"SMCHelper_description" = "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC";
"XhciDxe_description" = "USB 3.0 driver, 64bit";
"Drivers64UEFI_title" = "UEFI Drivers, 64 bit";
"Drivers64UEFI_description" = "Select drivers for UEFI-booting.";
"Recommended64UEFI_title" = "Recommended drivers";
"Recommended64UEFI_description" = "Recommended drivers, mostly mandatory.";
"HID64UEFI_title" = "Human Interface Devices";
"HID64UEFI_description" = "PS2/USB drivers for mouses and keyboards.";
"FileSystem64UEFI_title" = "File System drivers";
"FileSystem64UEFI_description" = "A collection of file system drivers.";
"MemoryFix64UEFI_title" = "Memory fix drivers";
"MemoryFix64UEFI_description" = "A collection of memory fix drivers.";
"Drivers64UEFIFV2_title" = "FileVault 2 UEFI Drivers, 64 bit";
"Drivers64UEFIFV2_description" = "Select drivers for UEFI-booting with FileVault 2.";
"Other64UEFI_title" = "Additional drivers";
"Other64UEFI_description" = "Some times a bios UEFI may lack support for a particular protocol or some functionality.";
"ApfsDriverLoader.UEFI_description" = "64bit driver to load APFS filesystem driver from container";
"AppleEvent.UEFI_description" = "Create AppleEvent protocol for FileVault2";
"AppleGraphicsConfig.UEFI_description" = "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol";
"AppleImageCodec.UEFI_description" = "For decode PNG and BMP images in boot UI";
"AppleImageLoader.UEFI_description" = "Secure AppleEfiFat binary driver with implementation of AppleLoadImage protocol with EfiBinary signature verification.";
"AppleKeyAggregator.UEFI_description" = "Support for boot UI dialog for FileVault2";
"AppleKeyFeeder.UEFI_description" = "Support for PS/2 keyboard to use with FileVault2";
"AppleUISupport.UEFI_description" = "Set of protocols for support EfiLoginUi for FileVault.";
"AppleUITheme.UEFI_description" = "Create boot UI Themes support";
"AptioInputFix.UEFI_description" = "Driver to fix input problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio.";
"AptioMemoryFix.UEFI_description" = "Preferred 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio";
"AudioDxe.UEFI_description" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound at boot time";
"CsmVideoDxe.UEFI_description" = "64bit video driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions.
It is based on CSM module in UEFI BIOS and required CSM will be enabled.
Clover may not started with it and you may have wake problem in system.
Use with precautions.";
"DataHubDxe.UEFI_description" = "This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for MacOSX.
Usually it is already present but sometime it may be missed. In this case you should see warning on screen.";
"EmuVariableUefi.UEFI_description" = "Workaround for store UEFI variables without UEFI.";
"EnglishDxe.UEFI_description" = "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI.";
"Fat.UEFI_description" = "FAT filesystem driver.";
"FirmwareVolume.UEFI_description" = "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images";
"FSInject.UEFI_description" = "Provide injection of kexts from Clover folder.";
"HashServiceFix.UEFI_description" = "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS";
"HFSPlus.UEFI_description" = "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver.";
"NvmExpressDxe.UEFI_description" = "Driver for support NVM Express devices.";
"OsxAptioFix3Drv.UEFI_description" = "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware.";
"OsxAptioFixDrv.UEFI_description" = "Old 64bit driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio";
"OsxFatBinaryDrv.UEFI_description" = "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older.";
"OsxLowMemFixDrv.UEFI_description" = "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv, 64bit (do not use both together)";
"PartitionDxe.UEFI_description" = "64bit driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map.";
"Ps2MouseDxe.UEFI_description" = "PS/2 mouse driver, 64bit";
"SMCHelper.UEFI_description" = "Restore SMC keys left in nvram by FakeSMC";
"UsbKbDxe.UEFI_description" = "Keyboard driver for boot UI support";
"UsbMouseDxe.UEFI_description" = "USB mouse driver, 64bit";
"VBoxExt2.UEFI_description" = "ext2/3 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit";
"VBoxExt4.UEFI_description" = "ext4 filesystem driver from virtualbox, 64bit";
"VBoxHfs.UEFI_description" = "HFS+ filesystem driver.";
"VBoxIso9600.UEFI_description" = "ISO 9600 filesystem driver.";
// ============================================================================
// Themes
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Themes_title" = "Themes";
"Themes_description" = "Select to install themes.";
"BGM_title" = "Black_Green_Moody";
"BGM_description" = "BGM (Black Green and Moody) theme from Blackosx,
Install to /EFI/CLOVER/themes/BGM";
"embedded_title" = "embedded";
"embedded_description" = "embedded theme from Clovy,
Install to /EFI/CLOVER/themes/embedded";
"metal_title" = "metal";
"metal_description" = "The original metal theme from Slice,
Install to /EFI/CLOVER/themes/metal";
"cesium_title" = "cesium";
"cesium_description" = "Vector SVG theme from Slice,
Install to /EFI/CLOVER/themes/cesium";
"clovy_title" = "Clovy";
"clovy_description" = "Vector SVG theme from Clovy,
Install to /EFI/CLOVER/themes/Clovy";
"random_title" = "random";
"random_description" = "random theme,
Install to /EFI/CLOVER/themes/random choose a theme from others";
"steampunkblack_title" = "steampunkblack";
"steampunkblack_description" = "steampunkblack theme from medik,
Install to /EFI/CLOVER/themes/steampunkblack";
"CloverThemeManager_title" = "CloverThemeManager.app";
"CloverThemeManager_description" = "CloverThemeManager.app by blackosx,
keeps your Themes up to date, remove or install them by choosing from a wide selection.
Install to /Applications";
// ============================================================================
// RC Scripts
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"rc.scripts.on.target_title" = "Install RC scripts on target volume";
"rc.scripts.on.target_description" = "Install all RC scripts on target volume.
The target volume must be a bootable OSX system volume.";
"rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_title" = "Install all RC scripts on all other bootable OSX volumes";
"rc.scripts.on.all.volumes_description" = "Install all RC scripts on all internal bootable OSX volumes other than the target volume.";
"OptionalRCScripts" = "Optional RC Scripts";
"disable_sleep_proxy_client_title" = "Disable sleep proxy client";
"disable_sleep_proxy_client_description" = "Disable the mDNSResponder sleep proxy client service. This will prevent the system waking from sleep every hours";
// ============================================================================
// Clover Preference Pane
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"CloverPrefpane_title" = "Install Clover Preference Pane";
"CloverPrefpane_description" = "Install Clover Preference Pane on target volume.
Include CloverUpdater that can notify you about Clover updates.";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------