
874 lines
39 KiB
Executable File

package net.coreprotect.database;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import net.coreprotect.bukkit.BukkitAdapter;
import net.coreprotect.config.Config;
import net.coreprotect.config.ConfigHandler;
import net.coreprotect.consumer.Consumer;
import net.coreprotect.consumer.Queue;
import net.coreprotect.database.logger.ItemLogger;
import net.coreprotect.database.statement.UserStatement;
import net.coreprotect.thread.CacheHandler;
import net.coreprotect.utility.Util;
public class Lookup extends Queue {
static List<String[]> convertRawLookup(Statement statement, List<Object[]> list) {
List<String[]> newList = new ArrayList<>();
if (list == null) {
return null;
for (Object[] map : list) {
int newLength = map.length - 1;
String[] results = new String[newLength];
for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i++) {
try {
int newId = i - 1;
if (i == 2) {
if (map[i] instanceof Integer) {
int userId = (Integer) map[i];
if (ConfigHandler.playerIdCacheReversed.get(userId) == null) {
UserStatement.loadName(statement.getConnection(), userId);
String userResult = ConfigHandler.playerIdCacheReversed.get(userId);
results[newId] = userResult;
else {
results[newId] = (String) map[i];
else if (i == 13 && map[i] instanceof Byte[]) {
results[newId] = Util.byteDataToString((byte[]) map[i], (int) map[6]);
else if (i > 0) { // skip rowid
if (map[i] instanceof Integer) {
results[newId] = map[i].toString();
else if (map[i] instanceof String) {
results[newId] = (String) map[i];
catch (Exception e) {
return newList;
public static long countLookupRows(Statement statement, CommandSender user, List<String> checkUuids, List<String> checkUsers, List<Object> restrictList, Map<Object, Boolean> excludeList, List<String> excludeUserList, List<Integer> actionList, Location location, Integer[] radius, Long[] rowData, long startTime, long endTime, boolean restrictWorld, boolean lookup) {
Long rows = 0L;
try {
while (Consumer.isPaused) {
Consumer.isPaused = true;
ResultSet results = rawLookupResultSet(statement, user, checkUuids, checkUsers, restrictList, excludeList, excludeUserList, actionList, location, radius, null, startTime, endTime, -1, -1, restrictWorld, lookup, true);
while ( {
int resultTable = results.getInt("tbl");
long count = results.getLong("count");
rowData[resultTable] = count;
rows += count;
catch (Exception e) {
Consumer.isPaused = false;
return rows;
public static List<String[]> performLookup(Statement statement, CommandSender user, List<String> checkUuids, List<String> checkUsers, List<Object> restrictList, Map<Object, Boolean> excludeList, List<String> excludeUserList, List<Integer> actionList, Location location, Integer[] radius, long startTime, long endTime, boolean restrictWorld, boolean lookup) {
List<String[]> newList = new ArrayList<>();
try {
List<Object[]> lookupList = performLookupRaw(statement, user, checkUuids, checkUsers, restrictList, excludeList, excludeUserList, actionList, location, radius, null, startTime, endTime, -1, -1, restrictWorld, lookup);
newList = convertRawLookup(statement, lookupList);
catch (Exception e) {
return newList;
static List<Object[]> performLookupRaw(Statement statement, CommandSender user, List<String> checkUuids, List<String> checkUsers, List<Object> restrictList, Map<Object, Boolean> excludeList, List<String> excludeUserList, List<Integer> actionList, Location location, Integer[] radius, Long[] rowData, long startTime, long endTime, int limitOffset, int limitCount, boolean restrictWorld, boolean lookup) {
List<Object[]> list = new ArrayList<>();
List<Integer> invalidRollbackActions = new ArrayList<>();
if (!Config.getGlobal().ROLLBACK_ENTITIES && !actionList.contains(3)) {
if (actionList.contains(4) && actionList.contains(11)) {
try {
while (Consumer.isPaused) {
Consumer.isPaused = true;
ResultSet results = rawLookupResultSet(statement, user, checkUuids, checkUsers, restrictList, excludeList, excludeUserList, actionList, location, radius, rowData, startTime, endTime, limitOffset, limitCount, restrictWorld, lookup, false);
while ( {
if (actionList.contains(6) || actionList.contains(7)) {
long resultId = results.getLong("id");
int resultTime = results.getInt("time");
int resultUserId = results.getInt("user");
String resultMessage = results.getString("message");
Object[] dataArray = new Object[] { resultId, resultTime, resultUserId, resultMessage };
else if (actionList.contains(8)) {
long resultId = results.getLong("id");
int resultTime = results.getInt("time");
int resultUserId = results.getInt("user");
int resultWorldId = results.getInt("wid");
int resultX = results.getInt("x");
int resultY = results.getInt("y");
int resultZ = results.getInt("z");
int resultAction = results.getInt("action");
Object[] dataArray = new Object[] { resultId, resultTime, resultUserId, resultWorldId, resultX, resultY, resultZ, resultAction };
else if (actionList.contains(9)) {
long resultId = results.getLong("id");
int resultTime = results.getInt("time");
String resultUuid = results.getString("uuid");
String resultUser = results.getString("user");
Object[] dataArray = new Object[] { resultId, resultTime, resultUuid, resultUser };
else if (actionList.contains(10)) {
long resultId = results.getLong("id");
int resultTime = results.getInt("time");
int resultUserId = results.getInt("user");
int resultWorldId = results.getInt("wid");
int resultX = results.getInt("x");
int resultY = results.getInt("y");
int resultZ = results.getInt("z");
String line1 = results.getString("line_1");
String line2 = results.getString("line_2");
String line3 = results.getString("line_3");
String line4 = results.getString("line_4");
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
if (line1 != null && line1.length() > 0) {
if (!line1.endsWith(" ")) {
message.append(" ");
if (line2 != null && line2.length() > 0) {
if (!line2.endsWith(" ")) {
message.append(" ");
if (line3 != null && line3.length() > 0) {
if (!line3.endsWith(" ")) {
message.append(" ");
if (line4 != null && line4.length() > 0) {
if (!line4.endsWith(" ")) {
message.append(" ");
Object[] dataArray = new Object[] { resultId, resultTime, resultUserId, resultWorldId, resultX, resultY, resultZ, message.toString() };
else {
int resultData = 0;
int resultAmount = -1;
int resultTable = 0;
byte[] resultMeta = null;
byte[] resultBlockData = null;
long resultId = results.getLong("id");
int resultUserId = results.getInt("user");
int resultAction = results.getInt("action");
int resultRolledBack = results.getInt("rolled_back");
int resultType = results.getInt("type");
int resultTime = results.getInt("time");
int resultX = results.getInt("x");
int resultY = results.getInt("y");
int resultZ = results.getInt("z");
int resultWorldId = results.getInt("wid");
boolean hasTbl = false;
if ((lookup && actionList.size() == 0) || actionList.contains(4) || actionList.contains(5) || actionList.contains(11)) {
resultData = results.getInt("data");
resultAmount = results.getInt("amount");
resultMeta = results.getBytes("metadata");
resultTable = results.getInt("tbl");
hasTbl = true;
else {
resultData = results.getInt("data");
resultMeta = results.getBytes("meta");
resultBlockData = results.getBytes("blockdata");
boolean valid = true;
if (!lookup) {
if (invalidRollbackActions.contains(resultAction)) {
valid = false;
if (valid) {
if (hasTbl) {
Object[] dataArray = new Object[] { resultId, resultTime, resultUserId, resultX, resultY, resultZ, resultType, resultData, resultAction, resultRolledBack, resultWorldId, resultAmount, resultMeta, resultBlockData, resultTable };
else {
Object[] dataArray = new Object[] { resultId, resultTime, resultUserId, resultX, resultY, resultZ, resultType, resultData, resultAction, resultRolledBack, resultWorldId, resultAmount, resultMeta, resultBlockData };
catch (Exception e) {
Consumer.isPaused = false;
return list;
public static List<String[]> performPartialLookup(Statement statement, CommandSender user, List<String> checkUuids, List<String> checkUsers, List<Object> restrictList, Map<Object, Boolean> excludeList, List<String> excludeUserList, List<Integer> actionList, Location location, Integer[] radius, Long[] rowData, long startTime, long endTime, int limitOffset, int limitCount, boolean restrictWorld, boolean lookup) {
List<String[]> newList = new ArrayList<>();
try {
List<Object[]> lookupList = performLookupRaw(statement, user, checkUuids, checkUsers, restrictList, excludeList, excludeUserList, actionList, location, radius, rowData, startTime, endTime, limitOffset, limitCount, restrictWorld, lookup);
newList = convertRawLookup(statement, lookupList);
catch (Exception e) {
return newList;
private static ResultSet rawLookupResultSet(Statement statement, CommandSender user, List<String> checkUuids, List<String> checkUsers, List<Object> restrictList, Map<Object, Boolean> excludeList, List<String> excludeUserList, List<Integer> actionList, Location location, Integer[] radius, Long[] rowData, long startTime, long endTime, int limitOffset, int limitCount, boolean restrictWorld, boolean lookup, boolean count) {
ResultSet results = null;
try {
List<Integer> validActions = Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 3);
if (radius != null) {
restrictWorld = true;
boolean inventoryQuery = (actionList.contains(4) && actionList.contains(11));
boolean validAction = false;
String queryBlock = "";
String queryEntity = "";
String queryLimit = "";
String queryTable = "block";
String action = "";
String actionExclude = "";
String includeBlock = "";
String includeEntity = "";
String excludeBlock = "";
String excludeEntity = "";
String users = "";
String uuids = "";
String excludeUsers = "";
String unionLimit = "";
String index = "";
String query = "";
if (checkUuids.size() > 0) {
String list = "";
for (String value : checkUuids) {
if (list.length() == 0) {
list = "'" + value + "'";
else {
list = list + ",'" + value + "'";
uuids = list;
if (!checkUsers.contains("#global")) {
StringBuilder checkUserText = new StringBuilder();
for (String checkUser : checkUsers) {
if (!checkUser.equals("#container")) {
if (ConfigHandler.playerIdCache.get(checkUser.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)) == null) {
UserStatement.loadId(statement.getConnection(), checkUser, null);
int userId = ConfigHandler.playerIdCache.get(checkUser.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
if (checkUserText.length() == 0) {
checkUserText = checkUserText.append(userId);
else {
users = checkUserText.toString();
if (restrictList.size() > 0) {
StringBuilder includeListMaterial = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder includeListEntity = new StringBuilder();
for (Object restrictTarget : restrictList) {
String targetName = "";
if (restrictTarget instanceof Material) {
targetName = ((Material) restrictTarget).name();
if (includeListMaterial.length() == 0) {
includeListMaterial = includeListMaterial.append(Util.getBlockId(targetName, false));
else {
includeListMaterial.append(",").append(Util.getBlockId(targetName, false));
/* Include legacy IDs */
int legacyId = BukkitAdapter.ADAPTER.getLegacyBlockId((Material) restrictTarget);
if (legacyId > 0) {
else if (restrictTarget instanceof EntityType) {
targetName = ((EntityType) restrictTarget).name();
if (includeListEntity.length() == 0) {
includeListEntity = includeListEntity.append(Util.getEntityId(targetName, false));
else {
includeListEntity.append(",").append(Util.getEntityId(targetName, false));
includeBlock = includeListMaterial.toString();
includeEntity = includeListEntity.toString();
if (excludeList.size() > 0) {
StringBuilder excludeListMaterial = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder excludeListEntity = new StringBuilder();
for (Object restrictTarget : excludeList.keySet()) {
String targetName = "";
if (restrictTarget instanceof Material) {
targetName = ((Material) restrictTarget).name();
if (excludeListMaterial.length() == 0) {
excludeListMaterial = excludeListMaterial.append(Util.getBlockId(targetName, false));
else {
excludeListMaterial.append(",").append(Util.getBlockId(targetName, false));
/* Include legacy IDs */
int legacyId = BukkitAdapter.ADAPTER.getLegacyBlockId((Material) restrictTarget);
if (legacyId > 0) {
else if (restrictTarget instanceof EntityType) {
targetName = ((EntityType) restrictTarget).name();
if (excludeListEntity.length() == 0) {
excludeListEntity = excludeListEntity.append(Util.getEntityId(targetName, false));
else {
excludeListEntity.append(",").append(Util.getEntityId(targetName, false));
excludeBlock = excludeListMaterial.toString();
excludeEntity = excludeListEntity.toString();
if (excludeUserList.size() > 0) {
StringBuilder excludeUserText = new StringBuilder();
for (String excludeTarget : excludeUserList) {
if (ConfigHandler.playerIdCache.get(excludeTarget.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)) == null) {
UserStatement.loadId(statement.getConnection(), excludeTarget, null);
int userId = ConfigHandler.playerIdCache.get(excludeTarget.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
if (excludeUserText.length() == 0) {
excludeUserText = excludeUserText.append(userId);
else {
excludeUsers = excludeUserText.toString();
// Specify actions to exclude from a:item
if ((lookup && actionList.size() == 0) || (actionList.contains(11) && actionList.size() == 1)) {
StringBuilder actionText = new StringBuilder();
actionText = actionText.append(ItemLogger.ITEM_BREAK);
actionExclude = actionText.toString();
if (!actionList.isEmpty()) {
StringBuilder actionText = new StringBuilder();
for (Integer actionTarget : actionList) {
if (validActions.contains(actionTarget)) {
// If just looking up drops/pickups, remap the actions to the correct values
if (actionList.contains(11) && !actionList.contains(4)) {
if (actionTarget == ItemLogger.ITEM_REMOVE && !actionList.contains(ItemLogger.ITEM_DROP)) {
actionTarget = ItemLogger.ITEM_DROP;
else if (actionTarget == ItemLogger.ITEM_ADD && !actionList.contains(ItemLogger.ITEM_PICKUP)) {
actionTarget = ItemLogger.ITEM_PICKUP;
if (actionText.length() == 0) {
actionText = actionText.append(actionTarget);
else {
// If selecting from co_item & co_container, add in actions for both transaction types
if (actionList.contains(11) && actionList.contains(4)) {
if (actionTarget == ItemLogger.ITEM_REMOVE) {
if (actionTarget == ItemLogger.ITEM_ADD) {
// If just looking up drops/pickups, include ender chest transactions
else if (actionList.contains(11) && !actionList.contains(4)) {
if (actionTarget == ItemLogger.ITEM_DROP) {
if (actionTarget == ItemLogger.ITEM_PICKUP) {
action = actionText.toString();
for (Integer value : actionList) {
if (validActions.contains(value)) {
validAction = true;
if (restrictWorld) {
int wid = Util.getWorldId(location.getWorld().getName());
queryBlock = queryBlock + " wid=" + wid + " AND";
if (radius != null) {
Integer xmin = radius[1];
Integer xmax = radius[2];
Integer ymin = radius[3];
Integer ymax = radius[4];
Integer zmin = radius[5];
Integer zmax = radius[6];
String queryY = "";
if (ymin != null && ymax != null) {
queryY = " y >= '" + ymin + "' AND y <= '" + ymax + "' AND";
queryBlock = queryBlock + " x >= '" + xmin + "' AND x <= '" + xmax + "' AND z >= '" + zmin + "' AND z <= '" + zmax + "' AND" + queryY;
else if (actionList.contains(5)) {
int worldId = Util.getWorldId(location.getWorld().getName());
int x = (int) Math.floor(location.getX());
int z = (int) Math.floor(location.getZ());
int x2 = (int) Math.ceil(location.getX());
int z2 = (int) Math.ceil(location.getZ());
queryBlock = queryBlock + " wid=" + worldId + " AND (x = '" + x + "' OR x = '" + x2 + "') AND (z = '" + z + "' OR z = '" + z2 + "') AND y = '" + location.getBlockY() + "' AND";
if (validAction) {
queryBlock = queryBlock + " action IN(" + action + ") AND";
else if (inventoryQuery || actionExclude.length() > 0 || includeBlock.length() > 0 || includeEntity.length() > 0 || excludeBlock.length() > 0 || excludeEntity.length() > 0) {
queryBlock = queryBlock + " action NOT IN(-1) AND";
if (includeBlock.length() > 0 || includeEntity.length() > 0) {
queryBlock = queryBlock + " type IN(" + (includeBlock.length() > 0 ? includeBlock : "0") + ") AND";
if (excludeBlock.length() > 0 || excludeEntity.length() > 0) {
queryBlock = queryBlock + " type NOT IN(" + (excludeBlock.length() > 0 ? excludeBlock : "0") + ") AND";
if (uuids.length() > 0) {
queryBlock = queryBlock + " uuid IN(" + uuids + ") AND";
if (users.length() > 0) {
queryBlock = queryBlock + " user IN(" + users + ") AND";
if (excludeUsers.length() > 0) {
queryBlock = queryBlock + " user NOT IN(" + excludeUsers + ") AND";
if (startTime > 0) {
queryBlock = queryBlock + " time > '" + startTime + "' AND";
if (endTime > 0) {
queryBlock = queryBlock + " time <= '" + endTime + "' AND";
if (actionList.contains(10)) {
queryBlock = queryBlock + " action = '1' AND (LENGTH(line_1) > 0 OR LENGTH(line_2) > 0 OR LENGTH(line_3) > 0 OR LENGTH(line_4) > 0) AND";
if (queryBlock.length() > 0) {
queryBlock = queryBlock.substring(0, queryBlock.length() - 4);
if (queryBlock.length() == 0) {
queryBlock = " 1";
queryEntity = queryBlock;
if (includeBlock.length() > 0 || includeEntity.length() > 0) {
queryEntity = queryEntity.replace("type IN(" + (includeBlock.length() > 0 ? includeBlock : "0") + ")", "type IN(" + (includeEntity.length() > 0 ? includeEntity : "0") + ")");
if (excludeBlock.length() > 0 || excludeEntity.length() > 0) {
queryEntity = queryEntity.replace("type NOT IN(" + (excludeBlock.length() > 0 ? excludeBlock : "0") + ")", "type NOT IN(" + (excludeEntity.length() > 0 ? excludeEntity : "0") + ")");
String baseQuery = ((!includeEntity.isEmpty() || !excludeEntity.isEmpty()) ? queryEntity : queryBlock);
if (limitOffset > -1 && limitCount > -1) {
queryLimit = " LIMIT " + limitOffset + ", " + limitCount + "";
unionLimit = " ORDER BY time DESC, id DESC LIMIT " + (limitOffset + limitCount) + "";
String rows = "rowid as id,time,user,wid,x,y,z,action,type,data,meta,blockdata,rolled_back";
String queryOrder = " ORDER BY rowid DESC";
if (actionList.contains(4) || actionList.contains(5)) {
queryTable = "container";
rows = "rowid as id,time,user,wid,x,y,z,action,type,data,rolled_back,amount,metadata";
else if (actionList.contains(6) || actionList.contains(7)) {
queryTable = "chat";
rows = "rowid as id,time,user,message";
if (actionList.contains(7)) {
queryTable = "command";
else if (actionList.contains(8)) {
queryTable = "session";
rows = "rowid as id,time,user,wid,x,y,z,action";
else if (actionList.contains(9)) {
queryTable = "username_log";
rows = "rowid as id,time,uuid,user";
else if (actionList.contains(10)) {
queryTable = "sign";
rows = "rowid as id,time,user,wid,x,y,z,line_1,line_2,line_3,line_4";
else if (actionList.contains(11)) {
queryTable = "item";
rows = "rowid as id,time,user,wid,x,y,z,type,data as metadata,0 as data,amount,action,0 as rolled_back";
if (count) {
rows = "COUNT(*) as count";
queryLimit = " LIMIT 0, 3";
queryOrder = "";
unionLimit = "";
String unionSelect = "SELECT * FROM (";
if (Config.getGlobal().MYSQL) {
if (radius == null || users.length() > 0 || includeBlock.length() > 0 || includeEntity.length() > 0) {
// index_mysql = "IGNORE INDEX(wid) ";
if (users.length() > 0) {
// index_mysql = "IGNORE INDEX(wid,type,action) ";
if (queryTable.equals("block")) {
if (includeBlock.length() > 0 || includeEntity.length() > 0) {
index = "USE INDEX(type) ";
if (users.length() > 0) {
index = "USE INDEX(user) ";
if ((index.equals("") && restrictWorld)) {
index = "USE INDEX(wid) ";
if ((radius != null || actionList.size() > 0)) {
index = "";
unionSelect = "(";
else {
if (queryTable.equals("block")) {
if (includeBlock.length() > 0 || includeEntity.length() > 0) {
index = "INDEXED BY block_type_index ";
if (users.length() > 0) {
index = "INDEXED BY block_user_index ";
if ((index.equals("") && restrictWorld)) {
index = "INDEXED BY block_index ";
if ((radius != null || actionList.size() > 0)) {
index = "";
boolean itemLookup = inventoryQuery;
if ((lookup && actionList.size() == 0) || (itemLookup && !actionList.contains(0))) {
if (!count) {
rows = "rowid as id,time,user,wid,x,y,z,type,meta as metadata,data,-1 as amount,action,rolled_back";
if (inventoryQuery) {
if (validAction) {
baseQuery = baseQuery.replace("action IN(" + action + ")", "action IN(1)");
else {
baseQuery = baseQuery.replace("action NOT IN(-1)", "action IN(1)");
if (!count) {
rows = "rowid as id,time,user,wid,x,y,z,type,meta as metadata,data,1 as amount,action,rolled_back";
if (includeBlock.length() > 0 || excludeBlock.length() > 0) {
baseQuery = baseQuery.replace("action NOT IN(-1)", "action NOT IN(3)"); // if block specified for include/exclude, filter out entity data
query = unionSelect + "SELECT " + "'0' as tbl," + rows + " FROM " + ConfigHandler.prefix + "block " + index + "WHERE" + baseQuery + unionLimit + ") UNION ALL ";
itemLookup = true;
if (itemLookup) {
if (!count) {
rows = "rowid as id,time,user,wid,x,y,z,type,metadata,data,amount,action,rolled_back";
query = query + unionSelect + "SELECT " + "'1' as tbl," + rows + " FROM " + ConfigHandler.prefix + "container WHERE" + queryBlock + unionLimit + ") UNION ALL ";
if (!count) {
rows = "rowid as id,time,user,wid,x,y,z,type,data as metadata,0 as data,amount,action,rolled_back";
queryOrder = " ORDER BY time DESC, tbl DESC, id DESC";
if (actionExclude.length() > 0) {
queryBlock = queryBlock.replace("action NOT IN(-1)", "action NOT IN(" + actionExclude + ")");
query = query + unionSelect + "SELECT " + "'2' as tbl," + rows + " FROM " + ConfigHandler.prefix + "item WHERE" + queryBlock + unionLimit + ")";
if (query.length() == 0) {
if (actionExclude.length() > 0) {
baseQuery = baseQuery.replace("action NOT IN(-1)", "action NOT IN(" + actionExclude + ")");
query = "SELECT " + "'0' as tbl," + rows + " FROM " + ConfigHandler.prefix + queryTable + " " + index + "WHERE" + baseQuery;
query = query + queryOrder + queryLimit + "";
results = statement.executeQuery(query);
catch (Exception e) {
return results;
private static long calculateTableOffset(long col2, long col3, long limitOffset, int limitCount) {
return (limitOffset - (col2 + col3)) < 0L ? 0L : (limitOffset - (col2 + col3));
private static long calculateTableLimit(long col1, long col2, long col3, long limitOffset, int limitCount) {
long offset = calculateTableOffset(col2, col3, limitOffset, limitCount);
long limit = (col2 + col3) + limitCount;
limit = (limit > (limitOffset + limitCount)) ? (limitOffset + limitCount) : limit;
limit = (limit > (col1 - offset)) ? (col1 - offset) : limit;
return limit;
public static String whoPlaced(Statement statement, BlockState block) {
String result = "";
try {
if (block == null) {
return result;
int x = block.getX();
int y = block.getY();
int z = block.getZ();
int time = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L);
int worldId = Util.getWorldId(block.getWorld().getName());
String query = "SELECT user,type FROM " + ConfigHandler.prefix + "block " + Util.getWidIndex("block") + "WHERE wid = '" + worldId + "' AND x = '" + x + "' AND z = '" + z + "' AND y = '" + y + "' AND rolled_back IN(0,2) AND action='1' ORDER BY rowid DESC LIMIT 0, 1";
ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(query);
while ( {
int resultUserId = results.getInt("user");
int resultType = results.getInt("type");
if (ConfigHandler.playerIdCacheReversed.get(resultUserId) == null) {
UserStatement.loadName(statement.getConnection(), resultUserId);
result = ConfigHandler.playerIdCacheReversed.get(resultUserId);
if (result.length() > 0) {
Material resultMaterial = Util.getType(resultType);
CacheHandler.lookupCache.put("" + x + "." + y + "." + z + "." + worldId + "", new Object[] { time, result, resultMaterial });
catch (Exception e) {
return result;
public static String whoPlacedCache(Block block) {
if (block == null) {
return "";
return whoPlacedCache(block.getState());
public static String whoPlacedCache(BlockState block) {
String result = "";
try {
if (block == null) {
return result;
int x = block.getX();
int y = block.getY();
int z = block.getZ();
int worldId = Util.getWorldId(block.getWorld().getName());
String cords = "" + x + "." + y + "." + z + "." + worldId + "";
Object[] data = CacheHandler.lookupCache.get(cords);
if (data != null) {
result = (String) data[1];
catch (Exception e) {
return result;
public static String whoRemovedCache(BlockState block) {
* Performs a lookup on who removed a block, from memory. Only searches through the last 30 seconds of block removal data.
String result = "";
try {
if (block != null) {
int x = block.getX();
int y = block.getY();
int z = block.getZ();
int worldId = Util.getWorldId(block.getWorld().getName());
String cords = "" + x + "." + y + "." + z + "." + worldId + "";
Object[] data = CacheHandler.breakCache.get(cords);
if (data != null) {
result = (String) data[1];
catch (Exception e) {
return result;