- Using InventoryHolders now instead of checking the Title (Yes I know InventoryHolders aren't supposed to be used like that) #47
- Fixed Issue where Categories wouldn't use the Default Price from the Config
- Updated Item to Json Conversion when saving to Category (Now it doesn't convert ItemStack->String->JsonObject instead just ItemStack->JsonObject)
- Added Hungarian Language (Big thanks to TimeScare and TavstalDev)
- Gave AsyncFileDownloader an actual User Agent
- AsyncFileDownloader now has an actual HttpException instead of the "thing" that was there before
- Added Language Command Hints
- Implemented a whole NBT Wrapper and all the Stuff (still testing things)
- Moved NBTType to its own Class since it didn't really fit with Subclasses in the Util Class
- Cleaned up some Code (Lint. Lint everywhere)
Also trying to commit smaller Changes more often and not just the whole Update
Fixes the Issue that the Head gets placed in the Helmet Slot when you're wearing a Helmet
Remove the "Replaces the Helmet" Message from all Languages
Add French to the GitHub (Somehow forgot to commit them...)
Update Version for release
+ Custom Economy Handlers
+ Support for 1.18
~ Changing Hats now gives you your Helmet Item back
~ Fixed History Issue
~ Deprecated CustomHeadsAPI#createFireworkBattery(Location location, int shots, int delay) (Will be replaced with CustomHeadsAPI#createDefaultFireworkBattery)
+ Spanish Translation (Special Thanks to megajose122)
+ Added executeCommand to clickAction in the Settings File
+ Added /heads get -all (Shows the Heads of all Players online)
+ Fixed the Version incompatibility with 1.13 and up
+ New Misc Head (Canary Islands)
+ Fixed Download Error
+ Typo Fix as always
+ Added Downloadable Languages (/heads language download)
+ Plugin will only download the English Translation by default now if none is present
+ Some small Fixes (Some Players would loose XP when an AnvilGUI was open)
+ Added bStats