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# API Version 10
The CoreProtect API enables you to log your own block changes, perform lookups, rollbacks, restores, and more.
| API Details | |
| --- | --- |
| **API Version:** | 10 |
| **Plugin Version:** | v23.0+ |
| **Maven:** | []( |
## Upgrading from API v9
The changes from the previous API version are as follows:
- The following methods have been added:
logPlacement(String user, BlockState blockState)
logRemoval(String user, BlockState blockState)
## Getting Started
Ensure you're using CoreProtect 23.0 or higher. Add it as an external jar to your plugin in your IDE.
Alternatively, if using Maven, you can add it via the repository []( (net.coreprotect, 23.0).
The first thing you need to do is get access to CoreProtect. You can do this by using code similar to the following:
import net.coreprotect.CoreProtect;
import net.coreprotect.CoreProtectAPI;
private CoreProtectAPI getCoreProtect() {
Plugin plugin = getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("CoreProtect");
// Check that CoreProtect is loaded
if (plugin == null || !(plugin instanceof CoreProtect)) {
return null;
// Check that the API is enabled
CoreProtectAPI CoreProtect = ((CoreProtect) plugin).getAPI();
if (CoreProtect.isEnabled() == false) {
return null;
// Check that a compatible version of the API is loaded
if (CoreProtect.APIVersion() < 10) {
return null;
return CoreProtect;
With this code, you can then access the API with a call like the following:
CoreProtectAPI api = getCoreProtect();
if (api != null){ // Ensure we have access to the API
api.testAPI(); // Will print out "[CoreProtect] API test successful." in the console.
Yay, you're now using the CoreProtect API!
## API Overview
### Available Methods
boolean isEnabled()
void testAPI()
List<String[]> performLookup(int time, List<String> restrict_users, List<String> exclude_users, List<Object> restrict_blocks, List<Object> exclude_blocks, List<Integer> action_list, int radius, Location radius_location)
List<String[]> performRollback(int time, List<String> restrict_users, List<String> exclude_users, List<Object> restrict_blocks, List<Object> exclude_blocks, List<Integer> action_list, int radius, Location radius_location)
List<String[]> performRestore(int time, List<String> restrict_users, List<String> exclude_users, List<Object> restrict_blocks, List<Object> exclude_blocks, List<Integer> action_list, int radius, Location radius_location)
List<String[]> blockLookup(Block block, int time)
List<String[]> sessionLookup(String user, int time)
List<String[]> queueLookup(Block block)
ParseResult parseResult(String[] result)
boolean logChat(Player player, String message)
boolean logCommand(Player player, String command)
boolean logPlacement(String user, BlockState blockState)
boolean logPlacement(String user, Location location, Material type, BlockData blockData)
boolean logRemoval(String user, BlockState blockState)
boolean logRemoval(String user, Location location, Material type, BlockData blockData)
boolean logContainerTransaction(String user, Location location)
boolean logInteraction(String user, Location location)
boolean hasPlaced(String user, Block block, int time, int offset)
boolean hasRemoved(String user, Block block, int time, int offset)
void performPurge(int time)
### Available Events
*The following events are emitted by CoreProtect.*
#### CoreProtectPreLogEvent
Fired when a CoreProtect logger is about to log an action. Cancellable.
| Property | Description | Mutable |
| --- | --- | --- |
| User | The name of the user under which this action will be logged. | Yes |
| Cancelled | If cancelled, the action won't be logged to the database. | Yes |
### Method Usage
*Detailed method information is listed below.*
#### `isEnabled()`
Calling this will return true if the server has the CoreProtect API enabled, and false if it does not.
#### `testAPI()`
Running this will print out "[CoreProtect] API Test Successful." in the server console.
#### `performLookup(int time, List<String> restrict_users, List<String> exclude_users, List<Object> restrict_blocks, List<Object> exclude_blocks, List<Integer> action_list, int radius, Location radius_location)`
This will perform a lookup.
* **time:** Specify the amount of time to search back. "5" would return results from the last 5 seconds.
* **restrict_users:** Specify any usernames to perform the lookup on. Can be set to "null" if both a radius and a location are specified.
* **exclude_users:** Specify any usernames to exclude from the lookup. Can be set to "null".
* **restrict_blocks:** Specify a list of EntityType's or Material's to restrict the search to. Can be set to "null".
* **exclude_blocks:** Specify a list of EntityType's or Material's to exclude from the search. Can be set to "null".
* **action_list:** Specify a list of action types to restrict the search to. Can be set to "null"
* **radius:** Specify a radius to restrict the search to. A location must be specified if using this. Set to "0" to disable.
* **radius_location:** Specify a location to search around. Can be set to "null" if no radius is specified, and a user is specified.
#### `performRollback(int time, List<String> restrict_users, List<String> exclude_users, List<Object> restrict_blocks, List<Object> exclude_blocks, List<Integer> action_list, int radius, Location radius_location)`
This will perform a rollback. Method must be called async.
* **time:** Specify the amount of time to rollback. "5" would return results from the last 5 seconds.
* **restrict_users:** Specify any usernames to perform the rollback on. Can be set to "null" if both a radius and a location are specified.
* **exclude_users:** Specify any usernames to exclude from the rollback. Can be set to "null".
* **restrict_blocks:** Specify a list of EntityType's or Material's to restrict the rollback to. Can be set to "null".
* **exclude_blocks:** Specify a list of EntityType's or Material's to exclude from the rollback. Can be set to "null".
* **action_list:** Specify a list of action types to restrict the rollback to. Can be set to "null"
* **radius:** Specify a radius to restrict the rollback to. A location must be specified if using this. Set to "0" to disable.
* **radius_location:** Specify a location to rollback around. Can be set to "null" if no radius is specified, and a user is specified.
#### `performRestore(int time, List<String> restrict_users, List<String> exclude_users, List<Object> restrict_blocks, List<Object> exclude_blocks, List<Integer> action_list, int radius, Location radius_location)`
This will perform a restore.
* **time:** Specify the amount of time to restore. "5" would return results from the last 5 seconds.
* **restrict_users:** Specify any usernames to perform the restore on. Can be set to "null" if both a radius and a location are specified.
* **exclude_users:** Specify any usernames to exclude from the restore. Can be set to "null".
* **restrict_blocks:** Specify a list of EntityType's or Material's to restrict the restore to. Can be set to "null".
* **exclude_blocks:** Specify a list of EntityType's or Material's to exclude from the restore. Can be set to "null".
* **action_list:** Specify a list of action types to restrict the restore to. Can be set to "null"
* **radius:** Specify a radius to restrict the restore to. A location must be specified if using this. Set to "0" to disable.
* **radius_location:** Specify a location to restore around. Can be set to "null" if no radius is specified, and a user is specified.
#### `blockLookup(Block block, int time)`
This will perform a full lookup on a single block.
* **block:** The block to perform the lookup on.
* **time:** Specify the amount of time to lookup. "5" would return results from the last 5 seconds.
#### `queueLookup(Block block)`
This will search the consumer queue for changes on a block not yet saved in the database.
* **block:** The block to perform the lookup on.
#### `sessionLookup(String user, int time)`
This will perform a session lookup on a single player.
* **user:** The username to perform the lookup on.
* **time:** Specify the amount of time to lookup. "5" would return results from the last 5 seconds.
#### `ParseResult parseResult(String[] result)`
This will parse results from a lookup. You'll then be able to view the following:
* **getX():** Get the X coordinate of the block.
* **getY():** Get the Y coordinate of the block.
* **getZ():** Get the Z coordinate of the block.
* **getType():** Get the Material of the block.
* **getBlockData():** Get the BlockData of the block.
* **getPlayer():** Get the username as a string.
* **getTimestamp():** Get the time of the action.
* **getActionId():** Get the action ID. (0=removed, 1=placed, 2=interaction)
* **getActionString():** Get the action as a string. (Removal, Placement, Interaction)
* **isRolledBack():** If the block is currently rolled back or not.
* **worldName():** The name of the world the block is located in.
#### `logPlacement(String user, BlockState blockState)`
This will log a block as being placed. *(Thread safe)*
* **user:** Specify the username to log as having placed the block.
* **blockState:** Specify the BlockState of the block you're logging.
#### `logPlacement(String user, Location location, Material type, BlockData blockData)`
This will log a block as being placed.
* **user:** Specify the username to log as having placed the block.
* **location:** Specify the location of the block you're logging.
* **type:** Specify the Material of the block you're logging.
* **blockData:** Specify the BlockData of the block you're logging. Can be set to "null".
#### `logRemoval(String user, BlockState blockState)`
This will log a block as being removed/broken. *(Thread safe)*
* **user:** Specify the username to log as having removed the block.
* **blockState:** Specify the BlockState of the block you're logging.
#### `logRemoval(String user, Location location, Material type, BlockData blockData)`
This will log a block as being removed/broken, and will log the block's inventory (if applicable).
* **user:** Specify the username to log as having removed the block.
* **location:** Specify the location of the block you're logging.
* **type:** Specify the Material of the block you're logging.
* **blockData:** Specify the BlockData of the block you're logging. Can be set to "null".
#### `logContainerTransaction(String user, Location location)`
This will log any transactions made to a block's inventory immediately after calling the method.
* **user:** Specify the username to log as having added/removed the items.
* **location:** Specify the location of the block inventory you're logging.
#### `logInteraction(String user, Location location)`
This will log a block as having been interacted with.
* **user:** Specify the username to log as having caused the interaction.
* **location:** Specify the location of the interaction you're logging.
#### `hasPlaced(String user, Block block, int time, int offset)`
This will return true if a user has already placed a block at the location within the specified time limit.
* **user:** The username you're checking to see if they've placed a block already.
* **block:** The block you're checking.
* **time:** How far back to check. "5" would only check through the last 5 seconds of logged blocks.
* **offset:** A time offset. "2" would ignore the last 2 seconds of most recently ignored data. (0 = no offset)
#### `hasRemoved(String user, Block block, int time, int offset)`
This will return true if a user has already removed a block at the location within the specified time limit.
* **user:** The username you're checking to see if they've removed a block already.
* **block:** The block you're checking.
* **time:** How far back to check. "5" would only check through the last 5 seconds of logged blocks.
* **offset:** A time offset. "2" would ignore the last 2 seconds of most recently ignored data. (0 = no offset)
#### `performPurge(int time)`
This will perform a purge on the CoreProtect database.
* **time:** Purge any data earlier than this. "120" would purge any data older than 120 seconds (2 minutes).
### Examples
- Get the last 60 seconds of block data for the user "Notch".
CoreProtectAPI CoreProtect = getCoreProtect();
if (CoreProtect != null){ // Ensure we have access to the API
List<String[]> lookup = CoreProtect.performLookup(60, Arrays.asList("Notch"), null, null, null, null, 0, null);
if (lookup != null){
for (String[] result : lookup){
ParseResult parseResult = CoreProtect.parseResult(result);
int x = parseResult.getX();
int y = parseResult.getY();
int z = parseResult.getZ();
// ...
- Get the last 60 seconds of block data for the user "Notch", excluding dirt and grass blocks.
CoreProtectAPI CoreProtect = getCoreProtect();
if (CoreProtect != null){ // Ensure we have access to the API
List<Object> exclude = Arrays.asList(Material.DIRT, Material.GRASS);
List<String[]> lookup = CoreProtect.performLookup(60, Arrays.asList("Notch"), null, null, exclude, null, 0, null);
if (lookup != null){
for (String[] value : lookup){
ParseResult result = CoreProtect.parseResult(value);
int x = result.getX();
int y = result.getY();
int z = result.getZ();
// ...
- Get the last 60 seconds of block data within 5 blocks of a location.
CoreProtectAPI CoreProtect = getCoreProtect();
if (CoreProtect != null){ // Ensure we have access to the API
List<String[]> lookup = CoreProtect.performLookup(60, null, null, null, null, null, 5, location);
if (lookup != null){
for (String[] value : lookup){
ParseResult result = CoreProtect.parseResult(value);
int x = result.getX();
int y = result.getY();
int z = result.getZ();
// ...
- Rollbacks / restores use the same code structure as the above examples. For example:
class BasicThread implements Runnable {
public void run() {
try {
CoreProtectAPI CoreProtect = getCoreProtect();
if (CoreProtect != null){ // Ensure we have access to the API
List<String[]> lookup = CoreProtect.performRollback(60, Arrays.asList("Notch"), null, null, null, null, 0, null);
if (lookup != null){
for (String[] value : lookup){
ParseResult result = CoreProtect.parseResult(value);
int x = result.getX();
int y = result.getY();
int z = result.getZ();
// ...
catch (Exception e){
Runnable runnable = new BasicThread();
Thread thread = new Thread(runnable);
- Check if the user "Notch" has already placed a block at a location within the last 60 seconds.
CoreProtectAPI CoreProtect = getCoreProtect();
if (CoreProtect != null){ // Ensure we have access to the API
boolean hasPlaced = CoreProtect.hasPlaced("Notch", block, 60, 0);
// Search queue for pending changes
if (!hasPlaced){
List<String[]> lookup = CoreProtect.queueLookup(block);
for (String[] result : lookup){
ParseResult parseResult = CoreProtect.parseResult(result);
if (parseResult.getActionId()==1 && parseResult.getPlayer().equals("Notch")){
hasPlaced = true;
- Get the last 60 seconds of block data for a specific block.
CoreProtectAPI CoreProtect = getCoreProtect();
if (CoreProtect != null){ // Ensure we have access to the API
List<String[]> lookup = CoreProtect.blockLookup(block, 60);
if (lookup != null){
for (String[] result : lookup){
ParseResult parseResult = CoreProtect.parseResult(result);
int x = parseResult.getX();
int y = parseResult.getY();
int z = parseResult.getZ();
// ...
- Get the last 1 day of session data for the user "Notch".
CoreProtectAPI CoreProtect = getCoreProtect();
if (CoreProtect != null){ // Ensure we have access to the API
List<String[]> lookup = CoreProtect.sessionLookup("Notch", (24 * 60 * 60));
if (lookup != null){
for (String[] result : lookup){
ParseResult parseResult = CoreProtect.parseResult(result);
int x = parseResult.getX();
int y = parseResult.getY();
int z = parseResult.getZ();
int action = parseResult.getActionId(); // 0 = logout, 1 = login
// ...
- Log the placement of a block at a location by the user "Notch".
CoreProtectAPI CoreProtect = getCoreProtect();
if (CoreProtect != null){ // Ensure we have access to the API
boolean success = CoreProtect.logPlacement("Notch", block.getLocation(), block.getType(), block.getData());
- Log adding/remove items in a chest (or some other block inventory).
CoreProtectAPI CoreProtect = getCoreProtect();
if (CoreProtect != null){ // Ensure we have access to the API
boolean success = CoreProtect.logContainerTransaction("Notch", inventory.getLocation());
// modify your container contents immediately after (e.g. [i]inventory.addItem(itemStack);[/i])
- Perform a multi-threaded placement check to see if the user "Notch" has already placed a block at a location within the last 60 seconds. This ignores the most recent 1 second of logged data, to account for the fact that that new block data may have already been logged, depending on your code.
final Block block = null; //Should be an actual block
class BasicThread implements Runnable {
public void run() {
try {
CoreProtectAPI CoreProtect = getCoreProtect();
if (CoreProtect != null){ // Ensure we have access to the API
boolean hasPlaced = CoreProtect.hasPlaced("Notch", block, 60, 1);
catch (Exception e){
Runnable runnable = new BasicThread();
Thread thread = new Thread(runnable);