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synced 2025-03-02 03:21:55 +01:00
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164 lines
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Created by vector sigma on 27/10/2019.
Copyright © 2019 CloverHackyColor. All rights reserved.
Hi, some of the views are set to have a fixed width, but other may automatically
enlarge the affecting view, so please consider to translate this file keeping in mind this.
/* top bar menu */
"N/A" = "N/D"; // not available (please be short)
"Install Clover" = "Install Clover";
"Current Clover revision" = "Current Clover revision";
"Boot device" = "Boot Device";
"config path:" = "config path:";
"Clover wants to mount %@" = "Clover wants to mount %@";
"Clover wants to umount %@" = "Clover wants to umount %@";
"Mount" = "Mount";
"umount" = "umount";
"mount point" = "mount point";
"true" = "true";
"false" = "false";
"Theme:" = "Theme:";
"Sound:" = "Sound:";
"*Make filesystem read-write" = "*Make filesystem read-write";
"*Disable Sleep Proxy Client" = "*Disable Sleep Proxy Client";
"*Require CloverDaemon" = "*Require CloverDaemon";
"Read daemon log" = "Read daemon log";
"Read bdmesg" = "Read boot log";
"Install CloverDaemonNew" = "Install CloverDaemonNew";
"Uninstall CloverDaemonNew" = "Uninstall CloverDaemonNew";
"Update" = "Update";
"Update to r%d" = "Update to r%d"; // "Update to r5101"
"Check update:" = "Check update:";
"Check now" = "Check now";
"never" = "never";
"daily" = "daily";
"weekly" = "weekly";
"monthly" = "monthly";
"last checked:" = "last checked:"; // last date update was checked. Please be short.
"Run at login" = "Run at login";
"Close" = "Close"; // Close the Clover.app
/* Installer */
"Clover Installer" = "Clover Installer";
"Select a disk.." = "Select a disk..";
"Install" = "Install";
"Uninstall" = "Uninstall";
"AltBoot" = "Alternative boot";
/* Drivers */
"UEFI mandatory" = "UEFI mandatory";
"BIOS mandatory" = "BIOS mandatory";
"UEFI/Other" = "UEFI/Other";
"BIOS/Other" = "BIOS/Other";
"UEFI, but not from this installer" = "UEFI, but not from this installer";
"BIOS, but not from this installer" = "BIOS, but not from this installer";
"UEFI/FileSystem" = "UEFI, filesystem drivers";
"BIOS/FileSystem" = "BIOS, filesystem drivers";
"UEFI/HID" = "UEFI, Human Interface Devices";
"BIOS/HID" = "BIOS, Human Interface Devices";
"UEFI/FileVault2" = "UEFI, FileVault 2 drivers";
"BIOS/FileVault2" = "BIOS, FileVault 2 drivers";
"UEFI/MemoryFix" = "UEFI, memory fix drivers";
"ApfsDriverLoader.efi" = "Supports APFS filesystem driver from container for macOS 10.13 and newers";
"AppleImageCodec.efi" = "Decode PNG and BMP for FileVault2.";
"AppleImageLoader.efi" = "Secure AppleEfiFat binary driver with implementation of AppleLoadImage protocol with EfiBinary signature verification.";
"AppleKeyAggregator.efi" = "Support for boot UI dialog for FileVault2.";
"AppleKeyFeeder.efi" = "Support for PS/2 keyboard to use with FileVault 2.";
"AppleUISupport.efi" = "Set of protocols for support EfiLoginUi for FileVault.";
"AppleUITheme.efi" = "Create boot UI Themes support for FileVault2.";
"AptioInputFix.efi" = "Driver to fix input problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio.";
"AptioMemoryFix.efi" = "Preferred driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"AudioDxe.efi" = "HDA driver to play Startup Sound during Clover boot.
Configure it via Startup sound output from Option menu, including:
Volume and Audio device (for supported IOAudio devices only).";
"FirmwareVolume.efi" = "Create FirmwareVolume with cursor images for FileVault2.";
"FSInject.efi" = "Provide injection of kernel extensions from Clover folder.";
"GrubEXFAT.efi" = "ExFAT filesystem driver from GRUB.";
"GrubISO9660.efi" = "ISO 9600 filesystem driver from GRUB.";
"GrubNTFS.efi" = "NTFS filesystem driver from GRUB.";
"GrubUDF.efi" = "UDF filesystem driver from GRUB.";
"SMCHelper.efi" = "Restore SMC keys left in NVRAM by FakeSMC.";
"XhciDxe.efi" = "USB 3.0 driver";
"AppleEvent.uefi" = "Create AppleEvent protocol for FileVault2.";
"AppleGraphicsConfig.uefi" = "Create optional AppleGraphicsConfig protocol.";
"CsmVideoDxe.efi" = "Video Driver for Clover GUI allowing to choose more resolutions. It is based on CSM module in UEFI BIOS and required CSM will be enabled.
Clover may not started with it and you may have wake problem in system. Use with precautions.";
"DataHubDxe.efi" = "This is DataHub protocol support mandatory for macOS.
Usually it is already present but sometime it may be missed. In this case you should see warning on screen.";
"EmuVariableUefi.efi" = "Workaround for store NVRAM variables for systems without UEFI hardware.
Mostly UEFI boot uses hardware NVRAM but in some rare cases this driver is needed. Use it only if you have a problem without it";
"EnglishDxe.efi" = "Support for UnicodeCollation protocol used by EFI Shell if it missed in UEFI.";
"Fat.efi" = "FAT filesystem driver.";
"HashServiceFix.efi" = "Fix Hash support if absent in native UEFI BIOS.";
"HFSPlus.efi" = "Alternate HFS+ filesystem driver.";
"NvmExpressDxe.efi" = "Driver for support NVM Express devices.";
"OsxAptioFix3Drv.efi" = "Alternate driver (v3) to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OsxAptioFixDrv.efi" = "Old Driver to fix Memory problems on UEFI firmware such as AMI Aptio. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"OsxFatBinaryDrv.efi" = "Driver for support FAT Binary executables for OS X 10.9 and older.";
"OsxLowMemFixDrv.efi" = "Simplified variant of OsxAptioFixDrv. Do not use with other AptioFix together.";
"PartitionDxe.efi" = "Driver to support non-usual partition maps such as: hybrid GPT/MBR or Apple Partition Map.";
"Ps2MouseDxe.efi" = "PS/2 mouse driver";
"UsbKbDxe.efi" = "Keyboard driver for boot UI support.";
"UsbMouseDxe.efi" = "USB mouse driver";
"VBoxExt2.efi" = "EXT2/3 filesystem driver from VirtualBox.";
"VBoxExt4.efi" = "EXT4 filesystem driver from VirtualBox.";
"VBoxHfs.efi" = "HFS+ filesystem driver.";
"VBoxIso9600.efi" = "ISO 9600 filesystem driver.";