
116 lines
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package com.github.games647.colorconsole.sponge;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import ninja.leaping.configurate.objectmapping.Setting;
public class ColorConsoleConfig {
public ColorConsoleConfig() {
this.pluginColors = Maps.newHashMap();
this.pluginColors.put("ColorConsole", "yellow");
this.levelColors = Maps.newHashMap();
this.levelColors.put("FATAL", "red blink");
this.levelColors.put("ERROR", "red");
this.levelColors.put("WARN", "yellow bold");
this.levelColors.put("INFO", "default");
this.levelColors.put("DEBUG", "green bold");
this.levelColors.put("TRACE", "blue");
@Setting(comment = "Should the plugin tag [PLUGIN_NAME] be highlighted")
private boolean colorPluginTag = true;
@Setting(comment = "Should the log message be highlighted depending on the logging level")
private boolean colorLoggingLevel = true;
@Setting(comment = "How the messages should be displayed\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Variables:\n"
+ "%thread - Thread name\n"
+ "%d{HH:mm:ss} - Timestamp\n"
+ "%msg - log message\n"
+ "%logger - logger name\n"
+ "%n - new line\n"
+ "\n"
+ "These variables try to get the orgin. This is an expensive operation and may impact performance. "
+ "Use with caution.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%class{precision} - Class name\n"
+ "%method - Method name\n"
+ "%line - Line number\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For more details vist:")
private String logFormat = "[%d{HH:mm:ss}] [%level] [%logger]: %msg%n";
@Setting(comment = "Log Level Colors")
private Map<String, String> levelColors;
@Setting(comment = "Plugin Colors or random")
private String defaultPluginColor = "blue";
@Setting(comment = "Custom plugin colors")
private Map<String, String> pluginColors;
@Setting(comment = "How should the time be highlighted\n" +
"Like below it could also be default which means it's the default font color depending on " +
"your terminal settings.")
private String dateStyle;
@Setting(comment = "Hides the log message if it contains one or more of the following texts\n"
+ "The texts are case-sensitive")
private Set<String> hideMessages;
@Setting(comment = "Removes color formatting if the complete message has color formatting")
private boolean truncateColor;
@Setting(comment = "Should the complete logging message be colored in the same style as the logging level " +
"(like ColorConsole v1).\n" +
"If not it's using the default color (like ColorConsole v2+)")
private boolean colorMessage;
public boolean isColorPluginTag() {
return colorPluginTag;
public boolean isColorLoggingLevel() {
return colorLoggingLevel;
public String getLogFormat() {
return logFormat;
public Map<String, String> getLevelColors() {
return levelColors;
public String getDefaultPluginColor() {
return defaultPluginColor;
public Map<String, String> getPluginColors() {
return pluginColors;
public Set<String> getHideMessages() {
return hideMessages;
public String getDateStyle() {
return dateStyle;
public boolean isTruncateColor() {
return truncateColor;
public boolean isColorMessage() {
return colorMessage;