
1648 lines
57 KiB
Executable File

package net.coreprotect.utility;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.Banner;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
import org.bukkit.block.Chest;
import org.bukkit.block.CommandBlock;
import org.bukkit.block.Jukebox;
import org.bukkit.block.ShulkerBox;
import org.bukkit.block.banner.Pattern;
import org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerialization;
import org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.DelegateDeserialization;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import org.bukkit.entity.ItemFrame;
import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.BlockInventoryHolder;
import org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import net.coreprotect.CoreProtect;
import net.coreprotect.bukkit.BukkitAdapter;
import net.coreprotect.config.Config;
import net.coreprotect.config.ConfigHandler;
import net.coreprotect.consumer.Queue;
import net.coreprotect.database.Rollback;
import net.coreprotect.language.Phrase;
import net.coreprotect.model.BlockGroup;
import net.coreprotect.thread.CacheHandler;
import net.coreprotect.thread.Scheduler;
import net.coreprotect.utility.serialize.ItemMetaHandler;
import net.coreprotect.worldedit.CoreProtectEditSessionEvent;
public class Util extends Queue {
public static final java.util.regex.Pattern tagParser = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(Chat.COMPONENT_TAG_OPEN + "(.+?)" + Chat.COMPONENT_TAG_CLOSE + "|(.+?)", java.util.regex.Pattern.DOTALL);
private static final String NAMESPACE = "minecraft:";
private Util() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Utility class");
public static String getPluginVersion() {
String version = CoreProtect.getInstance().getDescription().getVersion();
if (version.contains("-")) {
version = version.split("-")[0];
return version;
public static Integer[] getInternalPluginVersion() {
int major = ConfigHandler.EDITION_VERSION;
int minor = 0;
int revision = 0;
String pluginVersion = getPluginVersion();
if (pluginVersion.contains(".")) {
String[] versionSplit = pluginVersion.split("\\.");
minor = Integer.parseInt(versionSplit[0]);
revision = Integer.parseInt(versionSplit[1]);
else {
minor = Integer.parseInt(pluginVersion);
return new Integer[] { major, minor, revision };
public static String getPluginName() {
String name = CoreProtect.getInstance().getDescription().getName();
String branch = ConfigHandler.EDITION_BRANCH;
if (branch.startsWith("-edge")) {
name = name + " " + branch.substring(1, 2).toUpperCase() + branch.substring(2, 5);
return name;
public static int getBlockId(Material material) {
if (material == null) {
material = Material.AIR;
return getBlockId(, true);
public static String getCoordinates(String command, int worldId, int x, int y, int z, boolean displayWorld, boolean italic) {
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(Chat.COMPONENT_TAG_OPEN + Chat.COMPONENT_COMMAND);
StringBuilder worldDisplay = new StringBuilder();
if (displayWorld) {
worldDisplay.append("/" + Util.getWorldName(worldId));
// command
message.append("|/" + command + " teleport wid:" + worldId + " " + (x + 0.50) + " " + y + " " + (z + 0.50) + "|");
// chat output
message.append(Color.GREY + (italic ? Color.ITALIC : "") + "(x" + x + "/y" + y + "/z" + z + worldDisplay.toString() + ")");
return message.append(Chat.COMPONENT_TAG_CLOSE).toString();
public static String getPageNavigation(String command, int page, int totalPages) {
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
// back arrow
String backArrow = "";
if (page > 1) {
backArrow = "";
backArrow = Chat.COMPONENT_TAG_OPEN + Chat.COMPONENT_COMMAND + "|/" + command + " l " + (page - 1) + "|" + backArrow + Chat.COMPONENT_TAG_CLOSE;
// next arrow
String nextArrow = " ";
if (page < totalPages) {
nextArrow = "";
nextArrow = Chat.COMPONENT_TAG_OPEN + Chat.COMPONENT_COMMAND + "|/" + command + " l " + (page + 1) + "|" + nextArrow + Chat.COMPONENT_TAG_CLOSE;
StringBuilder pagination = new StringBuilder();
if (totalPages > 1) {
pagination.append(Color.GREY + "(");
if (page > 3) {
pagination.append(Color.WHITE + Chat.COMPONENT_TAG_OPEN + Chat.COMPONENT_COMMAND + "|/" + command + " l " + 1 + "|" + "1 " + Chat.COMPONENT_TAG_CLOSE);
if (page > 4 && totalPages > 7) {
pagination.append(Color.GREY + "... ");
else {
pagination.append(Color.GREY + "| ");
int displayStart = (page - 2) < 1 ? 1 : (page - 2);
int displayEnd = (page + 2) > totalPages ? totalPages : (page + 2);
if (page > 999 || (page > 101 && totalPages > 99999)) { // limit to max 5 page numbers
displayStart = (displayStart + 1) < displayEnd ? (displayStart + 1) : displayStart;
displayEnd = (displayEnd - 1) > displayStart ? (displayEnd - 1) : displayEnd;
if (displayStart > (totalPages - 3)) {
displayStart = (totalPages - 3) < 1 ? 1 : (totalPages - 3);
else { // display at least 7 page numbers
if (displayStart > (totalPages - 5)) {
displayStart = (totalPages - 5) < 1 ? 1 : (totalPages - 5);
if (displayEnd < 6) {
displayEnd = 6 > totalPages ? totalPages : 6;
if (page > 99999) { // limit to max 3 page numbers
displayStart = (displayStart + 1) < displayEnd ? (displayStart + 1) : displayStart;
displayEnd = (displayEnd - 1) >= displayStart ? (displayEnd - 1) : displayEnd;
if (page == (totalPages - 1)) {
displayEnd = totalPages - 1;
if (displayStart < displayEnd) {
displayStart = displayEnd;
if (page > 3 && displayStart == 1) {
displayStart = 2;
for (int displayPage = displayStart; displayPage <= displayEnd; displayPage++) {
if (page != displayPage) {
pagination.append(Color.WHITE + Chat.COMPONENT_TAG_OPEN + Chat.COMPONENT_COMMAND + "|/" + command + " l " + displayPage + "|" + displayPage + (displayPage < totalPages ? " " : "") + Chat.COMPONENT_TAG_CLOSE);
else {
pagination.append(Color.WHITE + Color.UNDERLINE + displayPage + Color.RESET + (displayPage < totalPages ? " " : ""));
if (displayPage < displayEnd) {
pagination.append(Color.GREY + "| ");
if (displayEnd < totalPages) {
if (displayEnd < (totalPages - 1)) {
pagination.append(Color.GREY + "... ");
else {
pagination.append(Color.GREY + "| ");
if (page != totalPages) {
pagination.append(Color.WHITE + Chat.COMPONENT_TAG_OPEN + Chat.COMPONENT_COMMAND + "|/" + command + " l " + totalPages + "|" + totalPages + Chat.COMPONENT_TAG_CLOSE);
else {
pagination.append(Color.WHITE + Color.UNDERLINE + totalPages);
pagination.append(Color.GREY + ")");
return message.append(Color.WHITE + backArrow + Color.DARK_AQUA +, Color.WHITE + page + "/" + totalPages) + nextArrow + pagination).toString();
public static String getTimeSince(long resultTime, long currentTime, boolean component) {
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
double timeSince = currentTime - (resultTime + 0.00);
if (timeSince < 0.00) {
timeSince = 0.00;
// minutes
timeSince = timeSince / 60;
if (timeSince < 60.0) {
message.append(, new DecimalFormat("0.00").format(timeSince) + "/m"));
// hours
if (message.length() == 0) {
timeSince = timeSince / 60;
if (timeSince < 24.0) {
message.append(, new DecimalFormat("0.00").format(timeSince) + "/h"));
// days
if (message.length() == 0) {
timeSince = timeSince / 24;
message.append(, new DecimalFormat("0.00").format(timeSince) + "/d"));
if (component) {
Date logDate = new Date(resultTime * 1000L);
String formattedTimestamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z").format(logDate);
return Chat.COMPONENT_TAG_OPEN + Chat.COMPONENT_POPUP + "|" + Color.GREY + formattedTimestamp + "|" + Color.GREY + message.toString() + Chat.COMPONENT_TAG_CLOSE;
return message.toString();
public static String getEnchantments(byte[] metadata, int type, int amount) {
if (metadata == null) {
return "";
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Util.getType(type), amount);
item = (ItemStack) Rollback.populateItemStack(item, metadata)[2];
String displayName = item.hasItemMeta() && item.getItemMeta().hasDisplayName() ? item.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() : "";
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(Color.ITALIC + displayName + Color.GREY);
List<String> enchantments = ItemMetaHandler.getEnchantments(item, displayName);
for (String enchantment : enchantments) {
if (message.length() > 0) {
if (!displayName.isEmpty()) {
message.insert(0, enchantments.isEmpty() ? Color.WHITE : Color.AQUA);
else if (!enchantments.isEmpty()) {
String name = Util.capitalize(item.getType().name().replace("_", " "), true);
message.insert(0, Color.AQUA + Color.ITALIC + name);
return message.toString();
public static String createTooltip(String phrase, String tooltip) {
if (tooltip.isEmpty()) {
return phrase;
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(Chat.COMPONENT_TAG_OPEN + Chat.COMPONENT_POPUP);
// tooltip
message.append("|" + tooltip.replace("|", Chat.COMPONENT_PIPE) + "|");
// chat output
return message.append(Chat.COMPONENT_TAG_CLOSE).toString();
public static String hoverCommandFilter(String string) {
StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder();
String[] data = string.toLowerCase().split(" ");
if (data.length > 2) {
if (data[1].equals("l")) {
data[1] = "page";
if (data[2].startsWith("wid:")) {
String nameWid = data[2].replaceFirst("wid:", "");
if (nameWid.length() > 0 && nameWid.equals(nameWid.replaceAll("[^0-9]", ""))) {
nameWid = Util.getWorldName(Integer.parseInt(nameWid));
if (nameWid.length() > 0) {
data[2] = nameWid;
if (data[1].equals("teleport") && data.length > 5) {
data[3] = Integer.toString((int) (Double.parseDouble(data[3]) - 0.50));
data[4] = Integer.toString(Integer.parseInt(data[4]));
data[5] = Integer.toString((int) (Double.parseDouble(data[5]) - 0.50));
for (String s : data) {
if (s.isEmpty()) {
if (command.length() > 0) {
command.append(" ");
return command.toString();
public static String capitalize(String string, boolean allWords) {
if (string == null || string.isEmpty()) {
return string;
if (string.length() <= 1) {
return string.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT);
string = string.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
if (allWords) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (String substring : string.split(" ")) {
if (substring.length() >= 3 && !substring.equals("and") && !substring.equals("the")) {
substring = substring.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT) + substring.substring(1);
if (builder.length() > 0) {
builder.append(" ");
return builder.toString();
return string.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT) + string.substring(1);
public static int getBlockId(String name, boolean internal) {
int id = -1;
name = name.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).trim();
if (!name.contains(":")) {
name = NAMESPACE + name;
if (ConfigHandler.materials.get(name) != null) {
id = ConfigHandler.materials.get(name);
else if (internal) {
int mid = ConfigHandler.materialId + 1;
ConfigHandler.materials.put(name, mid);
ConfigHandler.materialsReversed.put(mid, name);
ConfigHandler.materialId = mid;
Queue.queueMaterialInsert(mid, name);
id = ConfigHandler.materials.get(name);
return id;
public static int getBlockdataId(String data, boolean internal) {
int id = -1;
data = data.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).trim();
if (ConfigHandler.blockdata.get(data) != null) {
id = ConfigHandler.blockdata.get(data);
else if (internal) {
int bid = ConfigHandler.blockdataId + 1;
ConfigHandler.blockdata.put(data, bid);
ConfigHandler.blockdataReversed.put(bid, data);
ConfigHandler.blockdataId = bid;
Queue.queueBlockDataInsert(bid, data);
id = ConfigHandler.blockdata.get(data);
return id;
public static String getBlockDataString(int id) {
// Internal ID pulled from DB
String blockdata = "";
if (ConfigHandler.blockdataReversed.get(id) != null) {
blockdata = ConfigHandler.blockdataReversed.get(id);
return blockdata;
public static String getBlockName(int id) {
String name = "";
if (ConfigHandler.materialsReversed.get(id) != null) {
name = ConfigHandler.materialsReversed.get(id);
return name;
public static String getBlockNameShort(int id) {
String name = getBlockName(id);
if (name.contains(":")) {
name = name.split(":")[1];
return name;
public static void mergeItems(Material material, ItemStack[] items) {
if (material != null && (material.equals(Material.ARMOR_STAND) || BukkitAdapter.ADAPTER.isItemFrame(material))) {
try {
int c1 = 0;
for (ItemStack o1 : items) {
if (o1 != null && o1.getAmount() > 0) {
int c2 = 0;
for (ItemStack o2 : items) {
if (o2 != null && c2 > c1 && o1.isSimilar(o2) && !Util.isAir(o1.getType())) { // Ignores amount
int namount = o1.getAmount() + o2.getAmount();
catch (Exception e) {
public static Integer[] convertArray(String[] array) {
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (String item : array) {
return list.toArray(new Integer[list.size()]);
public static byte[] stringToByteData(String string, int type) {
byte[] result = null;
if (string != null) {
Material material = Util.getType(type);
if (material == null) {
return result;
if (material.isBlock() && !createBlockData(material).getAsString().equals(string) && string.startsWith(NAMESPACE + + "[") && string.endsWith("]")) {
String substring = string.substring( + 11, string.length() - 1);
String[] blockDataSplit = substring.split(",");
ArrayList<String> blockDataArray = new ArrayList<>();
for (String data : blockDataSplit) {
int id = getBlockdataId(data, true);
if (id > -1) {
string = String.join(",", blockDataArray);
else if (!string.contains(":") && (material == Material.PAINTING || BukkitAdapter.ADAPTER.isItemFrame(material))) {
int id = getBlockdataId(string, true);
if (id > -1) {
string = Integer.toString(id);
else {
return result;
else {
return result;
result = string.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
return result;
public static String byteDataToString(byte[] data, int type) {
String result = "";
if (data != null) {
Material material = Util.getType(type);
if (material == null) {
return result;
result = new String(data, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
if (result.length() > 0) {
if (result.matches("\\d+")) {
result = result + ",";
if (result.contains(",")) {
String[] blockDataSplit = result.split(",");
ArrayList<String> blockDataArray = new ArrayList<>();
for (String blockData : blockDataSplit) {
String block = getBlockDataString(Integer.parseInt(blockData));
if (block.length() > 0) {
if (material == Material.PAINTING || BukkitAdapter.ADAPTER.isItemFrame(material)) {
result = String.join(",", blockDataArray);
else {
result = NAMESPACE + + "[" + String.join(",", blockDataArray) + "]";
else {
result = "";
return result;
public static byte[] convertByteData(Object data) {
byte[] result = null;
if (data == null) {
return result;
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
BukkitObjectOutputStream oos = new BukkitObjectOutputStream(bos);
result = bos.toByteArray();
catch (Exception e) {
return result;
public static ItemMeta deserializeItemMeta(Class<? extends ItemMeta> itemMetaClass, Map<String, Object> args) {
DelegateDeserialization delegate = itemMetaClass.getAnnotation(DelegateDeserialization.class);
return (ItemMeta) ConfigurationSerialization.deserializeObject(args, delegate.value());
public static <K, V extends Comparable<? super V>> SortedSet<Map.Entry<K, V>> entriesSortedByValues(Map<K, V> map) {
SortedSet<Map.Entry<K, V>> sortedEntries = new TreeSet<>((e1, e2) -> {
int res = e1.getValue().compareTo(e2.getValue());
return res != 0 ? res : 1;
return sortedEntries;
public static Waterlogged checkWaterlogged(BlockData blockData, BlockState blockReplacedState) {
if (blockReplacedState.getType().equals(Material.WATER) && blockData instanceof Waterlogged) {
if (blockReplacedState.getBlockData().equals(Material.WATER.createBlockData())) {
Waterlogged waterlogged = (Waterlogged) blockData;
return waterlogged;
return null;
public static ItemStack[] getContainerState(ItemStack[] array) {
ItemStack[] result = array == null ? null : array.clone();
if (result == null) {
return result;
int count = 0;
for (ItemStack itemStack : array) {
ItemStack clonedItem = null;
if (itemStack != null) {
clonedItem = itemStack.clone();
result[count] = clonedItem;
return result;
/* return true if ItemStack[] contents are identical */
public static boolean compareContainers(ItemStack[] oldContainer, ItemStack[] newContainer) {
if (oldContainer.length != newContainer.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < oldContainer.length; i++) {
ItemStack oldItem = oldContainer[i];
ItemStack newItem = newContainer[i];
if (oldItem == null && newItem == null) {
if (oldItem == null || !oldItem.equals(newItem)) {
return false;
return true;
/* return true if newContainer contains new items */
public static boolean addedContainer(ItemStack[] oldContainer, ItemStack[] newContainer) {
if (oldContainer.length != newContainer.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < oldContainer.length; i++) {
ItemStack oldItem = oldContainer[i];
ItemStack newItem = newContainer[i];
if (oldItem == null && newItem == null) {
if (oldItem != null && newItem == null) {
return false;
if (oldItem == null) {
return true;
if (!newItem.equals(oldItem)) {
return (newItem.isSimilar(oldItem) && newItem.getAmount() > oldItem.getAmount());
return false;
public static int getArtId(String name, boolean internal) {
int id = -1;
name = name.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).trim();
if ( != null) {
id =;
else if (internal) {
int artID = ConfigHandler.artId + 1;, artID);
ConfigHandler.artReversed.put(artID, name);
ConfigHandler.artId = artID;
Queue.queueArtInsert(artID, name);
id =;
return id;
public static String getArtName(int id) {
// Internal ID pulled from DB
String artname = "";
if (ConfigHandler.artReversed.get(id) != null) {
artname = ConfigHandler.artReversed.get(id);
return artname;
public static int setPlayerArmor(PlayerInventory inventory, ItemStack itemStack) {
String itemName = itemStack.getType().name();
boolean isHelmet = (itemName.endsWith("_HELMET") || itemName.endsWith("_HEAD") || itemName.endsWith("_SKULL") || itemName.endsWith("_PUMPKIN"));
boolean isChestplate = (itemName.endsWith("_CHESTPLATE"));
boolean isLeggings = (itemName.endsWith("_LEGGINGS"));
boolean isBoots = (itemName.endsWith("_BOOTS"));
if (isHelmet && inventory.getHelmet() == null) {
return 3;
else if (isChestplate && inventory.getChestplate() == null) {
return 2;
else if (isLeggings && inventory.getLeggings() == null) {
return 1;
else if (isBoots && inventory.getBoots() == null) {
return 0;
return -1;
public static ItemStack[] getArmorStandContents(EntityEquipment equipment) {
ItemStack[] contents = new ItemStack[6];
if (equipment != null) {
ItemStack[] armorContent = equipment.getArmorContents();
System.arraycopy(armorContent, 0, contents, 0, 4);
contents[4] = equipment.getItemInMainHand();
contents[5] = equipment.getItemInOffHand();
else {
Arrays.fill(contents, new ItemStack(Material.AIR));
return contents;
public static ItemStack[] getContainerContents(Material type, Object container, Location location) {
ItemStack[] contents = null;
if (Config.getConfig(location.getWorld()).ITEM_TRANSACTIONS && BlockGroup.CONTAINERS.contains(type)) {
try {
// container may be null if called from within WorldEdit logger
if (container == null) {
container = location.getBlock();
if (type == Material.ARMOR_STAND) {
LivingEntity entity = (LivingEntity) container;
EntityEquipment equipment = Util.getEntityEquipment(entity);
if (equipment != null) {
contents = getArmorStandContents(equipment);
else if (type == Material.ITEM_FRAME) {
ItemFrame entity = (ItemFrame) container;
contents = Util.getItemFrameItem(entity);
else if (type == Material.JUKEBOX) {
Jukebox blockState = (Jukebox) ((Block) container).getState();
contents = Util.getJukeboxItem(blockState);
else {
Block block = (Block) container;
Inventory inventory = Util.getContainerInventory(block.getState(), true);
if (inventory != null) {
contents = inventory.getContents();
if (type == Material.ARMOR_STAND || type == Material.ITEM_FRAME) {
boolean hasItem = false;
for (ItemStack item : contents) {
if (item != null && !item.getType().equals(Material.AIR)) {
hasItem = true;
if (!hasItem) {
contents = null;
if (contents != null) {
contents = Util.getContainerState(contents);
catch (Exception e) {
return contents;
public static Inventory getContainerInventory(BlockState blockState, boolean singleBlock) {
Inventory inventory = null;
try {
if (blockState instanceof BlockInventoryHolder) {
if (singleBlock) {
List<Material> chests = Arrays.asList(Material.CHEST, Material.TRAPPED_CHEST);
Material type = blockState.getType();
if (chests.contains(type)) {
inventory = ((Chest) blockState).getBlockInventory();
if (inventory == null) {
inventory = ((BlockInventoryHolder) blockState).getInventory();
catch (Exception e) {
return inventory;
public static EntityEquipment getEntityEquipment(LivingEntity entity) {
EntityEquipment equipment = null;
try {
equipment = entity.getEquipment();
catch (Exception e) {
return equipment;
public static ItemStack[] getItemFrameItem(ItemFrame entity) {
ItemStack[] contents = null;
try {
contents = new ItemStack[] { entity.getItem() };
catch (Exception e) {
return contents;
public static ItemStack[] getJukeboxItem(Jukebox blockState) {
ItemStack[] contents = null;
try {
contents = new ItemStack[] { blockState.getRecord() };
catch (Exception e) {
return contents;
public static int getEntityId(EntityType type) {
if (type == null) {
return -1;
return getEntityId(, true);
public static int getEntityId(String name, boolean internal) {
int id = -1;
name = name.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).trim();
if (ConfigHandler.entities.get(name) != null) {
id = ConfigHandler.entities.get(name);
else if (internal) {
int entityID = ConfigHandler.entityId + 1;
ConfigHandler.entities.put(name, entityID);
ConfigHandler.entitiesReversed.put(entityID, name);
ConfigHandler.entityId = entityID;
Queue.queueEntityInsert(entityID, name);
id = ConfigHandler.entities.get(name);
return id;
public static Material getEntityMaterial(EntityType type) {
switch (type) {
return Material.ARMOR_STAND;
return Material.ITEM_FRAME;
return Material.END_CRYSTAL;
return Material.ENDER_PEARL;
return Material.SPLASH_POTION;
return Material.EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE;
return Material.TRIDENT;
return Material.FIREWORK_ROCKET;
case EGG:
return Material.EGG;
return Material.SNOWBALL;
return BukkitAdapter.ADAPTER.getFrameType(type);
public static String getEntityName(int id) {
// Internal ID pulled from DB
String entityName = "";
if (ConfigHandler.entitiesReversed.get(id) != null) {
entityName = ConfigHandler.entitiesReversed.get(id);
return entityName;
public static EntityType getEntityType(int id) {
// Internal ID pulled from DB
EntityType entitytype = null;
if (ConfigHandler.entitiesReversed.get(id) != null) {
String name = ConfigHandler.entitiesReversed.get(id);
if (name.contains(NAMESPACE)) {
name = name.split(":")[1];
entitytype = EntityType.valueOf(name.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT));
return entitytype;
public static EntityType getEntityType(String name) {
// Name entered by user
EntityType type = null;
name = name.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).trim();
if (name.contains(NAMESPACE)) {
name = (name.split(":"))[1];
if (ConfigHandler.entities.get(name) != null) {
type = EntityType.valueOf(name.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT));
return type;
public static int getItemStackHashCode(ItemStack item) {
try {
return item.hashCode();
catch (Exception exception) {
return -1;
public static int getMaterialId(Material material) {
return getBlockId(, true);
public static int getSpawnerType(EntityType type) {
int result = Util.getEntityId(type);
if (result == -1) {
result = 0; // default to pig
return result;
public static EntityType getSpawnerType(int type) {
EntityType result = Util.getEntityType(type);
if (result == null) {
result = EntityType.PIG;
return result;
public static boolean isAir(Material type) {
return (type == Material.AIR || type == Material.CAVE_AIR || type == Material.VOID_AIR);
public static boolean solidBlock(Material type) {
return type.isSolid();
public static boolean passableBlock(Block block) {
return block.isPassable();
public static Material getType(Block block) {
// Temp code
return block.getType();
public static Material getType(int id) {
// Internal ID pulled from DB
Material material = null;
if (ConfigHandler.materialsReversed.get(id) != null && id > 0) {
String name = ConfigHandler.materialsReversed.get(id).toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT);
if (name.contains(NAMESPACE.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT))) {
name = name.split(":")[1];
name = BukkitAdapter.ADAPTER.parseLegacyName(name);
material = Material.getMaterial(name);
return material;
public static Material getType(String name) {
// Name entered by user
Material material = null;
name = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT).trim();
if (!name.startsWith("#")) {
if (name.contains(NAMESPACE.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT))) {
name = name.split(":")[1];
name = BukkitAdapter.ADAPTER.parseLegacyName(name);
material = Material.matchMaterial(name);
return material;
public static int getWorldId(String name) {
int id = -1;
try {
if (ConfigHandler.worlds.get(name) == null) {
int wid = ConfigHandler.worldId + 1;
ConfigHandler.worlds.put(name, wid);
ConfigHandler.worldsReversed.put(wid, name);
ConfigHandler.worldId = wid;
Queue.queueWorldInsert(wid, name);
id = ConfigHandler.worlds.get(name);
catch (Exception e) {
return id;
public static String getWorldName(int id) {
String name = "";
try {
if (ConfigHandler.worldsReversed.get(id) != null) {
name = ConfigHandler.worldsReversed.get(id);
catch (Exception e) {
return name;
public static boolean iceBreakCheck(BlockState block, String user, Material type) {
if (type.equals(Material.ICE)) { // Ice block
int unixtimestamp = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L);
int wid = Util.getWorldId(block.getWorld().getName());
CacheHandler.lookupCache.put("" + block.getX() + "." + block.getY() + "." + block.getZ() + "." + wid + "", new Object[] { unixtimestamp, user, Material.WATER });
return true;
return false;
public static boolean listContains(Set<Material> list, Material value) {
boolean result = false;
for (Material list_value : list) {
if (list_value.equals(value)) {
result = true;
return result;
public static void loadWorldEdit() {
try {
boolean validVersion = true;
String version = Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("WorldEdit").getDescription().getVersion();
if (version.contains(";") || version.contains("+")) {
if (version.contains("-beta-")) {
version = version.split(";")[0];
version = version.split("-beta-")[1];
long value = Long.parseLong(version.replaceAll("[^0-9]", ""));
if (value < 6) {
validVersion = false;
else {
if (version.contains("+")) {
version = version.split("\\+")[1];
else {
version = version.split(";")[1];
if (version.contains("-")) {
long value = Long.parseLong(((version.split("-"))[0]).replaceAll("[^0-9]", ""));
if (value > 0 && value < 4268) {
validVersion = false;
else if (version.contains(".")) {
String[] worldEditVersion = version.split("-|\\.");
if (worldEditVersion.length >= 2) {
worldEditVersion[0] = worldEditVersion[0].replaceAll("[^0-9]", "");
worldEditVersion[1] = worldEditVersion[1].replaceAll("[^0-9]", "");
if (worldEditVersion[0].length() == 0 || worldEditVersion[1].length() == 0 || Util.newVersion(worldEditVersion[0] + "." + worldEditVersion[1], "7.1")) {
validVersion = false;
else if (version.equals("unspecified")) { // FAWE
validVersion = false;
Plugin fawe = Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("FastAsyncWorldEdit");
if (fawe != null) {
String apiVersion = Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("WorldEdit").getDescription().getAPIVersion();
String faweVersion = fawe.getDescription().getVersion();
double apiDouble = Double.parseDouble(apiVersion);
double faweDouble = Double.parseDouble(faweVersion);
if (apiDouble >= 1.13 && faweDouble >= 1.0) {
validVersion = true;
else {
validVersion = false;
if (validVersion) {
else {
Chat.console(, "WorldEdit"));
catch (Exception e) {
public static void unloadWorldEdit() {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
public static int matchWorld(String name) {
int id = -1;
try {
// Parse wid:# parameter used internally for /co tp click events
if (name.startsWith("wid:")) {
String nameWid = name.replaceFirst("wid:", "");
if (nameWid.length() > 0 && nameWid.equals(nameWid.replaceAll("[^0-9]", ""))) {
nameWid = Util.getWorldName(Integer.parseInt(nameWid));
if (nameWid.length() > 0) {
name = nameWid;
// Determine closest match on world name
String result = "";
name = name.replaceFirst("#", "").toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).trim();
for (World world : Bukkit.getServer().getWorlds()) {
String worldName = world.getName();
if (worldName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).equals(name)) {
result = world.getName();
else if (worldName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).endsWith(name)) {
result = world.getName();
else if (worldName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "").endsWith(name)) {
result = world.getName();
if (result.length() > 0) {
id = getWorldId(result);
catch (Exception e) {
return id;
// This theoretically initializes the component code, to prevent gson adapter errors
public static void sendConsoleComponentStartup(ConsoleCommandSender consoleSender, String string) {
Chat.sendComponent(consoleSender, Color.RESET + "[CoreProtect] " + string + Chat.COMPONENT_TAG_OPEN + Chat.COMPONENT_POPUP + "| | " + Chat.COMPONENT_TAG_CLOSE);
// This filter is only used for a:inventory
public static Material itemFilter(Material material, boolean blockTable) {
if (material == null || (!blockTable && material.isItem())) {
return material;
material = BukkitAdapter.ADAPTER.getPlantSeeds(material);
if ("WALL_")) {
material = Material.valueOf("WALL_", ""));
return material;
public static String nameFilter(String name, int data) {
if (name.equals("stone")) {
switch (data) {
case 1:
name = "granite";
case 2:
name = "polished_granite";
case 3:
name = "diorite";
case 4:
name = "polished_diorite";
case 5:
name = "andesite";
case 6:
name = "polished_andesite";
name = "stone";
return name;
public static ItemStack newItemStack(Material type, int amount) {
return new ItemStack(type, amount);
public static boolean isSpigot() {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
return true;
public static boolean isPaper() {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
return true;
public static boolean isFolia() {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
return true;
public static String getBranch() {
String branch = "";
try {
InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(CoreProtect.getInstance().getClass().getResourceAsStream("/plugin.yml"));
branch = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(reader).getString("branch");
if (branch == null || branch.equals("${project.branch}")) {
branch = "";
if (branch.startsWith("-")) {
branch = branch.substring(1);
if (branch.length() > 0) {
branch = "-" + branch;
catch (Exception e) {
return branch;
public static boolean newVersion(Integer[] oldVersion, Integer[] currentVersion) {
if (oldVersion[0] < currentVersion[0]) {
// Major version
return true;
else if (oldVersion[0].equals(currentVersion[0]) && oldVersion[1] < currentVersion[1]) {
// Minor version
return true;
else if (oldVersion.length < 3 && currentVersion.length >= 3 && oldVersion[0].equals(currentVersion[0]) && oldVersion[1].equals(currentVersion[1]) && 0 < currentVersion[2]) {
// Revision version (#.# vs #.#.#)
return true;
else if (oldVersion.length >= 3 && currentVersion.length >= 3 && oldVersion[0].equals(currentVersion[0]) && oldVersion[1].equals(currentVersion[1]) && oldVersion[2] < currentVersion[2]) {
// Revision version (#.#.# vs #.#.#)
return true;
return false;
public static boolean newVersion(Integer[] oldVersion, String currentVersion) {
String[] currentVersionSplit = currentVersion.split("\\.");
return newVersion(oldVersion, convertArray(currentVersionSplit));
public static boolean newVersion(String oldVersion, Integer[] currentVersion) {
String[] oldVersionSplit = oldVersion.split("\\.");
return newVersion(convertArray(oldVersionSplit), currentVersion);
public static boolean newVersion(String oldVersion, String currentVersion) {
if (!oldVersion.contains(".") || !currentVersion.contains(".")) {
return false;
String[] oldVersionSplit = oldVersion.split("\\.");
String[] currentVersionSplit = currentVersion.split("\\.");
return newVersion(convertArray(oldVersionSplit), convertArray(currentVersionSplit));
public static Map<Integer, Object> serializeItemStackLegacy(ItemStack itemStack, String faceData, int slot) {
Map<Integer, Object> result = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> itemMap = serializeItemStack(itemStack, faceData, slot);
if (itemMap.size() > 1) {
result.put(0, itemMap.get("0"));
result.put(1, itemMap.get("1"));
return result;
public static ItemStack unserializeItemStackLegacy(Object value) {
ItemStack result = null;
if (value instanceof Map) {
Map<String, Object> newMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<Integer, Object> itemMap = (Map<Integer, Object>) value;
newMap.put("0", itemMap.get(0));
newMap.put("1", itemMap.get(1));
result = unserializeItemStack(newMap);
return result;
public static Map<String, Object> serializeItemStack(ItemStack itemStack, String faceData, int slot) {
Map<String, Object> itemMap = new HashMap<>();
if (itemStack != null && !itemStack.getType().equals(Material.AIR)) {
ItemStack item = itemStack.clone();
List<List<Map<String, Object>>> metadata = ItemMetaHandler.seralize(item, null, faceData, slot);
itemMap.put("0", item.serialize());
itemMap.put("1", metadata);
return itemMap;
public static ItemStack unserializeItemStack(Object value) {
ItemStack result = null;
if (value instanceof Map) {
Map<String, Object> itemMap = (Map<String, Object>) value;
ItemStack item = ItemStack.deserialize((Map<String, Object>) itemMap.get("0"));
List<List<Map<String, Object>>> metadata = (List<List<Map<String, Object>>>) itemMap.get("1");
Object[] populatedStack = Rollback.populateItemStack(item, metadata);
result = (ItemStack) populatedStack[2];
return result;
public static List<Object> processMeta(BlockState block) {
List<Object> meta = new ArrayList<>();
try {
if (block instanceof CommandBlock) {
CommandBlock commandBlock = (CommandBlock) block;
String command = commandBlock.getCommand();
if (command.length() > 0) {
else if (block instanceof Banner) {
Banner banner = (Banner) block;
List<Pattern> patterns = banner.getPatterns();
for (Pattern pattern : patterns) {
else if (block instanceof ShulkerBox) {
ShulkerBox shulkerBox = (ShulkerBox) block;
ItemStack[] inventory = shulkerBox.getSnapshotInventory().getStorageContents();
int slot = 0;
for (ItemStack itemStack : inventory) {
Map<Integer, Object> itemMap = serializeItemStackLegacy(itemStack, null, slot);
if (itemMap.size() > 0) {
catch (Exception e) {
if (meta.isEmpty()) {
meta = null;
return meta;
public static void sendBlockChange(Player player, Location location, BlockData blockData) {
player.sendBlockChange(location, blockData);
public static BlockData createBlockData(Material material) {
try {
BlockData result = material.createBlockData();
if (result instanceof Waterlogged) {
((Waterlogged) result).setWaterlogged(false);
return result;
catch (Exception e) {
return null;
public static void prepareTypeAndData(Map<Block, BlockData> map, Block block, Material type, BlockData blockData, boolean update) {
if (blockData == null) {
blockData = createBlockData(type);
if (!update) {
setTypeAndData(block, type, blockData, update);
else {
map.put(block, blockData);
public static void setTypeAndData(Block block, Material type, BlockData blockData, boolean update) {
if (blockData == null && type != null) {
blockData = createBlockData(type);
if (blockData != null) {
block.setBlockData(blockData, update);
public static boolean successfulQuery(Connection connection, String query) {
boolean result = false;
try {
PreparedStatement preparedStmt = connection.prepareStatement(query);
ResultSet resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery();
if (resultSet.isBeforeFirst()) {
result = true;
catch (Exception e) {
return result;
public static String[] toStringArray(String[] array) {
int size = array.length;
if (size == 11) {
String time = array[0];
String user = array[1];
String x = array[2];
String y = array[3];
String z = array[4];
String type = array[5];
String data = array[6];
String action = array[7];
String rolledBack = array[8];
String wid = array[9];
String blockData = array[10];
return new String[] { time, user, x, y, z, type, data, action, rolledBack, wid, "", "", blockData };
return null;
public static void updateBlock(final BlockState block) {
Scheduler.runTask(CoreProtect.getInstance(), () -> {
try {
if (block.getBlockData() instanceof Waterlogged) {
Block currentBlock = block.getBlock();
if (currentBlock.getType().equals(block.getType())) {
catch (Exception e) {
}, block.getLocation());
public static void updateInventory(Player player) {
public static boolean checkWorldEdit() {
boolean result = false;
for (World world : Bukkit.getServer().getWorlds()) {
if (Config.getConfig(world).WORLDEDIT) {
result = true;
return result;
public static String getWidIndex(String queryTable) {
String index = "";
boolean isMySQL = Config.getGlobal().MYSQL;
if (isMySQL) {
index = "USE INDEX(wid) ";
else {
switch (queryTable) {
case "block":
index = "INDEXED BY block_index ";
case "container":
index = "INDEXED BY container_index ";
case "item":
index = "INDEXED BY item_index ";
case "sign":
index = "INDEXED BY sign_index ";
case "chat":
index = "INDEXED BY chat_wid_index ";
case "command":
index = "INDEXED BY command_wid_index ";
case "session":
index = "INDEXED BY session_index ";
return index;
public static int rolledBack(int rolledBack, boolean isInventory) {
switch (rolledBack) {
case 1: // just block rolled back
return isInventory ? 0 : 1;
case 2: // just inventory rolled back
return isInventory ? 1 : 0;
case 3: // block and inventory rolled back
return 1;
default: // no rollbacks
return 0;
public static int toggleRolledBack(int rolledBack, boolean isInventory) {
switch (rolledBack) {
case 1: // just block rolled back
return isInventory ? 3 : 0;
case 2: // just inventory rolled back
return isInventory ? 0 : 3;
case 3: // block and inventory rolled back
return isInventory ? 1 : 2;
default: // no rollbacks
return isInventory ? 2 : 1;
public static int getSignData(boolean frontGlowing, boolean backGlowing) {
if (frontGlowing && backGlowing) {
return 3;
else if (backGlowing) {
return 2;
else if (frontGlowing) {
return 1;
return 0;
public static boolean isSideGlowing(boolean isFront, int data) {
return ((isFront && (data == 1 || data == 3)) || (!isFront && (data == 2 || data == 3)));