
1397 lines
47 KiB

import com.badbones69.crazyauctions.CrazyAuctions;
import com.badbones69.crazyauctions.Methods;
import com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.CommandSyntaxException;
import com.ryderbelserion.cluster.utils.DyeUtils;
import io.th0rgal.oraxen.api.OraxenItems;
import me.clip.placeholderapi.PlaceholderAPI;
import net.minecraft.nbt.TagParser;
import org.bukkit.*;
import org.bukkit.block.Banner;
import org.bukkit.block.banner.Pattern;
import org.bukkit.block.banner.PatternType;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R3.inventory.CraftItemStack;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemFlag;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ArmorMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.BannerMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.BlockStateMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.Damageable;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.LeatherArmorMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.MapMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.PotionMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.trim.ArmorTrim;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.trim.TrimMaterial;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.trim.TrimPattern;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionData;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionType;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class ItemBuilder {
private final CrazyAuctions plugin = CrazyAuctions.get();
// Items
private Material material = Material.STONE;
private ItemStack itemStack = null;
private int itemAmount = 1;
// NBT Data
private String itemData = "";
// Display
private String displayName = "";
private List<String> displayLore = new ArrayList<>();
private int itemDamage = 0;
// Model Data
private boolean hasCustomModelData = false;
private int customModelData = 0;
private String customMaterial = "";
// Potions
private boolean isPotion = false;
private Color potionColor = Color.RED;
private PotionEffectType potionType = null;
private int potionDuration = -1;
private int potionAmplifier = 1;
// Player Heads
private boolean isHash = false;
private boolean isURL = false;
private boolean isHead = false;
private String player = "";
// Arrows
private boolean isTippedArrow = false;
// Armor
private boolean isLeatherArmor = false;
private boolean isArmor = false;
// Trims
private TrimMaterial trimMaterial = null;
private TrimPattern trimPattern = null;
private Color armorColor = Color.RED;
// Banners
private boolean isBanner = false;
private List<Pattern> patterns = new ArrayList<>();
// Shields
private boolean isShield = false;
// Maps
private boolean isMap = false;
private Color mapColor = Color.RED;
// Fireworks
private boolean isFirework = false;
private boolean isFireworkStar = false;
private Color fireworkColor = Color.RED;
private List<Color> fireworkColors = new ArrayList<>();
private int fireworkPower = 1;
// Enchantments or ItemFlags
private boolean isUnbreakable = false;
private boolean hideItemFlags = false;
private List<ItemFlag> itemFlags = new ArrayList<>();
private boolean isGlowing = false;
private boolean isSpawner = false;
private EntityType entityType = EntityType.BAT;
// Crates
private String crateName = "";
private Player target = null;
// Placeholders
private Map<String, String> namePlaceholders = new HashMap<>();
private Map<String, String> lorePlaceholders = new HashMap<>();
* Deduplicate an item builder.
* @param itemBuilder the item builder to deduplicate.
public ItemBuilder(ItemBuilder itemBuilder) { =;
this.material = itemBuilder.material;
this.itemStack = itemBuilder.itemStack;
this.customMaterial = itemBuilder.customMaterial;
this.itemAmount = itemBuilder.itemAmount;
this.itemData = itemBuilder.itemData;
this.displayName = itemBuilder.displayName;
this.displayLore = itemBuilder.displayLore;
this.itemDamage = itemBuilder.itemDamage;
this.hasCustomModelData = itemBuilder.hasCustomModelData;
this.customModelData = itemBuilder.customModelData;
this.isPotion = itemBuilder.isPotion;
this.potionColor = itemBuilder.potionColor;
this.potionType = itemBuilder.potionType;
this.potionDuration = itemBuilder.potionDuration;
this.potionAmplifier = itemBuilder.potionAmplifier;
this.isHead = itemBuilder.isHead;
this.isHash = itemBuilder.isHash;
this.isURL = itemBuilder.isURL;
this.player = itemBuilder.player;
this.isTippedArrow = itemBuilder.isTippedArrow;
this.isLeatherArmor = itemBuilder.isLeatherArmor;
this.isArmor = itemBuilder.isArmor;
this.trimMaterial = itemBuilder.trimMaterial;
this.trimPattern = itemBuilder.trimPattern;
this.armorColor = itemBuilder.armorColor;
this.isBanner = itemBuilder.isBanner;
this.patterns = itemBuilder.patterns;
this.isShield = itemBuilder.isShield;
this.isMap = itemBuilder.isMap;
this.mapColor = itemBuilder.mapColor;
this.isFirework = itemBuilder.isFirework;
this.isFireworkStar = itemBuilder.isFireworkStar;
this.fireworkColor = itemBuilder.fireworkColor;
this.fireworkColors = itemBuilder.fireworkColors;
this.fireworkPower = itemBuilder.fireworkPower;
this.isUnbreakable = itemBuilder.isUnbreakable;
this.hideItemFlags = itemBuilder.hideItemFlags;
this.itemFlags = itemBuilder.itemFlags;
this.isGlowing = itemBuilder.isGlowing;
this.isSpawner = itemBuilder.isSpawner;
this.entityType = itemBuilder.entityType;
this.namePlaceholders = new HashMap<>(itemBuilder.namePlaceholders);
this.lorePlaceholders = new HashMap<>(itemBuilder.lorePlaceholders);
this.crateName = itemBuilder.crateName;
public ItemBuilder(ItemStack itemStack) {
this.itemStack = itemStack;
this.material = itemStack.getType();
switch (this.material) {
case POTION, SPLASH_POTION, LINGERING_POTION -> this.isPotion = true;
case FIREWORK_STAR -> this.isFireworkStar = true;
case TIPPED_ARROW -> this.isTippedArrow = true;
case FIREWORK_ROCKET -> this.isFirework = true;
case FILLED_MAP -> this.isMap = true;
case PLAYER_HEAD -> this.isHead = true;
case SPAWNER -> this.isSpawner = true;
case SHIELD -> this.isShield = true;
this.itemStack.editMeta(itemMeta -> {
if (itemMeta.hasDisplayName()) this.displayName = itemMeta.getDisplayName();
if (itemMeta.hasLore()) this.displayLore = itemMeta.getLore();
String name =;
this.isArmor = name.endsWith("_HELMET") || name.endsWith("_CHESTPLATE") || name.endsWith("_LEGGINGS") || name.endsWith("_BOOTS");
this.isBanner = name.endsWith("BANNER");
public ItemBuilder(ItemStack itemStack, Player target) { = target;
this.itemStack = itemStack;
this.material = itemStack.getType();
switch (this.material) {
case POTION, SPLASH_POTION, LINGERING_POTION -> this.isPotion = true;
case FIREWORK_STAR -> this.isFireworkStar = true;
case TIPPED_ARROW -> this.isTippedArrow = true;
case FIREWORK_ROCKET -> this.isFirework = true;
case FILLED_MAP -> this.isMap = true;
case PLAYER_HEAD -> this.isHead = true;
case SPAWNER -> this.isSpawner = true;
case SHIELD -> this.isShield = true;
this.itemStack.editMeta(itemMeta -> {
if (itemMeta.hasDisplayName()) this.displayName = itemMeta.getDisplayName();
if (itemMeta.hasLore()) this.displayLore = itemMeta.getLore();
String name =;
this.isArmor = name.endsWith("_HELMET") || name.endsWith("_CHESTPLATE") || name.endsWith("_LEGGINGS") || name.endsWith("_BOOTS");
this.isBanner = name.endsWith("BANNER");
public ItemBuilder() {}
private String parse(String message) {
if (PluginSupport.PLACEHOLDERAPI.isPluginEnabled() && != null) {
return Methods.color(PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders(, message));
return Methods.color(message);
* Builder the item from all the information that was given to the builder.
* @return the result of all the info that was given to the builder as an ItemStack.
public ItemStack build() {
// Check if oraxen is enabled.
if (PluginSupport.ORAXEN.isPluginEnabled()) {
// Get the item.
io.th0rgal.oraxen.items.ItemBuilder oraxenItem = OraxenItems.getItemById(this.customMaterial);
if (oraxenItem != null) {
// If the item isn't null, we don't need to re-build.
if (this.itemStack != null) {
this.material = this.itemStack.getType();
return this.itemStack;
// This is just here in case it is null for whatever reason.
this.itemStack =;
this.material = this.itemStack.getType();
return this.itemStack;
if (this.isHead) { // Has to go 1st due to it removing all data when finished.
if (this.isHash) { // Sauce:
if (this.isURL) {
this.itemStack = SkullCreator.itemWithUrl(this.itemStack, this.player);
} else {
this.itemStack = SkullCreator.itemWithBase64(this.itemStack, this.player);
if (this.itemStack.getType() != Material.AIR) {
// If item data is not empty. We ignore all other options and simply return.
if (!this.itemData.isEmpty()) { nmsItem = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(getItemStack());
try {
} catch (CommandSyntaxException exception) {
this.plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to set nms tag.", exception);
return CraftItemStack.asBukkitCopy(nmsItem);
getItemStack().editMeta(itemMeta -> {
// If the item is able to be damaged.
if (itemMeta instanceof Damageable damageable) {
if (this.itemDamage >= 1) {
if (this.itemDamage >= this.material.getMaxDurability()) {
} else {
if (this.isArmor) {
if (this.trimPattern != null && this.trimMaterial != null) {
ArmorMeta armorMeta = (ArmorMeta) itemMeta;
armorMeta.setTrim(new ArmorTrim(this.trimMaterial, this.trimPattern));
if (this.isMap) {
MapMeta mapMeta = (MapMeta) itemMeta;
if (this.mapColor != null) mapMeta.setColor(this.mapColor);
// Check if is potion and apply potion related settings.
if (this.isPotion || this.isTippedArrow) {
PotionMeta potionMeta = (PotionMeta) itemMeta;
// Single potion effect.
if (this.potionType != null) {
PotionEffect effect = new PotionEffect(this.potionType, this.potionDuration, this.potionAmplifier);
potionMeta.addCustomEffect(effect, true);
potionMeta.setBasePotionData(new PotionData(PotionType.valueOf(effect.getType().getName())));
if (this.potionColor != null) {
if (this.isLeatherArmor && this.armorColor != null) {
LeatherArmorMeta leatherArmorMeta = (LeatherArmorMeta) itemMeta;
if (this.isBanner && !this.patterns.isEmpty()) {
BannerMeta bannerMeta = (BannerMeta) itemMeta;
if (this.isShield && !this.patterns.isEmpty()) {
BlockStateMeta shieldMeta = (BlockStateMeta) itemMeta;
Banner banner = (Banner) shieldMeta.getBlockState();
// If the item has model data.
if (this.hasCustomModelData) {
if (this.hideItemFlags) {
if (this.isGlowing) {
if (!itemMeta.hasEnchants()) {
itemMeta.addEnchant(Enchantment.LUCK, 1, false);
} else {
Logger logger = this.plugin.getLogger();
logger.warning("Material cannot be of type AIR or null, If you see this.");
logger.warning("in your console but do not have any invalid items. You can");
logger.warning("ignore this as we use AIR for some niche cases internally.");
return getItemStack();
public ItemStack getItemStack() {
return this.itemStack;
public ItemMeta getItemMeta() {
return this.itemStack.getItemMeta();
public ItemBuilder setItemMeta(ItemMeta itemMeta) {
return this;
* Set a target player if using PlaceholderAPI
* @param target the target to set.
* @return the ItemBuilder with updated data.
public ItemBuilder setTarget(Player target) { = target;
return this;
* Get the item's name with all the placeholders added to it.
* @return The name with all the placeholders in it.
public String getUpdatedName() {
String newName = this.displayName;
for (String placeholder : this.namePlaceholders.keySet()) {
newName = newName.replace(placeholder, this.namePlaceholders.get(placeholder)).replace(placeholder.toLowerCase(), this.namePlaceholders.get(placeholder));
return parse(newName);
* @return the name of the item.
public String getName() {
return this.displayName;
* @return the material of the item.
public Material getMaterial() {
return this.material;
* Sets the material.
* @param material the material to use.
* @return the ItemBuilder with updated data.
public ItemBuilder setMaterial(Material material) {
this.material = material;
if (this.itemStack == null) {
// If item stack is null, we create new item stack based on material.
this.itemStack = new ItemStack(this.material);
} else {
// Get old item meta.
ItemMeta itemMeta = this.itemStack.getItemMeta();
// Create new itemstack.
ItemStack newItemStack = new ItemStack(this.material);
// Set old item meta to new itemstack.
// Overwrite old item stack with new item stack.
this.itemStack = newItemStack;
this.isHead = material == Material.PLAYER_HEAD;
return this;
* Set trim material
* @param trimMaterial pattern to set.
public void setTrimMaterial(TrimMaterial trimMaterial) {
this.trimMaterial = trimMaterial;
* Set trim pattern
* @param trimPattern pattern to set.
public void setTrimPattern(TrimPattern trimPattern) {
this.trimPattern = trimPattern;
* Set the type of item and its metadata in the builder.
* @param type the string must be in this form: %Material% or %Material%:%MetaData%
* @return the ItemBuilder with updated info.
public ItemBuilder setMaterial(String type) {
if (type == null || type.isEmpty()) {
"Material cannot be null or empty, Output: " + type + ".",
"Please take a screenshot of this before asking for support."
).forEach(line -> {
this.itemStack = new ItemStack(Material.STONE);
this.itemStack.editMeta(itemMeta -> itemMeta.setDisplayName(parse("&cAn error has occurred with the item builder.")));
this.material = this.itemStack.getType();
return this;
this.customMaterial = type;
String metaData;
if (type.contains(":")) {
String[] section = type.split(":");
type = section[0];
metaData = section[1];
if (metaData.contains("#")) {
String modelData = metaData.split("#")[1];
if (isInt(modelData)) {
this.hasCustomModelData = true;
this.customModelData = Integer.parseInt(modelData);
metaData = metaData.replace("#" + this.customModelData, "");
if (isInt(metaData)) {
this.itemDamage = Integer.parseInt(metaData);
} else {
this.potionType = getPotionType(PotionEffectType.getByName(metaData)).getEffectType();
this.potionColor = DyeUtils.getColor(metaData);
this.armorColor = DyeUtils.getColor(metaData);
this.mapColor = DyeUtils.getColor(metaData);
this.fireworkColor = DyeUtils.getColor(metaData);
} else if (type.contains("#")) {
String[] section = type.split("#");
type = section[0];
String modelData = section[1];
if (isInt(modelData)) {
this.hasCustomModelData = true;
this.customModelData = Integer.parseInt(modelData);
Material material = Material.matchMaterial(type);
if (material != null) {
this.itemStack = new ItemStack(material);
this.material = this.itemStack.getType();
} else {
if (PluginSupport.ORAXEN.isPluginEnabled()) {
io.th0rgal.oraxen.items.ItemBuilder oraxenItem = OraxenItems.getItemById(this.customMaterial);
if (oraxenItem != null) {
this.itemStack =;
this.material = this.itemStack.getType();
return this;
switch (this.material) {
case POTION, SPLASH_POTION, LINGERING_POTION -> this.isPotion = true;
case FIREWORK_STAR -> this.isFireworkStar = true;
case TIPPED_ARROW -> this.isTippedArrow = true;
case FIREWORK_ROCKET -> this.isFirework = true;
case FILLED_MAP -> this.isMap = true;
case PLAYER_HEAD -> this.isHead = true;
case SPAWNER -> this.isSpawner = true;
case SHIELD -> this.isShield = true;
String name =;
this.isArmor = name.endsWith("_HELMET") || name.endsWith("_CHESTPLATE") || name.endsWith("_LEGGINGS") || name.endsWith("_BOOTS");
this.isBanner = name.endsWith("BANNER");
return this;
* Sets the crate name
* @param crateName the crate name to set.
* @return the ItemBuilder with updated info.
public ItemBuilder setCrateName(String crateName) {
this.crateName = crateName;
return this;
* @param damage the damage value of the item.
public void setDamage(int damage) {
this.itemDamage = damage;
* Get the damage to the item.
* @return the damage to the item as an int.
public int getDamage() {
return this.itemDamage;
* @param itemName the name of the item.
* @return the ItemBuilder with an updated name.
public ItemBuilder setName(String itemName) {
if (itemName != null) {
this.displayName = itemName;
return this;
* @param placeholders the placeholders that will be used.
* @return the ItemBuilder with updated placeholders.
public ItemBuilder setNamePlaceholders(Map<String, String> placeholders) {
this.namePlaceholders = placeholders;
return this;
* Add a placeholder to the name of the item.
* @param placeholder the placeholder that will be replaced.
* @param argument the argument you wish to replace the placeholder with.
* @return the ItemBuilder with updated info.
public ItemBuilder addNamePlaceholder(String placeholder, String argument) {
this.namePlaceholders.put(placeholder, argument);
return this;
* Remove a placeholder from the list.
* @param placeholder the placeholder you wish to remove.
* @return the ItemBuilder with updated info.
public ItemBuilder removeNamePlaceholder(String placeholder) {
return this;
* Set the lore of the item in the builder. This will auto force color in all the lores that contains color code. (&a, &c, &7, etc...)
* @param lore the lore of the item in the builder.
* @return the ItemBuilder with updated info.
public ItemBuilder setLore(List<String> lore) {
if (lore != null) {
for (String line : lore) {
return this;
* Set the lore of the item with papi support in the builder. This will auto force color in all the lores that contains color code. (&a, &c, &7, etc...)
* @param player the player viewing the button.
* @param lore the lore of the item in the builder.
* @return the ItemBuilder with updated info.
public ItemBuilder setLore(Player player, List<String> lore) {
if (lore != null) {
for (String line : lore) {
this.displayLore.add(PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders(player, Methods.color(line)));
return this;
* Add a line to the current lore of the item. This will auto force color in the lore that contains color code. (&a, &c, &7, etc...)
* @param lore the new line you wish to add.
* @return the ItemBuilder with updated info.
public ItemBuilder addLore(String lore) {
if (lore != null) this.displayLore.add(Methods.color(lore));
return this;
* Set the placeholders that are in the lore of the item.
* @param placeholders the placeholders that you wish to use.
* @return the ItemBuilder with updated info.
public ItemBuilder setLorePlaceholders(Map<String, String> placeholders) {
this.lorePlaceholders = placeholders;
return this;
* Add a placeholder to the lore of the item.
* @param placeholder the placeholder you wish to replace.
* @param argument the argument that will replace the placeholder.
* @return the ItemBuilder with updated info.
public ItemBuilder addLorePlaceholder(String placeholder, String argument) {
this.lorePlaceholders.put(placeholder, argument);
return this;
* Get the lore with all the placeholders added to it.
* @return the lore with all placeholders in it.
public List<String> getUpdatedLore() {
List<String> newLore = new ArrayList<>();
for (String item : this.displayLore) {
for (String placeholder : this.lorePlaceholders.keySet()) {
item = item.replace(placeholder, this.lorePlaceholders.get(placeholder)).replace(placeholder.toLowerCase(), this.lorePlaceholders.get(placeholder));
return newLore;
* Remove a placeholder from the lore.
* @param placeholder the placeholder you wish to remove.
* @return the ItemBuilder with updated info.
public ItemBuilder removeLorePlaceholder(String placeholder) {
return this;
* @param entityType the entity type the mob spawn egg will be.
* @return the ItemBuilder with an updated mob spawn egg.
public ItemBuilder setEntityType(EntityType entityType) {
this.entityType = entityType;
return this;
* @param patterns the list of Patterns to add.
* @return the ItemBuilder with updated patterns.
public ItemBuilder addPatterns(List<String> patterns) {
return this;
* @param pattern a pattern to add.
* @return the ItemBuilder with an updated pattern.
public ItemBuilder addPattern(Pattern pattern) {
return this;
* @param patterns set a list of Patterns.
* @return the ItemBuilder with an updated list of patterns.
public ItemBuilder setPattern(List<Pattern> patterns) {
this.patterns = patterns;
return this;
* @param amount the amount of the item stack.
* @return the ItemBuilder with an updated item count.
public ItemBuilder setAmount(Integer amount) {
this.itemAmount = amount;
return this;
* Set the player that will be displayed on the head.
* @param playerName the player being displayed on the head.
* @return the ItemBuilder with an updated Player Name.
public ItemBuilder setPlayerName(String playerName) {
this.player = playerName;
if (this.player != null && this.player.length() > 16) {
this.isHash = true;
this.isURL = this.player.startsWith("http");
return this;
* Adds multiple enchantments to an item.
* @param enchantments the map of enchantments, String/Integer
* @param unsafeEnchantments if the enchantments are higher than the vanilla defaults.
* @return the ItemBuilder with updated enchantments.
public ItemBuilder addEnchantments(Map<Enchantment, Integer> enchantments, boolean unsafeEnchantments) {
enchantments.forEach((enchantment, level) -> addEnchantment(enchantment, level, unsafeEnchantments));
return this;
* Adds a single enchantment to an item.
* @param enchantment the type of enchantment.
* @param level the level of the enchantment.
* @param unsafeEnchantments if the enchantment is higher than the vanilla defaults.
* @return the ItemBuilder with updated enchantments.
public ItemBuilder addEnchantment(Enchantment enchantment, int level, boolean unsafeEnchantments) {
getItemStack().editMeta(itemMeta -> {
itemMeta.addEnchant(enchantment, level, unsafeEnchantments);
return this;
* Adds a single enchantment to an item.
* @param enchantment the type of enchantment.
* @param level the level of the enchantment.
* @return the ItemBuilder with updated enchantments.
public ItemBuilder addEnchantment(Enchantment enchantment, int level) {
getItemStack().editMeta(itemMeta -> {
itemMeta.addEnchant(enchantment, level, false);
return this;
* Removes an enchantment.
* @param enchantment the enchantment to remove.
* @return the ItemBuilder with updated data.
public ItemBuilder removeEnchantment(Enchantment enchantment) {
getItemStack().editMeta(itemMeta -> {
return this;
* Set the flags that will be on the item in the builder.
* @param flagStrings the flag names as string you wish to add to the item in the builder.
* @return the ItemBuilder with updated info.
public ItemBuilder setFlagsFromStrings(List<String> flagStrings) {
for (String flagString : flagStrings) {
ItemFlag flag = getFlag(flagString);
if (flag != null) this.itemFlags.add(flag);
return this;
* Adds a list of item flags to an item.
* @param flagStrings list of items to add.
* @return the ItemBuilder with updated info.
public ItemBuilder addItemFlags(List<String> flagStrings) {
for (String flagString : flagStrings) {
try {
ItemFlag itemFlag = ItemFlag.valueOf(flagString.toUpperCase());
} catch (Exception ignored) {}
return this;
* Add a flag to the item in the builder.
* @param flagString the name of the flag you wish to add.
* @return the ItemBuilder with updated info.
public ItemBuilder addFlags(String flagString) {
ItemFlag flag = getFlag(flagString);
if (flag != null) this.itemFlags.add(flag);
return this;
* Adds an ItemFlag to a map which is added to an item.
* @param itemFlag the flag to add.
* @return the ItemBuilder with an updated ItemFlag.
public ItemBuilder addItemFlag(ItemFlag itemFlag) {
if (itemFlag != null) this.itemFlags.add(itemFlag);
return this;
* Adds multiple ItemFlags in a list to a map which get added to an item.
* @param itemFlags the list of flags to add.
* @return the ItemBuilder with a list of ItemFlags.
public ItemBuilder setItemFlags(List<ItemFlag> itemFlags) {
this.itemFlags = itemFlags;
return this;
* @param hideItemFlags hide item flags based on a boolean.
* @return the ItemBuilder with an updated Boolean.
public ItemBuilder hideItemFlags(boolean hideItemFlags) {
this.hideItemFlags = hideItemFlags;
return this;
* @param unbreakable sets the item to be unbreakable.
* @return the ItemBuilder with an updated Boolean.
public ItemBuilder setUnbreakable(boolean unbreakable) {
this.isUnbreakable = unbreakable;
return this;
* @param glow sets whether to make an item to glow or not.
* @return the ItemBuilder with an updated Boolean.
public ItemBuilder setGlow(boolean glow) {
this.isGlowing = glow;
return this;
* It will override any enchantments used in ItemBuilder.addEnchantment() below.
* @param enchantments a list of enchantments to add to the item.
* @return the ItemBuilder with a list of updated enchantments.
public ItemBuilder setEnchantments(HashMap<Enchantment, Integer> enchantments) {
if (enchantments != null) getItemStack().editMeta(meta -> {
enchantments.forEach((enchantment, amount) -> meta.addEnchant(enchantment, amount, false));
return this;
* Adds an enchantment to the item.
* @param enchantment the enchantment you wish to add.
* @param level the level of the enchantment ( Unsafe levels included )
* @return the ItemBuilder with updated enchantments.
public ItemBuilder addEnchantments(Enchantment enchantment, int level) {
getItemStack().editMeta(meta -> {
meta.addEnchant(enchantment, level, false);
return this;
* Remove an enchantment from the item.
* @param enchantment the enchantment you wish to remove.
* @return the ItemBuilder with updated enchantments.
public ItemBuilder removeEnchantments(Enchantment enchantment) {
getItemStack().editMeta(meta -> {
return this;
* Convert an ItemStack to an ItemBuilder to allow easier editing of the ItemStack.
* @param item the ItemStack you wish to convert into an ItemBuilder.
* @return the ItemStack as an ItemBuilder with all the info from the item.
public static ItemBuilder convertItemStack(ItemStack item) {
return new ItemBuilder(item).setAmount(item.getAmount()).setEnchantments(new HashMap<>(item.getEnchantments()));
public static ItemBuilder convertItemStack(ItemStack item, Player player) {
return new ItemBuilder(item).setTarget(player).setAmount(item.getAmount()).setEnchantments(new HashMap<>(item.getEnchantments()));
* Converts a String to an ItemBuilder.
* @param itemString the string you wish to convert.
* @return the string as an ItemBuilder.
public static ItemBuilder convertString(String itemString) {
return convertString(itemString, null);
* Converts a string to an ItemBuilder with a placeholder for errors.
* @param itemString the string you wish to convert.
* @param placeHolder the placeholder to use if there is an error.
* @return the string as an ItemBuilder.
public static ItemBuilder convertString(String itemString, String placeHolder) {
ItemBuilder itemBuilder = new ItemBuilder();
try {
for (String optionString : itemString.split(", ")) {
String option = optionString.split(":")[0];
String value = optionString.replace(option + ":", "").replace(option, "");
switch (option.toLowerCase()) {
case "item" -> itemBuilder.setMaterial(value);
case "name" -> itemBuilder.setName(value);
case "amount" -> {
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
case "damage" -> {
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
case "lore" -> itemBuilder.setLore(Arrays.asList(value.split(",")));
case "player" -> itemBuilder.setPlayerName(value);
case "unbreakable-item" -> {
if (value.isEmpty() || value.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) itemBuilder.setUnbreakable(true);
case "trim-pattern" -> {
if (!value.isEmpty()) itemBuilder.setTrimPattern(Registry.TRIM_PATTERN.get(NamespacedKey.minecraft(value.toLowerCase())));
case "trim-material" -> {
if (!value.isEmpty()) itemBuilder.setTrimMaterial(Registry.TRIM_MATERIAL.get(NamespacedKey.minecraft(value.toLowerCase())));
default -> {
Enchantment enchantment = getEnchantment(option);
if (enchantment != null) {
try {
itemBuilder.addEnchantments(enchantment, Integer.parseInt(value));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
itemBuilder.addEnchantments(enchantment, 1);
for (ItemFlag itemFlag : ItemFlag.values()) {
if ( {
try {
for (PatternType pattern : PatternType.values()) {
if (option.equalsIgnoreCase( || value.equalsIgnoreCase(pattern.getIdentifier())) {
DyeColor color = DyeUtils.getDyeColor(value);
if (color != null) itemBuilder.addPattern(new Pattern(color, pattern));
} catch (Exception ignored) {}
} catch (Exception exception) {
itemBuilder.setMaterial(Material.RED_TERRACOTTA).setName("&c&lERROR").setLore(Arrays.asList("&cThere is an error", "&cFor : &c" + (placeHolder != null ? placeHolder : "")));
JavaPlugin.getPlugin(CrazyAuctions.class).getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "An error has occurred with the item builder: ", exception);
return itemBuilder;
* Converts a list of Strings to a list of ItemBuilders.
* @param itemStrings the list of Strings.
* @return the list of ItemBuilders.
public static List<ItemBuilder> convertStringList(List<String> itemStrings) {
return convertStringList(itemStrings, null);
* Converts a list of Strings to a list of ItemBuilders with a placeholder for errors.
* @param itemStrings the list of strings.
* @param placeholder the placeholder for errors.
* @return the list of ItemBuilders.
public static List<ItemBuilder> convertStringList(List<String> itemStrings, String placeholder) {
return -> convertString(itemString, placeholder)).collect(Collectors.toList());
* Get the PotionEffect from a PotionEffectType.
* @param type the type of the potion effect.
* @return the potion type.
private PotionType getPotionType(PotionEffectType type) {
if (type != null) {
if (type.equals(PotionEffectType.FIRE_RESISTANCE)) {
return PotionType.FIRE_RESISTANCE;
} else if (type.equals(PotionEffectType.HARM)) {
return PotionType.INSTANT_DAMAGE;
} else if (type.equals(PotionEffectType.HEAL)) {
return PotionType.INSTANT_HEAL;
} else if (type.equals(PotionEffectType.INVISIBILITY)) {
return PotionType.INVISIBILITY;
} else if (type.equals(PotionEffectType.JUMP)) {
return PotionType.JUMP;
} else if (type.equals(PotionEffectType.getByName("LUCK"))) {
return PotionType.valueOf("LUCK");
} else if (type.equals(PotionEffectType.NIGHT_VISION)) {
return PotionType.NIGHT_VISION;
} else if (type.equals(PotionEffectType.POISON)) {
return PotionType.POISON;
} else if (type.equals(PotionEffectType.REGENERATION)) {
return PotionType.REGEN;
} else if (type.equals(PotionEffectType.SLOW)) {
return PotionType.SLOWNESS;
} else if (type.equals(PotionEffectType.SPEED)) {
return PotionType.SPEED;
} else if (type.equals(PotionEffectType.INCREASE_DAMAGE)) {
return PotionType.STRENGTH;
} else if (type.equals(PotionEffectType.WATER_BREATHING)) {
return PotionType.WATER_BREATHING;
} else if (type.equals(PotionEffectType.WEAKNESS)) {
return PotionType.WEAKNESS;
return null;
* Get the enchantment from a string.
* @param enchantmentName the string of the enchantment.
* @return the enchantment from the string.
private static Enchantment getEnchantment(String enchantmentName) {
enchantmentName = stripEnchantmentName(enchantmentName);
for (Enchantment enchantment : Enchantment.values()) {
try {
if (stripEnchantmentName(enchantment.getKey().getKey()).equalsIgnoreCase(enchantmentName)) return enchantment;
Map<String, String> enchantments = getEnchantmentList();
if (stripEnchantmentName(enchantment.getName()).equalsIgnoreCase(enchantmentName) || (enchantments.get(enchantment.getName()) != null &&
stripEnchantmentName(enchantments.get(enchantment.getName())).equalsIgnoreCase(enchantmentName))) return enchantment;
} catch (Exception ignore) {}
return null;
* Strip extra characters from an enchantment name.
* @param enchantmentName the enchantment name.
* @return the stripped enchantment name.
private static String stripEnchantmentName(String enchantmentName) {
return enchantmentName != null ? enchantmentName.replace("-", "").replace("_", "").replace(" ", "") : null;
* Get the list of enchantments and their in-Game names.
* @return the hashmap of enchantments and their in-game names.
private static Map<String, String> getEnchantmentList() {
Map<String, String> enchantments = new HashMap<>();
enchantments.put("ARROW_DAMAGE", "Power");
enchantments.put("ARROW_FIRE", "Flame");
enchantments.put("ARROW_INFINITE", "Infinity");
enchantments.put("ARROW_KNOCKBACK", "Punch");
enchantments.put("DAMAGE_ALL", "Sharpness");
enchantments.put("DAMAGE_ARTHROPODS", "Bane_Of_Arthropods");
enchantments.put("DAMAGE_UNDEAD", "Smite");
enchantments.put("DEPTH_STRIDER", "Depth_Strider");
enchantments.put("DIG_SPEED", "Efficiency");
enchantments.put("DURABILITY", "Unbreaking");
enchantments.put("FIRE_ASPECT", "Fire_Aspect");
enchantments.put("KNOCKBACK", "KnockBack");
enchantments.put("LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS", "Fortune");
enchantments.put("LOOT_BONUS_MOBS", "Looting");
enchantments.put("LUCK", "Luck_Of_The_Sea");
enchantments.put("LURE", "Lure");
enchantments.put("OXYGEN", "Respiration");
enchantments.put("PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL", "Protection");
enchantments.put("PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS", "Blast_Protection");
enchantments.put("PROTECTION_FALL", "Feather_Falling");
enchantments.put("PROTECTION_FIRE", "Fire_Protection");
enchantments.put("PROTECTION_PROJECTILE", "Projectile_Protection");
enchantments.put("SILK_TOUCH", "Silk_Touch");
enchantments.put("THORNS", "Thorns");
enchantments.put("WATER_WORKER", "Aqua_Affinity");
enchantments.put("BINDING_CURSE", "Curse_Of_Binding");
enchantments.put("MENDING", "Mending");
enchantments.put("FROST_WALKER", "Frost_Walker");
enchantments.put("VANISHING_CURSE", "Curse_Of_Vanishing");
enchantments.put("SWEEPING_EDGE", "Sweeping_Edge");
enchantments.put("RIPTIDE", "Riptide");
enchantments.put("CHANNELING", "Channeling");
enchantments.put("IMPALING", "Impaling");
enchantments.put("LOYALTY", "Loyalty");
return enchantments;
* Check if the parameter is an integer.
* @param value string to check.
* @return true if integer or false if not.
private boolean isInt(String value) {
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
return false;
return true;
* Get an item flag from string.
* @param flagString string to check.
* @return item flag or null.
private ItemFlag getFlag(String flagString) {
for (ItemFlag flag : ItemFlag.values()) {
if ( return flag;
return null;
* Add patterns to the item.
* @param stringPattern the pattern you wish to add.
private void addPatterns(String stringPattern) {
try {
String[] split = stringPattern.split(":");
for (PatternType pattern : PatternType.values()) {
if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase( || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase(pattern.getIdentifier())) {
DyeColor color = DyeUtils.getDyeColor(split[1]);
if (color != null) addPattern(new Pattern(color, pattern));
} catch (Exception ignored) {}