CloverBootloader/CloverApp/Clover/Plist Editor/Views/PlistEditorVC.swift

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* vector sigma (
* Copyright 2020 vector sigma All Rights Reserved.
* The source code contained or described herein and all documents related
* to the source code ("Material") are owned by vector sigma.
* Title to the Material remains with vector sigma or its suppliers and licensors.
* The Material is proprietary of vector sigma and is protected by worldwide copyright.
* No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced, modified, published,
* uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or disclosed in any way without
* vector sigma's prior express written permission.
* No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual
* property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery
* of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
* otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
* express and approved by vector sigma in writing.
* Unless otherwise agreed by vector sigma in writing, you may not remove or alter
* this notice or any other notice embedded in Materials by vector sigma in any way.
* The license is granted for the CloverBootloader project (i.e.
* and all the users as long as the Material is used only within the
* source code and for the exclusive use of CloverBootloader, which must
* be free from any type of payment or commercial service for the license to be valid.
import Cocoa
@available(OSX 10.11, *)
final class PlistEditorVC: NSViewController,
NSSearchFieldDelegate, NSSplitViewDelegate {
@IBOutlet var findView: NSView!
@IBOutlet var editorView: NSView!
@IBOutlet var scrollView : NSScrollView!
@IBOutlet var outline : PEOutlineView!
@IBOutlet var doneBtn: NSButton?
@IBOutlet var showFindViewBtn: FindButton?
@IBOutlet var showReplaceBtn: ReplaceButton?
@IBOutlet var nextOrPreviousSegment: NSSegmentedControl?
@IBOutlet var replaceOneOrAllSegment: NSSegmentedControl?
@IBOutlet var searchField: PESearchField?
@IBOutlet var replaceField: PEReplaceField?
@IBOutlet var findAndReplaceViewHeightConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
var parser : PlistParser?
var vcLoaded : Bool = false
var isSearching : Bool = true
var pbTreeNode : PENode?
var edited : Bool = false
var plistPath : URL?
var searches : [PENode] = [PENode]()
var isAddingNewItem : Bool = false
var isEditable : Bool = true
var rootNode : PENode?
var searchTimer : Timer? = nil
var doc : Document? = nil
var document: Document? {
get {
self.doc = view.window?.windowController?.document as? Document
return self.doc
set {
self.doc = newValue
deinit {
name: PESearchFieldTextDidChange,
object: nil)
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.findAndReplaceViewHeightConstraint.constant = 0
self.searchField?.placeholderString = localizedSearch
self.searchField?.countLabel?.stringValue = ""
self.doneBtn?.target = self
self.doneBtn?.action = #selector(self.doneButtonPressed(_:))
self.nextOrPreviousSegment?.target = self
self.nextOrPreviousSegment?.action = #selector(self.segmentScrollerPressed(_:))
self.replaceOneOrAllSegment?.target = self
self.replaceOneOrAllSegment?.action = #selector(self.replaceOneOrAllSegmentPressed(_:))
if self.replaceOneOrAllSegment != nil {
for i in 0..<self.replaceOneOrAllSegment!.segmentCount {
let label = self.replaceOneOrAllSegment!.label(forSegment: i)
self.replaceOneOrAllSegment!.setLabel(label!.locale, forSegment: i)
Interface Builder is a mess and doesn't want to constraints the scrollView:
fu__!, who cares! ..I'll do by my self.
gAddConstraintsToFit(superView: self.editorView , subView: self.scrollView)
override func viewDidAppear() {
self.searchField?.delegate = self
if !self.vcLoaded { = self
self.outline.editorVC = self
self.outline.doubleAction = #selector(self.customDoubleClick)
self.doc = self.document
if ((self.doc?.fileURL) != nil) {
self.view.window?.title = (self.doc?.fileURL?.path)!
// -----------------------------
self.rootNode = self.parser!.root
let type = self.rootNode!.tagdata!.type
if type == .Dictionary {
let ro = TagData(key: "Root", type: .Dictionary, value: NSDictionary())
let root = PENode(representedObject: ro)
self.rootNode = root
} else if type == .Array {
let root = PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: "Root", type: .Array, value: NSArray()))
self.rootNode = root
} else {
let root = PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: "Root", type: .Dictionary, value: NSDictionary()))
self.rootNode!.tagdata?.key = "Root" // override
self.rootNode = root
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// What to do if the specified plist path is a directory or not exist or isn't valid?
// open a new empty editor w/o specifying the real path!
var isDir : ObjCBool = false
if (plistPath != nil) && fm.fileExists(atPath: (plistPath?.path)!, isDirectory: &isDir) {
self.plistPath = plistPath!
} else {
self.plistPath = nil
// -----------------------------
self.outline.focusRingType = .exterior
self.outline.selectionHighlightStyle = .regular
self.outline.gridStyleMask = .solidHorizontalGridLineMask
self.outline.tableColumns[0].headerCell.stringValue = "Key".locale
self.outline.tableColumns[1].headerCell.stringValue = "Type".locale
self.outline.tableColumns[2].headerCell.stringValue = "Value".locale
self.outline.intercellSpacing = NSMakeSize(0, 0)
self.outline.registerForDraggedTypes([kMyPBoardTypeXml, kMyPBoardTypeData])
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.outline.expandItem(self.outline.item(atRow: 0))
self.outline.selectRowIndexes(IndexSet(integer: 0), byExtendingSelection: false)
selector: #selector(self.peSearchFieldTextDidChange(_:)),
name: PESearchFieldTextDidChange,
object: nil)
self.vcLoaded = true
if let mainMenu = NSApplication.shared.mainMenu {
for i in mainMenu.items {
if i.title == "Format" {
override var representedObject: Any? {
didSet {
// Update the view, if already loaded.
@objc func performFindPanelAction(_ sender: Any) {
if let mItem = sender as? NSMenuItem {
switch mItem.tag {
case 0: /* Jump to selection */
case 1: /* Find */
self.showFindView(sender: sender)
case 2: /* Find Next */
self.showFindView(sender: sender)
case 3: /* Find Previous */
self.showFindView(sender: sender)
case 7: /* Use selection for Find */
case 12: /* Find And Replace */
self.showReplaceView(sender: sender)
@objc func showHelp(_ sender: Any?) {
if Locale.current.languageCode?.lowercased() == "ru" { "")!)
} else { "")!)
func hideFindAndReplaceView() {
self.findAndReplaceViewHeightConstraint.animator().constant = 0
@IBAction func showFindView(sender: Any?) {
self.findAndReplaceViewHeightConstraint.animator().constant = 28
@IBAction func showReplaceView(sender: Any?) {
self.findAndReplaceViewHeightConstraint.animator().constant = 57
@objc func customDoubleClick() {
let clicked = self.outline.clickedRow
if clicked > 0 {
let selectedColumn = self.outline.clickedColumn
switch selectedColumn {
case 0:
let petcv = self.outline.view(atColumn: selectedColumn,
row: clicked,
makeIfNecessary: false) as! PETableCellView?
if (petcv != nil) {
case 2:
if let nstcv = self.outline.view(atColumn: selectedColumn,
row: clicked,
makeIfNecessary: false) as! PETableCellView? {
if (nstcv.field?.isEditable)! {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// MARK: outline view delegate
// -------------------------------------------------------------
func childrenFor(item: Any?) -> [NSTreeNode] {
if item != nil {
return (item as! PENode).children!
} else {
return (self.rootNode!.children)!
func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView,
numberOfChildrenOfItem item: Any?) -> Int {
if self.rootNode == nil {
return 0
let count = childrenFor(item: item).count
return count
func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView,
heightOfRowByItem item: Any) -> CGFloat {
return 18.0
func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView,
child index: Int,
ofItem item: Any?) -> Any {
return childrenFor(item: item)[index]
func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView,
viewFor tableColumn: NSTableColumn?,
item: Any) -> NSView? {
switch item {
case let i as PENode:
if tableColumn?.identifier.rawValue == "keyColumn" {
var view : PETableCellView?
view = outlineView.makeView(withIdentifier: "keyColumn".interfaceId(),
owner: self) as? PETableCellView
view?.setup(outline: self.outline, column: 0, type: .key)
view?.node = i
// hide buttonsView
if ((self.outline.item(atRow: 0) as! PENode) == i) {
view?.removeButton?.isHidden = true
view?.removeButton?.isEnabled = false
if i.tagdata?.type != .Dictionary && i.tagdata?.type != .Array {
view?.addButton?.isHidden = true
view?.addButton?.isEnabled = false
} else {
view?.addButton?.isHidden = false
view?.addButton?.isEnabled = true
} else {
view?.removeButton?.isHidden = false
view?.removeButton?.isEnabled = true
view?.addButton?.isHidden = false
view?.addButton?.isEnabled = true
if let textField = view?.field {
textField.node = i
if ((self.outline.item(atRow: 0) as! PENode) == i) {
textField.isEditable = false
textField.isSelectable = false
textField.stringValue = (i.tagdata?.key)!
} else {
if (i.peparent != nil) && i.peparent!.tagdata!.type == .Array {
let childIndex : Int = i.peparent!.mutableChildren.index(of: i)
textField.stringValue = "\(localizedItem) \(childIndex)"
textField.isEditable = false
textField.isSelectable = false
} else {
if (i.highLightPattern != nil) && (i.highLightPattern)!.count > 0 {
textField.allowsEditingTextAttributes = true
textField.attributedStringValue = self.setHiglight(substring: i.highLightPattern!,
in: (i.tagdata?.key)!)
textField.allowsEditingTextAttributes = false
} else {
//textField.allowsEditingTextAttributes = false
textField.stringValue = (i.tagdata?.key)!
textField.isEditable = true
textField.isSelectable = true
if !self.isEditable {
textField.isEditable = false
return view
} else if tableColumn?.identifier.rawValue == "typeColumn" {
var view : PETableCellViewPop?
view = outlineView.makeView(withIdentifier: "typeColumn".interfaceId(),
owner: self) as? PETableCellViewPop
view?.setup(with: .tags, outline: self.outline)
view?.popup.node = i
view?.popup.selectItem(withTitle: gPlistTagStr(tag: i.tagdata!.type).locale)
if !self.isEditable {
view?.popup.isEnabled = false
return view
} else if tableColumn?.identifier.rawValue == "valueColumn" {
if i.tagdata!.type == .Bool {
var view = outlineView.makeView(withIdentifier: "valueBoolView".interfaceId(),
owner: self) as? PETableCellViewPop
if view == nil {
view = outlineView.makeView(withIdentifier: "typeColumn".interfaceId(),
owner: self) as? PETableCellViewPop
view?.identifier = "valueBoolView".interfaceId()
view?.setup(with: .bool, outline: self.outline)
view?.popup.node = i
let result : String = i.tagdata!.value as! Bool
? localizedYes
: localizedNo
view?.popup.selectItem(withTitle: result)
if !self.isEditable {
view?.popup.isEnabled = false
return view
} else {
var view = outlineView.makeView(withIdentifier: "valueView".interfaceId(),
owner: self) as? PETableCellView
if view == nil {
view = outlineView.makeView(withIdentifier: "keyColumn".interfaceId(),
owner: self) as? PETableCellView
view?.setup(outline: self.outline, column: 2, type: .value)
view?.identifier = "valueView".interfaceId()
view?.field?.node = i
if i.tagdata!.type == .Array || i.tagdata!.type == .Dictionary {
view?.field?.isEditable = false
view?.field?.isSelectable = false
view?.field?.stringValue = ""
let count = i.count
let countString : String = "\(count)"
view?.field?.placeholderString = countString + " " + ((count == 1) ? localizedItem : localizedItems)
} else {
view?.field?.placeholderString = ""
view?.field?.isEditable = true
view?.field?.isSelectable = true
var str : String = ""
switch i.tagdata!.type {
case .Number:
let num = i.tagdata?.value as! NSNumber
str = localizedStringFrom(number: num)
case .Date:
let date = i.tagdata?.value as! Date
str = localizedDateToString(date)
case .Data:
let data = i.tagdata?.value as! Data
str = "<"
let dataCount = data.count
for i in 0..<dataCount {
let byte = data[i]
str += String(format: "%02x", byte)
if i < (data.count - 1) {
str += " "
str += ">"
str = "\((i.tagdata?.value) ?? "")"
if (i.highLightPattern != nil) && (i.highLightPattern)!.count > 0 {
view?.field?.stringValue = str
view?.field?.allowsEditingTextAttributes = true
view?.field?.attributedStringValue = self.setHiglight(substring: i.highLightPattern!, in: str)
view?.field?.allowsEditingTextAttributes = false
} else {
view?.field?.allowsEditingTextAttributes = false
view?.field?.stringValue = str
return view
return nil
return nil
func setHiglight(substring: String, in string: String) -> NSAttributedString {
var attributed : NSMutableAttributedString
attributed = NSMutableAttributedString(string: string)
let range : NSRange = (attributed.string.lowercased() as NSString).range(of: substring)
if range.location != NSNotFound {
let attributes = [
NSAttributedString.Key.backgroundColor: NSColor.yellow
attributed.addAttributes(attributes, range: range)
return attributed
@objc func doneButtonPressed(_ sender: NSButton) {
self.searchField?.stringValue = ""
self.replaceField?.stringValue = ""
self.searchField?.countLabel?.placeholderString = ""
func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, rowViewForItem item: Any) -> NSTableRowView? {
let rw = PETableRowView()
rw.node = item as? PENode
rw.outline = outlineView as? PEOutlineView
return rw
func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, didAdd rowView: NSTableRowView, forRow row: Int) {
if row >= 0 && self.isAddingNewItem {
self.outline.selectRowIndexes(IndexSet(integer: row), byExtendingSelection: false)
if let nstck = self.outline.view(atColumn: 0, row: row, makeIfNecessary: false) as! PETableCellView? {
// not used because no delegate is set)
func controlTextDidChange(_ obj: Notification) {
if (obj.object as AnyObject) as? NSObject == self.searchField {
// called by NSSearchField subclass
@objc func peSearchFieldTextDidChange(_ obj: Notification) {
if (self.outline.window != nil) && (obj.object != nil) && (self.outline.window?.isKeyWindow)! {
if (obj.object is PESearchField) && (obj.object as! PESearchField) == self.searchField {
if (self.searchTimer != nil) && (self.searchTimer?.isValid)! {
// shedule a timer for the searches. This is to not call performDelayedSearch() so often
self.searchTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.8,
target: self,
selector: #selector(self.performDelayedSearch),
userInfo: nil,
repeats: false)
} else if (obj.object is PEReplaceField) && (obj.object as! PEReplaceField) == self.replaceField {
// doing nothing
@objc func performDelayedSearch() {
if (self.searchTimer != nil) {
if self.searchTimer!.isValid {
self.searchTimer = nil
let pattern = self.searchField?.stringValue.lowercased()
self.searches = self.findAllSearches(with: pattern!)
self.searchField?.countLabel?.placeholderString = "\(self.searches.count)"
for node in self.searches {
self.asyncExpand(item: node, expandParentOnly: true)
Reload all visible rows to update our findings.
Also will normalize previously highlighted fields
var maxIndex : Int = self.outline.numberOfRows - 1
if maxIndex > 0 {
while maxIndex >= 0 {
self.outline.reloadData(forRowIndexes: IndexSet(integer: maxIndex),
columnIndexes: IndexSet(integer: 0))
self.outline.reloadData(forRowIndexes: IndexSet(integer: maxIndex),
columnIndexes: IndexSet(integer: 2))
//FIXME: change "asyncExpand" to other as is no longer asynchronous
func asyncExpand(item: PENode, expandParentOnly: Bool) {
var parents : [PENode] = [PENode]()
var parent : PENode? = item.peparent
self.outline.expandItem(self.outline.item(atRow: 0))
repeat {
if (parent != nil) {
parents.insert(parent!, at: 0)
parent = parent?.peparent
} while parent != nil
for n in parents {
if !self.outline.isItemExpanded(n) {
if !expandParentOnly {
if !self.outline.isItemExpanded(item) {
func findAllSearches(with pattern: String) -> [PENode] {
// where to start? --> from outline object at index 0
var founds : [PENode] = [PENode]()
let root : PENode? = self.outline.item(atRow: 0) as? PENode
if (root != nil) &&
(root?.tagdata?.type == .Dictionary || root?.tagdata?.type == .Array) {
for n in root!.mutableChildren {
self.populateSearches(pattern: pattern, in: n as! PENode, array: &founds)
return founds
func populateSearches(pattern: String, in node: PENode, array: inout [PENode]) {
// always search in the key if parent isn't array
// always search in the value if node is not a contenitor (Dictionary or array)
// Skip searching in boolean and Data values
// problem: some value can have a localized result (Date and Number).. what to do here???
let root : PENode? = self.outline.item(atRow: 0) as? PENode
if node != root {
var parentIsArray : Bool = false
var found : Bool = false
if node.peparent?.tagdata?.type == .Array {
parentIsArray = true
// First: search a match in the key
if !parentIsArray {
if (node.tagdata?.key.lowercased().range(of: pattern) != nil) {
node.highLightPattern = pattern
found = true
} else {
node.highLightPattern = nil
// Second: search a match in the value
if !found {
var localizedVal : String = ""
switch node.tagdata!.type {
case .String:
localizedVal = node.tagdata?.value as! String
case .Number:
let num = node.tagdata?.value as! NSNumber
localizedVal = localizedStringFrom(number: num)
case .Date:
let date = node.tagdata?.value as! Date
localizedVal = localizedDateToString(date)
if (localizedVal.lowercased().range(of: pattern) != nil) {
node.highLightPattern = pattern
} else {
node.highLightPattern = nil
if node.tagdata?.type == .Dictionary || node.tagdata?.type == .Array {
for n in node.mutableChildren {
self.populateSearches(pattern: pattern, in: n as! PENode, array: &array)
@objc func segmentScrollerPressed(_ sender: NSSegmentedControl?) {
if (self.searchField?.stringValue.count)! > 0 {
if self.searches.count > 0 {
var index : Int = 0
check if we have a selected row and backup the object for later use:
after expanding We may lose the selection
var selectedRow = self.outline.selectedRow
var selectedNode: PENode? = nil
if selectedRow >= 0 {
selectedNode = self.outline.item(atRow: selectedRow) as? PENode
since we are calculating with rows indexes, expand now all involved nodes-parent before doing anything
for node in self.searches {
self.asyncExpand(item: node, expandParentOnly: true)
(selectedNode != nil) means that user has starting scrolling already?
sure, but can be nil if user has loses the selection by clicking on any
If that happened, We know We have to start from self.searches[0].
Otherwise (a row is selected but isn't in self.searches) we have to find
its row index and start scrolling from there
if (selectedNode != nil) {
//selectedRow was valid.. but its in our searches?
if self.searches.contains(selectedNode!) {
index = self.searches.firstIndex(of: selectedNode!)!
} else {
// nope, jump to the nearest one, but befor or after?
selectedRow = self.outline.row(forItem: selectedNode)
let nrowsIndex : Int = self.outline.numberOfRows - 1
var i : Int = selectedRow
if sender?.selectedSegment == 0 {
// scan back
while i > 0 {
let scannedNode = self.outline.item(atRow: i) as! PENode
if self.searches.contains(scannedNode) {
index = self.searches.firstIndex(of: scannedNode)! + 1
selectedNode = scannedNode
} else {
// scan forward
while i < nrowsIndex {
let scannedNode = self.outline.item(atRow: i) as! PENode
if self.searches.contains(scannedNode) {
index = self.searches.firstIndex(of: scannedNode)! - 1
selectedNode = scannedNode
} else {
index = 0
selectedNode = self.searches[0]
/* jump to previous or next search */
var jumpTo : Int = index
let lastIndex : Int = self.searches.count - 1
if sender?.selectedSegment == 0 {
// go back
jumpTo = (jumpTo == 0) ? lastIndex : (jumpTo - 1)
selectedNode = self.searches[jumpTo]
let row = self.outline.row(forItem: selectedNode)
if row >= 0 {
self.outline.scrollRowToVisible(self.outline.row(forItem: selectedNode))
self.outline.selectRowIndexes(IndexSet(integer: row), byExtendingSelection: false)
} else {
// go ahead
//let lastRowInOutLine : Int = self.outline.numberOfRows - 1
let lastSearchInOutline : Int = self.outline.row(forItem: self.searches.last)
if selectedRow > lastSearchInOutline {
jumpTo = 0
} else {
jumpTo = (jumpTo == lastIndex) ? 0 : (jumpTo + 1)
selectedNode = self.searches[jumpTo]
let row = self.outline.row(forItem: selectedNode)
if row >= 0 {
self.outline.scrollRowToVisible(self.outline.row(forItem: selectedNode))
self.outline.selectRowIndexes(IndexSet(integer: row), byExtendingSelection: false)
} else {
} else {
@objc func replaceOneOrAllSegmentPressed(_ sender: NSSegmentedControl) {
/* here we perform replacements.
allow replace text field to be empty ("")
if (self.searchField?.stringValue.count)! > 0 && self.searches.count > 0 {
let nodes : NSMutableArray = NSMutableArray()
let oldTreeData : NSMutableArray = NSMutableArray()
let newTreeData : NSMutableArray = NSMutableArray()
for n in ((sender.selectedSegment == 0) ? self.searches : [self.searches[0]]) {
replace selected with Undo/Redo.
To do that we should jump to the nearest search,
apparently Xcode do that by always search from scratch everytime the segment is pressed
and so it start always from index 0 and it looks scrolling ... but isn't!
let originalNode : PENode = n
let parent : PENode = originalNode.peparent!
let moddedNode : PENode = originalNode.copy() as! PENode
Problem, we should ensure the node parent has not a key already present after the replace operation:
in this case we must add a suffix (- 1, -2 etc.).
let replacement = self.replaceField?.stringValue ?? ""
/* replacing on key */
let poposedNewKeyName : String = (moddedNode.tagdata?.key.replacingOccurrencesOf(inSensitive: originalNode.highLightPattern!, withSensitive: replacement))!
/* replacing on value:
- Bool: cannot be replaced, but should not be there
- Data: cannot be replaced, but should not be there
- Number: is localized formmatted, so return a value only if make sense
- Date: is localized formmatted, so return a value only if make sense
- String: no problem
var localizedVal : String = ""
switch originalNode.tagdata!.type {
case .String:
localizedVal = moddedNode.tagdata?.value as! String
localizedVal = localizedVal.replacingOccurrencesOf(inSensitive: originalNode.highLightPattern!,
withSensitive: replacement)
moddedNode.tagdata?.value = localizedVal
case .Number:
let num = originalNode.tagdata?.value as! NSNumber
localizedVal = localizedStringFrom(number: num)
localizedVal = localizedVal.replacingOccurrencesOf(inSensitive: originalNode.highLightPattern!,
withSensitive: replacement)
// is still a valid Number??
var nv : Int = 0
localizedVal = localizedVal.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.decimalDigits.inverted).joined()
if localizedVal.count > 0 {
nv = Int(localizedVal)!
moddedNode.tagdata?.value = nv
case .Date:
let date = originalNode.tagdata?.value as! Date
localizedVal = localizedDateToString(date)
localizedVal = localizedVal.replacingOccurrencesOf(inSensitive: originalNode.highLightPattern!,
withSensitive: replacement)
// is still a valid date??
var dv : Date? = nil
dv = localizedStringToDateS(localizedVal) // first try with "S" version that can be nil
if (dv == nil) {
// secondly try to detect it (NSDataDetector + NSTextCheckingResult)
// This allow us to have the old date if after replacing is bad
dv = funcyDateFromUser(localizedVal)
if (dv == nil) {
dv = Date() // no way? init a new one...
moddedNode.tagdata?.value = dv! as NSDate
/* assing an univoque key name.
Don't use deduplicateKeyInParent() because we are not adding a new key:
parent must not contains duplicate keys, but this one is just the same as before,
maybe that after replacing an occurences can be equal to another one
let childs = parent.mutableChildren
if childs.count > 1 {
// more than one item
var actualKeys = [String]()
for item in parent.mutableChildren {
/* we're looking for duplicate keys, but since our node is already present
remove it from actualKeys and see if poposedNewKeyName is already present
if (item as! PENode) != originalNode {
actualKeys.append((item as! PENode).tagdata!.key)
moddedNode.tagdata?.key = gProposedNewItem(with: poposedNewKeyName, in: actualKeys)
} else {
// replace the only available children's key
moddedNode.tagdata?.key = poposedNewKeyName
remove highLightPattern from originalNode
After a Undo/Redo user have to searcg again?
originalNode.highLightPattern = nil
moddedNode.highLightPattern = nil
if sender.selectedSegment == 0 {
} else {
self.searches.remove(at: 0)
self.outline.undo_FindAndReplace(nodes: nodes,
oldTreeData: oldTreeData,
newTreeData: newTreeData)
} else {
func controlTextDidBeginEditing(_ obj: Notification) {
if obj.object is PETextField {
self.outline.wrongValue = true // here only indicate that we're editing
func controlTextDidEndEditing(_ obj: Notification) {
if obj.object is PETextField {
self.outline.wrongValue = false // will be set to true again if value is wrong
let textField = obj.object as! PETextField
let ro = textField.node?.tagdata
if textField.node?.parent == nil {
return // usefull if user undo after adding a new row
let parent = textField.node!.peparent!
switch textField.column {
case 0:
var canEdit : Bool = true
let oldKey = ro?.key
let newKey = textField.stringValue
if oldKey != newKey {
for i in parent.mutableChildren {
let node = i as! PENode
if node.tagdata?.key == newKey {
self.outline.wrongValue = true
canEdit = false
let alert = PEAlert(in: (self.outline.window)!)
alert.messageText = localizedDuplicateKeyMsgText
let withFormat = localizedDuplicateKeyInfoText
let question = String(format: withFormat, newKey)
alert.informativeText = question
alert.addButton(withTitle: localizedKeepEditing)
alert.addButton(withTitle: localizedDuplicateKeyReplaceButton)
alert.beginSheetModal(for: self.outline.window!, completionHandler: { (modalResponse) -> Void in
if modalResponse == NSApplication.ModalResponse.alertFirstButtonReturn {
} else {
let indexChild : Int = parent.mutableChildren.index(of: node)
self.outline.undo_ReplaceExisting(item: node,
inParent: parent,
indexChild: indexChild,
editedNode: textField.node!,
oldKey: oldKey!,
newKey: newKey)
if canEdit {
self.outline.undo_SetKey(node: textField.node!, newKey: newKey, oldKey: oldKey!)
case 2:
switch ro!.type {
case .String:
self.outline.undo_SetValue(node: textField.node!,
newValue: textField.stringValue,
oldValue: ro!.value!)
case .Number:
let newNum = numberFromLocalizedString(string: textField.stringValue)
self.outline.undo_SetValue(node: textField.node!,
newValue: (newNum is PEReal) ? newNum as! PEReal : newNum as! PEReal,
oldValue: ro!.value!)
case .Data:
let res = isHexStringValid(string: textField.stringValue.lowercased())
if res != "HexSuccess" {
self.outline.wrongValue = true
let alert = PEAlert(in: self.outline.window)
alert.messageText = localizedInvalidValueMsgText
alert.informativeText = localizedInvalidValueInfoText + "\n\n(" + res + ")"
alert.addButton(withTitle: localizedKeepEditing)
alert.addButton(withTitle: localizedUndo)
alert.beginSheetModal(for: self.outline.window!, completionHandler: { (modalResponse) -> Void in
if modalResponse == NSApplication.ModalResponse.alertFirstButtonReturn {
} else {
self.outline.reloadItem(parent, reloadChildren: true)
} else {
let str : String = textField.stringValue.lowercased()
self.outline.undo_SetValue(node: textField.node!,
newValue: (str.hexadecimal() ?? Data()),
oldValue: ro!.value!)
case .Date:
if (localizedStringToDateS(textField.stringValue) == nil) {
self.outline.wrongValue = true
let alert = PEAlert(in: (self.outline.window)!)
alert.messageText = localizedInvalidValueMsgText
alert.informativeText = localizedInvalidValueInfoText
alert.addButton(withTitle: localizedKeepEditing)
alert.addButton(withTitle: localizedUndo)
alert.beginSheetModal(for: self.outline.window!, completionHandler: { (modalResponse) -> Void in
if modalResponse == NSApplication.ModalResponse.alertFirstButtonReturn {
} else {
self.outline.reloadItem(parent, reloadChildren: true)
} else {
let str : String = textField.stringValue
self.outline.undo_SetValue(node: textField.node!,
newValue: localizedStringToDate(str),
oldValue: ro!.value!)
self.outline.wrongValue = false
func outlineViewItemDidExpand(_ notification: Notification) {
let sr = self.outline.row(forItem: notification.userInfo?["NSObject"])
if sr >= 0 {
self.outline.selectRowIndexes(IndexSet(integer: sr), byExtendingSelection: false)
func outlineViewItemDidCollapse(_ notification: Notification) {
let sr = self.outline.row(forItem: notification.userInfo?["NSObject"])
if sr >= 0 {
self.outline.selectRowIndexes(IndexSet(integer: sr), byExtendingSelection: false)
func outlineViewSelectionDidChange(_ notification: Notification) {
func highLightRow() {
self.outline.enumerateAvailableRowViews { _, row in
if let rv = self.outline.view(atColumn: 0,
row: row,
makeIfNecessary: false)?.superview as? PETableRowView {
// MARK: determine if is a container
func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, isGroupItem item: Any) -> Bool {
return false
func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, isItemExpandable item: Any) -> Bool {
if let n = item as? PENode {
return n.isExpandable
return false
func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, shouldExpandItem item: Any) -> Bool {
if self.outline.wrongValue {
return false
if let n = item as? PENode {
return n.isExpandable
return false
func selectionShouldChange(in outlineView: NSOutlineView) -> Bool {
return self.outline.wrongValue ? false : true
// MARK: disclosure triangle
func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, shouldShowOutlineCellForItem item: Any) -> Bool {
return true
// MARK: OutlineView drag and drop
func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView,
pasteboardWriterForItem item: Any) -> NSPasteboardWriting? {
self.pbTreeNode = nil
if (item as! PENode) != (self.outline.item(atRow: 0) as! PENode) {
self.pbTreeNode = (item as! PENode)
let pb = NSPasteboardItem()
let a = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: self.pbTreeNode!)
pb.setData(a, forType: kMyPBoardTypeData)
return pb
return nil
func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView,
draggingSession session: NSDraggingSession,
willBeginAt screenPoint: NSPoint,
forItems draggedItems: [Any]) {
func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView,
draggingSession session: NSDraggingSession,
endedAt screenPoint: NSPoint,
operation: NSDragOperation) {
func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView,
validateDrop info: NSDraggingInfo,
proposedItem item: Any?,
proposedChildIndex index: Int) -> NSDragOperation {
if let dragOutline = info.draggingSource as? PEOutlineView {
if dragOutline != self.outline {
return NSDragOperation.move
if dragOutline != self.outline || item == nil {
return (index > 0) ? NSDragOperation.move : []
// item is the destination
if let node = item as? PENode, let ol = outlineView as? PEOutlineView {
// refuse if target is the same
if node == ol.editorVC?.pbTreeNode { return [] }
// all fine
return NSDragOperation.move
return []
func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView,
acceptDrop info: NSDraggingInfo,
item: Any?,
childIndex index: Int) -> Bool {
if !self.isEditable || index < 0 {
return false
// Accept drag & drop on self
if (info.draggingSource as? PEOutlineView) == self.outline {
if self.pbTreeNode == nil {
return false
if let parent = (item as? PENode) {
guard let fromIndex : Int = self.pbTreeNode?.indexPath.last else {
return false
let maxIndex = parent.count
if index > maxIndex {
return false
self.outline.undo_DragAndDrop(item: self.pbTreeNode!,
fromParent: self.pbTreeNode!.peparent!,
fromIndex: fromIndex,
toParent: parent,
toIndex: index)
self.pbTreeNode = nil
} else {
// Accept drag & drop from another document
if let data = kMyPBoardTypeData),
let node = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(with: data) as? PENode,
let otherOutline = info.draggingSource as? PEOutlineView, let parent = item as? PENode {
gDeduplicateKeyInParent(parent:parent, newNode: node)
otherOutline.undo_Add(item: node,
inParent: parent,
indexChild: index,
target: outlineView as! PEOutlineView)
self.pbTreeNode = nil
return true
return false
// MARK: OutlineView save
func save() -> Data {
let root = self.outline.item(atRow: 0) as? PENode
root?.isRootNode = true // mark row 0 as root
let plist = gConvertPENodeToPlist(node: root)
root?.isRootNode = false // restore
return .utf8)!
func convertToBinaryPlist() -> Data? {
let data = save()
var any : AnyObject
var fmt = PropertyListSerialization.PropertyListFormat.xml
do {
any = try PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(from: data,
options: .mutableContainersAndLeaves,
format: &fmt) as AnyObject
} catch {
return nil
do {
try any = any,
format: PropertyListSerialization.PropertyListFormat.binary,
options: PropertyListSerialization.WriteOptions(0)) as NSData
} catch {
return nil
if any is NSData {
return any as? Data
return nil
extension NSMenu {
func translate() {
for i in self.items {
i.title = i.title.locale
if i.submenu != nil {
i.submenu!.title = i.submenu!.title.locale