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synced 2025-01-07 19:28:10 +01:00
Hello, here is a small update that adds a couple requested things. Changes: - Updated Metrics. Added: - The help menu can now be changed in the Messages.yml. - Toggle: option to some of the items in the gui.
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301 lines
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Prefix: '&7[&4Crazy &bAuctions&7]: ' #Prefix of when you get Crazy Auctions Messages.
GUIName: '&4Crazy &bAuctions&8' #Name of the Main GUI.
Players-Current-Items: '&8Your Current Listings' #The Name of the Player Current Items GUI.
Cancelled/Expired-Items: '&8Cancelled/Expired Listings' #Name of the Cancelled/Expired GUI.
Buying-Item: '&8Purchase Item: Are You Sure?' #Name of the Buying GUI.
Bidding-On-Item: '&8You Are Bidding On This Item.' #Name of the Budding GUI.
Categories: '&8Categories' #Name of the Category GUI.
Sell-Time: 2d #The time that each item will sell for.
Bid-Time: 2m 30s #Time for each item that is biddable.
Full-Expire-Time: 10d #The full time the item is in the crazy auctions.
Bid-Winner-Time: 20d #The time the winner of a bid has to claim there prize.
Minimum-Sell-Price: 10 #Minimum amount you can sell a item for.
Max-Beginning-Sell-Price: 1000000 #Max amount you can sell a item for.
Minimum-Bid-Price: 100 #Minimum starting bid.
Max-Beginning-Bid-Price: 1000000 #Maximum starting bid.
Allow-Damaged-Items: False #Allow items that have been damaged.
Category-Page-Opens-First: False #If set to true the categories page will open when they do /CA.
Toggle: False #Disable the clicking sound.
Sound: 'CLICK' #Make sure if you use 1.8 or lower you use the 1.8 sound and 1.9 and up use 1.9 sounds. The default sound is 1.8.
#1.8 sounds are found here: http://docs.codelanx.com/Bukkit/1.8/org/bukkit/Sound.html
#1.9 sounds are found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html
GUISettings: #Settings for things in the gui.
SellingItemLore: #The lore on items that are being sold.
- '&7-------------------------'
- '&aClick here to purchase.'
- ''
- '&9Price: &e$%Price%'
- '&9Seller: &e%Seller%'
- '&7-------------------------'
CurrentLore: #Lore on items that are in your current items GUI.
- '&7-------------------------'
- '&aClick here to cancel.'
- ''
- '&9Price: &e$%Price%'
- '&9Expire: &e%Time%'
- '&7-------------------------'
Cancelled/ExpiredLore: #Lore on items that are in your cancelled/expired GUI.
- '&7-------------------------'
- '&aClick here to return to you.'
- ''
- '&9Full Expire: &e%Time%'
- '&7-------------------------'
Bidding: #Lore on Bidding Items.
- '&7-------------------------'
- '&aClick here to bid.'
- ''
- '&9Seller: &e%Seller%'
- '&9Current Bid: &e$%TopBid%'
- '&9Top Bidder: &e%TopBidder%'
- '&9Time Left: &e%Time%'
- '&7-------------------------'
Item: '315'
Toggle: true
Slot: 11
Name: '&6&lArmor'
- '&7This category contains all'
- '&7armor that is currently being sold.'
Item: '283'
Toggle: true
Slot: 12
Name: '&6&lWeapons'
- '&7This category contains all'
- '&7weapons that is currently being sold.'
Item: '285'
Toggle: true
Slot: 13
Name: '&6&lTools'
- '&7This category contains all'
- '&7tools that is currently being sold.'
Item: '322'
Toggle: true
Slot: 14
Name: '&6&lFood'
- '&7This category contains all'
- '&7food that is currently being sold.'
Item: '373:8227'
Toggle: true
Slot: 15
Name: '&6&lPotions'
- '&7This category contains all'
- '&7potions that is currently being sold.'
Item: '2'
Toggle: true
Slot: 16
Name: '&6&lBlocks'
- '&7This category contains all'
- '&7blocks that is currently being sold.'
Item: '371'
Toggle: true
Slot: 17
Name: '&6&lOthers'
- '&7This category contains all the'
- '&7other items currently being sold.'
Item: '166'
Toggle: true
Slot: 23
Name: '&6&lNone'
- '&7This category contains all'
- '&7items currently being sold.'
OtherSettings: #Other Settings for the GUIs.
SellingItems: #The button for your current items.
Item: '264' #The item that this button is.
Toggle: true #If the item is in the gui or not.
Slot: 46 #The slot it is in. I recommend not changing these. If you do make sure they are still in the bottom row.
Name: '&6Items You are Selling' #Name of the item.
Lore: #Lore of the item.
- '&aClick here to view all the items you'
- '&aare currently selling on the auction.'
Cancelled/ExpiredItems: #The button for Cancelled/Expired Items.
Item: '394'
Toggle: true
Slot: 47
Name: '&6Collect Expired / Cancelled Items'
- '&aClick here to view and collect all of the'
- '&aitems you have cancelled or has expired.'
PreviousPage: #The button for Previous Page.
Item: '339'
Toggle: true
Slot: 49
Name: '&6Previous Page'
Lore: {}
Refesh: #The button for Refresh Page.
Item: '175'
Toggle: true
Slot: 50
Name: '&6Refresh Page'
Lore: {}
NextPage: #The button for Next Page.
Item: '339'
Toggle: true
Slot: 51
Name: '&6Next Page'
Lore: {}
Category1: #The button for Next Page.
Item: '54'
Toggle: true
Slot: 52
Name: '&6Categories'
- '&bCurrent Category: &6%Category%'
- '&aWant see items in specific categories?'
- '&aClick here to see all categories of items.'
Category2: #The button for Next Page.
Item: '54'
Toggle: true
Slot: 48
Name: '&6Categories'
- '&bCurrent Category: &6%Category%'
- '&aWant see items in specific categories?'
- '&aClick here to see all categories of items.'
Bidding/Selling: #Switch between Bidding and Selling.
Item: '341'
Toggle: true
Slot: 53
Name: '&6Currently looking at items being sold.'
- '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7Click here to see items'
- '&7that you can be bidded on.'
Item: '378'
Toggle: true
Slot: 53
Name: '&6Currently looking at items that can be bid on.'
- '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7Click here to see items'
- '&7that you can buy at a price.'
WhatIsThis: #The info on all the Books buttons.
SellingShop: #The Book in the main shop.
Item: '340'
Toggle: true
Slot: 54
Name: '&6What Is This Page?'
- '&aThis is the crazy auctions, here you can'
- '&aput items for sale, and buy items'
- '&athat others have put for sale.'
- ''
- '&aThe auction is also a great place to make'
- '&amoney by selling items that others'
- '&amay be interested in buying.'
BiddingShop: #The Book in the main shop.
Item: '340'
Toggle: true
Slot: 54
Name: '&6What Is This Page?'
- '&aThis is the crazy auctions, here you can'
- '&aput items for sale, and bid on items'
- '&athat others have put for sale.'
- ''
- '&aThe bidding auction is also a great place to'
- '&amake money by bidding off items that others'
- '&amay be interested in bidding on.'
CurrentItems: #The Book in the Current items GUI.
Item: '340'
Toggle: true
Slot: 54
Name: '&6What Is This Page?'
- '&aThese are your current listings, all of'
- '&athe items you currenty have listed on'
- '&acrazy auctions are displayed here.'
- ''
- '&aYou can cancel and view your listings'
- '&aexpire time here.'
Cancelled/ExpiredItems: #The Book in the Cancelled/Expired Items GUI.
Item: '340'
Toggle: true
Slot: 54
Name: '&6What Is This Page?'
- '&aThis page houses all of your cancelled and'
- '&aexpired items, when a listings is cancelled'
- '&aor expires you will be able to return that'
- '&aitem back to you from this menu.'
- ''
- '&aJust click on the item and if you have enough'
- '&ainventory space you will receive that item.'
Viewing: #The Book in the Viewing Items GUI.
Item: '340'
Toggle: true
Slot: 50
Name: '&6What Is This Page?'
- '&aThis page shows all the items that'
- '&aa player has currently on the bidding'
- '&aand selling market. You can quickly see'
- '&awhat a specific player is selling.'
Categories: #The Book in the Viewing Items GUI.
Item: '340'
Toggle: true
Slot: 54
Name: '&6What Is This Page?'
- '&aThis page shows all the categories'
- '&athat you can choose from. When you click'
- '&aa category it will open the gui with only'
- '&aitems that belong to that category.'
Back: #The Back Buttons.
Item: '339'
Slot: 46
Name: '&6Back'
Return: #The Return Buttons.
Item: '390'
Slot: 50
Name: '&6Return All'
- '&aClick here to return all cancelled'
- '&aand expired items to your inventory.'
Confirm: #The Confirm Buttons.
Item: '160:5'
Name: '&aConfirm'
Cancel: #The Cancel Buttons.
Item: '160:14'
Name: '&cCancel'
Your-Item: #The item that shows when you try to buy/bid on your item.
Item: '166'
Name: '&cYou Cant Purchase Your Own Item.'
Cant-Afford: #The item that shows when you cant afford this item.
Item: '166'
Name: '&cYou Cant Afford This Item.'
Top-Bidder: #The item for when a player is already the top bidder.
Item: '166'
Name: '&cYou are already the top bidder.'
Bidding: #The item in the middle when bidding on an item.
Item: '160:15'
Name: '&7Bidding'
- '&7<--&aAdd &cRemove&7-->'
- '&9Your Current Bid: &e$%Bid%'
- '&9Current Top Bid: &e$%TopBid%'
Bid: #The button for when you want to confirm your bid.
Item: '160:3'
Name: '&bBid Now'
- '&7Click here to Bid Now.'
- '7'
- '120' |