jief666 69a47c5fac Create Properties, Arbitrary and AddProperties menu.
hex2bin returns the length when passing NULL for out parameter instead
of 0.
Buildid in OEMString for my own build.
Create TagTypes.h.
Rename AddProperties to AddPropertiesArray.
devprop_generate_string now returns a XString8.
Add cpy method in XBuffer.
Add strsicpy in XString.
2021-04-01 11:06:53 +03:00

134 lines
3.6 KiB

* Copyright 2009 Jasmin Fazlic All rights reserved.
* Cleaned and merged by iNDi
extern "C" {
#include <Protocol/DevicePath.h>
#include "../cpp_foundation/XBuffer.h"
#include "../include/Pci.h"
/* No more used
#define DP_ADD_TEMP_VAL(dev, val) devprop_add_value(dev, (CHAR8*)val[0], (UINT8*)val[1], (UINT32)AsciiStrLen(val[1]))
#define DP_ADD_TEMP_VAL_DATA(dev, val) devprop_add_value(dev, (CHAR8*), (UINT8*), val.size)
#define MAX_PCI_DEV_PATHS 16
#pragma pack(1)
/* Option ROM header */
typedef struct {
UINT16 signature; // 0xAA55
UINT8 rom_size; //in 512 bytes blocks
UINT8 jump; //0xE9 for ATI and Intel, 0xEB for NVidia
UINT8 entry_point[4]; //offset to
UINT8 reserved[16];
UINT16 pci_header_offset; //@0x18
UINT16 expansion_header_offset;
} option_rom_header_t;
/* Option ROM PCI Data Structure */
typedef struct {
UINT32 signature; // 0x52494350 'PCIR'
UINT16 vendor_id;
UINT16 device_id;
UINT16 vital_product_data_offset;
UINT16 structure_length;
UINT8 structure_revision;
UINT8 class_code[3];
UINT16 image_length; //same as rom_size for NVidia and ATI, 0x80 for Intel
UINT16 image_revision;
UINT8 code_type;
UINT8 indicator;
UINT16 reserved;
} option_rom_pci_header_t;
XString8 get_pci_dev_path(pci_dt_t *pci_dt);
UINT32 pci_config_read32(pci_dt_t *pci_dt, UINT8 reg);
extern pci_dt_t* nvdevice;
void* PCIReadRom(pci_dt_t* device);
#if 0 //never do this
extern void setupDeviceProperties(Node *node);
struct ACPIDevPath {
UINT8 type; // = 2 ACPI device-path
UINT8 subtype; // = 1 ACPI Device-path
UINT16 length; // = 0x0c
UINT32 _HID; // = 0xD041030A ?
UINT32 _UID; // = 0x00000000 PCI ROOT
struct PCIDevPath {
UINT8 type; // = 1 Hardware device-path
UINT8 subtype; // = 1 PCI
UINT16 length; // = 6
UINT8 function; // pci func number
UINT8 device; // pci dev number
struct DevicePathEnd {
UINT8 type; // = 0x7f
UINT8 subtype; // = 0xff
UINT16 length; // = 4;
struct DevPropDevice {
UINT32 length;
UINT16 numentries;
UINT16 WHAT2; // 0x0000 ?
struct ACPIDevPath acpi_dev_path; // = 0x02010c00 0xd041030a
struct PCIDevPath pci_dev_path[MAX_PCI_DEV_PATHS]; // = 0x01010600 func dev
struct DevicePathEnd path_end; // = 0x7fff0400
UINT8 *data;
// ------------------------
UINT8 num_pci_devpaths;
struct DevPropString *string;
// ------------------------
typedef struct DevPropDevice DevPropDevice;
struct DevPropString {
UINT32 length;
UINT32 WHAT2; // 0x01000000 ?
UINT16 numentries;
UINT16 WHAT3; // 0x0000 ?
DevPropDevice **entries;
#pragma pack()
typedef struct DevPropString DevPropString;
extern UINT32 devices_number;
extern DevPropString *device_inject_string;
extern UINT8 *device_inject_stringdata;
extern UINT32 device_inject_stringlength;
DevPropString *devprop_create_string(void);
//DevPropDevice *devprop_add_device(DevPropString *string, char *path);
DevPropDevice *devprop_add_device_pci(DevPropString *string, pci_dt_t *PciDt, EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevicePath);
BOOLEAN devprop_add_value(DevPropDevice *device, CONST CHAR8 *nm, const UINT8 *vl, UINTN len); // to be removed
bool devprop_add_value(DevPropDevice *device, const XString8& nm, const XBuffer<uint8_t>& vl);
XString8 devprop_generate_string(DevPropString *string);
void devprop_free_string(DevPropString *string);
BOOLEAN set_eth_props(pci_dt_t *eth_dev);
BOOLEAN set_usb_props(pci_dt_t *usb_dev);
UINT32 PciAddrFromDevicePath(EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL* DevicePath);