mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 03:21:55 +01:00
The internal parser is retro compatible with old Clover revisions since r3250. This is possible because a check for the existence of any variable inside SETTING_DATA structure is performed before the call. Variables are all accessed using the label property of the Mirror class, so as a string.
865 lines
33 KiB
865 lines
33 KiB
// GengConfig.swift
// Clover
// Created by vector sigma on 22/02/2020.
// Copyright © 2020 CloverHackyColor. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
extension Mirror {
var data: Data {
var d : Data = Data()
for child in self.children {
d.append(child.value as! UInt8)
return d
var dataString: String {
var str : String = ""
for child in self.children {
str += String(format: "%02x", child.value as! UInt8)
return str
var CHAR16String: String? {
var data : Data = Data()
for child in self.children {
let u16 = child.value as! UInt16
let u80 = UInt8(u16 >> 8)
let u81 = UInt8(u16 & 0x00ff)
if u80 != 0x00 {
if u81 != 0x00 {
return String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)
var CHAR8String: String? {
var chars : [Character] = [Character]()
for child in self.children {
if let byte = UInt8(exactly: child.value as! Int8) {
if byte != 0x00 {
let char = Character(UnicodeScalar(byte))
return String(chars)
var labels : [String] {
var l : [String] = [String]()
for child in self.children {
if (child.label != nil) {
return l
extension EFI_GUID {
var uuidString: String? {
var data : Data = Data()
data.append(Mirror(reflecting: Data4).data)
var str = ""
for i in 0..<data.count {
str += String(format:"%02x", data[i])
if str.count == 8
|| str.count == 13
|| str.count == 18
|| str.count == 23 {
str += "-"
return str
case CHAR8String
case CHAR16String
case DataString
case HexString
case UUIDString
extension SETTINGS_DATA {
var labels: [String] {
return Mirror(reflecting: self).labels
func getDSDTFixes() -> [String : Any]? {
var Fixes = [String : Any]()
FixDsdt is UINT32. FixesNew array indexes reflect bit field
let FixesNew = ["AddDTGP", "FixDarwin", "FixShutdown", "AddMCHC",
"FixHPET", "FakeLPC", "FixIPIC", "FixSBUS",
"FixDisplay", "FixIDE", "FixSATA", "FixFirewire",
"FixUSB", "FixLAN", "FixAirport", "FixHDA",
"FixDarwin7", "FixRTC", "FixTMR", "AddIMEI",
"FixIntelGfx", "FixWAK", "DeleteUnused", "FixADP1",
"AddPNLF", "FixS3D", "FixACST", "AddHDMI",
"FixRegions", "FixHeaders", "FixMutex"]
let FixesOld = ["AddDTGP_0001", "FixDarwin_0002", "FixShutdown_0004", "AddMCHC_0008",
"FixHPET_0010", "FakeLPC_0020", "FixIPIC_0040", "FixSBUS_0080",
"FixDisplay_0100", "FixIDE_0200", "FixSATA_0400", "FixFirewire_0800",
"FixUSB_1000", "FixLAN_2000", "FixAirport_4000", "FixHDA_8000", "FixHDA",
"FixDarwin7_10000", "FIX_RTC_20000", "FIX_TMR_40000", "AddIMEI_80000",
"FIX_INTELGFX_100000", "FIX_WAK_200000", "DeleteUnused_400000", "FIX_ADP1_800000",
"AddPNLF_1000000", "FIX_S3D_2000000", "FIX_ACST_4000000", "AddHDMI_8000000",
"FixRegions_10000000", "FixHeaders_20000000", "FixHeaders"]
var found = false
for child in Mirror(reflecting: self).children {
if child.label != nil && child.label! == "FixDsdt" {
found = true
let FixDsdt : UINT32 = child.value as! UINT32
if AppSD.CloverRevision >= 4006 {
for i in 0..<FixesNew.count {
let fix = FixesNew[i]
Fixes[fix] = (FixDsdt & 1 << i) > 0
} else {
for i in 0..<FixesOld.count {
let fix = FixesOld[i]
Fixes[fix] = (FixDsdt & 1 << i) > 0
if !found {
print("SETTINGS_DATA: label 'FixDsdt' not found.")
return nil
return Fixes
func getDropOEM_DSM() -> [String : Any]? {
var dict = [String : Any]()
DropOEM_DSM is UINT16. dsms array indexes reflect bit field
let dsms = ["ATI",
var found = false
for child in Mirror(reflecting: self).children {
if child.label != nil && child.label! == "DropOEM_DSM" {
found = true
let DropOEM_DSM : UINT16 = child.value as! UINT16
for i in 0..<dsms.count {
let fix = dsms[i]
dict[fix] = (DropOEM_DSM & 1 << i) > 0
if !found {
print("SETTINGS_DATA: label 'DropOEM_DSM' not found.")
return nil
return dict
func kpValue(for label: String, type: SETTINGS_DATA_TYPE) -> Any? {
var found = false
var value : Any? = nil
if self.labels.contains("KernelAndKextPatches") {
for child in Mirror(reflecting: self.KernelAndKextPatches).children {
if child.label != nil && child.label! == label {
switch type {
case .CHAR8String:
value = Mirror(reflecting: child.value).CHAR8String
case .CHAR16String:
value = Mirror(reflecting: child.value).CHAR16String
case .DataString:
value = Mirror(reflecting: child.value).dataString
case .UUIDString:
if let eg = child.value as? EFI_GUID {
value = eg.uuidString
case .HexString:
value = NSNumber(value: Int("\(child.value)")!).hexString
case .BOOLEAN:
value = NSNumber(value: child.value as! BOOLEAN).boolValue
case .INTEGER:
value = Int("\(child.value)")
found = true
if !found {
print("KernelAndKextPatches: label '\(label)' not found.")
return nil
if value == nil {
print("KernelAndKextPatches: value for label '\(label)' is nil.")
return nil
return value
func value(for label: String, type: SETTINGS_DATA_TYPE) -> Any? {
var found = false
var value : Any? = nil
for child in Mirror(reflecting: self).children {
if child.label != nil && child.label! == label {
switch type {
case .CHAR8String:
value = Mirror(reflecting: child.value).CHAR8String
case .CHAR16String:
value = Mirror(reflecting: child.value).CHAR16String
case .DataString:
value = Mirror(reflecting: child.value).dataString
case .UUIDString:
if let eg = child.value as? EFI_GUID {
value = eg.uuidString
case .HexString:
value = NSNumber(value: Int("\(child.value)")!).hexString
case .BOOLEAN:
value = NSNumber(value: child.value as! BOOLEAN).boolValue
case .INTEGER:
if child.label! == "flagstate" {
value = NSNumber(value: self.flagstate.0).intValue
} else {
value = Int("\(child.value)")
found = true
if !found {
print("SETTINGS_DATA: label '\(label)' not found.")
return nil
if value == nil {
print("SETTINGS_DATA: value for label '\(label)' is nil.")
return nil
return value
final class CloverConfig: NSObject {
private var config = [String: Any]()
func generateCloverConfig() -> [String: Any]? {
if AppSD.CloverRevision <= 3250 {
print("Clover gen Config: Clover Revision too old or just not Clover.")
return nil
if let data = getCloverSettingsData() {
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &s) { pointer in
let bound = pointer.withMemoryRebound(to: UInt8.self, capacity: data.count) { $0 }
data.enumerated().forEach { (bound + $0.offset).pointee = $0.element }
self.config["ConfigName"] = s.value(for: "ConfigName", type: .CHAR16String)
var ACPI = [String : Any]()
ACPI["ResetAddress"] = s.value(for: "ResetAddr", type: .HexString)
ACPI["ResetValue"] = s.value(for: "ResetVal", type: .HexString)
ACPI["HaltEnabler"] = s.value(for: "SlpSmiEnable", type: .BOOLEAN)
ACPI["PatchAPIC"] = s.value(for: "PatchNMI", type: .BOOLEAN)
ACPI["smartUPS"] = s.value(for: "smartUPS", type: .BOOLEAN)
ACPI["AutoMerge"] = s.value(for: "AutoMerge", type: .BOOLEAN)
ACPI["DisableASPM"] = s.value(for: "NoASPM", type: .BOOLEAN)
ACPI["FixHeaders"] = s.value(for: "FixHeaders", type: .BOOLEAN)
ACPI["FixMCFG"] = s.value(for: "FixMCFG", type: .BOOLEAN)
var DSDT = [String : Any]()
DSDT["Name"] = s.value(for: "DsdtName", type: .CHAR16String)
DSDT["Debug"] = s.value(for: "DebugDSDT", type: .BOOLEAN)
DSDT["ReuseFFFF"] = s.value(for: "ReuseFFFF", type: .BOOLEAN)
DSDT["SuspendOverride"] = s.value(for: "SuspendOverride", type: .BOOLEAN)
DSDT["Rtc8Allowed"] = s.value(for: "Rtc8Allowed", type: .BOOLEAN)
DSDT["#Patches count"] = s.value(for: "PatchDsdtNum", type: .INTEGER)
// MARK: ACPI->DSDT->Fixes
DSDT["Fixes"] = s.getDSDTFixes()
// MARK: ACPI->DSDT->Patches
var Patches = [Any]()
var PatchesDict1 = [String : Any]()
PatchesDict1["Comment"] = "This is for sample"
PatchesDict1["Disabled"] = true
PatchesDict1["Find"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
PatchesDict1["Replace"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
DSDT["Patches"] = Patches
DSDT["DropOEM_DSM"] = s.getDropOEM_DSM()
var SSDT = [String : Any]()
SSDT["DropOem"] = s.value(for: "DropSSDT", type: .BOOLEAN)
SSDT["#DoubleFirstState"] = s.value(for: "DoubleFirstState", type: .BOOLEAN)
SSDT["#MinMultiplier"] = s.value(for: "MinMultiplier", type: .INTEGER)
SSDT["#MaxMultiplier"] = s.value(for: "MaxMultiplier", type: .INTEGER)
SSDT["#PLimitDict"] = s.value(for: "PLimitDict", type: .INTEGER)
SSDT["#UnderVoltStep"] = s.value(for: "UnderVoltStep", type: .INTEGER)
SSDT["#PluginType"] = s.value(for: "PluginType", type: .INTEGER)
SSDT["#UseSystemIO"] = s.value(for: "EnableISS", type: .BOOLEAN)
SSDT["#EnableC2"] = s.value(for: "EnableC2", type: .BOOLEAN)
SSDT["#EnableC4"] = s.value(for: "EnableC4", type: .BOOLEAN)
SSDT["#EnableC6"] = s.value(for: "EnableC6", type: .BOOLEAN)
SSDT["#EnableC7"] = s.value(for: "EnableC7", type: .BOOLEAN)
SSDT["#C3Latency"] = s.value(for: "C3Latency", type: .INTEGER)
SSDT["NoDynamicExtract"] = s.value(for: "NoDynamicExtract", type: .BOOLEAN)
// MARK: ACPI->SSDT->Generate
var Generate = [String : Any]()
Generate["PStates"] = s.value(for: "GeneratePStates", type: .BOOLEAN)
Generate["CStates"] = s.value(for: "GenerateCStates", type: .BOOLEAN)
Generate["APSN"] = s.value(for: "GenerateAPSN", type: .BOOLEAN)
Generate["APLF"] = s.value(for: "GenerateAPLF", type: .BOOLEAN)
Generate["PluginType"] = s.value(for: "GeneratePluginType", type: .BOOLEAN)
if Generate.keys.count > 0 {
SSDT["Generate"] = Generate
// MARK: ACPI->DropTables
var DropTables = [Any]()
var DropTablesDict1 = [String : Any]()
DropTablesDict1["#Signature"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
DropTablesDict1["#TableId"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
DropTablesDict1["#Length"] = 0
ACPI["DropTables"] = DropTables
// MARK: ACPI->SortedOrder
var SortedOrder = [Any]()
ACPI["#Sorted ACPI tables Count"] = s.value(for: "SortedACPICount", type: .INTEGER)
ACPI["#SortedOrder"] = SortedOrder
// MARK: ACPI->RenameDevices
if AppSD.CloverRevision >= 4468 {
var RenameDevices = [String : Any]()
RenameDevices["#_SB.PCI0.RP01.PXSX"] = "ARPT"
RenameDevices["_SB.PCI0.RP02.PXSX"] = "XHC2"
ACPI["#RenameDevices"] = RenameDevices
self.config["ACPI"] = ACPI
// MARK: Boot
var Boot = [String: Any]()
Boot["Arguments"] = s.value(for: "BootArgs", type: .CHAR8String)
Boot["Legacy"] = s.value(for: "LegacyBoot", type: .CHAR16String)
Boot["XMPDetection"] = s.value(for: "XMPDetection", type: .INTEGER)
Boot["Debug"] = s.value(for: "Debug", type: .BOOLEAN)
Boot["#Timeout"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
Boot["Fast"] = false
Boot["#CustomLogo"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
Boot["#NeverHibernate"] = false
Boot["#StrictHibernate"] = false
Boot["#RtcHibernateAware"] = false
Boot["NeverDoRecovery"] = s.value(for: "NeverDoRecovery", type: .BOOLEAN)
Boot["SkipHibernateTimeout"] = s.value(for: "SkipHibernateTimeout", type: .BOOLEAN)
Boot["DisableCloverHotkeys"] = s.value(for: "DisableCloverHotkeys", type: .BOOLEAN)
Boot["LegacyBiosDefaultEntry"] = s.value(for: "LegacyBiosDefaultEntry", type: .INTEGER)
if Boot.keys.count > 0 {
self.config["Boot"] = Boot
// MARK: BootGraphics
var BootGraphics = [String: Any]()
BootGraphics["DefaultBackgroundColor"] = s.value(for: "DefaultBackgroundColor", type: .HexString)
BootGraphics["UIScale"] = s.value(for: "UIScale", type: .INTEGER)
BootGraphics["EFILoginHiDPI"] = s.value(for: "EFILoginHiDPI", type: .INTEGER)
BootGraphics["flagstate"] = s.value(for: "flagstate", type: .INTEGER)
if BootGraphics.keys.count > 0 {
self.config["BootGraphics"] = BootGraphics
var CPU = [String: Any]()
CPU["Type"] = s.value(for: "CpuType", type: .HexString)
CPU["FrequencyMHz"] = s.value(for: "CpuFreqMHz", type: .INTEGER)
CPU["#BusSpeedkHz"] = s.value(for: "BusSpeed", type: .INTEGER)
CPU["QPI"] = s.value(for: "QPI", type: .INTEGER)
CPU["SavingMode"] = s.value(for: "SavingMode", type: .INTEGER)
CPU["#UseARTFrequency"] = s.value(for: "UseARTFreq", type: .BOOLEAN)
CPU["#TurboDisable"] = s.value(for: "Turbo", type: .BOOLEAN)
CPU["#HWPEnable"] = s.value(for: "HWP", type: .BOOLEAN)
CPU["#HWPValue"] = s.value(for: "HWPValue", type: .INTEGER)
CPU["EnabledCores"] = s.value(for: "EnabledCores", type: .INTEGER)
CPU["#TDP"] = s.value(for: "TDP", type: .BOOLEAN)
CPU["#QEMU"] = s.value(for: "QEMU", type: .BOOLEAN)
if CPU.keys.count > 0 {
self.config["CPU"] = CPU
// MARK: Devices
var Devices = [String: Any]()
Devices["#Inject"] = s.value(for: "StringInjector", type: .BOOLEAN)
Devices["#Properties"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
Devices["#NoDefaultProperties"] = s.value(for: "NoDefaultProperties", type: .BOOLEAN)
Devices["UseIntelHDMI"] = s.value(for: "UseIntelHDMI", type: .BOOLEAN)
Devices["ForceHPET"] = s.value(for: "ForceHPET", type: .BOOLEAN)
Devices["#SetIntelBacklight"] = s.value(for: "IntelBacklight", type: .BOOLEAN)
Devices["#SetIntelMaxBacklight"] = s.value(for: "IntelMaxBacklight", type: .BOOLEAN)
Devices["#IntelMaxValue"] = s.value(for: "IntelMaxValue", type: .INTEGER)
// MARK: Devices->AddProperties
var AddProperties = [Any]()
var AddPropertiesDict1 = [String: Any]()
AddPropertiesDict1["#Device"] = "XXX"
AddPropertiesDict1["#Disabled"] = true
AddPropertiesDict1["#Key"] = "AAPL,XXX"
AddPropertiesDict1["#Value"] = NSNumber(value: 0xFFFF).hexString
Devices["AddProperties"] = AddProperties
// MARK: Devices->Properties
if AppSD.CloverRevision >= 4466 {
if let data = getDevicePropertiesData()?.toPointer() {
var Properties = [String : Any]()
let gfx : GFX_HEADER? = parse_binary(data).pointee
var block = gfx?.blocks
repeat {
var entry = block?.pointee.entries
if let dpath = ConvertDevicePathToAscii(block!.pointee.devpath, 1, 1) {
let blockKey = String(cString: dpath)
var blockDict = [String: Any]()
repeat {
if entry != nil {
let key = String(cString: entry!.pointee.key)
let count = Int(entry!.pointee.val_len)
switch entry!.pointee.val_type {
case DATA_INT8: fallthrough
case DATA_INT16: fallthrough
case DATA_INT32: fallthrough
let data = Data(bytes: entry!.pointee.val, count: count)
blockDict[key] = data
let str = String(cString: entry!.pointee.val)
blockDict[key] = str
// we should not be here as all the types are enumerated
entry = entry!.pointee.next
} while (entry != nil)
if blockDict.keys.count > 0 {
Properties[blockKey] = blockDict
block = block?.pointee.next
} while (block != nil)
Devices["Properties"] = Properties
// MARK: Devices->FakeID
var FakeID = [String : Any]()
FakeID["ATI"] = s.value(for: "FakeATI", type: .HexString)
FakeID["NVidia"] = s.value(for: "FakeNVidia", type: .HexString)
FakeID["IntelGFX"] = s.value(for: "FakeIntel", type: .HexString)
FakeID["LAN"] = s.value(for: "FakeLAN", type: .HexString)
FakeID["WIFI"] = s.value(for: "FakeWIFI", type: .HexString)
FakeID["SATA"] = s.value(for: "FakeSATA", type: .HexString)
FakeID["XHCI"] = s.value(for: "FakeXHCI", type: .HexString)
FakeID["IMEI"] = s.value(for: "FakeIMEI", type: .HexString)
if FakeID.keys.count > 0 {
Devices["FakeID"] = FakeID
// MARK: Devices->Audio
var Audio = [String : Any]()
if s.labels.contains("HDAInjection") && NSNumber(value: s.HDAInjection).boolValue {
Audio["#Inject"] = s.value(for: "HDALayoutId", type: .INTEGER)
} else {
Audio["#Inject"] = s.value(for: "HDAInjection", type: .BOOLEAN)
Audio["#ResetHDA"] = s.value(for: "ResetHDA", type: .BOOLEAN)
if Audio.keys.count > 0 {
Devices["Audio"] = Audio
// MARK: Devices->USB
var USB = [String : Any]()
USB["Inject"] = s.value(for: "USBInjection", type: .BOOLEAN)
USB["FixOwnership"] = s.value(for: "USBFixOwnership", type: .BOOLEAN)
USB["AddClockID"] = s.value(for: "InjectClockID", type: .BOOLEAN)
USB["HighCurrent"] = s.value(for: "HighCurrent", type: .BOOLEAN)
if USB.keys.count > 0 {
Devices["USB"] = USB
self.config["Devices"] = Devices
// MARK: Graphics
var Graphics = [String : Any]()
Graphics["LoadVBios"] = s.value(for: "LoadVBios", type: .BOOLEAN)
Graphics["PatchVBios"] = s.value(for: "PatchVBios", type: .BOOLEAN)
Graphics["VideoPorts"] = s.value(for: "VideoPorts", type: .INTEGER)
Graphics["VRAM"] = s.value(for: "VRAM", type: .INTEGER)
Graphics["DualLink"] = s.value(for: "DualLink", type: .INTEGER)
// MARK: Graphics (ATI specific)
Graphics["FBName"] = s.value(for: "FBName", type: .CHAR16String)
Graphics["RadeonDeInit"] = s.value(for: "DeInit", type: .BOOLEAN)
// MARK: Graphics (NVIDIA specific)
Graphics["display-cfg"] = s.value(for: "Dcfg", type: .DataString)
Graphics["NVCAP"] = s.value(for: "NVCAP", type: .DataString)
Graphics["NvidiaGeneric"] = s.value(for: "NvidiaGeneric", type: .BOOLEAN)
Graphics["NvidiaNoEFI"] = s.value(for: "NvidiaNoEFI", type: .BOOLEAN)
Graphics["NvidiaSingle"] = s.value(for: "NvidiaSingle", type: .BOOLEAN)
// MARK: Graphics (NVIDIA Intel)
Graphics["ig-platform-id"] = s.value(for: "IgPlatform", type: .HexString)
Graphics["#PatchVBiosBytes Count"] = s.value(for: "PatchVBiosBytesCount", type: .INTEGER)
// MARK: Graphics->Inject
var Inject = [String : Any]()
Inject["ATI"] = s.value(for: "InjectATI", type: .BOOLEAN)
Inject["NVidia"] = s.value(for: "InjectNVidia", type: .BOOLEAN)
Inject["Intel"] = s.value(for: "InjectIntel", type: .BOOLEAN)
if Inject.keys.count > 0 {
Graphics["Inject"] = Inject
// MARK: Graphics->PatchVBiosBytes
var PatchVBiosBytes = [Any]()
Graphics["#PatchVBiosBytes Count"] = s.value(for: "PatchVBiosBytesCount", type: .INTEGER)
var PatchVBiosBytesDict1 = [String : Any]()
PatchVBiosBytesDict1["#Find"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
PatchVBiosBytesDict1["#Replace"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
Graphics["#PatchVBiosBytes"] = PatchVBiosBytes
// MARK: Graphics->EDID
if AppSD.CloverRevision >= 3737 {
var EDID = [String : Any]()
if AppSD.CloverRevision >= 4058 {
EDID["Inject"] = s.value(for: "InjectEDID", type: .INTEGER)
EDID["#VendorID"] = s.value(for: "VendorEDID", type: .HexString)
EDID["#ProductID"] = s.value(for: "ProductEDID", type: .HexString)
EDID["#Custom"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
} else {
EDID["InjectEDID"] = s.value(for: "InjectEDID", type: .BOOLEAN)
EDID["#CustomEDID"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
if EDID.keys.count > 0 {
Graphics["EDID"] = EDID
if Graphics.keys.count > 0 {
self.config["Graphics"] = Graphics
var GUI = [String: Any]()
GUI["#Language"] = s.value(for: "Language", type: .CHAR8String)
GUI["#Theme"] = "embedded"
GUI["TextOnly"] = false
GUI["CustomIcons"] = false
// MARK: GUI->Mouse
var Mouse = [String: Any]()
Mouse["Enabled"] = s.value(for: "PointerEnabled", type: .BOOLEAN)
Mouse["Speed"] = s.value(for: "PointerSpeed", type: .INTEGER)
Mouse["Mirror"] = s.value(for: "PointerMirror", type: .BOOLEAN)
if Mouse.keys.count > 0 {
GUI["Mouse"] = Mouse
// MARK: GUI->Hide
var Hide = [String]()
GUI["Hide"] = Hide
// MARK: GUI->Scan
var Scan = [String: Any]()
Scan["Comment"] = "These values wrong, they present for sample"
Scan["#Entries"] = true
Scan["#Tool"] = true
Scan["#Legacy"] = true
GUI["Scan"] = Scan
// MARK: GUI->Custom
var Custom = [String: Any]()
Custom["Comment"] = "These values wrong, they present for sample"
// MARK: GUI->Custom->Entries
var Entries = [Any]()
// MARK: GUI->Custom->Entries->example dict
var EntriesDict1 = [String: Any]()
EntriesDict1["Comment"] = "These values wrong, they present for sample"
EntriesDict1["#Volume"] = "VolumeUUID_NOT_SHOWN"
EntriesDict1["#Path"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
EntriesDict1["#Type"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
EntriesDict1["#Arguments"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
EntriesDict1["#AddArguments"] = "-v"
EntriesDict1["#Title"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
EntriesDict1["#FullTitle"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
EntriesDict1["#Image"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
EntriesDict1["#Hotkey"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
EntriesDict1["#Disabled"] = true
EntriesDict1["#InjectKexts"] = true
// EntriesDict1["#NoCaches"] = false // how to boot without cache???
EntriesDict1["#Hidden"] = true
// MARK: GUI->Custom->Entries->example dict->SubEntries
var SubEntries = [Any]()
var SubEntriesDict1 = [String: Any]()
SubEntriesDict1["#Title"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
SubEntriesDict1["#AddArguments"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
EntriesDict1["SubEntries"] = SubEntries
Custom["Entries"] = Entries
// MARK: GUI->Custom->Legacy
var Legacy = [Any]()
var LegacyDict1 = [String: Any]()
LegacyDict1["#Volume"] = "VolumeUUID_NOT_SHOWN"
LegacyDict1["#Type"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
LegacyDict1["#Title"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
LegacyDict1["#Hotkey"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
LegacyDict1["#Disabled"] = true
LegacyDict1["#Hidden"] = true
Custom["Legacy"] = Legacy
// MARK: GUI->Custom->Tool
var Tool = [Any]()
var ToolDict1 = [String: Any]()
ToolDict1["#Volume"] = "VolumeUUID_NOT_SHOWN"
ToolDict1["#Path"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
ToolDict1["#Type"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
ToolDict1["#Title"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
ToolDict1["#Arguments"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
ToolDict1["#Hotkey"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
ToolDict1["#Disabled"] = true
ToolDict1["#Hidden"] = true
Custom["Tool"] = Tool
GUI["Custom"] = Custom
self.config["GUI"] = GUI
// MARK: KernelAndKextPatches
var KernelAndKextPatches = [String : Any]()
KernelAndKextPatches["#Debug"] = s.kpValue(for: "KPDebug", type: .BOOLEAN)
KernelAndKextPatches["KernelCpu"] = s.kpValue(for: "KPKernelCpu", type: .BOOLEAN)
KernelAndKextPatches["KernelLapic"] = s.kpValue(for: "KPKernelLapic", type: .BOOLEAN)
if AppSD.CloverRevision >= 4250 {
KernelAndKextPatches["KernelXCPM"] = s.kpValue(for: "KPKernelXCPM", type: .BOOLEAN)
} else {
KernelAndKextPatches["KernelIvyXCPM"] = s.kpValue(for: "KernelIvyXCPM", type: .BOOLEAN)
KernelAndKextPatches["KernelPm"] = s.kpValue(for: "KPKernelPm", type: .BOOLEAN)
if AppSD.CloverRevision >= 4152 {
KernelAndKextPatches["AppleIntelCPUPM"] = s.kpValue(for: "KPAppleIntelCPUPM", type: .BOOLEAN)
} else {
KernelAndKextPatches["AsusAICPUPM"] = s.kpValue(for: "KPAsusAICPUPM", type: .BOOLEAN)
KernelAndKextPatches["AppleRTC"] = s.kpValue(for: "KPAppleRTC", type: .BOOLEAN)
KernelAndKextPatches["DellSMBIOSPatch"] = s.kpValue(for: "KPDELLSMBIOS", type: .BOOLEAN)
KernelAndKextPatches["#Number of KextsToPatch"] = s.kpValue(for: "NrKexts", type: .INTEGER)
KernelAndKextPatches["#Number of Patchs To Kernel"] = s.kpValue(for: "NrKernels", type: .INTEGER)
KernelAndKextPatches["#FakeCPUID"] = s.kpValue(for: "FakeCPUID", type: .HexString)
// MARK: KernelAndKextPatches->KextsToPatch
var KextsToPatch = [Any]()
var KextsToPatchDict1 = [String : Any]()
KextsToPatchDict1["Comment"] = "this is a sample"
KextsToPatchDict1["#Name"] = "AppleUSBXHCIPCI"
KextsToPatchDict1["#Find"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
KextsToPatchDict1["#Replace"] = "_NOT_SHOWN_"
if AppSD.CloverRevision >= 3327 {
KextsToPatchDict1["#Disabled"] = true
if AppSD.CloverRevision >= 3580 {
KextsToPatchDict1["#MatchOS"] = "10.11.6,10.12.x"
if AppSD.CloverRevision >= 3920 {
KextsToPatchDict1["#MatchBuild"] = "16D1111"
KernelAndKextPatches["#KextsToPatch"] = KextsToPatch
self.config["KernelAndKextPatches"] = KernelAndKextPatches
// MARK: RtVariables
if AppSD.CloverRevision >= 3250 {
var RtVariables = [String : Any]()
RtVariables["#ROM"] = "UseMacAddr0"
RtVariables["#MLB"] = s.value(for: "BoardSerialNumber", type: .CHAR8String)
RtVariables["CsrActiveConfig"] = s.value(for: "CsrActiveConfig", type: .HexString)
RtVariables["BooterConfig"] = s.value(for: "BooterConfig", type: .HexString)
self.config["RtVariables"] = RtVariables
var SMBIOS = [String: Any]()
SMBIOS["BiosVendor"] = s.value(for: "VendorName", type: .CHAR8String)
SMBIOS["BiosVersion"] = s.value(for: "RomVersion", type: .CHAR8String)
SMBIOS["BiosReleaseDate"] = s.value(for: "ReleaseDate", type: .CHAR8String)
SMBIOS["Manufacturer"] = s.value(for: "ManufactureName", type: .CHAR8String)
SMBIOS["ProductName"] = s.value(for: "ProductName", type: .CHAR8String)
SMBIOS["Version"] = s.value(for: "SerialNr", type: .CHAR8String)
SMBIOS["SerialNumber"] = s.value(for: "ReleaseDate", type: .CHAR8String)
SMBIOS["SmUUID"] = s.value(for: "SmUUID", type: .UUIDString)
SMBIOS["Family"] = s.value(for: "FamilyName", type: .CHAR8String)
SMBIOS["BoardManufacturer"] = s.value(for: "BoardManufactureName", type: .CHAR8String)
SMBIOS["BoardSerialNumber"] = s.value(for: "BoardSerialNumber", type: .CHAR8String)
SMBIOS["Board-ID"] = s.value(for: "BoardNumber", type: .CHAR8String)
SMBIOS["BoardVersion"] = s.value(for: "BoardVersion", type: .CHAR8String)
SMBIOS["BoardType"] = s.value(for: "BoardType", type: .INTEGER)
SMBIOS["LocationInChassis"] = s.value(for: "LocationInChassis", type: .CHAR8String)
SMBIOS["ChassisManufacturer"] = s.value(for: "ChassisManufacturer", type: .CHAR8String)
SMBIOS["ChassisAssetTag"] = s.value(for: "ChassisAssetTag", type: .CHAR8String)
SMBIOS["ChassisType"] = s.value(for: "ChassisType", type: .HexString)
SMBIOS["Mobile"] = s.value(for: "Mobile", type: .BOOLEAN)
SMBIOS["Trust"] = s.value(for: "TrustSMBIOS", type: .BOOLEAN)
SMBIOS["OEMProduct"] = s.value(for: "OEMProduct", type: .CHAR8String)
SMBIOS["OEMVendor"] = s.value(for: "OEMVendor", type: .CHAR8String)
SMBIOS["OEMBoard"] = s.value(for: "OEMBoard", type: .CHAR8String)
if AppSD.CloverRevision >= 3368 {
if (s.PlatformFeature != 0xFFFF) {
SMBIOS["PlatformFeature"] = s.value(for: "PlatformFeature", type: .HexString)
if s.labels.contains("InjectMemoryTables") && NSNumber(value: s.InjectMemoryTables).boolValue {
// MARK: SMBIOS->Memory
var Memory = [String: Any]()
Memory["Comment"] = "there are no real data here"
Memory["#SlotCount"] = 0
Memory["#Channels"] = 0
// MARK: SMBIOS->Memory->Modules
var Modules = [Any]()
var ModulesDict1 = [String: Any]()
ModulesDict1["#Slot"] = 0
ModulesDict1["#Size"] = 0
ModulesDict1["#Vendor"] = s.value(for: "MemoryManufacturer", type: .CHAR8String)
ModulesDict1["#Serial"] = s.value(for: "MemorySerialNumber", type: .CHAR8String)
ModulesDict1["#Part"] = s.value(for: "MemoryPartNumber", type: .CHAR8String)
ModulesDict1["#Frequency"] = s.value(for: "MemorySpeed", type: .CHAR8String)
ModulesDict1["#Type"] = "DDRx"
Memory["Modules"] = Modules
SMBIOS["Memory"] = Memory
// MARK: SMBIOS->Slots
var Slots = [Any]()
var SlotsDict1 = [String: Any]()
SlotsDict1["Comment"] = "there is a sample"
SlotsDict1["Device"] = "WIFI"
SlotsDict1["ID"] = 5
SlotsDict1["Type"] = 1
SlotsDict1["Name"] = "Airport"
SMBIOS["Slots"] = Slots
self.config["SMBIOS"] = SMBIOS
// MARK: SystemParameters
var SystemParameters = [String: Any]()
SystemParameters["CustomUUID"] = s.value(for: "CustomUuid", type: .CHAR16String)
SystemParameters["InjectSystemID"] = s.value(for: "InjectSystemID", type: .BOOLEAN)
SystemParameters["BacklightLevel"] = s.value(for: "BacklightLevel", type: .HexString)
SystemParameters["NvidiaWeb"] = s.value(for: "NvidiaWeb", type: .BOOLEAN)
SystemParameters["#InjectKexts"] = "Detect"
self.config["SystemParameters"] = SystemParameters
return self.config
return nil