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synced 2025-03-02 03:21:55 +01:00
Redone Find and Replace views that now are separate views with fixed constraints. Added support for OS X 10.10
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337 lines
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* vector sigma (https://github.com/vectorsigma72)
* Copyright 2020 vector sigma All Rights Reserved.
* The source code contained or described herein and all documents related
* to the source code ("Material") are owned by vector sigma.
* Title to the Material remains with vector sigma or its suppliers and licensors.
* The Material is proprietary of vector sigma and is protected by worldwide copyright.
* No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced, modified, published,
* uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or disclosed in any way without
* vector sigma's prior express written permission.
* No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual
* property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery
* of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
* otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
* express and approved by vector sigma in writing.
* Unless otherwise agreed by vector sigma in writing, you may not remove or alter
* this notice or any other notice embedded in Materials by vector sigma in any way.
* The license is granted for the CloverBootloader project (i.e. https://github.com/CloverHackyColor/CloverBootloader)
* and all the users as long as the Material is used only within the
* source code and for the exclusive use of CloverBootloader, which must
* be free from any type of payment or commercial service for the license to be valid.
import Cocoa
//MARK: PEOutlineView (NSOutlineView)
@available(OSX 10.10, *)
final class PEOutlineView: NSOutlineView, NSMenuDelegate {
var wrongValue : Bool = false
var scrollTimer : Timer? = nil
var editorVC : PlistEditorVC?
override func drawGrid(inClipRect clipRect: NSRect) {
let nRow = self.numberOfRows
if nRow > 0 {
let lastRowRect = self.rect(ofRow: nRow - 1)
let myClipRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, lastRowRect.size.width, lastRowRect.size.height)
let finalClipRect : NSRect = NSIntersectionRect(clipRect, myClipRect)
super.drawGrid(inClipRect: finalClipRect)
override func scrollWheel(with event: NSEvent) {
super.scrollWheel(with: event)
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: PEOutLineViewEndScrolling, object: nil)
if (self.scrollTimer != nil) {
if self.scrollTimer!.isValid {
self.scrollTimer = nil
self.scrollTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.2,
target: self,
selector: #selector(endScrolling),
userInfo: nil,
repeats: false)
@objc func endScrolling() {
self.enumerateAvailableRowViews { _, row in
if let cv = self.view(atColumn: 0,
row: row,
makeIfNecessary: false) as? PETableCellView {
if let rv = cv.superview as? PETableRowView {
override func menu(for event: NSEvent) -> NSMenu? {
let point = self.convert(event.locationInWindow, from: nil)
let row = self.row(at: point)
let item = self.item(atRow: row)
if (item == nil) {
return nil
self.selectRowIndexes(IndexSet(integer: row), byExtendingSelection: false)
return self.getBaseMenu(outlineView: self, for: item!)
func getBaseMenu(outlineView: PEOutlineView, for item: Any) -> NSMenu {
let node: PENode = item as! PENode
// get a key path for the node! (like Boot->Arguments-> etc)
// to do that create an array..
let keyPaths : NSMutableArray = NSMutableArray()
var parent: PENode? = node
while (parent != nil) && (parent != outlineView.item(atRow: 0) as? PENode) {
var key : String = (parent?.ro as! TagData).key
let type = ((parent?.parent as! PENode).ro as! TagData).type
if type == .Array {
// we need the index in this case!
let index : Int = (parent?.parent as! PENode).mutableChildren.index(of: parent!)
//key = arrayPrefixId + String(index) + arraySuffixId
key = localizedItem + " " + String(index)
if keyPaths.count == 0 {
} else {
keyPaths.insert(key, at: 0)
parent = parent?.parent as? PENode
let menu = NSMenu(title: "Contextual Menu")
let row = outlineView.row(forItem: item)
if row > 0 && (outlineView.editorVC?.isEditable)! {
menu.addItem(withTitle: "Cut".locale,
action: #selector(outlineView.cut(_:)),
keyEquivalent: "X")
menu.addItem(withTitle: "Copy".locale,
action: #selector(outlineView.copy(_:)),
keyEquivalent: "C")
if (outlineView.editorVC?.isEditable)! {
menu.addItem(withTitle: "Paste".locale,
action: #selector(outlineView.paste(_:)),
keyEquivalent: "V")
} else {
return menu
return menu
func menu(_ menu: NSMenu, willHighlight item: NSMenuItem?) {
print("menu(_ menu: NSMenu, willHighlight item: NSMenuItem?)")
Override the validation for the textfield:
Don't accept first responder on textfield if the event is called with a menu (left mouse down)
if the row is not selected don't become first responder!
if already selected 1 click its enough to begin editing!
override func validateProposedFirstResponder(_ responder: NSResponder, for event: NSEvent?) -> Bool {
if responder is PETextField {
//let field = responder as! PETextField
if (event != nil) {
if event?.type == NSEvent.EventType.rightMouseDown {
return false
} else if event?.type == NSEvent.EventType.leftMouseDown {
let selected = self.selectedRow
if selected > 0 {
let point = self.convert((event?.locationInWindow)!, from: nil)
let row = self.row(at: point)
if self.selectedRow == row {
return true
self.selectRowIndexes(IndexSet(integer: selected), byExtendingSelection: false)
return false
return super.validateProposedFirstResponder(responder, for: event)
@objc func cut(_: Any) {
if !(self.editorVC?.isEditable)! {
let selected = self.selectedRow
if selected >= 0 {
// don't cut Root!
if selected == 0 {
if let item = self.item(atRow: selected) {
let root = PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: "Root",
type: .Dictionary,
value: nil))
let parent = (item as! PENode).parent
if parent == nil {
root.mutableChildren.add((item as! PENode).copy())
let plist = gConvertPENodeToPlist(node: root)
let pasteboard = NSPasteboard.general
pasteboard.declareTypes([NSPasteboard.PasteboardType.string], owner: nil)
pasteboard.setString(plist, forType: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType.string)
// cut
let indexChild = parent?.children?.firstIndex(of: item as! PENode)
self.undo_Cut(item: item as! PENode,
inParent:parent as! PENode,
indexChild: indexChild!)
} else {
@objc func copy(_: Any) {
let selected = self.selectedRow
if selected > 0 {
let item = self.item(atRow: selected)
let root = PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: "Root",
type: .Dictionary,
value: nil))
root.mutableChildren.add((item! as! PENode).copy())
let plist = gConvertPENodeToPlist(node: root)
let pasteboard = NSPasteboard.general
pasteboard.declareTypes([NSPasteboard.PasteboardType.string], owner: nil)
pasteboard.setString(plist, forType: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType.string)
} else {
@objc func paste(_: Any) {
// paste the NSPasteboardTypeString content, if is a plist and if a row is selected.
//FIXME: check paste op on the root
if !(self.editorVC?.isEditable)! {
let selected = self.selectedRow
if selected >= 0 {
let plistType = (self.item(atRow: 0) as! PENode).tagdata!.type
if plistType == .Dictionary || plistType == .Array {
let node = self.item(atRow: selected) as! PENode
let pasteboard = NSPasteboard.general
var newNode : PENode
let data = pasteboard.string(forType: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType.string)!.data(using: .utf8)!
let parser = PlistParser(fromData: data, fileType: .xmlPlistv1)
if (parser.root != nil) {
newNode = parser.root!.mutableChildren[0] as! PENode
} else {
let data = TagData(key: localizedNewItem,
type: .String,
value: pasteboard.string(forType: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType.string)! as NSString)
newNode = PENode(representedObject: data)
// Are we pasting on Root and is a contenitor?
if (node == self.item(atRow: 0) as! PENode) {
if !self.isItemExpanded(node) {
gDeduplicateKeyInParent(parent: node, newNode: newNode)
self.undo_Paste(item: newNode, inParent: node, indexChild: 0)
} else {
let parent = node.parent
var indexChild = (parent?.children?.firstIndex(of: node))! as Int
indexChild += 1
// isLeaf strictly means "no children", but Dictionaries and Array are contenitors anyway!
if node.tagdata!.type == .Array || node.tagdata!.type == .Dictionary {
let isExpanded = self.isItemExpanded(node)
if isExpanded {
gDeduplicateKeyInParent(parent: node, newNode: newNode)
self.undo_Paste(item: newNode, inParent: node, indexChild: 0)
} else {
gDeduplicateKeyInParent(parent: parent as! PENode, newNode: newNode)
self.undo_Paste(item: newNode, inParent: parent! as! PENode, indexChild: indexChild)
} else {
gDeduplicateKeyInParent(parent: parent as! PENode, newNode: newNode)
self.undo_Paste(item: newNode, inParent: parent! as! PENode, indexChild: indexChild)
} else {
// plist is not a dictionary or array
} else {
// no selected row
//MARK: add/remove functions (called from PETableCellViewKey)
@objc func addNewItemFromCell(node: PENode, parent: PENode) {
self.editorVC?.isAddingNewItem = true
let newItemName = localizedNewItem
let newNode = PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: newItemName,
type: .String,
value: "" as NSString))
var indexChild = (parent.children?.firstIndex(of: node))! as Int
indexChild += 1
// isLeaf strictly means "no children", but Dictionaries and Array are contenitors anyway!
if node.tagdata!.type == .Array || node.tagdata!.type == .Dictionary {
if self.isItemExpanded(node) {
gDeduplicateKeyInParent(parent: node, newNode: newNode)
self.undo_Add(item: newNode, inParent: node, indexChild: 0, target: self)
} else {
gDeduplicateKeyInParent(parent: parent, newNode: newNode)
self.undo_Add(item: newNode, inParent: parent, indexChild: indexChild, target: self)
} else {
gDeduplicateKeyInParent(parent: parent, newNode: newNode)
self.undo_Add(item: newNode, inParent: parent, indexChild: indexChild, target: self)
self.editorVC?.isAddingNewItem = false
func removeItemFromCell(node: PENode, parent: PENode) {
let indexChild = parent.mutableChildren.index(of: node)
self.undo_Remove(item: node, inParent: parent, indexChild: indexChild, target: self)