Messages: Players-Only: '&cOnly players can use this command.' Reload: '&7You have just reloaded the Crazy Auctions Files.' Need-More-Money: '&cYou are in need of &a$%Money_Needed%&c.' Inventory-Full: '&cYour inventory is too full. Please open up some space to buy that.' No-Permission: '&cYou do not have permission to use that command!' Not-Online: '&cThat player is not online at this time.' Doesnt-Have-Item-In-Hand: '&cYou must have an item in your hand.' Not-A-Number: '&c%Arg% is not a number.' Got-Item-Back: '&7Your item has been returned.' Cancelled-Item: '&7You have cancelled an item on the auction list, return your items with /ah expired.' Item-Has-Expired: '&7An item you have in the Crazy Auctions has just expired.' Admin-Force-Cancelled: '&7You have just force cancelled a sale.' Admin-Force-Cancelled-To-Player: '&cOne of your items was just force cancelled by an Admin.' Item-Doesnt-Exist: '&cThat item isnt in the crazy auctions any more.' Max-Items: '&cYou cant list any more items to the Crazy Auctions.' Item-BlackListed: '&cThat item is not allowed to be sold here.' Item-Damaged: '&cThat item is damaged and is not allowed to be sold here.' Sold-Msg: '&7Thank you for buying this item.' Bid-More-Money: '&cYour bid is to low, please bid more.' Not-A-Currency: '&cThat is not a currency. Please use Money or Tokens.' #Remove Tokens if you do not have TokenManager. Sell-Price-To-Low: '&cYour sell price is to low the minimum is &a$10&c.' Sell-Price-To-High: '&cYour sell price is to high the maximum is &a$1000000&c.' Bid-Price-To-Low: '&cYour starting bid price is to low the minimum is &a$100&c.' Bid-Price-To-High: '&cYour starting bid price is to high the maximum is &a$1000000&c.' Bought-Item: '&7You have just bought a item for &a$%Price%&7.' Win-Bidding: '&7You have just won a bid for &a$%Price%&7. Do /Ah Collect to collect your winnings.' Player-Bought-Item: '&7%Player% has bought your item for &a$%Price%.' Someone-Won-Players-Bid: '&7%Player% has won your item you from a bid for &a$%Price%.' Added-Item-To-Auction: '&7You have just added a item to the crazy auctions for &a$%Price%&7.' Bid-Msg: '&7You have just bid &a$%Bid% &7on that item.' Help-Menu: - '&e-- &6Crazy Auctions Help &e--' - '&9/Ah - &eOpens the crazy auction.' - '&9/Ah View - &eSee what a player is selling.' - '&9/Ah Sell/Bid [Amount of items] - &eList the item you are holding on the crazy auction.' - '&9/Ah Expired/Collect - &eView and manage your cancelled and expired items.' - '&9/Ah Listed - &eView and manage the items you are selling.' - '&9/Ah Help - &eView this help menu.'