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* vector sigma (https://github.com/vectorsigma72)
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import Cocoa
This is the minimum plist file (binary format) as a boolean true as root (the shorter value that can hold), and is 42 bytes:
62 70 6C 69 73 74 30 30 09 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09
Instead, the xml version have a length in bytes (xml1Header + "<true/>" + xml1Footer) of 179.
Line feeds are present only in the header: this means that at least the header should be well formatted
let minBinary : Int = 42
let minXml : Int = 179
final class PlistParser: NSObject, XMLParserDelegate {
var root : PENode?
var plistPath : String? = nil
var error : String? = nil
var isBinary : Bool = false
var rootType : PlistTag = .String
private var currentValue : String? = nil
private var lastElement : String? = nil
private var currentNode: PENode?
//MARK: initialization
override init() {
self.root = nil
/// You already know the root node for the document.
init(withNode node: PENode) {
self.root = node
/// PlistParser initialization from Data (either string or binary data).
/// Usually fileType and data comes from NSDocument
convenience init(fromData data: Data, fileType: PEFileType) {
var node : PENode? = nil
var any : Any?
var plistType : PEFileType = fileType
// don't trust NSDocument: check our self if this is a binary plist
if data.count >= minBinary {
let binaryHeaderData: Data = binaryPlistHeader.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!
let fileheader = data.subdata(in: 0..<binaryHeaderData.count)
if fileheader == binaryHeaderData {
plistType = .binaryPlistv1 // override!
if plistType == .binaryPlistv1 {
any = serialize(data: data)
if (any != nil) {
node = PlistParser.populateTreeWith(plist: any!)
} else {
any = serialize(data: data)
// don't fail!
if any == nil {
any = PEDictionary()
determine if this is a stupid plist (root is not a Dictionary nor Array),
otherwise init with node.
Why? "node" is used only with binary plist where its Dictionaries aren't sorted as happen in a xml plist..
..but no need to use the parser if a plist is stupid
if (any != nil) {
if any is NSString {
node = PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: "", type: .String, value: any as! String))
} else if any is NSNumber {
let numberType = CFNumberGetType(any as! NSNumber)
if numberType == .charType {
// Bool
node = PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: "", type: .Bool, value: any as! Bool))
} else {
// Number of any kind, but int or double..
if any is PEInt {
node = PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: "Root", type: .Number, value: any as! PEInt))
} else {
node = PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: "Root", type: .Number, value: any as! PEReal))
} else if any is NSData {
node = PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: "", type: .Data, value: any as! Data))
} else if any is NSDate {
node = PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: "", type: .Date, value: any as! Date))
if (node != nil) {
self.init(withNode: node!)
self.isBinary = true
} else {
let parser : XMLParser = XMLParser(data: data)
self.currentValue = ""
parser.delegate = self
/// PlistParser initialization from path. NSDocument uses data, so this is for custom initializations.
convenience init(fromPath path: String) {
var realOrNilPath : String? = path // this will be nil if the loaded file is not a plist (will avoid to overwrite it)
var data : Data? = nil
var isPlist : Bool = false
var node : PENode? = nil
var PropertyListSerializationError : String? = nil
var any : Any?
data = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: path)
// test if is a binary plist
if (data != nil) {
if (data?.count)! >= minBinary {
let binaryHeaderData: Data = binaryPlistHeader.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!
let presumedHeader = data?.subdata(in: 0 ..< binaryHeaderData.count)
if presumedHeader == binaryHeaderData {
isPlist = true
any = serialize(data: data!)
// don't fail!
if any == nil {
any = PEDictionary()
PropertyListSerializationError = "PlistParser: Unknown error loading binary plist file"
node = PlistParser.populateTreeWith(plist: any!)
// test if is a xml plist
if !isPlist {
if (data?.count)! >= minXml {
let xmlHeaderData: Data = xml1Header.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!
let presumedHeader = data?.subdata(in: 0 ..< xmlHeaderData.count)
if presumedHeader == xmlHeaderData {
isPlist = true
any = serialize(data: data!)
determine if this is a stupid plist (root is not a Dictionary nor Array),
otherwise init with node.
Why? "node" is used only with binary plist where its Dictionaries aren't sorted as happen in a xml plist..
..but no need to use the parser if a plist is stupid
if (any != nil) {
if any is NSString {
node = PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: "", type: .String, value: any as! String))
} else if any is NSNumber {
let numberType = CFNumberGetType(any as! NSNumber)
if numberType == .charType {
node = PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: "Root", type: .Bool, value: any as! Bool))
} else {
// Number of any kind, but int or double..
if any is PEInt {
node = PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: "Root", type: .Number, value: any as! PEInt))
} else {
node = PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: "Root", type: .Number, value: any as! PEReal))
} else if any is NSData {
node = PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: "", type: .Data, value: any as! Data))
} else if any is NSDate {
node = PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: "", type: .Date, value: any as! Date))
if (node != nil) {
self.init(withNode: node!)
self.error = PropertyListSerializationError
self.isBinary = true
} else {
self.init(fromData: (data ?? (xml1Header + "\n<dict/>\n" + xml1Footer).data(using: String.Encoding.utf8))!,
fileType: PEFileType.xmlPlistv1)
if isPlist {
realOrNilPath = path
self.plistPath = realOrNilPath
func parser(_ parser: XMLParser,
didStartElement elementName: String,
namespaceURI: String?,
qualifiedName qName: String?,
attributes attributeDict: [String : String] = [:]) {
switch elementName {
case "dict":
if (self.root == nil) {
self.rootType = .Dictionary
self.root = self.getNewDictNode()
self.currentNode = self.root
} else {
if lastElement == "array" || self.currentNode!.tagdata!.type == .Array {
let new = self.getNewDictNode()
self.currentNode = new
} else if self.lastElement == "key" {
self.currentNode?.tagdata?.type = .Dictionary
self.currentNode?.tagdata?.value = nil
} else {
let new = self.getNewDictNode()
self.currentNode = new
case "array":
if (self.root == nil) {
self.rootType = .Array
self.root = self.getNewArrayNode()
self.currentNode = self.root
} else {
if self.lastElement == "key" {
self.currentNode?.tagdata?.type = .Array
self.currentNode?.tagdata?.value = nil
} else {
let new = self.getNewArrayNode()
self.currentNode = new
case "key":
let new = self.getNewStringNode()
self.currentNode = new
case "string":
if self.lastElement != "key" {
let new = self.getNewStringNode()
self.addNewChildren(newNode: new)
case "date":
if self.lastElement != "key" {
let new = self.getNewDateNode()
self.addNewChildren(newNode: new)
case "data":
if self.lastElement != "key" {
let new = self.getNewDataNode()
self.addNewChildren(newNode: new)
case "real":
if self.lastElement != "key" {
let new = self.getNewNumberNode()
self.addNewChildren(newNode: new)
case "integer":
if self.lastElement != "key" {
let new = self.getNewNumberNode()
self.addNewChildren(newNode: new)
case "true":
if self.lastElement != "key" {
let new = self.getNewBoolNode()
self.addNewChildren(newNode: new)
case "false":
if self.lastElement != "key" {
let new = self.getNewBoolNode()
self.addNewChildren(newNode: new)
self.lastElement = elementName
//MARK: XMLParser functions
func parser(_ parser: XMLParser,
didEndElement elementName: String,
namespaceURI: String?,
qualifiedName qName: String?) {
if (self.root != nil) {
let value : String? = self.currentValue?.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines)
switch elementName {
case "dict":
case "array":
case "key":
self.currentNode?.tagdata?.key = value?.escapingXMLCharacters ?? ""
case "string":
self.currentNode?.tagdata?.value = value!.escapingXMLCharacters
self.currentNode?.tagdata?.type = .String
case "date":
self.currentNode?.tagdata?.value = utcStringToDate(value!)
self.currentNode?.tagdata?.type = .Date
case "data":
let data : Data = Data(base64Encoded: value!, options: Data.Base64DecodingOptions.ignoreUnknownCharacters)!
self.currentNode?.tagdata?.value = data
self.currentNode?.tagdata?.type = .Data
case "real":
self.currentNode?.tagdata?.value = PEReal(value!)!
self.currentNode?.tagdata?.type = .Number
case "integer":
self.currentNode?.tagdata?.value = PEInt(value!)!
self.currentNode?.tagdata?.type = .Number
case "true":
self.currentNode?.tagdata?.value = true
self.currentNode?.tagdata?.type = .Bool
case "false":
self.currentNode?.tagdata?.value = false
self.currentNode?.tagdata?.type = .Bool
self.lastElement = elementName
self.currentValue = ""
func parser(_ parser: XMLParser, foundCharacters string: String) {
self.currentValue = self.currentValue?.appending(string)
func parserDidStartDocument(_ parser: XMLParser) {
func parserDidEndDocument(_ parser: XMLParser) {
if self.rootType == .Dictionary || self.rootType == .Array {
self.root?.tagdata?.key = "Root"
func parser(_ parser: XMLParser, foundIgnorableWhitespace whitespaceString: String) {
func parser(_ parser: XMLParser, parseErrorOccurred parseError: Error) {
self.root = nil
self.error = "\(parseError)".replacingOccurrences(of: "NSXML", with: "Plist")
//MARK: Helper functions for XMLParser
private func addNewChildren(newNode: PENode) {
if (self.root == nil) {
self.rootType = (newNode.tagdata?.type)!
self.root = newNode
self.currentNode = self.root
} else {
self.currentNode = newNode
func isChildTag(tag: String) -> Bool {
return tag == "string" ||
tag == "date" ||
tag == "data" ||
tag == "real" ||
tag == "integer" ||
tag == "true" ||
tag == "false"
private func goback() {
if ((self.currentNode?.peparent) == nil) {
self.currentNode = self.root
} else {
self.currentNode = self.currentNode?.peparent
//MARK: Get empty nodes
private func getNewDictNode() -> PENode {
return PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: localizedNewItem,
type: .Dictionary,
value: nil))
private func getNewArrayNode() -> PENode {
return PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: localizedNewItem,
type: .Array,
value: nil))
private func getNewStringNode() -> PENode {
return PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: localizedNewItem,
type: .String,
value: ""))
private func getNewNumberNode() -> PENode {
return PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: localizedNewItem,
type: .Number,
value: 0))
private func getNewDataNode() -> PENode {
return PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: localizedNewItem,
type: .Data,
value: Data()))
private func getNewDateNode() -> PENode {
return PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: localizedNewItem,
type: .Date,
value: Date()))
private func getNewBoolNode() -> PENode {
return PENode(representedObject: TagData(key: localizedNewItem,
type: .Bool,
value: false))
//MARK: class Helper functions for binary plist
/// Populate a PENode with the contents of a plist
class func populateTreeWith(plist: Any) -> PENode {
let data: TagData = TagData(key: "Root", type: .Dictionary, value: nil) // initialization
let node: PENode = PENode(representedObject: data)
add(child: plist, parent: node)
return node
/// Adds a new PENode with the contents of a child value.
/// This function recursively add nodes to the initial parent node
class func add(child: Any, parent: PENode) {
if child is PEDictionary {
let dict = child as! PEDictionary
for key in dict.keys {
let curVal = dict[key]
var type : PlistTag
if curVal is PEDictionary {
type = .Dictionary
} else if curVal is PEArray {
type = .Array
} else if (curVal is PEInt || curVal is PEReal) {
type = .Number
} else if curVal is Bool {
type = .Bool
} else if curVal is String {
type = .String
} else if curVal is Data {
type = .Data
} else if curVal is Date {
type = .Date
} else {
//fatalError("add(child: Any, parent: PENode) unsupported tag for \(curVal ?? "Unknown")")
let d = TagData(key: key,
type: type,
value: (type == .Array || type == .Dictionary) ? nil : curVal)
let node = PENode(representedObject: d)
add(child: curVal!, parent: node)
} else if child is PEArray {
let arr = child as! PEArray
for i in 0..<arr.count {
let curVal = arr[i]
var type : PlistTag
if curVal is PEDictionary {
type = .Dictionary
} else if curVal is PEArray {
type = .Array
} else if (curVal is PEInt || curVal is PEReal) {
type = .Number
} else if curVal is Bool {
type = .Bool
} else if curVal is String {
type = .String
} else if curVal is Data {
type = .Data
} else if curVal is Date {
type = .Date
} else {
//fatalError("add(child: Any, parent: PENode) unsupported tag for \(curVal)")
let d = TagData(key: "\(localizedItem) \(i)",
type: type,
value: (type == .Array || type == .Dictionary) ? nil : curVal)
let node = PENode(representedObject: d)
add(child: curVal, parent: node)