
171 lines
7.8 KiB

package net.coreprotect.database.lookup;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import net.coreprotect.config.ConfigHandler;
import net.coreprotect.database.statement.UserStatement;
import net.coreprotect.language.Phrase;
import net.coreprotect.language.Selector;
import net.coreprotect.utility.Color;
import net.coreprotect.utility.Util;
public class BlockLookup {
public static String performLookup(String command, Statement statement, BlockState block, CommandSender commandSender, int offset, int page, int limit) {
String resultText = "";
try {
if (block == null) {
return resultText;
if (command == null) {
if (commandSender.hasPermission("")) {
command = "co";
else if (commandSender.hasPermission("coreprotect.core")) {
command = "core";
else if (commandSender.hasPermission("coreprotect.coreprotect")) {
command = "coreprotect";
else {
command = "co";
boolean found = false;
int x = block.getX();
int y = block.getY();
int z = block.getZ();
long time = (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L);
int worldId = Util.getWorldId(block.getWorld().getName());
long checkTime = 0;
int count = 0;
int rowMax = page * limit;
int page_start = rowMax - limit;
if (offset > 0) {
checkTime = time - offset;
String blockName = block.getType().name().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
String query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count from " + ConfigHandler.prefix + "block " + Util.getWidIndex("block") + "WHERE wid = '" + worldId + "' AND x = '" + x + "' AND z = '" + z + "' AND y = '" + y + "' AND action IN(0,1) AND time >= '" + checkTime + "' LIMIT 0, 1";
ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(query);
while ( {
count = results.getInt("count");
int totalPages = (int) Math.ceil(count / (limit + 0.0));
query = "SELECT time,user,action,type,data,rolled_back FROM " + ConfigHandler.prefix + "block " + Util.getWidIndex("block") + "WHERE wid = '" + worldId + "' AND x = '" + x + "' AND z = '" + z + "' AND y = '" + y + "' AND action IN(0,1) AND time >= '" + checkTime + "' ORDER BY rowid DESC LIMIT " + page_start + ", " + limit + "";
results = statement.executeQuery(query);
StringBuilder resultTextBuilder = new StringBuilder();
while ( {
int resultUserId = results.getInt("user");
int resultAction = results.getInt("action");
int resultType = results.getInt("type");
int resultData = results.getInt("data");
long resultTime = results.getLong("time");
int resultRolledBack = results.getInt("rolled_back");
if (ConfigHandler.playerIdCacheReversed.get(resultUserId) == null) {
UserStatement.loadName(statement.getConnection(), resultUserId);
String resultUser = ConfigHandler.playerIdCacheReversed.get(resultUserId);
String timeAgo = Util.getTimeSince(resultTime, time, true);
if (!found) {
resultTextBuilder = new StringBuilder(Color.WHITE + "----- " + Color.DARK_AQUA + "CoreProtect " + Color.WHITE + "----- " + Util.getCoordinates(command, worldId, x, y, z, false, false) + "\n");
found = true;
Phrase phrase = Phrase.LOOKUP_BLOCK;
String selector = Selector.FIRST;
String tag = Color.WHITE + "-";
if (resultAction == 2 || resultAction == 3) {
phrase = Phrase.LOOKUP_INTERACTION; // {clicked|killed}
selector = (resultAction != 3 ? Selector.FIRST : Selector.SECOND);
tag = (resultAction != 3 ? Color.WHITE + "-" : Color.RED + "-");
else {
phrase = Phrase.LOOKUP_BLOCK; // {placed|broke}
selector = (resultAction != 0 ? Selector.FIRST : Selector.SECOND);
tag = (resultAction != 0 ? Color.GREEN + "+" : Color.RED + "-");
String rbFormat = "";
if (resultRolledBack == 1 || resultRolledBack == 3) {
rbFormat = Color.STRIKETHROUGH;
String target;
if (resultAction == 3) {
target = Util.getEntityType(resultType).name();
else {
Material resultMaterial = Util.getType(resultType);
if (resultMaterial == null) {
resultMaterial = Material.AIR;
target = Util.nameFilter(, resultData);
target = "minecraft:" + target.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
if (target.length() > 0) {
target = "" + target + "";
// Hide "minecraft:" for now.
if (target.startsWith("minecraft:")) {
target = target.split(":")[1];
resultTextBuilder.append(timeAgo + " " + tag + " ").append(, Color.DARK_AQUA + rbFormat + resultUser + Color.WHITE + rbFormat, Color.DARK_AQUA + rbFormat + target + Color.WHITE, selector)).append("\n");
PluginChannelListener.getInstance().sendData(commandSender, resultTime, phrase, selector, resultUser, target, -1, x, y, z, worldId, rbFormat, false, tag.contains("+"));
resultText = resultTextBuilder.toString();
if (found) {
if (count > limit) {
String pageInfo = Color.WHITE + "-----\n";
pageInfo = pageInfo + Util.getPageNavigation(command, page, totalPages) + "\n";
resultText = resultText + pageInfo;
else {
if (rowMax > count && count > 0) {
resultText = Color.DARK_AQUA + "CoreProtect " + Color.WHITE + "- " +, Selector.SECOND);
else {
// resultText = Color.DARK_AQUA + "CoreProtect " + Color.WHITE + "- " + Color.WHITE + "No block data found at " + Color.ITALIC + "x" + x + "/y" + y + "/z" + z + ".";
resultText = Color.DARK_AQUA + "CoreProtect " + Color.WHITE + "- " +, Selector.FIRST);
if (!blockName.equals("air") && !blockName.equals("cave_air")) {
resultText = Color.DARK_AQUA + "CoreProtect " + Color.WHITE + "- " +, Color.ITALIC + block.getType().name().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)) + "\n";
ConfigHandler.lookupPage.put(commandSender.getName(), page);
ConfigHandler.lookupType.put(commandSender.getName(), 2);
ConfigHandler.lookupCommand.put(commandSender.getName(), x + "." + y + "." + z + "." + worldId + ".0." + limit);
catch (Exception e) {
return resultText;