diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 6143e53..4c2675f 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -20,3 +20,6 @@ # virtual machine crash logs, see http://www.java.com/en/download/help/error_hotspot.xml hs_err_pid* + +# Documentation dev folder +docs/dev/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lang/en.yml b/lang/en.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..38d9f67 --- /dev/null +++ b/lang/en.yml @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ +ACTION_NOT_SUPPORTED: "That action is not supported by the command." +AMOUNT_BLOCK: "{0} {block|blocks}" +AMOUNT_CHUNK: "{0} {chunk|chunks}" +AMOUNT_ENTITY: "{0} {entity|entities}" +AMOUNT_ITEM: "{0} {item|items}" +API_TEST: "API test successful." +CACHE_ERROR: "WARNING: Error while validating {0} cache." +CACHE_RELOAD: "Forcing reload of {mapping|world} caches from database." +CHECK_CONFIG: "Please check config.yml" +COMMAND_NOT_FOUND: "Command \"{0}\" not found." +COMMAND_THROTTLED: "Please wait a moment and try again." +CONTAINER_HEADER: "Container Transactions" +DATABASE_BUSY: "Database busy. Please try again later." +DATABASE_INDEX_ERROR: "Unable to validate database indexes." +DATABASE_LOCKED_1: "Database locked. Waiting up to 15 seconds..." +DATABASE_LOCKED_2: "Database is already in use. Please try again." +DATABASE_LOCKED_3: "To disable database locking, set \"database-lock: false\"." +DATABASE_LOCKED_4: "Disabling database locking can result in data corruption." +DATABASE_UNREACHABLE: "Database is unreachable. Discarding data and shutting down." +DEVELOPMENT_BRANCH: "Development branch detected, skipping patch scripts." +DIRT_BLOCK: "Placed a dirt block under you." +DISABLE_SUCCESS: "Success! Disabled {0}" +ENABLE_FAILED: "{0} was unable to start." +ENABLE_SUCCESS: "{0} has been successfully enabled!" +ENJOY_COREPROTECT: "Enjoy {0}? Join our Discord!" +FINISHING_CONVERSION: "Finishing up data conversion. Please wait..." +FINISHING_LOGGING: "Finishing up data logging. Please wait..." +FIRST_VERSION: "Initial DB: {0}" +GLOBAL_LOOKUP: "Don't specify a radius to do a global lookup." +GLOBAL_ROLLBACK: "Use \"{0}\" to do a global {rollback|restore}" +HELP_ACTION_1: "Restrict the lookup to a certain action." +HELP_ACTION_2: "Examples: [a:block], [a:+block], [a:-block] [a:click], [a:container], [a:inventory], [a:item], [a:kill], [a:chat], [a:command], [a:sign], [a:session], [a:username]" +HELP_COMMAND: "Display more info for that command." +HELP_EXCLUDE_1: "Exclude blocks/users." +HELP_EXCLUDE_2: "Examples: [e:stone], [e:Notch], [e:stone,Notch]" +HELP_HEADER: "{0} Help" +HELP_INCLUDE_1: "Include specific blocks/entities." +HELP_INCLUDE_2: "Examples: [i:stone], [i:zombie], [i:stone,wood,bedrock]" +HELP_INSPECT_1: "With the inspector enabled, you can do the following:" +HELP_INSPECT_2: "Left-click a block to see who placed that block." +HELP_INSPECT_3: "Right-click a block to see what adjacent block was broken." +HELP_INSPECT_4: "Place a block to see what block was broken at that location." +HELP_INSPECT_5: "Place a block in liquid (etc) to see who placed it." +HELP_INSPECT_6: "Right-click on a door, chest, etc, to see who last used it." +HELP_INSPECT_7: "Tip: You can use just \"/co i\" for quicker access." +HELP_INSPECT_COMMAND: "Turns the block inspector on or off." +HELP_LIST: "Displays a list of all commands." +HELP_LOOKUP_1: "Command shortcut." +HELP_LOOKUP_2: "Use after inspecting a block to view logs." +HELP_LOOKUP_COMMAND: "Advanced block data lookup." +HELP_NO_INFO: "Information for command \"{0}\" not found." +HELP_PARAMETER: "Please see \"{0}\" for detailed parameter info." +HELP_PARAMS_1: "Perform the {lookup|rollback|restore}." +HELP_PARAMS_2: "Specify the user(s) to {lookup|rollback|restore}." +HELP_PARAMS_3: "Specify the amount of time to {lookup|rollback|restore}." +HELP_PARAMS_4: "Specify a radius area to limit the {lookup|rollback|restore} to." +HELP_PARAMS_5: "Restrict the {lookup|rollback|restore} to a certain action." +HELP_PARAMS_6: "Include specific blocks/entities in the {lookup|rollback|restore}." +HELP_PARAMS_7: "Exclude blocks/entities from the {lookup|rollback|restore}." +HELP_PURGE_1: "Delete data older than specified time." +HELP_PURGE_2: "For example, \"{0}\" will delete all data older than one month, and only keep the last 30 days of data." +HELP_PURGE_COMMAND: "Delete old block data." +HELP_RADIUS_1: "Specify a radius area." +HELP_RADIUS_2: "Examples: [r:10] (Only make changes within 10 blocks of you)" +HELP_RELOAD_COMMAND: "Reloads the configuration file." +HELP_RESTORE_COMMAND: "Restore block data." +HELP_ROLLBACK_COMMAND: "Rollback block data." +HELP_STATUS: "View the plugin status and version information." +HELP_STATUS_COMMAND: "Displays the plugin status." +HELP_TELEPORT: "Teleport to a location." +HELP_TIME_1: "Specify the amount of time to lookup." +HELP_TIME_2: "Examples: [t:2w,5d,7h,2m,10s], [t:5d2h], [t:2.50h]" +HELP_USER_1: "Specify the user(s) to lookup." +HELP_USER_2: "Examples: [u:Notch], [u:Notch,#enderman]" +INCOMPATIBLE_ACTION: "\"{0}\" can't be used with that action." +INSPECTOR_ERROR: "Inspector already {enabled|disabled}." +INSPECTOR_TOGGLED: "Inspector now {enabled|disabled}." +INTEGRATION_ERROR: "Unable to {initialize|disable} {0} logging." +INTEGRATION_SUCCESS: "{0} logging successfully {initialized|disabled}." +INTEGRATION_VERSION: "Invalid {0} version found." +INTERACTIONS_HEADER: "Player Interactions" +INVALID_ACTION: "That is not a valid action." +INVALID_BRANCH_1: "Invalid plugin version (branch has not been set)." +INVALID_BRANCH_2: "To continue, set project branch to \"development\"." +INVALID_BRANCH_3: "Running development code may result in data corruption." +INVALID_CONTAINER: "Please inspect a valid container first." +INVALID_DONATION_KEY: "Invalid donation key." +INVALID_INCLUDE: "\"{0}\" is an invalid block/entity name." +INVALID_RADIUS: "Please enter a valid radius." +INVALID_SELECTION: "{0} selection not found." +INVALID_USERNAME: "\"{0}\" is an invalid username." +INVALID_WORLD: "Please specify a valid world." +LATEST_VERSION: "Latest Version: {0}" +LINK_DISCORD: "Discord: {0}" +LINK_DOWNLOAD: "Download: {0}" +LINK_PATREON: "Patreon: {0}" +LINK_WIKI_BLOCK: "Block Names: {0}" +LINK_WIKI_ENTITY: "Entity Names: {0}" +LOGGING_ITEMS: "{0} items left to log. Please wait..." +LOGGING_TIME_LIMIT: "Logging time limit reached. Discarding data and shutting down." +LOOKUP_BLOCK: "{0} {placed|broke} {1}." +LOOKUP_CONTAINER: "{0} {added|removed} {1} {2}." +LOOKUP_HEADER: "{0} Lookup Results" +LOOKUP_INTERACTION: "{0} {clicked|killed} {1}." +LOOKUP_ITEM: "{0} {picked up|dropped} {1} {2}." +LOOKUP_LOGIN: "{0} logged {in|out}." +LOOKUP_PAGE: "Page {0}" +LOOKUP_ROWS_FOUND: "{0} {row|rows} found." +LOOKUP_SEARCHING: "Lookup searching. Please wait..." +LOOKUP_TIME: "{0} ago" +LOOKUP_USERNAME: "{0} logged in as {1}." +LOOKUP_VIEW_PAGE: "To view a page, type \"{0}\"." +MAXIMUM_RADIUS: "The maximum {lookup|rollback|restore} radius is {0}." +MISSING_ACTION_USER: "To use that action, please specify a user." +MISSING_LOOKUP_TIME: "Please specify the amount of time to {lookup|rollback|restore}." +MISSING_LOOKUP_USER: "Please specify a user or {block|radius} to lookup." +MISSING_PARAMETERS: "Please use \"{0}\"." +MISSING_ROLLBACK_RADIUS: "You did not specify a {rollback|restore} radius." +MISSING_ROLLBACK_USER: "You did not specify a {rollback|restore} user." +MYSQL_UNAVAILABLE: "Unable to connect to MySQL server." +NO_DATA: "No data found at {0}." +NO_DATA_LOCATION: "No {data|transactions|interactions|messages} found at this location." +NO_PERMISSION: "You do not have permission to do that." +NO_RESULTS: "No results found." +NO_RESULTS_PAGE: "No {results|data} found for that page." +NO_ROLLBACK: "No {pending|previous} rollback/restore found." +PATCH_INTERRUPTED: "Upgrade interrupted. Will try again on restart." +PATCH_OUTDATED_1: "Unable to upgrade databases older than {0}." +PATCH_OUTDATED_2: "Please upgrade with a supported version of CoreProtect." +PATCH_PROCESSING: "Processing new data. Please wait..." +PATCH_SKIP_UPDATE: "Skipping {table|index} {update|creation|removal} on {0}." +PATCH_STARTED: "Performing {0} upgrade. Please wait..." +PATCH_SUCCESS: "Successfully upgraded to {0}." +PATCH_UPGRADING: "Database upgrade in progress. Please wait..." +PLEASE_SELECT: "Please select: \"{0}\" or \"{1}\"." +PREVIEW_CANCELLED: "Preview cancelled." +PREVIEW_CANCELLING: "Cancelling preview..." +PREVIEW_CONTAINER: "You can't preview container transactions." +PREVIEW_IN_GAME: "You can only preview rollbacks in-game." +PURGE_ABORTED: "Purge failed. Database may be corrupt." +PURGE_ERROR: "Unable to process {0} data!" +PURGE_FAILED: "Purge failed. Please try again later." +PURGE_IN_PROGRESS: "Purge in progress. Please try again later." +PURGE_MINIMUM_TIME: "You can only purge data older than {0} {days|hours}." +PURGE_NOTICE_1: "Please note that this may take some time." +PURGE_NOTICE_2: "Do not restart your server until completed." +PURGE_OPTIMIZING: "Optimizing database. Please wait..." +PURGE_PROCESSING: "Processing {0} data..." +PURGE_REPAIRING: "Attempting to repair. This may take some time..." +PURGE_ROWS: "{0} {row|rows} of data deleted." +PURGE_STARTED: "Data purge started on \"{0}\"." +PURGE_SUCCESS: "Data purge successful." +RELOAD_STARTED: "Reloading configuration - please wait." +RELOAD_SUCCESS: "Configuration successfully reloaded." +ROLLBACK_ABORTED: "Rollback or restore aborted." +ROLLBACK_CHUNKS_FOUND: "Found {0} {chunk|chunks} to modify." +ROLLBACK_CHUNKS_MODIFIED: "Modified {0}/{1} {chunk|chunks}." +ROLLBACK_COMPLETED: "{Rollback|Restore|Preview} completed for \"{0}\"." +ROLLBACK_EXCLUDED_USERS: "Excluded {user|users}: \"{0}\"." +ROLLBACK_INCLUDE: "{Included|Excluded} {block|entity|target} {type|types}: \"{0}\"." +ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS: "A rollback/restore is already in progress." +ROLLBACK_LENGTH: "Time taken: {0} {second|seconds}." +ROLLBACK_MODIFIED: "{Modified|Modifying} {0}." +ROLLBACK_RADIUS: "Radius: {0} {block|blocks}." +ROLLBACK_SELECTION: "Radius set to \"{0}\"." +ROLLBACK_STARTED: "{Rollback|Restore|Preview} started on \"{0}\"." +ROLLBACK_TIME: "Time range: {0}." +ROLLBACK_WORLD_ACTION: "Restricted to {world|action} \"{0}\"." +SIGN_HEADER: "Sign Messages" +STATUS_CONSUMER: "Consumer: {0} {item|items} in queue." +STATUS_DATABASE: "Database: Using {0}." +STATUS_INTEGRATION: "{0}: Integration {enabled|disabled}." +STATUS_LICENSE: "License: {0}" +STATUS_VERSION: "Version: {0}" +TELEPORTED: "Teleported to {0}." +TELEPORTED_SAFETY: "Teleported you to safety." +TELEPORT_PLAYERS: "Teleport command can only be used by players." +TIME_DAYS: "{0} {day|days}" +TIME_HOURS: "{0} {hour|hours}" +TIME_MINUTES: "{0} {minute|minutes}" +TIME_SECONDS: "{0} {second|seconds}" +TIME_WEEKS: "{0} {week|weeks}" +UPDATE_ERROR: "An error occurred while checking for updates." +UPDATE_HEADER: "{0} Update" +UPDATE_NOTICE: "Notice: {0} is now available." +UPGRADE_IN_PROGRESS: "Upgrade in progress. Please try again later." +USER_NOT_FOUND: "User \"{0}\" not found." +USING_MYSQL: "Using MySQL for data storage." +USING_SQLITE: "Using SQLite for data storage." +VALID_DONATION_KEY: "Valid donation key." +VERSION_NOTICE: "Version {0} is now available." +VERSION_REQUIRED: "{0} {1} or higher is required." +WORLD_NOT_FOUND: "World \"{0}\" not found." \ No newline at end of file